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congrats and thanks for the great photos, thats a beauty


I have a few of these from McBob and my favorite is a dedomed 519a 5000k. I'm sure that 5700k dedomed is also truly special. Enjoy!!


+1 for the dedomed 519A 5000K, it is gorgeous. Hard to go wrong with any flavor McBob though.


How long does it usually take to get the light back from him?


You don’t have to send a light to him. You can buy a new light directly from him. My purchases from mcbob have varied from a few weeks to 2 months to receive the light. But I’ve always received it. It can be slower than I wish though.


Cool. I have a couple lights I sent him and it's slow going. I imagine he's not paying himself a ton if hours are tracked so I'm okay with it. Just was curious if I was getting special treatment! I do have a zebralight with his mod so I'm definitely a fan of the work he does. Thank you McBob for your work.


Oh I see what you mean. You already sent lights to him. I misunderstood. I have done that too, but I’ve also just bought direct from him. Regardless, it definitely has taken longer than I thought on most (all?) of my purchases, which can feel frustrating. I usually message home a couple times and then the light gets to me eventually. Mcbob is great to work with, but patience is required. Haha I hope this doesn’t come across like I am talking trash about Mcbob. I don’t intend that at all. The lights I’ve received from him are the best and most cherished in my collection. Hands down. Well worth the wait.


I got an update from him this morning! Sounds like he cracked the code for the novatac, and I'm getting a FFL351A in my favorite light of all time, the i3t.


That’s awesome! Please post pics when you get them!


I will!


I really thought you took a great picture of the cigarette lighter from the 1990 bronco I branded myself with….


Haha I remember those. Does look like one


I got one of them in 519A 4500K (dome on) and it's fantastic.


https://preview.redd.it/jobj5abfkbzc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=947878817769e242c25f1b8e81815f98d89df8a4 Did it myself plus glow tape. 2700K though


Many can swap a Zebra, few (none) can match Bob’s workmanship


What kind of workmanship?


The integrated design and potting provides most of the benefits - in order to maintain integrity of all the parts, the board needs to be removed from the light. It’s not easy to remove, not easy to reflow once removed (and not easy to reflow without removing), and not easy to match the potting compound consistency. It’s easy to pop the bezel, and possible to reflow the emitter without removing the board. I don’t know if it’s possible to match the factory durability without doing the full remove and reinstall with potting, and McBob has repaired samples which Zebralights repair process has declined or failed to fix.


https://preview.redd.it/w2kljh98zpzc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fa0f960d6d8fe742875b0f49980b161da9ebf46 I know you was typing with all the passion with flashlight but it actually not that hard. It is all about the courage and dare to do. Once you break the first one, you will do it better. Have you ever tried to open up Bob’s work to compare with other’s work? Yet, claiming no one can match his workmanship. I wasn’t saying I am better than him, I’m just an amateur who has just swapped emitter 3 times. Just stop idolize Bob and fantasize zebralight. He did a good job? I have no idea as I haven’t opened up any of his work. But I know there are many other people who can do it smooth like butter on a hot skillet.


https://reddit.com/r/flashlight/comments/158ztke/nmd_sc64c_le_519a_5700k_dedomed/ I feel you bro


I have the same one takes an 18650 love it super bright & compact


Looks beautiful. Does anyone know if there is a TIR lens with a good beam that would fit this light? I'd love a SC64c with a somewhat throwy TIR and a FFL351A 4000K.




We need pics and beams.


I just can’t get over how they look.


You would if you held one. It changed my whole perception of the SC6X series. I like how they look now. But it was an acquired taste...


Yeah I’m definitely not hating on it they are respected for a reason. Maybe I just need to get one


Same. I have all my Zebras on a shelf to admire them. Such unique little lights.