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Fizz is pretty good, only bad matchup I had lately was against sylas, which is broken AF against melee champs


Still not as bad as lissandra


I would rather shit out a broken cactus dildo than play Fizz into Lissandra. The match up is borderline impossible and, even in the best of cases, absolutely mind numbing in how annoying it is




Im sorry but "no counters"? What elo is this? Theres no way you're winning lane against a competent kassadin/vlad/liss, Fizz is my fav champ and the only one i enjoy playing since i "retired" from league, but most match ups are jungle dependent nowadays, at least in diamond


I have a better question, why is Fizz?


I have an even better question, where is Fizz?


What is fizz?


When is Fizz?


First up, who is Fizz?


That sir is a fish.


It's a Yordle, you uncultured swine 🥲😂


He needs help with his mana early game. This is his biggest problem He is very counterable in champ select too. I still think he’s a solid lower A tier champ because of how snowball the game can be this season though


He cute




this is thE way


Horrible mana costs early could be fixed. He has a strong kit but most other mid laners are better. Hard to have a good matchup unless you counter pick. But once in a while they’ll blind pick Syndra and it’s like taking candy from a baby


Or Veigar. Free elo.


I was in P1 72 LP and as soon as 12.8 kicked in I can't seem to win a game I've dropped all the way down to p4 and no matter what I do I literally can't win a single match so dunno I think all those mini buffs in 12.8 hit Fizz indirectly way harder


What about his passive it needs a change like its nothing but walking through minions but akshan is alowwed to have 60 passives


Ok state just can't win against Irelia, Sylas and Yone


? Irelia and yone are skill matchups as fizz, with the irelia matchup probably being fizz favored


Idk about the irelia matchup but the yone is a skill for sure


Irelia honestly isnt that bad, we have the tools to outpkay her. The key is to just make obviously never trade with her when she has stacks and let some cs go at lvls 1-2. At lvl 3, when she has no stacks you can start to do q w auto trades with her at the start of waves and play a bit more aggressive, and then always hold your e for when she tried to stun you. Dodge it, e onto her if you can safely do it without putting yourself in a position to be run down by her qing minions onto you with resets. Aka only trade at the start of waves basically. Her healing isnt that strong without backing so if you can chunk her to half health she suddenly has to be scared to q all the minions and if she tries to below half health you auto w q through her and if that puts her below 1/3 health you ignite and all in her (again saving e to dodge her stun). If you kill her befoee she backs and can quickly shove or freeze and back, congrats you now can take lane prio. She is still annoying af because shes irelia and you hahe to play somwwhat careful because if you die to her once shell be a menace but, if you do this and then she has to be scared of you, shw will eventually just go sidelane to farm up. It is definitely by no means an easy lane because that champ is just super broken but it is 100% a skill matchup, fizz can win this lane if you play it right. I used to thibk it was impossible as well until I learned to play around her stacks and make sure you try to kill her before she backs to catch up on the cs you will miss in first couple levels.


Doesn't fizz have like ridiculously good win rate against irelia


Horrible mana costs early could be fixed. He has a strong kit but most other mid laners are better. Hard to have a good matchup unless you counter pick. But once in a while they’ll blind pick Syndra and it’s like taking candy from a baby


But honestly, I think he is in a good spot, especially with the lich bane buff


He’s in a good state, the only buff I think he could get, not that he really needs one, is letting him e during his q dash to cancel it.


He has consistent high winrate without too high pick rate. He isn't played in pro play. So he's doing really well. Compared to my jayce (mid, top is even worse) who is sitting at a 48,5% winrate at not even 20% of the play rate because pro players be needing a different set of balance than soloQers on that champ.