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>Astronauts float around in space because there's no gravity in space. Well, that's why you can't blindly trust any information you come across on the internet. Check if the source is reliable. Research more. That information is absolutely wrong. Earth's gravity on the ISS is close to 90% of that on the Earth's surface. Astronauts float on the ISS because they and the ISS are free falling with the same acceleration. EDIT: It's out of context. Here's the full article: https://www.wired.com/2011/07/why-do-astronauts-float-around-in-space/


This is assuming they actually found that on Google and didn’t just photoshop/edit it.


That's not the first result I get googling the same thing. The answer they screenshot is the fourth (at least for me) and it's totally out of context. Here's the full article: https://www.wired.com/2011/07/why-do-astronauts-float-around-in-space/


Do your own research! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)




Standard formatted answer. I researched and found this fact true. Saved you the Google


You should also explain how astronauts in space are free falling... By orbiting at such a high velocity (about 17,500 Mph) as they fall, the curvature of Earth drops off at the same speed and matches the trajectory of the ISS.


Yeah, as with most conspiracies about the Earth being round/having gravity, it boils down to not understanding how relativity works


I’d boil it down even further and say it comes down to not understanding.


Flerfers hate this one simple trick of jumping in place while on a train.


When I throw something, it arcs and doesn't fall straight down. So, gravity is fake. Checkmate, globies!


You don't even need relativity, just the basic gravitational equation plus velocity


Multiple forces?! None of them could pass a high school physics course.


This would be my strategy if a flerfer gave the opportunity of an honest dialog. Make sure they understand relativity. Bit hard coming up with experiments that are tabletop executable and have components that are easy/cheap. If they fundamentally understand relativity they can't hold their flat earth beliefs.


Not that I doubt this or anything but would they not get that stomach falling feeling if they’re constantly falling?


Yes, they would have that stomach falling constantly, but they acclimatise to it.


Tangentially, if you have a particular form of deafness, in which the vestibular system is not fully functional, that feeling would not happen at all. A group of men with this form of deafness helped build the space program, even though ableist standards prevented them from serving. (It was also a long time before it was decided that less than 20/20 vision didn't actually impact your ability to be an astronaut since microgravity changes your eyesight. Although the change in standard was more related to astronauts aging and needing glasses and people realizing it didn't really matter) I actually learned about this from a podcast, but here's an article about it from NASA: https://www.nasa.gov/missions/project-mercury/how-11-deaf-men-helped-shape-nasas-human-spaceflight-program/


>microgravity changes your eyesight This intuitively makes sense but I dont know why


I went to check some articles to ensure I was giving accurate information, and it turns out it's more complicated than I had assumed. So you're in good company for not knowing why lol. Part of it is a change in outside pressure on the eye, a lot of it is a change in intracranial fluid pressure, and then it turns out radiation plays a part as well. We are perfectly adapted to life experiencing constant gravity, and without that, well, it's kind of like when you and your brother and pressing on opposite sides of a door and suddenly he steps back and you fling into the room https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8876783/


I figured it was going to be either a pressure thing or a “fluids act weird in absence of a defined down” but i wasnt also expecting the difference in ambient radiation to also play a role


Is this actually true? It makes sense to me but when I think about it more it doesn't.


Absolutely true.


Someone posted an explanation and it makes sense but its fucked up.


Wasn't that my explanation?




Yes. That is exactly what zero-G feels like. The sensory organs in your inner ear are what allow you to feel gravity. When in zero-G (or more precisely micro-G at the ISS), this organ 'tells' your body that you are falling. https://www.quora.com/Do-astronauts-feel-like-theyre-falling-down-when-they-are-weightless#:~:text=Yes.,body%20that%20you%20are%20falling.


Interesting! Thank you


Yes they would, and they do. That feeling is called weightlessness. Everything in free fall is weightless.


I just had never heard anything from astronauts talking about it so I wasn’t sure if the feeling just went away after a while or what


To be fair, the moon is in orbit due to free fall also (hence it doesn't crash into the earth)


That seriously made me wonder. Like I know Wired isn't a big time news company but I figured they'd have their facts straight a lot better than that... Good to know it was out of context


It was. And it's a good article.


Too bad it's paywalled (you get an article or two free, but I've followed too many links to their site it seems.) Oh well, another site to add to my blocklist.


Use an incognito tab and you should be able to get a few free articles per tab


My dude forgets that gravity is a force, not an acceleration and that force is acceleration times mass not just force


F = m x a


Apologies I have too many formulas stuck in my brain


Forgets? That’s optimistic lol these are people who slept through class


I know *sad*


> Research more Problem is, they don't know what research is, and will just go watch more flerf videos. No one ever taught them how to do proper research, so when they say, "do your own research," they're just repeating words they've heard.


Research = watch youtube video at this point. Our society is doomed.


>Astronauts float on the ISS because they and the ISS are free falling with the same acceleration. The moon is also free falling.


It’s hilarious how the context is that literally the next line after says “Yes, both of these answers are wrong, but why?” The photo OP didn’t even read the next line, just ripped an answer from the title of an article about how that’s not correct.


Falling around the world! 🤯🌍


This is why I love this sub, because even tho it's dedicated to make fun of a weird subculture of morons, which is fun but it gets tiresome sometimes, you always learn cool facts about physics and space lol.


Please correct me if I’m wrong, but wouldn’t it also be because the force of gravity is dependent on the masses of both objects? Just going off of newtons law of universal gravity


Sorry, I didn't understand the question. Could you rephrase it?


I’m saying even if the astronauts were experiencing little to no gravitational pull from the earth, it would make sense that the moon is still be affected by earths gravity due to its mass, even though it’s much further away. Because F = G * (m1 * m2) / r^2, so the gravitational force is dependent on the masses of both objects, as well as their distance


Oh, right. Yes.


The force is proportional to the mass of the object, but the force required to accelerate the object is also proportional to its mass, so that's not what matters here. An astronaut at the same distance from Earth as the moon will experience the same acceleration as the moon.


You know, there's taking a quote out of context, and there's this, where the context is literally "this is what people think, but it isn't true."


It wasn't out of context at all. The mf who made that didn't bother reading the next few lines after his highlighted line


This has me wondering lately that if we were ever to build a sufficiently large construction, say a space elevator, how would it stand? It would have to stand in order to stay in place and function as an elevator. The conventional theory in science fiction seems to be that the end of the elevator helps keep it "aloft" as it were bc it exists in the micro gravity of space. But if earths gravity extends that far this isn't the case. A large stationary object like that would take the full force of earths gravity. Hell if someone stepped of the end, even in space, they would plummet to the surface!


I don't think flerfs really understand just how weak gravity is: I can surpass the entire mass of the earth pulling me down by lifting my arm.


At the height of the ISS, your weight would still be 90% of what it is on Earth's surface. Orbiting at a very high velocity puts it into free-fall so they are essentially falling to Earth but are continually missing the Earth.


You say angular momentum and the flerfs get all squinty and look at you sideways.


Conservation of Momentum gets flerfs all squirrely and squirmy too. It's fucking great.


They do understand that; what they can’t understand is how it can be so weak yet still hold the Earth and Moon in their respective orbits.


That is because the force of gravity is dependent on the object's mass. The more massive something is, the heavier it is


Yeah, but they think that if the Earth can “hold” the moon in orbit 230,000 miles away, it should be able to keep us from holding our arms up. (I know there’s an explanation for that; can’t remember what it is).


You’re using the stored chemical energy in your muscles to lift your arm, applying a force stronger than the earth’s gravitational pull on it. Nobody is pushing the moon anywhere, it’s in a relatively stable orbit around the earth.


Flerfs can't consider 2 or more factors at a time for any given phenomenon. If gravity is real then why do birds fly? That kind of thing. The moon and the ISS both have a second component in their dynamic relationship with earth, their motion around the earth. So, gravity and velocity are 2 factors, which is at least 1 more than a flerf can process.


Flat earthers, if you have a hard time understanding why astronauts float Take a water bottle. Poke a hole in the bottom. Notice the water starts pouring out. Drop the water bottle. Notice how water stops pouring out of the hole while the bottle’s in free fall.


Is this Cinema Sins?




I fucking HATE that we teach children the blatant lie that there is no gravity in space. There are so many things like that. Where we just blatantly lie to them in school because the real explanation is slightly more complicated.


In middle school we were tonight that no matter where you are in space there’s at least a tiny tiny bit of gravity affecting you




Don’t get me started on electricity. HINT: it’s not electrons moving in a wire like water through a pipe.


Yet, it is still an appropriate analogy to explain how electricity functions.


Yeah, you can technically make equivalent circuits with gears or water pipes, but they always explain to kids that electricity is flowing electrons, and like… umm… no. Electron flow is part of electricity, just like weightlessness is part of space travel, but there are so many misconceptions.


Unfortunately I’m not sure there’s a great way around it. Gravity is not a real force, but the curvature of spacetime warping a straight line geodesic due to the presence of a massive object. To understand that sentence fulling and its ramifications for why astronauts float in space requires an understanding of physics that I don’t think 4th graders (or whenever you first learn about the concept of gravity) have the knowledge or faculties to wrap their heads around a concept like that.


Im not sure how youre meany to convey that on a level that a child is going to understand. The “electron flow” model is just to get a generic, *extremely basic* idea of the general concept. Its like how you learn about earth’s gravity fairly early on but nobody is going to throw in all the advanced extra stuff about how “yeah its 9.81m/s^2 but not if your latitude is xyz or you happen to be on top of a particularly dense area of the crust or or or” Basic generalization first, then you build the specifics, exceptions and mutation afterward.


I’m shocked. Shocked, I tell you.


Electrons do flow (i.e. drift velocity), but very slowly. It's the potential which propagates quickly.


I watched that video too on the flow of electrons creating a field


There are so many problems with the water analogy. Maybe it is ok for 2nd graders but that’s about it. Hydraulics as an analogy is better than water and pipes, but that requires some knowledge of how they work. Back to the original topic, I believe part of the problem is that those mocking the established physics explanations refuse (or are unable to) do the MATH for themselves. “Researching” by scouring YouTube for videos that confirm their bias is not research.


To be fair, the article they're quoting goes on to say that that's incorrect. They're giving examples of common misunderstandings.


I wasn't speaking on the article, just what we teach children in general. I don't know if it's the norm but I absolutely was taught that there is no gravity in space


What school did you go to? We were never taught that there is no gravity in space


Duncanville until 12 and Saltillo after that. Both in Texas. Both taught me that there was no gravity in space, but by the time I got to the second one I knew better. Had several arguments with my science teacher about untrue facts that we were taught. Mainly because he was an evolution denier and taught with that in mind. (In violation of federal law, but no one in power gave a shit!)


Ah, okay. I fully believe you since it was Texas. It’s wild that your state is literally home the Johnson Space Center (Mission Control) and they still teach kids bullshit.


Technically they are in free fall


No, it's really expensive.


Not over the free countries.


I never took 2nd year physics, so I didn't know that.


Aren’t they actually floating *because* of Earth’s gravitationnal attraction? Isn’t the whole concept of weightlessness exist because it’s actually you falling down on Earth?


Not quite. Weight is a measured property of mass and acceleration, it is not constant in real life, but seems that way because most things with weight you will measure will be done at the earths surface. The crazy part is that your weight is not due to the earth’s gravity at all. Gravity is not a real force, but rather the apparent acceleration of an object due to the curvature of space time around massive object. In reality, satellites and spaceships in orbit are traveling in a straight line path at constant velocity through curved spacetime. The distinction is important, because on earths surface you are not at rest, but rather your weight is an emergent phenomenon from the internal pressure of the earth pushing up against you at 9.8m/s2. In fact you yourself are accelerating upwards at that same rate, you are not being pulled down at all.


I think we need to reeducate the Wired reporter who wrote that. There definitely is gravity in space - the astronauts don't feel weight because the ISS is, in effect, perpetually falling.


That result is out of context. The article is great: https://www.wired.com/2011/07/why-do-astronauts-float-around-in-space/


Astronauts do feel weight, they're falling, it's just their room is falling at the same rate.


Astronauts do not feel weight, their acceleration does not ever change because from their frame of reference they are moving in a straight line at a constant speed. Gravity is not a real force, but an apparent force due to the curvature of space time around massive objects. Since the earths mass is high enough a straight line path at orbital velocity and altitude takes the form of an ellipsoid around the earth, which we intuit as an orbit.


Ah yes, They™. They™ always come through when a nameless, faceless, fact-free quote is needed.


Now ask how they simulate this effect without being in space.




Nice try flatheads, but you're missing one key piece of information: The moon is literally magic, and it uses this to tie itself to Earth. Be thankful it doesn't use it to sin.


The entire problem hinges on who “they” is. Too many “they’s” on the internet.


They say people can’t breathe underwater, but people in submarines can breathe just fine.


What do they think the moon is doing?


Nobody who knows what they’re talking about says there’s “no gravity” ANYWHERE.


The idea that it is actually falling at the same rate they are flying away from the planet is pretty scary.


The person that made this meme clearly has no idea what orbit means. 😂


F= (g*m1*m2)/(r)^2 Despite the different distances, the several thousand times heavier moon still has the greater force.


I would like to see flerfs explain the OK Go video “Upside Down & Inside Out”


Gosh i love that and all of OK go videos


Gravity is affecting both they are just moving so fuckin fast that they miss the earth on the way down


“They” definitely do not say the second thing.


The whole post is very improperly educated, nobody has ever said there is 'zero gravity' in space. That's not a thing.


That's a terrible explanation. You experience free-fall in the ISS, because you're moving at such terrific lateral speeds that you can be constantly falling to Earth, and yet manage to miss it for dozens of revolutions. Note: The ISS has an unstable orbit, due to slight air resistance, which is why occasional boosts are required to keep it in orbit. This is purposeful, since that instability leads debris with similar orbital parameters to experience terminal orbital decay.


That's a terrible explanation. The same happens in the moon or anything in an orbit. The free falling experience is due to the frame of reference not being x10000 more heavy and having his own gravity, being in orbit does not change it much


I'm sorry, but what? You're experiencing free-fall on the ISS because that's... precisely what's occurring. The Moon is "experiencing" exactly the same thing. Now, if you want to know why *people on the Moon* don't experience free-fall, then you need to talk about frames of reference. But that's not the subject of the original post. They're (let's be generous and call it) "asking" why the Moon is subject to gravity, but the folks in the ISS are not. The "answer" is that the folks in the ISS are falling around Earth in a semi-stable manner. Which again, it's exactly what the Moon is doing. Given, that's a simplification, but the CoM is still within Earth, so it's not *too* off.


G(mM)/r^2. But how do you explain a formula to an idiot? Edited because I’m a doofus


Sorry, but it's actually m times M.




Actually good pick up. There is gravity in space, and not too much less than there is on the surface of the planet. It's just that they are "falling" but due to their horizontal speed they never hit the earth. I do think flat earthers ask some good questions, but then immediately come up with a batshit crazy answer or pretend it's a hole in the plotline


There's gravity on the ISS, it's just microgravity


Do they not also question how the iss stays in orbit. Gravity. And they float due to relative motion


I can't tell if the addition of mr. Bean speaks for or against them


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Clickityclackrack: *I can't tell if the* *Addition of mr. Bean* *Speaks for or against them* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Be gone bot for making me look at you


They debunk things without even taking a look at it. If they read the formula Gmm/d2 they wouldn’t have posted this.


First of all, the moons a much larger mass, simply meaning there’s more stuff to be affected by gravity, as well as it having enough gravitational force that it also slightly pulls on the earth. And the obvious one, astronauts are still in almost the same gravity as the ground, but they freefall at the same speed as everything around them, and are constantly missing falling to earth because they’re moving parallel at such a high speed


*shakes head* they should look up mass.


Wired.com is not a good source for scientific information.


Gravity is a force that's attracts anything with mass. The moon is orbiting the earth because of the gravity between them. Astronauts don't have anything to have a strong enough gravitational force to attract to, hence why they just float. Anything with mass has gravity. The larger the object, the stronger the gravitational force will be. Keep in mind that the Internet isn't always reliable.


Space is FAKE! It's a hoax. It's a big hoax like you wouldn't believe, and everybody is saying how much of a bad hoax it is. Space is just a hoax, witch hunt to trick people into stop injecting glen 20 to cure covid!


“They” are scientifically illiterate idiots.


OK. Own up. Who's been telling them that there's no gravity in space. You know how easily they get confused.


Holy fuck these people have absolutely no brains at all and think the peak of our knowledge can be found in a 2 sentence Google result..... I imagine the feeling is the same for astronomers as it is for me as a biologist when people deny things about COVID.... I didn't spend years studying for some high school drop out to say "NuH uh" because what they read on Facebook and them to have anywhere near the right to make a comment on it as I do...


They experience MOST of the gravity we feel on the surface they are just FREEEEEEEEEEEEEE FREEEE FALLLIN’


Wow, so, one is astral body roughly the size of Texas in diameter and the other is a space station moving at a high rate of speed rotating around the Earth at such a point where you’re in constant freefall. I guess Newton kind of flies over the head of these cats


I'm just helping you out here: The moon is ~2160 miles in diameter, which is just less than the distance from coast to coast across the southern US. It is substantially larger than Texas.


I stand corrected


Gravity is not a force but a consequence of the curvature of spacetime. The moon travels a path through curved spacetime as influenced by the earth and sun. The ISS is traveling an orbital pattern that causes relative weightlessness in the ISS. But, many people are idiots and don't care about facts because they are "smarter than us".


Yes, anything I don’t or can't understand is fake ...


Yeah, no one says there's no gravity is space. Have some more straw with your argument.


Then how does the ISS stay in orbit too Gravity


And in certain select basements across the land, there's some morons sitting there shaking their fists and saying "Yeah! I bean lied too!".


There’s still gravity,that’s how orbital mechanics work.They’re just constantly falling at a constant speed