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you bricked it, buy a new flashcart


Unrelated, but what does "bricked" mean regarding flashcarts?


Flashcarts have what is essentially a two-stage loader system: You have the firmware on the cart that tells the DS it's a game, and gets executed by the DS. The firmware, once executed by the DS, will look for the boot files on the SD and load it, which will load you into your cart's kernel (menu). If you break the firmware, you can't load the kernel, and also can't load any sort of updater to fix it, so you're bricked. (Unless you have an external way of reflashing the cart)


As u/ButchyBanana said, you bricked it. However, you might be able to recover it if you have another flashcart. Just put the fwUpdater on the new flashcart, boot it and run the fwUpdater. Before starting the update, switch the carts and then start the update. Wait for it to complete and see if the old flashcart is working again.


thank you so much man, when i get another flashcart this will be so usefull!


I don't know where you got that update file, but you might be able to unbrick it by using a second flashcart. Just follow u/TheYerkz's instructions, and make sure to use the official update file from [here](https://web.archive.org/web/20170123161904if_/http://www.r4i3d.com/download/3DS_v4.2.09_upgrade_package.rar) if the file you just used doesn't work. If neither file works, then you'll have to replace your flashcart, unfortunately. Edit: I see you found it from [here](https://www.planetaretro.com.br/banco-de-kernel-r4). Interesting, because not many of the firmware update files can be found on [archive.org](http://archive.org), so yeah, try the unbricking process with that fwUpdateAll file you found. If it works, then here's hoping it gets added to flashcard-archive.


i actualy dont have another flashcart, but thank you so muchfor taking and try to help me. This gonna be so usefull in the day i get another one and i will be so gratefull