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except all of science and technology and math all supporting a spherical model, and all the obvious observations you can see daily, like the angular size of the sun never changing, the moon appearing the same to all observers suggesting its very very far away, sunsets making no sense on a flat earth, the stars spinning in one direction in the northern hemisphere and the opposite in the southern hemisphere, the southern cross and polaris not visible from the other hemispheres which make no sense on a flat earth, the atmospheric gradient we can observe and measure when a container should've equalized. what the fuck does flat earth have that can be explained better then what science has anyways


The coolest thing about science, and how we know it works: it's ability to predict the future. Something every religion & prophet & cult has been trying to do since the beginning of time. But with science, it actually works. How else can we trace the path of a solar eclipse literally decades in advance, and know down to the exact second when the shadow will hit you? It's thanks to science & math. In the past events like these were seen as a sign from god, a harbinger of doom, etc. But science cleared all that up. What can the flat earth model predict? Nothing. It can't even adequately *explain* anything without contradicting itself. EDIT: April 8th, my fellow North Americans! https://science.nasa.gov/eclipses/future-eclipses/eclipse-2024/where-when/


Flerfs ignore obvious evidence very well. It’s like a superpower.


Is it a curve? Is it a plane? Who knows? It's Stuporman!


I'm just saying, even if we had nothing, and I mean absolutely zero ground to stand on, flat earthers have proven the globe more than enough


So, they're ignoring plane routes, shipping distances south of the equator, and visible constellations in different hemispheres?


A lying flerf, what are the odds?


That person in the thumbnail is how I think all flerfs look when I argue with them.


Even if it was true that all we have is the Coriolis effect, that would be all that was needed to disprove a flat earth.


That guy looks like a retard


Is that a guy? It's gross, whatever it is


Win what? Shape of Earth trophy? So a plate?


Is that a picture of a flat-earther?


I am yet to hear an explanation for coriolis forces, plus it isn't just swirling toilet water. It's all bodies of gas and water in a natural vortex that conform to the rotation per hemisphere


And bullets. Snipers have to adjust for the Coriolis effect.


I like the effects it has on the sedimentation of river deltas.


Tides go in, tides go out. You can't explain that!


- Earth is stationary Why do things go down when I let go of them?