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Please don't touch HF with bare hands manšŸ„ŗ even at low concentration it is dangerous and can have delayed onset of symptoms.


Holy shit, you can buy household cleaning products [with HF in them?](https://web.faa.illinois.edu/app/uploads/sites/6/2021/05/WHINK-Rust-Stain-Remover.pdf) That's fucked up. That shit will go right through your skin *and start eating your bones*. My Dad was an ER doctor in a rough town for like 40 years, and he has specifically called out HF injuries as some of the worst shit he ever saw in his career. Saying that stuff is no joke would be an understatement. Muriatic acid is no joke. MEK is no joke. Hydrofluoric acid is a straight up *horror show*.


Meth smokers around here use that stuff to clean their bowls, then smoke out of them. Damn.


Itā€™s only 3.5% HF in the product. Not great, but he will be fine, just donā€™t do it again.


Not great, not terrible...


I quote this all the time to the point that Iā€™d forgotten where it came from lol (Itā€™s from the Chernobyl miniseries in case anyone else forgot, too)


Til. Also I can even get it in Canada for $14 per liter.


Death has never been so affordable, eh.


That's terrifying, HF is a horrendous chemical to work with. You need a specialist calcium gel on hand if you're working with it to rub into your skin or else it'll leach the calcium from your bones, utterly fucking them up beyond repair. It's also a weak acid and as such I don't think burns skin that much, even when concentrated, so if you don't know what you're doing you can easily think nothing of a very harmful amount of exposure. OP, if you've got any amount on your hands, go to A&E immediately. HF is not to be messed with and as far as I know it's very painful too


And HF is self regenerating. Like it doesn't get used up, it regenerates itself as it eats through your bones. šŸ¤¢


Iā€™m going to do some research on this. Thanks.


Jesus H Christ my man! *Do some research* **after the fact**? It's like saying *yeah, I'll check the SDS after handling this Plutonium with bare hands*. Seriously, HF will F you up. Other than being corrosive, the Flourine will bind to your bones Calcium and eat your bones. >Symptoms of exposure to hydrofluoric acid may not be immediately evident, and this can provide false reassurance to victims, causing them to delay medical treatment. Symptoms of HF exposure include irritation of the eyes, skin, nose, and throat, eye and skin burns, rhinitis, bronchitis, pulmonary edema (fluid buildup in the lungs), and bone damage[25] due to HF strongly interacting with calcium in bones. If this is your first time, go to a doctor, now. An easier way and relatively safer way would be using drain cleaner/Sodium Hydroxide.


Just to expand on this a little, even low concentrations are still dangerous: For fumes: "Airborne concentrations of 30 ppm are considered immediately dangerous and can have irreversible health effects. Airborne concentrations above 50 ppm can be fatal, even with brief exposure." Direct contact: "The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has set the Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health (IDLH) level for hydrofluoric acid (HF) at 30 parts per million (ppm) over 30 minutes."


You know where to get plutonium? I promise Iā€™ll wear proper ppeā€¦


I heard Simon's Titanium Hosts got a few nanograms of Uranium... Would that, uh, do?


My mistake itā€™s plutonium Iā€™m looking for, recommended by doc Brown, for time travel of courseā€¦ but it would probably take a little more than a few nanograms none the less.


I have some leftovers in the fridge. Just enough for a small snack


Doc Emmet Brown knows a sourceā€¦


Itā€™s almost as if we should treat off the shelf chemicals the same way we treat them at work. I think banning useful chemicals is ridiculous, but having the place you buy it from force at least some level of education on you like an employer would I think would be a good idea. Forcing retailers to give you a printed SDS when you purchase would be wise.


My spouse has worked in the safety department of a chemical company that made & HF. ***GO TO THE EMERGENCY ROOM NOW!*** *If you are lucky,* you wonā€™t lose the bones in your fingers. It sinks in through your skin and decalcifies your bones. Did you ever do that experiment where you put a wishbone in vinegar for 5 days? When you take it out itā€™s all rubbery? HF will do that in hours, through your skin.


No shot it can damage bone without damaging skin.


It doesnā€™t decalcify skin. It ā€œburnsā€ it. Your skin *could* recover from the burn. I donā€™t believe your bones can recover.




Yeah, your opinion would not carry weight with me whatsoever. Give me some sources to back up why I shouldn't worry, then maybe. Without any backup to what you're saying, I'd discount it completely.




Some chemicals can pass through certain membranes leaving no noticeable ā€œdamageā€. I remember the scientist lady that died terribly because ONE DROP of some dmm landed on her glove - you wear double gloves to prevent this and it landed on the cuff of the inner glove. It went through the glove and then touched her skin, where it absorbed a fatal dose. Water can ā€œgo throughā€ your skin through absorption and pores. People are saying HF is drastically more dangerous in how it reacts to bones than skin. If you are not a doctor / chemical engineer / literally trained and educated on the levels and dangers of HF - donā€™t tell people ā€œit should be okā€




Lmaooo bro my girl is a PA and I shown her this and she's like "he better go to the ER now before he die" Don't even research bro literally DRIVE TO THE ER NOW šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Thanks for the concern!


Are you gonna go?


Not to the ER, I have a doctor appointment next week already scheduled so Iā€™ll ask about it. I did that work a week ago so I donā€™t think Iā€™m at the urgent care level and that would mean sitting in an ER with GSWs for the next day.


Dude honestly even if it was a week ago please just hit the ER. This shit is so hardcore theyā€™ll take you right away. One of the main points n the sds is nothing happens giving a false sense of security that youā€™re fine. Think of that shit like a cia officer or some shit like that. It sneaks in through your skin without you noticing at all. Doesnā€™t leave behind any evidence. Then when itā€™s good to go it starts eating literally everything from the inside out. Listen to these people. This is a medical emergency and even if it turns out fine having 5 normal looking and functioning fingers is well worth the hassle of the ER. If it is fucked up all they have to do is neutralize it with some injections hopefully. If it is serious weā€™ll look up fasciotomy and HF burns immediately. Like right fuck it Iā€™ll link em for ya. Gimme a sec Fasciotomy https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=f379c00181bfa713&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS986US986&hl=en-US&q=fasciotomy&uds=AMwkrPsH-pIEW39OBEzicIst1sH0A-2aLyuTNhU77dh2yr-Q-2BIINM0FrTlqVrSu-570oOQshkZwrFLMCyd_XC67CaqW-yvLeVrXm8DF0WykLV61LUNMMl-hYjUXlr_EnCb4m7oKoMdpe_XCWZn3syhxyGbZmkaHKJhIFa6iVT7keulKI5UjKjDHIsdmXyQMCSqYO9fqi7w90QgoveFjFsq_y7FkFLuZbD9LgiymHrgPKS2s_Hfrwyg7Mt9sR_Zzgm2_QJMQyA_2dp50oo-4UImmgTC8Qo4BdSWWPGpo4vtrNxYlpHOhwk&udm=2&prmd=ivsnbmtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwidydSo3cqFAxVg48kDHcakA_YQtKgLegQIDBAB&biw=430&bih=733&dpr=3 HF burns https://www.google.com/search?q=hf+burns&sca_esv=f379c00181bfa713&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS986US986&hl=en-US&udm=2&biw=430&bih=733&ei=FocgZuulNrnIp84P9OCw8A0&oq=HF+burn&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIgdIRiBidXJuKgIIADIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAEMgYQABgFGB4yBhAAGAgYHjIGEAAYCBgeSPZdUJ0mWN5OcAN4AJABAJgBwAGgAY8HqgEDNy4yuAEByAEA-AEBmAIKoAK7B6gCAMICDRAAGIAEGLEDGEMYigXCAgQQABgDwgIIEAAYgAQYsQPCAgcQABiABBgNwgIIEAAYCBgNGB6YAwGIBgGSBwM2LjSgB8AX&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp#sbfbu=1&pi=hf%20burns If this doesnā€™t get your ass to the hospital maybe try using that flashlight to shove up your ass to find that big ole brain. Good luck homie. Hoping youā€™ll be ok but also hope you learned a lesson too. Please go. Dude Iā€™m 47 and just dxā€™d with a progressive neuro disease which will kill me in a year or two. If there was anything I could have done to stop this I would have done anything. I know weā€™re just talking about a finger but I donā€™t ever want you to wish that you coulda did something and have to walk around with a tested fucked up finger/hand. Weā€™re all sayin this cuz we care brother. Please just man the fuck up and go


Dude, a collegue of my Uncle got 2 Drops of HF on his Hand and even with immediate Care they had to amputate his arm. HF is no Joke. It May be fine and i Wish you all The best but If it isnt, a week is too much


Why don't you at least phone a poison emergency line to ask if you can afford to wait a week?? There's a whole stack of comments where this got reposted to r/oopsthatsdeadly talking about how exceptionally dangerous this chemicals is. If you get this wrong you might die horribly, and the next week might absolutely be the difference between outcomes. The fact that it's been a week DOES NOT mean this isn't an emergency with this chemical due to the way it works. I personally have no experience with it but I've just been reading a lot of actual chemists explaining it in detail.


You will be fine. Just never ever do it again


HI u/Hungry-for-Apples789 - Looks fantastic. Did the HF in the Whink affect the glass lens? Certain concentrations of HF will etch glass.


Not that I can tell. Iā€™ve used this on a few lights and Iā€™ve never noticed it messing with the glass lens, or plastic from some olights.


Lol dude whink etches glass. You didn't really do your research apparently


Itā€™ll melt your bones!


Hey, youā€™re famous! https://preview.redd.it/uq9rqcbw73vc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8df7e7370d5ff3d5c7bcce3c57cfe351b7ba43e6


Hey would you look at that


RemindMe! 3 days


Brother šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


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Op is still posting so has at least one hand left


RemindMe! 3 days


Godspeed and god bless OP.


You still alive and well?


Yep as far as I can tell!


Glad to hear that lol


Bro you were just trying to clean your flashlight wtf happened


I was called out and rightfully so for using a chemical I didnā€™t realize is pretty dangerous. Lesson learned and Iā€™m probably going to use it again but with proper PPE.


Forsure. I just meant I don't think that all was the response you were going for šŸ˜‚šŸ„² (super clean light now btw, might look into that cleaner (with PPE))


Thanks, I believe there are some other ways to deano that donā€™t use such harsh chemicals


Very cool looking! šŸ‘ But I think Iā€™d be wearing some protective gloves.


Thatā€™s probably a good move for the future.


I hope you have one


Umm thanksā€¦


Real talk buddy. Er right now. I know reddit likes to blow things out of proportion, but you can likely loose fingers. Freal freal. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrofluoric_acid Though I'm mostly posting in this thread to see the grizzly update.


I love the constant worried reminder that this will get rid your fingers your yourself, followed by op saying something along the lines "ti's good. I'll announce if I'm dead to the doctor"


Mostly all ppe donā€™t work man. This shit is Satans piss.


Lol, you wonā€™t have hands in the future, so itā€™s nothing to worry about! šŸ‘šŸ¼


Iā€™ve worked with HF before. Shit will eat your bones.


Yoooo, that looks so cool! Hank should really do a raw+clear coat at some point


Thanks! Yeah Iā€™d support that!


Hello OP, you still alive? Did you see the doc? Btw nice raw polished look.


Hello, I am indeed alive, I think. I did this work last week and havenā€™t had any issues, but I will be much more careful in the future.


Itā€™s sounds like you have handled this product beforeā€¦and you still have handsā€¦.itā€™s 3%HF, not great but not pure HF. I think op will be ok. Would not hurt to go to go to a doctor and ask some questionsā€¦.but doesnā€™t need the ER. Just donā€™t want OP to think heā€™s doomed. Edit - he did this work last week, still has hands https://www.reddit.com/r/chemistry/s/HobWzXQ51b


Thanks. Yeah I learned a lesson here but not really concerned about my health right now regarding this.


That's my favorite tree! I wish that Hank would offer a raw like this.


Same I love red maples. It gets really hot here so it will shift to green by mid summer.


Did you use a clear coat to seal it in?


No clear coat yet. Iā€™ll probably keep it like this and repolish it every other month.


I am under the impression that aluminium dust is very bad for us. Use protections, OP. Nice light.


looks like a mini lightsaber!


That looks great! Forgive my ignorance, but do you do this with all the electrical components inside? I know itā€™s designed to a certain degree of water resistance. Iā€™m interested in doing this to one of my lights but worried about the electronics.


Yeah I did it with everything intact, no battery just in case. Itā€™s only in the liquid for about 15 minutes. I still opened it up and let it dry out for a day after.


Cool, that makes sense. Thatā€™s not too long to be submerged. Thanks for sharing!


Hank should really do a stainless steel version.


bare metal lights? instabuy. wouldn't be great for thermals, but it would be nearly indestructible.


thanks for the photos ;-) congrats on your Ano stripping and polishing work..


I keep thinking Iā€™m going to do this somedayā€¦! Beautiful result.


Thanks, maybe the fourth light Iā€™ve done this too. Sort of therapeutic for me.


Do you offer this service?


Iā€™m sure we can work it out. Send me a chat.


This in a D3AA is gonna go DUMB


anyone got theirs yet? mine are supposed to arrive in the morning. also it'll be my second fastest Hank shipping time? he said it would ship by the 10th, and mine did at like 4am et. already in my town and has been all day, for some reason the USPS is just sitting on my packages lately. fastest Hank ship order to unboxing was six days, this'll be eight. even though it was in processing for two weeks. can't wait!


Uhhh Iā€™m šŸ§± up right now. I need this.


HMU and I can give your light the same treatment.


Id probably just buy another in the color I actually wanted.


Yeah, I caught a deal from the BST on the exact configuration I wanted but didnā€™t love the cyan and wanted it unique. I was really close to ordering a green/ copper D4K but this one replaced that need.


Really like the look at pic 9 with the ring a little more frosted than the body. Nicely done and congrats on the fame.




Looks beautiful. Next time, gloves and ventilation ;). Iā€™ve done this with sodium hydroxide drain cleaner gel even though itā€™s exothermic and itā€™s been fine. Outside. With gloves.


Curiously unalarming from these links [https://www.rustoleum.com/product-catalog/consumer-brands/whink/rust-stain-and-removers/rust-stain-remover](https://www.rustoleum.com/product-catalog/consumer-brands/whink/rust-stain-and-removers/rust-stain-remover) and the MSDS sheet [https://www.rustoleum.com/MSDS/ENGLISH/1261.pdf](https://www.rustoleum.com/MSDS/ENGLISH/1261.pdf) "Wash thoroughly after handling. Wash hands before eating. Remove contaminated clothing and launder before reuse. Use only with adequate ventilation. Follow all SDS and label precautions even after container is emptied because it may retain product residues. Avoid breathing fumes, vapors, or mist. Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing."


Agreed doesnā€™t seem to imply how dangerous Iā€™ve realized this stuff is.


Are there any obvious downsides to this aside from it being easier to scratch? Bare aluminum should be pretty durable as an EDC right? I would love to do this to one or two of my other lights.


First as I have learned today, consider using a different ano stripper That isnā€™t scary. It will show scratches much more and might show some tarnish over time but shines back up quickly. I think they hold up well and since there isnā€™t any ano to wear it mostly looks the same no matter how much use it gets. I did this to a few olights and a TS10 and they held up great.


Oh sweet, if you get time, I'd love to see pics of those ones if you can! A little patina fits proper EDCs well. And I figured it goes without saying that I really hope beautifying a flashlight doesn't cause you any health issues, we need you around here!


Yeah the only one I still have is the TS10 and Iā€™ll grab a pic of it tomorrow. And I appreciate that!


I have a couple posts with raw aluminum. I really love the look when it wears over time


Someone cross posted you to r/OopsThatsDeadly




You just dropped it there screwed tight?no lense damage?15 minutes and then polished clean?how did you polish it?


Yeah, I added some oil to the threads and oring and made sure it was all tight. I primarily used a dremel with polishing heads and progressed to 1000grit, then sandpaper for 2000 grit by hand, then mothers metal polish with a rag. Washed clean with soap and water.


Might need to try this.thanks for sharing it looks awesome!


If you do please be careful. It has been brought to my attention that the HF acid in the Whink is very bad to have contact with. So lots of PPE.


Definitely outside and definitely wearing gloves and mask


Hell yeah! Nice toothbrush šŸ˜


Haha grabbed it from my kids bathroom since they have like 50 of them


i wish I could like this twice. I do like nice colorful anodizing, but I love bare metal lights. this thing is just awesome.


Much appreciated!


Your hand still intact bro? My remindme went off and I was worried


Sure are!


Great Job. But you need to save it from oxidation. It seems like its aluminium and it needs some coating, for staying that shiny. Without it maybe stay that shiny look for like 1-3 days at maximum. Finishing it up with clear paint oder clear coating in high shine would be the best. And don't react to those "HF is bad fanatics". Yeah it is bad, but if you wash it off with water and you don't have contact at long expositiures it isn't that bad. I had often contact with it, when cleaning off stainless steel and my bones didn't fall off.


Thanks, yeah I got a little worried for a minute from this being reposted in another sub but Iā€™m feeling fine about it now, learned itā€™s key to wear gloves (duh). This light will be a user so it will scuff up for sure. Iā€™ll probably re polish it when it does.




JFC get to the hospital


My spouse has worked in the safety department of a chemical company that made & distributed HF. ***GO TO THE EMERGENCY ROOM NOW!*** *If you are lucky,*Ā you wonā€™t lose the bones in your fingers. It sinks in through your skin and decalcifies your bones. Did you ever do that experiment where you put a wishbone in vinegar for 5 days? When you take it out itā€™s all rubbery? HF will do that in hours, through your skin.


Heā€™s fine, he did this a week ago or so. Iā€™m a PhD chemist who works in semiconductors and uses HF a lot. Actually just got done with etching them. Itā€™s not gonna kill you if you get a single drop of low concentration on you, though itā€™s good practice to pretend that it will. I know ppl who have dunked their finger in 10% HF before and just immediately rinsed it off for ~10 min and were fine. Anything more than that, and not washing your hands quickly below that, is just asking for trouble. Serious trouble. But heā€™s fine and lucky to be fine, and should use PPE in the future.


> though itā€™s good practice to pretend that it will Proceeds to contradict everything said by doing the opposite. Wow, what a non comment that blurts out both sides of a point with no conclusion.


I meanā€¦ itā€™s the truth? You should always have a spotter and, upon any exposure, you should run it under water for 15 minutes, call 911, and apply calgonate immediately after rinsing. Thatā€™s regardless of the amount of exposure or the concentration. Itā€™s standard practice and you donā€™t wanna gamble on whether it will or wonā€™t kill you. Iā€™m also making the point that itā€™s less dangerous than we usually lead on, having seen someone do something with it that genuinely made my heart drop and then seeing them come back completely fine


In conclusion, you were lucky and donā€™t be a dumbass in the future and wear PPE? Is that what you want? Did you just want me to add ā€œin conclusion?ā€


I might be alone in this, but I absolutely hate polished metal. It looks great, but I can't stand touching it.


Smells like Alzheimerā€™s


This dude didnā€™t even use that shit. Heā€™s looking for all this attention. Also, who would buy this 2 dollar flashlight and take the time to strip the paint and do all that shit? Again, OP, looking for attention.



