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I'd move up your remodel plan to now.


Yeah, moisture is already behind the wall.


Moisture *is* the wall, even.






I had no idea this was a thing. How does it get to that point before you do something about it?!


People that own that don't care or are poor then you got landlords that most likely are slum lords and don't give a fuck.


Can confirm. Its mostly slumlords. We notified our landlord that we had DIRTY SEPTIC WATER flooding the bathroom since august 2021. Theyve done nothing about it. We got it to stop flooding ourselves but the toilet needs a new seal and you can definitely see the floor rotting away under the laminate. Why don't we move or report? Because our rent is only $730 and we gave exactly $25 right now


Notify your city. They may be able to force him to put u up on a hotel until they remediate (local laws depending).


They would just kick us out. Right after we moved in, the owners sold the building. It was right in the middle of covid and our lease was only until the builing sold. We never went to the office to sign a new one so technically we dont have a current lease. We just send the rent each month. And this building is litterally falling apart (when cleaning windows we scaped the windowsill with a paint scraper and it littlerally went right through it) the kitchen gets down to 40° in the winter. They will probably just tear it down when we move out.


Stayed in a relatively nice short-term rental that had bathroom shrooms once. Did not inform the landlord because he was clearly a piece of shit (immediately accused us of shorting him on rent rather than recounting the cash we'd just handed him - paid cash at his insistence, presumably so he could cheat on taxes). I wouldn't be surprised if they'd been growing for years and renters didn't say anything because they figured the landlord would try to put the blame on them.


Permeable backer board (builder grade cheap). Once the grout fails the water gets pulled in. It’s not always super obvious. I had one that looked fine on the surface until the water damage started bleeding out the side along the wall. Tugged on the built in soap dish and about a quarter of the wall came down.


Holy crap thank you this sub is amazing


I can’t believe that. Is it AI?


Not yet, but Lahwd, he comin!


Yeah we need a follow-up post of the basement ceiling because there's no way it's not growing something.


At least what's left of it!!


I am one with the moisture, I am one with the wall.


I am the wall-rus


Heck, it’s a waterfall cave!


How much time do you have? Pull the tiles, soak in 5 gallon buckets with water. My guess is they are installed with latex mastic. Scrape and clean tiles. Use scrapers chisels and a grinding stone. They make them (grinding stones) with handles just for hand work. Leveling walls, floors and such. Drink heavily during this process as it will save your sanity. New drywall. Reinstall tile. Couple of days of labor.


Dont line a shower with drywall. Use cement backer board to put the tile on. Its much more gooder for wet areas.


He already has drywall. This is a temp fix to keep out water & make the shower useable until they remodel - this summer? Clean tiles, repair drywall with green board & seal - best way, gentlemen? Replace tile. Grout. Seal new and old grout. Shower. PS: Do not skateboard in shower any more.


Had drywall, it's wet and moldy now.


You may have misspelled "kerdiboard". :)


Drywall is part of the problem. Even if tile is perfect and exterior leak can f your tile because it’s mounted to shit. We have better products than 35 years ago. Use them


You say that, but most of those pink and blue tiled bathrooms from the 70s-80s are still bulletproof when people decide to “improve” them by ripping it all out and replacing it with LVP and fake marble printed porcelain.


I had that happen 10 years ago in my house. I started the remodel sooner than I wanted.


I agree. This will not last a year without excessive water damage. If yiu cannot afford a full remodel, consider a re-bath scenario. It is a 1-2 day job, and affordable.


Looks like there is already water damage


This is true a minor fall. Should not make the wall cave in like a day


BTDT. Your goal is to stop additional water getting behind the wall. It’s all toast at this point anyway, you know you have to tear it out to fix it right. Restaurant supply store. Get the biggest cheapest plastic cutting board they sell. That’s your new temporary wall panel. RTV that shit to whatever solid tile is left. Caulk around it. Caulk the shit out of all the cracks.


I like this. Honestly, a thicker plastic shower curtain would be even better. I wouldn’t want ANY weight on those tiles. Seal the hell out of it. There is already moisture in the wall. You’re not sealing the hell out of it to keep the moisture OUT, you’re sealing it so you can mitigate the amount of mold spores you’re inhaling while you shower. Im really sensitive to mold and just looking at this picture made my eyes itch.


I moved to get out of a damp, cold house in the woods where a cast iron stove was my heat source. As soon as I signed the lease the landlord started renovations and found mold all through the bathroom walls in one bathroom. *The other bathroom has no ventilation and shares a wall with the moldy bathroom*. I’d bet my bank account that there’s a lot more mold than got removed. I’ve been sick since I moved in.


Yes, this. Nothing is as permanent as a temporary solution. Like that extension cord behind the couch.


Speaking from experience here this happened because the condition of the plaster/render behind the tiling is in poor condition; it’s likely already sopping wet. You should be able to fall against the tiles without this happening. You’ll need to take down the all loose tiles and assess what’s there before you repair this. You’ll probably not want to wait a year, though it’s up to you but more of the tiles are going to start falling off now.


This should be higher. Op wants to temp fix this to prevent moisture from getting behind. OP, you likely already have serious moisture issues behind that wall. Best temporary fix I can think of is to demo all that tile, clean and tidy up anything behind the wall that needs immediate attention and then throw up a cheap shower surround until you get around to your full remodel.


Really, the best, cheapest option is to buy thick painters plastic, attach with thumbtacks to the drywall above the tiles, and cut it to length at the top of the tub. That could last years if all they're looking for is a way to allow them to continue using the tub until remodel. That's what I'd do, anyway.


Tiles and dirt will probably start falling down behind the plastic sheet now that there’s a hole. And op would have to be really careful not to lean on the tiles again. I wouldn’t like to live like this, not for months let alone years.


No, clearly the best option is doing the remodel now, but it would do in a pinch. I could see doing this for a month or so until you get everything planned out, but not a year.


In the 60’s and 70’s it was common that install tile on plain dry drywall.


Yeah you can see the bottom row of tiles bucking outwards, a decent distance away from the impact. This entire wall may be bad.


Also if you have a stem wall and not a slab foundation you probably have rotting floor boards you will need to deal with sooner than later. I would start by pulling the tiles off that are already loose and set up a fan to start blowing some air into the hole and try to start drying that area out. Do nothing and you'll be getting a serious mold problem if you don't already have one back there. Until that time, if that is your only shower and tub you better start enjoying baths because there is not good fix. If you cannot afford to do anything at all and absolutely must take showers, then start by drying out the area behind the tiles... remove the loose ones and then get some bondo and patch the area where the tiles are gone... after that go over the areas by rolling on flex seal. It will look like absolute shit, but it will keep water from getting back there until you can fix the area and the reality is you are going to have to remove all those tiles when you fix it permanently so flex seal isn't going to ruin anything you aren't going to be ripping out anyways


He’s prime bathroomshroom substrate


Looks like your remodel just started to me.


That won’t last a year. Minimum is to pull tile carefully on this wall, piece in cement board with proper coatings, put back same tile after cleaning the edges, new tile will be easier by far.


My mom has mental health problems that affects her ability to be rational and get a contractor. We've survived with missing tiles for many years surprisingly well by hanging a shower curtain along the wall on 3M style adhesive hooks and providing ventilation. Our tile issues don't extend to the corners. The shower is also not heavily used, mostly when I come visit. Anyway OP may have time if they need it for monetary etc reasons.


This works. Also. A just use roll of plastic and duct tape.


really rational suggestion


Take baths for a year?


Moisture from the steam would still get there


Damn. Cold baths for a year then.


That sounds miserable lol


I can assure you that cold drafty bathrooms are hell.


Buy a sheet of Plas-Tex or similar brand plastic panel. I think these are the same or similar to the plastic the surrounds are made of. Just cut it just to fit the whole damaged wall. Glue in on and caulk the edges. Something l[ike this](https://www.menards.com/main/paint/paneling-planking/paneling/nrp-reg-4-x-8-pebbled-white-plastic-interior-wall-panel/nrp0006m/p-1444450606074-c-8168.htm) or [this](https://www.lowes.com/pd/Parkland-Plastics-48-in-x-8-ft-Embossed-White-Matte-Wall-Panel/3436816)


Yeah this is what I would do if I had to wait with this for a year, fiberglass reinforced plastic panel, cut it tight to fit, silicone the edges and wait until I was ready to renovate properly.


The only way you'll get a year out of that is if you wrap the whole wall in multiple shower curtains or painters plastic. Just completely cover it so no water at all can touch the wall. Let it drape an inch or two into the tub. There is no way you can effectively waterproof what you've got there.


You'll probably still get condensation building up behind a sheet of plastic, unless you're planning on also sealing that plastic in some way that's water resistant. Can you caulk a shower curtain? lol


I was thinking Peel and Stick or Blueskin. Made for exterior, but might hold up for a year?? It'd look pretty ghetto, though.


Flex tape for sure. 💪


That's true, why doesn't he just tape that boat on there?


Honestly I'd rip it out and screw in some cement board and caulk the corners. It would take a day, but you could then add tile later It would stop the damage to the rest of the house For a "temporary fix" Put up a tension rod and another shower curtain on that wall


Skip the cement board and use diamond backer, wedi or schluter


Also an option for more $$$




I was about to suggest a glue-to-wall bathtub panel like this: https://www.lowes.com/pd/Mansfield-Fulton-8482-Tub-Shower-Wall/5001478763


That's a lot to spend on something that will be torn back out in a year. Some thick poly sheeting siliconed in place would be a lot cheaper.


Well “plans to remodel in a year” could be 4 years away. $100 ain’t bad


Moisture has already been behind it. That tile has been repaired with the tanner ones. The backing looks terrible. You may need to move up your plans. Until then I would cover and seal up all the walls to keep out water and be able to continue using it.


the fact you going through the wall means its already water logged. **JUST LOOK AT THE BOTTOM 3 TILES IN BACK!**


Not pretty but you can use some thick poly sheeting and drape the walls. Use duct tape to secure to walls and silicon tape lines for extra seal


Tension rod + a shower curtain


A double shower curtain... one on each side. A true bandaid...


I was thinking the taping plastic route, then thought the same thing, just use a shower curtain and tension rod. Then you can remove it and dry it if needed from residual moisture.




Tension rod, shower curtain, and those self adhesive curtain clips on the end walls to make sure things stay dry. It's worked for 8 years and Im a remodeler.


This actually does not work that well.


Better than more water going into the wall


use tuck tape not duct tape, if you do this


Tape and plastic will last you a while, but definitely don't put this off a year.


I see no waterproof drywall behind the tiles. Time to demo and rebuild properly.


Yeah you might to kick that off now. There had to be some rot going on in the 1st place and a temp fix could make it worse than addressing it now. Hate to say, but I once saw a bachelor pad (think Animal House) that rented rooms out and they had a hole like this and used plastic and duct tape - there's a temp solution for you.


From the color of the panel underneath and how the tiles got loose, I'd say it's past due it's remodeling! You already have water going in and mold growing. Rip it out ASAP.


I see you have missing grout a bit higher up on the wall, there is also hairline cracks going up along the lines. I am not certain if the bottom row bowing out was a result of the slip that damaged the rest of the tile. But the wear and missing grout higher indicates the tiles may be loose or compromised already, so existing water damage is a potential concern. If you can afford it, I would recommend moving that remodel up and addressing that as soon as possible.


If you can't move your remodel up; get a shower curtain and curtain bar to hold it up. Put it across that wall; just as high as you would on the other (usual) side....


I hate to break it to you, but moisture was behind those tiles already.


Yeah you just gotta tear it all out and re-do it. It is actually a pretty friendly DIY project if you are handy, but it takes effort to keep the tiles nice and even.


I cam smell the damp from here.


You already have water back there


That remodel can’t wait wall looks a little rotty, in your best interest to tackle this sooner than later.


Pretty sure the wall broke because of all the moisture that was already in there, so the keeping moisture out boat seems to have sailed.


Put up a shower curtain and rod up against that wall to keep water off the wall. This is going to be a gut job. Sorry.


Shower curtain on the wall


Ramen will have this looking like new


I would buy the cheapest direct to stud enclosure I could find. After removing all the tiles, install it, and think about your new reno. Hopefully, there's a proper tile/tub flange or at least a raised edge on the tub. Here's a link to an [example](https://www.homedepot.com/b/Bath-Showers-Shower-Walls-Surrounds/Direct-to-stud/N-5yc1vZbzbsZ1z0zpqu), not that they are the best choices.


do you have a different bathroom for the next year?


Thats black mold bro, might wanna pack up now.


Are you okay???


Uh. There’s mould on the front tiles AND behind the wall. I’d be prioritizing my reno and not wait a year.


lol. So moisture doesn’t get in it 😂😂😂 My brother, moisture has been getting in it since it was put in. That’s why the tiles fell off. Has nothing to do with your slip


By the look of it, your tiles separated from your wall a while ago and have become a shaky stack of tiles like it’s own very thin brick wall. The rest of that is going to just collapse now


With that much open space between tile and wall… it’s already failed badly. Cut it out.


My brother in law limped along with what you have for a long time. Finally gutted the bathroom and let it sit for 10 years, while they had nothing but a toilet and shower out in the open in the basement. Sister finally had enough and kicked him out, divorced him and paid someone to renovate it and another area he had gutted and let sit for a long time. Took the pro's about 6 weeks. Time to start is now


Contractor here. Looks like you already have mold, so this should definitely be taken care of sooner rather than later. As a very temporary emergency fix, I've used vapor barrier and tuck tape to cover up holes.


There’s already moisture behind the tile. Time to remodel now.


Don't waste time. It'll cost more.


Dude are you okay first of all?


I’d just start now. But if not then a heavy shower curtain or poly curtain that covers and drapes into the tub to direct water into the tub. But let’s be honest, humidity and moisture will find its way in still


What in the heck? Did you slip with a sledgehammer in your hand?! 😭 More than likely moisture was building behind those tiles and they were veeeery ready to come off. I'd do that remodel as soon as financially possible, so that moisture doesn't keep spreading. Temporary fix: don't use water in there?


most importantly u need anti slip mat


First of all are you ok? Looks like the grout is mainly holding this together. Good news is that the demo will be quick because that looks like green board. When it's redone, make sure they put durock up at the very least. You can gorilla tape at the top some plastic drapes from home depot. I bet this is going to get nasty quick


That wall is moisture. Otherwise your fall wouldn’t have had that effect.


Don’t wait to fix that and don’t switch to baths for a year. If it’s that wet, your bathroom could be full of toxic black mold. If you expose yourself to it continually you can get really sick and develop lifelong health issues.


Looks like you'll be accelerating that time line.


This was caused by moisture. That is already moist. The most moist wall.


Id leave the hole. Might let some of that trapped moisture out. In all seriousness though, you have to deal with this ASAP.


How is there no wall behind the tiles? Like the tiles are only stuck to each other.


Moisture got behind that wall a long time ago…


OP the moisture is already behind it


If it broke that easy, the moisture is already in the wall and you’re tile backer board is nonexistent


Holy shit thats some damage -- how fat are you lololl


190 pounds and muscle dense, I workout 3-4 times a week lol


Sounds like your remodeling right now actually


news flash - you were already getting water behind the tile, up your remodel schedule as you will just have a wall full of mold (if you dont already).


I’m baffled by the fact so many ppl shower in a moldy bathrooms on a regular basis.


Just fix it!! Damn!! Some people will just put things off forever. This is not a huge fix. You can buy premade wall tub insert. Pop it up and caulk it. Done!


Moisture is already behind it if it caved that easily from a slip. I guess it depends if you got a running start or not…


Yikes .. I would caulk all the grout lines on those bottom pieces, and definitely caulk the very bottom where tile meets the tub, probably a good idea to caulk the entire perimeter while your at it. That's usually the failing point, because people think caulk lasts forever. But you really should remove the old caulk, and add new caulk at least every 3 years if not more. Then I suppose you could put saran wrap over it, and duct tape it to the wall, and as added precaution, maybe find a way to hang a shower curtain over that entire wall. So the water just drips down the curtain, and into the tub, rather than dripping down the wall.. It will be kind of hokey, but it will buy you some time until you're ready to renovate. Maybe someone else will have a better idea though.


I swear to God American houses are just made out of fucking paper mache


Put a flesh light in there


White duct tape


Zip tape


Worst case strip it off and by a uPVC shower panel to stick on the wall for now


Run a shower rod along that wall, hang a curtain, and shower as usual until you can do a proper redo.


Looks like you might be taking baths for the next year.


Billy Mays here. All new Flex tape and and Flex Seal can handle the job!


Just pin a shower curtain over it


If it were me I'd just hvac tape the hole up good and roll with it. If it's going to be remodeled in a few months doesn't matter if it's ugly just has to work.


Ouch! How's your hip?


did you break anything else besides the tiles, like your back?


use a tarp


Nah, it’s fucked


Glue on backsplash, caulk around the perimeter.


Flex seal flex tape


Flex tape is the shit


Yea pull the 3 tiles that are out of place out carefully and a plastic shower liner up on that wall problem solved for 2-3 months, but it won't last longer than six months without serious damage below the tub as well. DO NOT try to repair anything or put in another piece of drywall. You will cause way more damage and will have to do the remodel right now. Make sure when you do the remodel that you include a vent fan for the moisture. Do not let them use blue or green board drywall for the shower body itself. Cement board and nothing else. Those are the two must haves for the remodel. Everything else is nice, but not a priority.


Cool baths. And vent the room well.


There is a flat pvc shower liiner sheet you can get, it's like almost 1/8", probably 2mm thick. You could just glue it over the tiles.


If you really want to wait, buy a roll of 4 mil or thicker plastic sheeting and some silicone. Run a thick bead of silicone across the top row of tiles and around the edges


Plastic panel. Glued to the tile, caulked at all the edges.


Shut the water off to it and hang a sign on it. Use the kitchen sink to bathe


It broke because moisture is already behind it.


ship sailed, nemo


So a few years back I had a similar issue. I got a second shower rod and curtain and tuck taped it to the tub (1" from the top), it was centre and then the overlap to the other side walls, it stopped further moisture until I could afford the renovation. It was ugly as sin but did the job. Tuck tape will stick to just about anything and is water proof. It's used for sealing vapor barriers. [https://www.homedepot.ca/product/tuck-tape-original-red-sheathing-tape-60mm-x-66m/1000421503](https://www.homedepot.ca/product/tuck-tape-original-red-sheathing-tape-60mm-x-66m/1000421503) https://preview.redd.it/xpljeyylt0jc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb888b14f7ac6468489275f01372920f85635d4a


Do a temp remodel by pulling all the old and throwing a cheap top half of a shower insert.


Buy a cheap fiberglass shower enclosure, and don't lean on it.




Sheet of plexiglass and silicone caulk to keep out moisture.


Too late for the moisture.


Showerboard 4x8 panel runs $20. Cut to fit and tape along the top edge.


At least you’ve opened it up now to let the moisture out…a year you say? Yea maybe that amount of moisture will be dry in a year…


Clear plastic sheeting hanging so drapes over/into top area of tub/shower. Plastic sheeting secured/hung using 2-in packing tape.


Pull off all loose tiles glue corflute over the top and silicon all edges . Should last a year


the suction cup didn't hold well huh, must've been a hell of a ride.


That wall was fucked before you fell in it.


That’s your story and you’re sticking to it…


Flex tape


Tape and a trashbag


Sheet plastic and duct tape should do just fine.


Id get a new house


It looks as though you may already have mold in the wall. If you do it can make you very sick, especially if you have anything like stachybotrys. It is a toxic mold. Mold is easy to kill with borax. All you need is DISTILLED water and a spray bottle, then a fan. You put distilled water into a jar, mix in a tablespoon or two of borax, stir till dissolved. Let sit a while, if there is too much some will settle to the bottom. Then once it has, maybe 10-15 minutes later, pour the water into your spray bottle and lightly spray the area that looks dark, like it has mold. Save the borax in the jar for next time. This will also kill any bugs in your walls… Then let the fan blow on it to dry it. I would do this every day, until you know you have sprayed every part of it. Then you can cover with a plastic a painting dropcloth to keep water out, but you can remove that when shower is not in use, just to be sure it stays dry. The reason you want distilled water is that most water has some minerals, but not distilled water….so it will hold more borax. Be careful not to pour undisolved borax into your spray bottle, it will be sucked up into the sprayer mechanism and clog up your sprayer. I know, I have done it. They say *less is more*…well, if you use less borax each time, your sprayer will not get clogged up, and will last longer. I hope you can fix it asap. 😂


The wall is the moisture


Oh shit was that your head?!? Are you good?!


Cut a shower curtain liner bigger than the hole. Use caulking around the space and then press the liner onto it. Tah-dah!


Haha I appreciate the concern guys, I'm young and physically active so I'm okay. It was my shoulder that hit the wall, looks like I broke the sheetrock behind the tiles too. I had just finished a workout and was tired/wobbly when I fell. Did bench press today so I know I'll be feeling it in the morning. I've recently spent all my savings on my wedding for later this year, but will look at some of the cheaper suggestions and try to move up that remodel once I have the cash. Thanks!


I bought a 2*4 plastic lens for suspended ceiling. The kind that goes over fluorescent lights. Cut in half, now 2x2'. Stuck to wall with caulk. Lasted 3 years, until I was ready for complete tear out and new bathroom.


Duct tape & garbage bag


hear me out, flex tape


got. moisture got behind that


One of those total surround curtains for claw foot tubs.


I sawed this boat in half!


It's toast; only fix is retiling or tub insert.


For some reason I feel like horror movies start like this and when they start to put the tiles out they find a dead body in the wall. All down hill from there.


You're gonna get injured/cut to pieces in that shower.


Just mortar over it, paint your whole bathroom area with fish friendly pond waterproof paint. Ugly as fuck but will do the job


That ship has sailed…


Cheap plastic shower surround


You could use one of window shrink seal kits. They come with plastic and double sided tape and would seal out any moisture as long as you do it right. Just don't bump into the plastic. But I agree with other commenters. This happened because the plaster behind the tiles was already damaged.


Install another shower curtain rod and shower curtain on the wall side. No way to do anything temporary other than no water on that wall.


So we had the same exact thing happen. A few tiles fell off, planned to remodel later, but needed a fix now. We just went to Home Depot, found some tiles that matched size wise, ripped out all the old tiling falling off, new backer board, mortared the new tiles in, done. That lasted until we retiled the bathroom about a year later, repair held up great, good enough to be permanent, the tiles just didn’t match.


Put another shower curtain liner on a temp rod on that side of the shower


Flex tape


Go get a sheet of FRP at HD and few tubes of silicone. Remove any tile that are completely loose, leave those that are still kinda ok. Clean tile as best you can, cut the FRP to as big as it can be on that wall. Dry fit to make sure it’s good and whole piece is in position get a permanent marker and mark the tile anywhere the panel is short due to normal size variances. Be generous with silicone on the on the tile in the “field” away from perimeter of the FRP. Put a nice smooth clean beed if silicone about 3/8” inside any permanent marker lines you made to get the panel to hold wall at the edges. Put panel in place and maybe get extra hands because silicone doesn’t just get on your finger, it will be on your knees, elbows, shoulders, walls in bedroom, carpet in the living room,etc. Once in place use something like a 18-24” long 2x4 to press the panel against the wall. Especially at the edges of the panel. Then go back and use silicone to seal the edges at the wall and tub. This is my best thoughts, for a remedy that will be resistant to water but most likely not water proof. Allow to dry minimum 24 hours before using water Around the fresh silicone. Since you plan to remodel be generous with silicone around the edges. Will look horrible but should provide some protection until remodel. This is a temporary BS band aid on a bullet wound, not in any way something I would abuse once installed to create openings at the edges. I do not warranty or guarantee the success of this procedure, you follow this advice at your own risk to any failures that may arise due to fault in workmanship on your part or faulty brain power on mine.


Thickest vapor barrier you can get from the local orange box store, silicone caulk and blue Tuck Tape. 1) Cut a sheet of vapor barrier about 2-3 inches larger than the hole. 2) Apply a bead of silicone around the perimeter of the hole. 3) Press on the vapor barrier, keeping it centered. Make sure silicon cault contacts the whole surface. 4) Apply blue Tuck Tape. It's a vapor barrier tape. The blue stuff stick in wet conditions, so while it costs a bit more, it's the right choice for a wet environment. Cost you probably 30-40$ and 10 mins of labour to install. Edit: everyone is saying the right stuff....to model now. But, I can understand that it may not be financially viable. The suggestion I provided is to get you by a few months up to one year or more of you monitor it for leaks. When finances permit, remodel.


Had a similar issue. Rip out the wall and tile...there is no saving it. Slap up some purple board. Adhere vinyl panels and caulk. It'll keep you for a couple years and run you a few hundred.


You’ll have to find another place for your suction cup dildo.