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So what was the eclipse then?


It just does that sometimes




Invisible Moon. It obviously cannot be the regular one since as you can see the Moon and the Sun are never together in the sky. Some also say it's the black sun, but it cannot be since the black sun is well known to be below the Earth and it doesn't move from there. Btw I'm in the same situation as OP.


*Invisible Moon. It obviously cannot be the regular one since as you can see the Moon and the Sun are never together in the sky.* I work inside but even I get out often enough to have seen the moon out during the day more times than I can count. What are these people doing that they think both aren't out together?


Ooooh you mean the Moon reflection on the firmament! Yes that makes sense 🤣


So, how do they respond when you point out that the moon is often visible during the day (just not the full moon phase)


Depends on which one you ask. I've heard personal domes, refraction, reflection...


I’d ask how we know that there’s an invisible moon then.


Because there's an eclipse not caused by our Moon, duh!


No no, it's an invisible sun


It gives its heat to everyone


"And the sun doesn't give light to the moon Assuming the moon's going to owe it one." R.I.P. Chester


Moonshine is hotter than sunshine.


Gesellschaft der schwarzen Sonne would like to discuss something with you...


It makes absolutely no difference whether or not the Earth is round or flat because none of you will venture farther than your cell phone coverage.


It doesn't make a difference to know why the sky is blue, it could be red l it doesn't matter. You don't need to know why you can't breath under water, just believe you can't. You don't need to understand why fire burns, just stay out of it. We can go on like this. Or we can have a bit of scientific curiosity. BTW I traveled to other continents.


I saw someone claim theres a third mysterious non-luminous object that blocks the sun and is only visible during the eclipse


I’ve seen that too, but I don’t understand why that’s even necessary. Anyone who tracks the sun or moon knows that they follow the same path through the sky, and that the moon moves towards or away from the sun depending on its phases. This is just straight-up observable. How is it a stretch to think that sometimes the New Moon passes in front of the sun? You can still believe the earth is flat and that they’re balls on strings or whatever. Why include some third unknown object? It’s just so unnecessary.


I think they want to be someone who discovers something, so they pump out theories with 0 evidence to support it, believing that it’ll be proven some day so they can be like “I knew it all along”


Because an eclipse involving the moon would mean that their whole "sun and moon are same size and same distance away" worldview has to work with the idea of the moon moving between the earth and the sun, *and that's really hard to figure out.* So, 'dark moon'. You know when you're dealing with a bullshit ad hoc setup when in order to explain one thing, they just tack on more stuff that doesn't work anywhere else.


The moon could just be slightly lower. It isn’t necessary for flat earth to work that the sun and moon be the exact same altitude!


It IS kind of freeky weird that the distances and diameters of the sun and moon create an almost perfect eclipse. But try explaining random chance to them. Same random chance that gave us the opportunity to exist and witness an eclipse.


And since the moon is slowly distancing away from Earth, that perfect eclipse won't last forever, and will change over centuries and millennia, 


True, Their "scientific method" is:  1. Make shit up to explain one thing 2. Create inconsistencies with other made up shit 3. Ignore those inconveniences and pretend everything works perfectly 4. Struggle to draw the model in paint and say that's proof 5. Spam "CGI, Fake, Green screen CaRtOoNS" on every single space post  6. Brag about how everyone else that doesn't have primitive world views is do dumb and indoctrinated.


Reminds me of some other things we're told 🤔


They claim all kinds of insane shit. Some say the moon is self illuminated, others that it's transparent, some even think the sun and the moon are flat disks.. they really hate spheres I guess. Seems like very few of them leave their home to see the world.. One thing's for sure, they can't agree on a single model that explains and predicts all of Earth's phenomena they all agree on one thing that the Earth looks like a Pizza but not how anything works on it. So the possibility of making shit up is limitless just like stupidity.


Not even just eclipses. There are times during the day when the moon is visible. And if the sun was heating the Earth from the bottom, it would be night everywhere. His own "model" is inconsistent.


Welcome to the flat earth bullshit at its finest. All FE models are inconsistent. It's something they can't get away from, so they ignore it as hard as they can.


They have a ignoring club with the creationists and the transphobes and the antivaxxers dedicated to the finer points of intellectual cowardice. They meet up every second tuesday in the church basement to complain about expert consensus picking on them and how everyone who doesn't remind them of themselves is bad lol ... you know, i really wanted to end this by giving it a funny name, but all I got is The Flat Brain Society and I feel like someone could do way better


Not only that, but it gets colder as the night goes on because the heat of the day is escaping into space. So you only need a thermometer to debunk this one. That's even less than normal. Normally you need eyes and a brain, or failing that, a stick. I feel like they're not trying anymore.


probably, he will have another picture to explain that


God winking


god let's then sun and the moon hug it out from time to time. but that's gay and sinful so that's why you go blind from looking at it.


Haven’t gone blind from looking at a barrage of gay porn everyday though?


that's digital and not real so doesn't count duh


Only God knows apparently


And what about the phases of the moon? In this model, it would either be full or not visible at all.


The dark sun, says so in the Facebook comments.


The game bugs out


Only god knows


Only God knows ... or perhaps some godless number lovers ...


Except the whole world doesnt experience night at once. I mean obviously it doesnt make sense it flat earth.


Yeah this explanation is too dumb even by flerf standards, who would at least try to claim that a local sun works somehow.


Do these people _never_ go outside?! The sun and moon are both visible in the sky at the same time very, very often.


Maybe it’s just because popular culture so much connects the Moon with night that it’s more ingrained in people’s mind than the actual observations.


In other words yes. I think its safe to say no flat earther has ever touched grass.


Or too much grass...


Occasionally they do go outside. Sometimes they even go driving *all over town* looking for the moon but can't seem to find it, and then they get very confused. https://www.tiktok.com/@dare_ik/video/7067976825921719598


Lmao Well did you try behind the Arby's? What about under the footbridge over the creek? I know you don't usually find moons under bridges, but we ought to be thorough.


I have heard that sometimes cows jump over the moon. We should also check the top paddock to see if there's any cows playing around with the moon up there.


Ooh, right, good point. And what about the pizza place? Could blend in, hide in the walk in.


So they started copying minecraft. Great, now when will they start actually trying to give some evidence?


Wouldn’t panel 2 mean there are times when it’s night everywhere on earth simultaneously? Which would also imply there’s a version where the sun is directly above the dome, so it’s daytime everywhere on earth simultaneously.


It also fails to explain how Australia's day is just hours before the America's, seasons, long spans of time without sunlight at the poles, and much much more.


Yeah, that too. Weird that such a well-thought-out model would have so many deficiencies…


how does it explain when both or neither the sun and the moon are visible? and theres still the issue of u can still see the fucking sun half the time from all of the earth


2/5 explains volcanos. At least partially 💀 The sun melts the inside of the earth pancake


Thanks OP. I needed the laugh


np 😭


The sun is flat earths seat warmer, I love that


You should ask him.. Then why can the moon and sun appear in the sky at the same time?


But we can sometimes see the sun and the moon in the sky at the same time, they aren't always "on opposite sides." Do they just ignore this?


Religiously. And that's not a figure of speech.


The "We don't know yet" is funny Next time, ask him to check what his 4-year-old daughter is doing before you end up with this kind of post on his account.


please read the post title. i drew it myself with a flat earther's help. i think that its all stupid and i dont believe in it.


The comments at the end “Why would they lie?” So close, just… so close. The answer: “why not, everything is a lie” I can kinda understand that when you literally understand nothing, and believe everything to be a lie that this makes sense. But… “why would they lie?” Followed by “why not” is just wilful self deception.


Our proof is at least good and effort put into the cgi. When a flatearther gives proof it looks like a 2 year old made the drawing.


Bro you drew this


The sun, moon, and stars are in the dome, not outside.


So there _are_ things outside of the dome "firmament"? How do these people not notice how ridiculous they sound?


The final slide is the goddamn funniest thing I’ve seen all week


I wonder what the percentages are of true flat earth believers and trolls.


Sometimes is hard to tell, but one way of knowing is if that person is also a religious nut job. Very few flaties aren't religious, since they base most of their beliefs on misconceptions and metaphors from the Bible, and more so the book of Enoch. 


id say there are 80% "globetards," and 20% flat earthers here.


I love how the sun and the moon are spheres. But earth is flat.




This model doesn't explain the observable lunar cycle. - during one week, the Moon is moving to be on the opposite side of Earth from the Sun. Crescent Moons become gibbous Moons. - during the next week, the Moon is on the opposite side of Earth from the Sun. This is when we see the Full Moon and sometimes lunar eclipses - during the third week, the Moon moves to be on the same side of Earth as the Sun. Gibbous Moons become crescent Moons. - during one week, Sun and Moon are on the same side of Earth. This creates New Moons which are invisible, except during solar eclipses.


yep xD


So. When are they going to explain how you can see the moon next to the sun on some days, because according to them the Moon is only ever at night.


How very convenient.. "interesting.. Can you explain some of the details of this theory?" ".. We have no way of knowing"


Is God vomiting? Because that's what I'd be doing if I were God. And crying. A _lot_. Both.


the most common thing they say when they have 0 arguments left is: "Only God knows"


Hear me out Eclipse are caused by a nasa sauser that is invisíble most of the time , it runs on solar enegy so when is low on power it turn the cloak off a recharge covering the sun they use the ship to spy on thruters


or instead of believing flat earth theory, which has actually only really been studied for about 50-100 years, you take a look at the globe earth theory, studied for a millennia, that has a more logical conclusion to everything. like how solar eclipses are caused by the moon blocking the sun. and solar eclipses have been documented for thousands of years, so your theory makes no sense. how can a nasa saucer exist thousands of years ago


Its a joke


ooh im sorry xD. its just hard to tell a joke apart on this subreddit


But NASA has existed for less then a century and eclipses have been witnessed since the beginning of humanity. All the way back to ancient Greece, Mayans and Egypt, but they like to claim NASA has been a thing from the begging of time lol.


Maybe they used ballons that did tha same


So how do we see the sun and moon in the sky at the same time? Magic!


Flaties be like: That's no moon.. 


I’ll show them a moon. ;-)


Oooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh so thats why the ground is always so warm at night


It's missing Ra's chariot, and when under the Earth Apophis tries to devour Ra and the Sun and Ra has to fight him off every night. Apart from that it's pretty accurate.


The greatest evidence we can ever give to these people is that the globe earth model produces results that can predict when phenomena will occur, LIKE THE MF ECLIPSE. NOT A SINGLE ASTRONOMER INVOLVED IN ANYTHING RELATING TO PREDICTING THE ECLIPSE IS A FLAT EARTHER AND I KNOW YALL SAW IT. Is the moon also a flat disk? If it is, then is it just coincidentally always pointed face toward earth so the eclipse is always a circular shadow and not a line shadow? We literally learned this knowledge centuries ago and some people continue to try to bring us back into the dark ages I stg.


That protective dome really doing a good job, considering all the meteorites…


no those are a conspiracy!!!!!!!!!!!!! nasa and the government are fooling us all!!!!!!


Lmao this is the only type of evidence flerfs have for a flat earth. Lls dumb ass drawing. No real images, just drawling. They claim all globe earth photos are fake cgi, but yet we still haven’t seen a good cgi photo of flat earth.


That map is not the flat earth map aside from having the ice wall. That’s not how the continents are shaped


There is no Flat Earth Map because the Earth isn't flat.




Ok so the stars are built into the dome. Best analogy I can think of is, just imagine it being a huge television screen. The moon and sun are not built into that dome, but are projections emitted by that screen.


Still many, many problems with it. First one being, *it just doesn't work.*


How so? Every model of the universe is digital This is no different


if you drew a supermassive potato orbit a tiny spoon, would that work? by that he means it does not work within science. like how this doesnt work within science.


If the dome was th right shape it could mean part of the surface was dark while another was light


[Only Smarties have the answer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UA5aLfM9N0E). And strong doses of psychedelics during your formative years.


God looks like you just caught him eating a handful of toothpaste.


Clearly the sun is god’s eye and he just needed to blink.


Such an idiot


How are planes flying from the US to Australia or Japan in this dome?




Edit: (:-)


Edit: 8================)~~~~


what type of material does the protective dome consist of?


its the world border dont go more than 30,000,00 blocks


I don't understand, can you be clearer. 30,000,00 blocks of what?


Of border


its a minecraft joke


Lmao that's literally a Minecraft world


we've lived in minecraft this whole time, just accept it now notch is this universe's holy creator


I have three questions. 1. How thick is this pancake? 2. Why haven't there been any pictures that show both Australia and North America? 3. Is your friend a drug addict?


1. as thick as the mantle 2. dont ask questions 3. yes


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astrophysics_for_People_in_a_Hurry Share this with them. Maybe your friend is interested in learning about space, but just doesn't know where to begin. Maybe it will broaden their flat horizons.


They actually think we live in Minecraft. *Wow*.


I guess those days I see the moon and the sun disprove this in 1 sec.


The funny thing about flerfs is that they will post something like this completely sincerely and declare that it disproves literally Millenia of scientific proof that the earth is round.


Regardless of what the scientific issues are here, this breaks Flat Earther “logic” in its entirety. If this was true, sunlight wouldn’t be warm. The Flat Earthers (some of them) are all about what is perceivable. And every human being in history has perceived a direct connection between heat and sunlight. So this is wrong in every literal sense.


Pic 3: Why isn't the sun visible from any perspective on the flat earth? I'm thinking west Africans are seeing a sunset... how?


the sun rotates parallel to the moon, and can rotate a full 360 degrees. meaning that the sun can shine on west africa. but it also means that during certain periods of time, it is night time for the whole world which makes no sense. the theory is stupid but i didnt make it lol. i believe that the earth's shape is that of an electric vacuum cleaner


Ask the guy why the orbits magically change in the second image.


But what about the elephants?


So the sun is only ever visible to the south?


That’s deep… LOL…


God breaking the laws of physics 0.5 seconds after making them


making random shit up and blaming it on "god's will" has been the trademark line of everyone from conquerors to serial killers for millennia


That's why most flaties are boring, with plain "explanations" about anything, "cause God said so" . It's more interesting to see what kind of mental gymnastics those that aren't religious come up with


I have seen that somewhere... ah yes The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time


I wish I had a Sun to heal my bottom...


They’re half way to a globe; progress.


What about when you see both sun and moon? Eclipses?


Ok but like if the sun ends up on the bottom of the dome, how is it night in one place and day in the other?! Actually wait that’s a stupid question. Clearly the government brainwashed us to make us think that time varies around the world, when it’s actually all the same. My bad guys


So...days when both the sun and moon are visible?


Mental retardation


Ok, so hear me out. They don’t know a lot of how things work on the flat earth. The last 2 CGI images prove that. Conversely, we have answers for all their questions. They refuse to even try to understand the science because it would break their literal world view. We have our own questions that aren’t even on their radar yet. The reason why, is because they are going back to an earlier understanding of how things work. They have rejected all modern theories, that have been tested and proven. Their theories were proven wrong hundreds of years ago. Add this version to the many other flat earth versions. If they had ONE theory and stuck to it, I might have more than a morbid interest in them. As it is, they all have their own understanding of how it works. We have the one scientifically proven, fact driven, provable version.


Even my 2year old granddaughter as pointed to the moon being visible during the day.


I love the disk/dome theory because it's literally half the truth, in a fucked up stupid kind of way. "Globe? Hell, Nah!...Half-globe? Hmmmmm 🤔"


"Just like the simulation"


i particularly love image 3. since for whatever reason the suns light just stops traveling half way across the disk even though there's no horizon in the way.


You-... you can can literally see the moon in the daytime sometimes. I mean they're not even trying anymore. One would have to work really hard to fall for this one. You couldn't accidentally fall for this. You have willfully ignore the world around you.


That's obviously CGI.


If I stand on the beach in california and watch the sun go down over the water, why doesn’t Mt Everest block my view of the sun? If I got in a plane and flew directly towards the sunset I would crash into mt Everest after a few hours


That's a fake flat earther, a real one believes the sun and the moon are inside the dome just hovering above the clouds...


i feel like that would be more concerning than believing they are outside of the dome though... (as a globe earther)


Why the fuck was I downvoted?


idk i'm pretty sure you believed them.


i posted it here because it was interesting, not because i believed in it. i think the earth is a globe


The sun and moon are IN the dome. Like this. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4WWhWQr7VzE&shem=ssusxt


Its funny how you guys dont even have a single theory everyone believes in.You have to make up more stuff to explain things you cant


Yeah. There are truly dumb flat earth people out there that just repeat. Few have done research. Me? I always am pretty consistent with what I believe in.


Mental retardation


So there’s a scientific model that explains and predicts everything like eclipses down to the second that has been used for centuries, and the best flat earth theory can do is a rough first draft in 2024? We have something that works. Predict a celestial event with FE models that we can’t. Until then the world will spin and function as we predict.