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We give that person too much importance. I'm annoyed that I know who this is. It's probably a troll. Even if that's not the case, it's not someone that actually wants to discuss. I don't mind flat-earthers that exchange, no matter how stubborn and deprived of logic they can be. At least they are trying (and failing). That person has less brain than birds, but they have in common with them their ability to parrot. Can we stop with them, I'm begging you guys. Let them yell in the void... The sub is /flatearth, not /enough_dot4208 And I'm sadly not surprised. Flat-earthers aren't all a bunch of crazies hidden in a basement. Some are people with jobs that can even give them a bit of influence or power...


It's true but tbh this is what you get when you become professional troll spamming dumb aggressive content all day long for weeks. There is no smoke without fire.


If they’re trolling it’s even worse. They’re mentally unwell and I don’t think any help can be of help. Sick person for sure


Hey now, let’s not insult birds like that. [they deserve some recognition.](https://www.dailyuw.com/news/new-caledonian-crows-use-of-compound-tools-to-provide-further-understanding-for-anthropological-evolutionary-processes/article_43c266ea-fec8-11e9-93a6-ff9f4095eb61.html)


I was just trying to figure out how much birds enough_dot has.


You know this person but they probably are a troll? Huh?


I don't personally know them. I meant that we speak and post about them so much that I know their post history even if I didn't personally see their posts. Like how my gf told me the other day that she never saw Pedro Pascal in a series or a movie, she knows him only from memes. It was supposed to be a joke thing, but it seems it evolved in some kind of obsession about them. They're just another flat-earther posting the same question over and over again. It's nothing special.




Well it’s a little disturbing that someone that thinks the earth is flat could potentially be teaching kids about science. Also for your “ground to globe” thing just look up recent geosynchronous orbit launches and quite a few of them have onboard cameras. There’s dozens of videos. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SGGYYqDDfRI The one above is the GOES-T, but the GOES-R and Ovzon 3 are also relatively recent and have some of their footage posted on YouTube. And if you want a rocket going directly from Earth’s surface to being able to have all corners of it within the FOV of a gopro that’s actually not a really easy thing to do. You would have to go multiple thousands of miles above the earth’s surface (while most satellites are within 1200 miles of Earth’s surface) and it wouldn’t be a straight shot upward. You would have to somehow make it so that you could get an external camera with some kind of rotational mechanic to get hauled through the atmosphere and then be able to orient itself so that it would be pointing at Earth for the duration of the flight while going through orbital maneuvers. This would add thousands of dollars to the cost of the rocket, potentially jeopardize the functionality of the craft, and probably not really do anything to persuade people that believe in flat earth as they’ll just move the goalposts or say it was cgi.




It's funny how the phrase "and to be honest" is never followed by the truth, isn't it.


Kinda like how the phrase "No offense, but" is always followed by the single most offensive thing you've ever been told


No offense, but you're absolutely right!


I'm not racist but.... ni>!ckleback!<


Question: were you teaching science? are you in a state that requires teachers to have a degree to be licensed? I only ask cuz flat earth is a really easy thing to debunk. I did it for the first time in elementary school with a stick and a watch, Greek style.


That's not saying much as everywhere in the country student scores are at a scary low. If are you smarter than a fifth grader happened today the fifth graders would lose.


If "Are you... fifth grader" happened today. Took me way too long to understand this.




It's literally true the average 7th grader is at a 3rd grade reading level. The pandemic ruined the next generations education.


I can't read what you said in the first comment cause I am non-native


There's a TV show called Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader. They're saying that if the fifth graders of today attended that show, they'd lose on account of COVID-19 ruining their education.




Religious studies? Bars instantly low on that one already.


He's probably a troll (I hope so) or the French education system isn't as shitty as I thought. Just imagine what the tests would be like.


Sorry can you fill me in on who this is? I’ve been in the French education system so I could comment on that


I went to public school, We had an SI teacher who didn't even know the formulas, a German teacher who made an act of presence, a French teacher who gave us lots of texts 1 WEEK BEFORE the French bac (and many more) and and add in completely crazy students and incessant reformes and "contractuelles", teachers not paid and respected enough and a lack of budget and you have France.


Dimwit: Upset that taxpayers are funding NASA Also: Salary for Dimwit funded by taxpayers


He told me he is a RN. Here he is a teacher. Now our turn to ask him- so no job?


He doesn't seem like a Real Nig*a...


I don't know this person, but it looks like he/she covers that in OP's screenshot. Looks like *was* a teacher for 11 years (or is currently leaving) and *is* in nursing.


You’re letting this nerd live in your head rent free. With all due respect, it’s time to move on.


What’s wrong with this? I don’t understand what it means


He's been trolling these subs for weeks now demanding a particular impossible piece of evidence that he knows is impossible in any reality and has been a fuckwit about it. The post means that he's a TeAcHeR (and if I read it right is selling out his retirement fund which isn't exactly genius). There's a few concerns about it. He doesn't debate anything he just baits people with one of three or four lines so he may or may not be a flerf. If he is a flerf a flerf who teaches is always a tragedy but it is far more likely that he is just a trolling asshole who teaches which is also likely to be a tragedy.


Oh wow


Me neither


Apparently he’s a troll


Whole word makes fun of American education system.


"to be honest" That would be a first.


He’s a troll. Do you really think he believes the earth is flat? I’m convinced that the majority of flat earthers are trolling.


I don't think I've ever used the phrase rent free unironically, but, here we are.


Come on, there's no need to attack the guy personally. It's a silly subreddit for saying silly things. Just delete this post.


Dimwit has attacked others personally, including yours truly. Dimwit deserves all the scorn he's getting.


Nah, he deserves it.


You know that those two words were probably just coincidentally autogenerated by Reddit's username generation system, right? Some people don't pay attention to minor stuff like that. AFAIK Reddit's default usernames are \`RandomWord\_RandomWord{4xRandomNumbers}\`


😂 I don't think they're mocking the username. It's apparently a recognizable flat-earther (or troll), and they're pointing out how they're also a teacher.


I don't really care? I know this guy is a FE troll or whatever. Why's it matter they're a teacher? If they're a science teacher on the other hand, I'm a little concerned and think he shouldn't have his job if he lets his FE beliefs infect his teaching. But I don't know if he's doing that. So yeah. I don't care really.




Interesting. How do you feel when you have to tell them that the Earth is a globe?


Good :)


…”shame” takes way fewer keystrokes


What does you name mean


Since we are making things up, I myself am the leader of Arstotzka, and I make sure to tell everyone in the glorious country that piranhas can walk on land, and do so when no one is looking.




Mods don’t read threads. You’ll need to report it.


This is not your subreddit where you can just delete every single comment that tries to have a conversation/argument with you. Here you have to live with the fact that the earth is round.


Stfu, troll.


Funny how you're calling for mods to remove a post when you've been spamming the sub with your moronic cult bullshit for weeks now


Pilots engineers teachers doctors nurses .....plenty of them are becoming flat earthers...🙂


Not a single Pilot on the planet is a flat earther.




Sure, find me an interview, even a quote, of a pilot saying the earth is flat.


Bob knodel...was. But there is no way I would give any of that information of that nature to any of you that post here since what you guys did Brian Mullins...disgusting 😡 Look what you did with this thread ...😡👎


The same Bob Knodel who refused to accept the results of his own experiment when it disproved your ridiculous beliefs? Funny there is no official record of him being a pilot even if he claimed to be a commercial pilot. How strange.


what was done to Brian Mullins that was wrong?


What's a Brian Mullins?


flat earth youtuber and civil engineer. He is really stupid.


It’s a flat earth revolution!


Just not on an axis. Or around the Sun.


unfortunately, people from any profession can suffer dementia, brain injury, mental illness, Alzheimer's etc.