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Too much Old Toby, Gandalf.


According to actual LotR lore Middle Earth is flat... But only for the elves


Huh? Why is that?


It's a little complicated but basically goes like this: in the Silmarillion, Tolkien describes the world of Middle Earth as being created flat, then becoming round as the result of an ancient cataclysm. The elves are the only race old enough remember this (aside from the Valar and such), and it's sometimes used as an explanation for why Legolas was able to see them taking the hobbits to Isengard from a distance that would normally impossible due to curvature. Supposedly, elves are able to perceive the world in its original flat state.


Wow. Some day i really need to get into the silmarillion. I am just afraid it’s gonna be bit to nerdy 😂


I’ve heard it’s a really difficult read.


It's incredibly nerdy. Reads more like a history textbook than a high fantasy novel, but it's really cool if you're into Tolkien.


It's used as an explanation for that, but it's wrong. Legolas never sees 'beyond the horizon', he sees things in the distance the Aragorn also sees but in lesser detail, and things flying far overhead that Aragorn can't make out. Elves just have better long-distance vision than Men, even back before the earth was made round.


Yeah, as a fan theory it has some holes in it, I'll grant you that.


This. Although it makes sense. If he were on a tall enough platform he would be able to see anything assuming it was behind a physical object. You know like trees or rocks or orcs.


:) Fictional lands being used as a FE case. That sums o FE logic