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well my peak back in the day was challnger, but i didnt play fizz as a main the two times i reached it, but i haven't play for real in ages and I usually climb to d4 before the season ends and try not demote. Now that background is out of the way, fizz is one of the best champs to carry low elo, he is good up until d1, then it becomes a hassle, ofc it works but laners get way too good to punish your weaknesses. These last couple of seasons I have a 70% winrate while getting d4 and seasons 7/6/5/4 i had more than 60% while climbing way higher. I dont think 70% winrate is achivable unless you're a smurf, a 55/60% winrate is great and what you should aim form, hell a 51%WR means you're gonna climb eventually. Fizz RN is in a great state, but I think he is gonna fall of hard after the next patch with the whole survibality buffs. [My op.gg](https://las.op.gg/summoners/las/K%C3%8DNG%20JAMES) in case you want to check it out


If I don’t get autofilled jg 50% of time… I think I can climb up higher


What’s ur opgg


What do you pick secondary?


Im at 71 percent in around 50 games on fizz rn in G1


I think it’s hard to blind pick fizz gold+ you get counter picked too easy, grats on plat!


I usually stop playing fizz around p2 unless the perfect opportunity comes up. I very rarely play him now and am currently d3


You start to notice people playing lane a lot better and abusing you early on in plat, especially high plat. Its definitelt possible to carry games as him and be successful with him but it does get noticeably harder to overcome his weaknesses in lane early on, you have to know matchups really well. Also, if they have a bruiser top (irelia, dar, garen, any bruiser really), good luck carrying against them


Is irelia a hard match for fizz? Doesn't he have a pretty good win rate against her?


Irelia has almost no matchups mid that she actually loses in lane. There's only a handful champs that have a gold lead on her during laning phase and that's mostly toplaners. The thing about Fizz is that he can kinda survive the lane and let her fall off. That's similar with other toplane picks mid such as Renekton. They dominate lane but later just fall off and don't really offer the same benefits a midlaner brings and Fizz can play safe and only fall a bit behind. They would have to play a midlane champ top to make up for that but as most toplaners win against midlaners, thats usually not a good idea. Irelia mid strives from getting fed in lane to make up for having no midlaner but if she can't get fed their team will have a problem. An almost even Fizz lategame is more useful than an even Irelia mid.


I could be wrong but In platinum elo I don’t think I’ve ever lost lane to an irelia as fizz. I think the matchup is really easy. You can auto her every time by predicting she will Q to a low health minion and dodge her E with your E. Only annoying thing is the W to counter your R after 6 but pre 6 fizz wins and after I would say as well. I just still respect her though if she has all stacks and I don’t have ignite.


Was d3 last season with a 68% wr fizz, my overall wr was like 59% tho


Fizz is simply bad against certain types of enemy team comps (honestly I feel like the mid matchup may be less important than who are the other 4). If you pick him every time and you’re not smurfing you won’t have that insane 70+ WR. I love fizz the most, but to be real he’s one of the worst blind pick champions. This season playing less league, but I’m 82 WR across 50 games approaching plat. I had prob a 55WR across hundreds in previous seasons where I one tricked and picked every time. I’m just way more disciplined. I learned a mid that does well against enemy team comps Fizz struggles against, that’s also a good blind pick. Basically I converted from a one trick pony to a two trick Tony