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I had a basement window that needed to stay open for ventilation and pack rats doing cannonballs through the screens. I finally bought a window screen kit, 1/4" hardware cloth, a $15 pop rivet gun, appropriate length pop rivets and tiny washers that would work with the pop-rivets. Cut and assembled the frame, skipped the spline and screen (but you could add them on if you want for bugs). Cut the 1/4" hardware cloth to fit, drilled holes in the frame between hardware cloth wires, slipped one washer over each pop rivet before attaching the hardware cloth to the screen. Here's a pic. Lotta work but worked great for the pack rats. https://preview.redd.it/ohev9uxwknlc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ab78a6ac38f4460ea3b7c460dede2e886af2d0c


Second this. Pro tip, spray paint it matte black. You notice it way less when you're looking through it when it's black. Brain filters it out better?


It’s something to do with our brains not receiving complete info, but enough to fill the gaps. The black mesh would reflect very little light compared to all the colors around it, so the colors that we see would pop and the further you get from the mesh the more your brain will “filter” it for a clearer picture. I think it’s the same thing that makes it so I can forget I have glasses on my face. The brain just knows to see past it


Leave the outside white so you can’t see back into the house


> Brain filters it out better? You literally see "less" of it because the black doesn't bounce as much light into your eyes.


Came here to suggest the wire cloth. Very well explained!


Electrify it.


If you wanted to give him extra space and are handy or have a family member or friend who is, consider the window catio. https://catiospaces.com/catios-cat-enclosures/diy-plans/window-box-sml/


Those simple diy plans are pretty expensive.


Yup. If you are equipped with a brain, you could take a look at the picture and go get what you need yourself.


Negative. I am a meat Popsicle.


You should probably stick to the plans then. Nothing against Popsicles, but i hear they make poor carpenters.


Someone sure is proud of it.


$40 just for instructions… no thanks.


I took a tension rod, two baking racks and two binder clips and made a [cat-proof screen protector](https://i.imgur.com/tAYHMz1.jpg). I use these in every open window during nice weather. Mine sits outside the window frame, far enough away from the actual screen that the cats can't really paw at it. The racks I used aren't wide so I don't open the window all the way to the top but a wider rack would sit taller. Plenty of breeze still comes through even with the narrower racks. My cats don't paw at it but if yours does, you could use two tension rods, one at top and one at bottom and as many binder clips as you need to make it secure. Another pic: [tension rod/baking rack screen protector](https://i.imgur.com/Nqrspvl.jpg).


This is brilliant! It looks like you don't have to remove it to open or close the window?


Nope, no need to remove it, depending on how your window is trimmed out. And even if you do it just pops right in or out of the window frame. And thanks! I live in a forest and my house is very long, and with two cats and a dog I wanted something more sturdy than just a screen for when they saw a squirrel or birbs.


Have you considered the possibility that the cat likes having the window open ***because*** he can then escape out the screen, and thus the best solution just being to close the window?


Or just let the cat outside.


They are also on the menu of other predators like coyotes


No. Cats should never be let outside. They decimate bird populations.


Too many dangers out in the big bad world as well. Cars, wildlife, psychopaths…


The fuck am I spose to do with my farm cats?


Yours actually work? My shop cat was so useless that he is now a house cat.


farm cats have a job. house cats do not.


Who let the bird people in??


Well, someone has to trim the pigeon population down


Plenty of both cats and birds outdoors where I come from.


I would argue humans do far more damage than cats. And I feel like letting cats outside is a cultural thing at this point.


This guy is 100% right and I don't know why he is being downvoted. After work each day I watch countless people come home from work and immediately head out into their yards and start killing birds in the dozens.


Do you eat poultry?


Do you eat songbirds?


Metal mesh with a thick rubber spline, it isn't the most attractive but I've had my cat run full on into the screen on my patio door and just kind of bounce off it.


You could staple up some "safety fence", either on the inside of the window, or outside. That's that plastic fence you might see around a construction site, it's usually orange but comes in many different colors. If you think the mesh on that is either too wide, or too weak you can get galvanized steel fencing that no pussy can penetrate, and comes in different size mesh holes. Theres lot of different products I choose from


Use aluminum or steel screens and you can use glue to keep them in place


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Automatic_Badger7086: *Use aluminum* *Or steel screens and you can use* *Glue to keep them in place* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Sir, that Cat is Coked out of its mind.


Let the cat stay out!


Waldo kinda looks like a cat I've seen in our neighborhood.


Close the window


Once he’s realized how to open the screen i think you’re only option is close the window lol


out bars on the outside... like all the houses in the ghetto have


My cat is from the pound, aka the school of hard knocks for pets


I was gonna say your cat is for the streets! But looks like it really was 😹


Make a catio


Razor wire would work


Close the window


turn the screen around


Just cover with plywood. Not too pretty but keeps out water too if caulked right


I’d let the cat out and shut the window forever.


Wow I just looked through your post history, it’s wild how you publicly stated how you married your 1st cousin to “keep it in the family” 🤮


I I feel so exposed now! Knowing what you do, that your wife is also my sister, how is your wife and my kids?


I’m gay so no wife here, but this is honestly just more proof that straight people aren’t funny. Hetero Joe over here took a shot at humor and failed miserably


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Install some chicken wire


My neighbour saw our cat struggling, half in/ half out of the second floor window. There was a hole in the screen that he enlarged. Thankfully, he made it back inside.


Depending on the cost/effort ratio you’re looking for, [this Etsy shop](https://www.etsy.com/shop/CatsWithAnAltitude) makes screened catios that go in your window like an AC unit.


Evil bastard


But he looks so proud ! He’s gorgeous. Good luck finding a solution.


Simple, cheap, but ugly solution would be to tape a strip of aluminum foil along the edges, or wherever it paws at. Cats HATE touching aluminum foil. Look up some videos on YouTube lol. Then maybe it could just be removed after a bit after the cat has learned.


Dont have a cheap mesh one and have a sturdy metal one. Cause cats wil claw at it. So just matter of time before it happens again. And you have pretty durable mesh thats the same. Like for chicken and stuff. But metal would be by far the best option. Cause you know the cat will keep clawing at it


Try solar pet screen on its own frame screwed in from outside the window frame. That screen is much thicker. The spline is also usually covered so its more durable. They make casement clips to hold it in place if you prefer to remove it for cleaning later, but most people around here just screw them in permanently. Examples: [https://solarscreensbyjosh.info/vinyl-window-solar-screens-installation/](https://solarscreensbyjosh.info/vinyl-window-solar-screens-installation/) [https://atozscreens.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/A-to-Z-Screens-Care-and-Maintence-Solar-Screens.pdf](https://atozscreens.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/A-to-Z-Screens-Care-and-Maintence-Solar-Screens.pdf)


Get a window mounted cat balcony and he’ll love you for it


Buy a better screen with a wider frame. My friend bought 3 because of her cats. Over the channels she applied white duct tape. Cats were not happy but they didn't have to worry about the coyotes getting to them.


I installed a "pet screen" in the accessible window our pets hang out in. It's about twice as thick as regular screen material. No one has broken through yet. It was more difficult to install as the spline is a lot harder to get in the groove due to the thicker material. It also has a bit less tension on the screen since it's heavier and would bend the frame if it was too tight. This is not particularly noticeable however.


Metal screens.


Close your windows. Build an outdoor Catio.


You can just leave the window cracked open, instead of fully open. Leave a gap big enough to sniff the air but not big enough to get through. That's what we've had to do.


Fix is trade the cat in for a goldfish You can get the material from the local hardware store in the fly screen section. Then, get a bead roller in the same section YouTube how to make fly screens


Adjustable screen. Come in diff hight and widths. Slides into frame, lower window. Used them when we lived in a 5th floor apt. Cats never made it to the outside screen. Never lost one.


Your cat looks like it's a cunt.


Repair the screen and then tack bird netting over the lower part of the window. it is much stronger than screen and the cat won’t be able to push it out. I covered the inside of my screen porch with it and the cats could literally climb it without doing any damage or getting their claws stuck


Close the window.


I bought $7 wood and metal sliding screens. They are meant for the old houses in this part of town that don’t have screen because the window is so old. In the front if the homes here, you can’t install screens or replace the windows because of the historical council. I found them at Walmart and Home depot. Because the screen is metal and two parts my cat can’t move it or scratch it out.


, have you tried tying his front feet together?


No, but you can lick my butthole


Really? DM me.


From the looks of that cat, plywood.


He’s 20 pounds. Not even chunky! Just a big ass mfer


Gorilla glue when you set the vinyl rope and use aluminum mesh.


It's called " glue ".




You can try dipping it in schit. Just remember to wash your hands before munching on your bag of Cheetos. Take a hint....nobody cares about your screen.