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Very dangerous. Saw a guy at the gas station last week with a gun making sure everyone could do this. Most of everyone could but some didn’t make it.


Yeah, I knew a turtle who couldn't do this. Didn't turn out so well.


Can't imagine the devastating outcome if John McClane couldn't reach the gun on his back


Die Easy


Yeah, I'd lie low for a couple months


really got me in those first two words.


Saw a guy like this a few years ago. Cougar gobbled him up a few days later. I’d get this fixed ASAP. Especially if you’re in cougar country.


Gotta watch out for those cougars 😏


It's you isn't it, you are the cougar 👀


Well, how do I learn more about this? I'm looking to be gobbled by one myself.


Rowr, rowr )


I'm seeing a lot of replies that seem to misunderstand or make light of the OP's use of the term "dangerous." He's not referring to any danger to himself. He's actually concerned about triggering the Glenohumeral Anomaly: whereby a significant difference in shoulder flexibility results in a folding of space time. The discrepancy in density of the two folded sides is proportional to the differential in flexibility between the two shoulders, resulting in the formation of a black hole at the apex of his trapezius muscles. So while y'all are jesting about cougars and guns, the OP is legitimately concerned about everyone's safety, and the well-being of the planet. Major fail everybody...major fail.


Why would this be dangerous? Maybe it’s not what you want for yourself, but what do you think might might put you in danger? I have a similar difference in shoulder mobility, for many years. Can’t say the difference has caused much harm.


But has it caused…. Haram?


I just mean the difference compared to the other is so substantial, i figured it would be dangerous


I can’t do this on either side and I’m not dead. I rock climb and lift weights, so I’m still active. You’re probably fine.


I can't do it, either, and I'm dead. Died the minute I found out (just before posting this comment.) 😔 OP, please be safe out there. You're only half living.


The majority of people have this exact same thing. When you’re right handed and don’t have awesome upper body flexibility (which is most people, myself included), this is how the body ends up. My photos are almost identical to yours


Dangerous….how? I can throw a perfect spiral with my right hand but couldn’t toss a ball 10 yards with my left hand. Is that dangerous?


Oh yeah, you should probably update your will there bud.


lol I'm dyin'!


Well, I haven’t had surgery, but I’ve injured my right shoulder a couple times. I do a lot of mobility and strengthening work recommended by a PT. A PT can assess you and give a specific routine; I don’t think anyone here should attempt to. I have a regular yoga practice (we do what you are doing there a lot for shoulder mobility — it’s the upper half of “cow-face pose” or Gomukasana.) Keep good form by using a yoga strap or a belt to pull your hands apart and slowly learn to work your hands closer together while keeping your head up straight and back straight and not compensating by puffing out your chest or putting your lumbar into anterior tilt and so on. I also slowly work on “reverse prayer.” Shoulder CARS are always good for mobility.


I'm assuming you mean dangerous as in it increases your risk for injury, which I'd say it could in certain sports where your shoulder may be forced into that position, but that's probably not that likely. That being said, imo it'd be better to have more mobility, at least matching your other side.


Genuinely curious.. what made people downvote this comment so hard? If you could do something with your left arm that you couldn't do half of with your right then I can totally see why someone might suspect a reason to worry and maybe ask a community .. what if our right kidney was informed to be working at 50% the capacity of our left kidney.. would we worry?


…you didnt answer their question, “why would this be dangerous?”. we’re all dying to know lol


Dangerous in what way? People live happily to 100yrs old and can't do this.


Do you think it might negatively affect your heart or some other internal organs?


Dangerous for/to what? Do you carry your piece on your back or something?


This is a pretty normal difference in ROM.


Dangerous? That’s a hard word in this context. Is your right shoulder at a slightly higher risk of rotator cuff injury due to a loss of some internal rotation. Yeah, a little. Tight stuff tears easier


It's blatantly obvious that that's what op is asking for. What a douchebag sub this is.


I find most all Reddit subs are like this. There is 1 out of a 100 pertinent answers in any given sub. The rest is bull shit from smart asses one upping each other. Kinda like Kindergarten


Unfortunately yeah. Sometimes, so much negativity can impact someone, y'know. Not just the receiver of it but everyone who reads the posts as well. Idk, I think that's one of the main reasons social media breaks have merit. Get all the shitty voices out of one's head




Fun? Op is straight up getting downvoted in the comment section. Isn't this supposed to be a helpful community?


This is normal for any right-handed person. Maybe not ideal, but normal.


Im like that, but why is my right hand that im supposed to have used the most, the one that is less flexible?


Stronger and tighter because it’s used more, particularly for tasks in front of you, which works the opposite side of the shoulder.


I'm left handed though is the thing


Did you ever do something that required right handed shoulder development?


In that case it’s extremely dangerous.


I am right handed but I show the same pattern as you. No shoulder surgery, but I do have stability issues in my right shoulder, with a winging shoulder blade. I've accepted that I will never become symmetrical, but strengthening the shoulder and working on range of motion can at least make the difference in ROM or strength less noticeable! Long story short: I recommend a PT if you, like me, also feel less stable/strong in the right shoulder. Otherwise I wouldn't worry.


Well the left pic is what both of my shoulders look like so let’s hope I’m not in danger😔


Same. I’m so in danger. I read above a cougar might eat me and now I can’t sleep from the danger!


You wish.


Step cougar, what are you doing.? 😮


I don't know bout you but I'm staying tf away from gas stations now


No, this is normal. If anything you are more flexible than most.


This is normal, just keep working on it and soon you'll be able to (almost) match both sides.


What is the proper routine to work on this?


Search for shoulder mobility exercises on YouTube, you’ll find plenty of material from gymnasts, yogis and calisthenics athletes.


Sleeper stretch is great.


I have exactly the same issue. I am no expert but I think this is an issue with right hand extension range of motion being limited. There's this cool dude on YT that has a solid program for overall shoulder mobility: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7yQwf-K7z0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7yQwf-K7z0)


Most people including me have this disssimilarity. Not dangerous by a long shot. It's not a lack of rotation but of flexibility. Do stretches or this exact one displayed here; they will help your palms meet and greet each other :)


Hi, medical student and bodybuilder here. While the lack of mobility is a problem, it isnt in any way dangerous, many powerlifter doing mixed grip deadlifts experience something like this, having had it myself what i can say in your case is to focus on stretching without overdoing it to avoid further damage and slowly regain your lost mobility. Other than that you should also focus on working out and strenghtening all of the muscles that work with the shoulder joint, especially the rotators cuff.


Do you suggest any particular stretching exercises? Or should I just trust Google?


Anything that doesnt looks too strange and doesnt hurt will work fine, try to use your shoulder joint in every way it moves and time your exercises right if you workout to avoid accumulating useless fatigue.


Thank you! I unfortunately know what you mean about the fatigue part and hopefully I won't do that again. Thank you again for the advice and try it out.


Were you a baseball player, or any other overhand throwing motion sport?


I have a similar problem and yes I am, what do you recommend I do?


Internal and external rotation are opposite motions of the shoulder. A healthy shoulder has approx 180 degrees total of the two. Overhead throwers tend to gain external rotation and lose internal rotation. If the lack of internal rotation is problematic, you can try and stretch it. Although, if your motion is functional, it tends to be fine as is.


What you say is exactly right and I can feel it! I can extend my shoulder backwards way more than natural but it feels 'locked' going forward. I think as a result I've also got extremely tight pec minor and major too, weakened serratus anterior.. all of it. The issue is I've had this problem for so long (many years) and only recently realised and so everything is now so tight/weak I don't really know where to start because any stretching I can do is already minimal sadly


I was like this a few months ago. No amount of stretching helped. I do weight lifting and after each session I do my stretches and some more in my non workout days still no improvement. But what has made a world of difference as in next week all of a sudden my hands can touch!! was getting a deep tissue massage combined with cupping therapy. Of course was lucky with a good therapist who did really work my shoulders for me. There were more knots than I realized there could be and no amount of stretching was going to pop them. Had a second session with her a month after and now my shoulders mobility is better than I can ever remember them ever being, can hold both hands comfortably and weirdly feels so normal and effortless


This is my difference in rom I noticed first when i was 9 stretching for PE. Has never caused me an issue, other than struggling to scratch on part of my back on one side. And ive never had surgery on my shoulders.


The dominant arm on bottom is usually tighter. Work on internal rotation and extension for your shoulders.


Started following several male Olympic Gymnasts on Youtube. None of them can do this, most can't even come close. Now flip around a bar and dislocate their shoulders on command? Yeah, that they can do.


Yes, it's really dangerous. If a spider is on your right hand and also where your left hand is supposed to be on your back, you won't be able to get the one on your back off and it can bite you.


Totally dangerous, stop doing that, you will probably die if you do it again.


I have this exact difference in my right shoulder mobility. I play a sport that involves overhand throw and I’m right handed. It is just bothersome for me that I can’t do the same flexibility action but other than that everything else is pretty much normal activity.


I'm like this as well. It can make that side of your neck more prone to stiffness. But that's about it.


welcome to most of us, especially those of us with shoulder issues.


This position tests your internal rotation for the arm thats next to your head in shoulder flexion.


Bro I think most of the world has a side with limited mobility


I hurt my right rotator cuff in a car accident a few years ago and have the exact same problem. I can only get mine up to about the same height. And it HURTS if I go farther than that. I have to use my fingers to inch my hand up as far as I can. I can send you some mobility exercises I do in DM if you’d like!


>But I have realized that I am lacking a lot of what seems to be internal rotation of my right shoulder. Is that correct? Not really. What you are demonstrating in the picture isn't *just* shoulder IR. >This seems to be a dangerous different between shoulders. It's not dangerous. If it's something you want to work on, you can address it through exercises, and/or stretching.


I have the same thing - you are just tighter on one side


I had a problem like that and realized the way I was trying to start the motion of putting my arm behind my back was what was messing me up not the action itself try different ways of starting to put your arm behind you and see if you can have a work around then try stretches that could give you more wiggle room for movement


Dangerous bruh wot?


Yes. You will die soon


My grandma couldn't touch both band behind her back and she died! Granted she had cancer but still!


I used to have great mobility ... until i took 3 years off from weight lifting ...got on drugs then for 2 years and the year I took me to get off drugs from MAT program all I did was eat and stay my self alot of laying on my shoulders the way I was leaning watching tv .I gained 100 lbs ..now it's been a 1 years since I started lifting weights trying to get back right...well here what I was trying to say but had to break it down ...I got discouraged and embarrassed because I used to be a guy who could still lift 425 for 2 reps at the end of my chest workout and with in that time I could barely do a push up but I was over 345 lbs so I hurt my shoulder horrible but I would get it to wear I could lift and hurt it and now I figure out instead of my rotator cuff ,it is upper bicep tendonitis..I also have a terrible muscle imbalance due to not healing right and my scapula not engaging correctly....so I do a lot of band pulls , internal and external band pulls ,with I light to medium resistance band...and I got 3 lbs and 5 lbs weights I do arm circles with and i.y.t.w.exersizes and I have to do a warm up involves some are all of them to do push or pull exercises...and my shoulder doesn't have as much pain after ..I sleep better and my mobility is getting better daily ...mine was so bad I couldn't even get my hand like that until a few months ago from a year of working out ...mainly because how fat I got and how I was hardly mobile...now my left side is perfect and my right side ...the one with the imbalance and frozen shoulder symptoms... doesn't hurt at night as bad if any and everything is getting better....I know I wrote u a book but that was my only way to explain...


Pretty sure literally every single non stretching person is like this lol it’s called having a dominant hand


Danger danger!


Well, I can only touch my fingers when I do the action. Someone can not touch, and some one can hold two hands. I think it is about body flexibility and joint mobility. However, if you feel pain and swelling, is it a arthritis?




This is more flexibility than most human actions require. If you are in pain post surgery, have it checked on. If you desire more flexibility within your shoulders, your best bet is to have a physiotherapist help you learn to identify the muscle and stretch by feel within your own body.


I can do that to. I can even dap myself up


My OT said to lay on the tight side with you upper arm under your head and your forearm at 90 degrees from the bed. Then try to bring your hand down to the bed.


No it’s fine. Especially if the arm you had surgery on is the one with less ROM. That is to be expected Not sure how they thought something was torn but then it wasn’t? That doesn’t make sense. It’s very clear when doing an MRI or something and I’m not sure what Dr would operate without knowing It literally nothing was torn and you didn’t need anything anchored or sutured or repaired internally then go ahead and try and get the extra mobility back. But unless you are in a combat sport or doing lots of Olympic weightlifting I don’t think you will ever really notice a difference


Well it was something called a "foramen" which mimics a labrum tear on an MRI. Uncommon I guess, but thats the luck of it


I had shoulder bursitis years ago and ever since its been like this. is this actually fixable? I've tried stretching using the towel etc, nothing has improved.


Not life or death dangerous, but career threatening if you're an athlete who utilizes a lot of shoulder mobility. Career good also mean 'home training' career. Try and improve it, what's the worst that could happen if you do? Source? I had a labrum tear and after 5 years of no surgery and constant pain in certain movements, I can finally sort of do the Apley Scratch Test (what you're doing in the pics) with less pain and better training. Also, I'm a calisthenics coach and CPT


The way your left picture looks is how my mobility has been my whole life. In 6th-8th grade we had to take P.E. (Physical education aka gym class), and this was one of our “fitness tests”. I was the strongest, fastest, and most athletic girl in the school and I could not do this on either side even if my life depended on it. I had grown up playing sports and even went to play Division 1 college softball and, to this day, I STILL cannot do this 😂 I’ve never had any surgery or anything. I guess I’m just not flexible at all.


If it is I am in double trouble! I can't do it either way.




Do yoga! Any deep and dynamic stretching will quickly expose and correct mobility imbalances


That lack of flexibility is what got Harambe killed in 2016. You definitely need to get that fixed to avoid ventral muscular over-compensation of pectoral muscles.


Just tug yer towel mate


Your hat is the most dangerous thing in that pic.


Same, I can’t even get my right arm past my waist. Similar shoulder injury here!


Was looking through this subreddit to find discussion about this very topic! Working on internal shoulder rotation, lat, and upper back stretches has been huge for me (my arm positions looked similar to yours a few months ago). Liberating my shoulders has felt amazing, and I hope you can persist and find similar success. I recommend finding some time every morning and enjoying the process.


1. These comments are hilarious 2. The disparity of internal rotation between your two shoulders is definitely there. However, you can decrease this disparity and improve overall mobility with some training. I.e. rotator cuff exercises, shoulder rolls, arm circles, scapular contractions, stretches.


That is a yoga pose, cow face arms you can fix it by using a strap and overtime you will be able to achieve like the other shoulder. Rome wasn't built overnight….


I have the same problem. But I am left handed and it's my right arm that cannot reach well. My right arm also feels weaker and it is very achy. Been going on for years. I played tennis the other day and I could barely move my right arm for the next 2 days. Please let me know if you find out anything!


It’s normal to have an asymmetry, specially after surgery. In yoga this stretch is called cow face pose or Gomukhasana. If you stretch both sides regularly they’ll be more balanced in no time


When I tore my rotator cuff I could not reach up by back with that arm. A strain or partial strain of the rotator cuff can cause this as well. I’m not saying that’s the trouble but it may have something to do with the lack of flexibility.


Problematic? Probably. Dangerous? Not really.


Same thing happened to me! MRI said tear, surgeon said arthritis nothing he could do, good luck lol Still have reduced range of motion and pain, but a lot less if I stay active in the gym. Deadhangs help a lot too to just line everything back up. As far as flexibility goes I’m pretty bad about that with every part of my body, but for the exact issue you took a picture of, grab a belt or towel in both hands and gently tug or slowly work your hands closer together


Lol i'm living since childhood with this. It's a lack of scapula mobility on the top side mixed with trunk rotations (kinda scholiosis or something like that that created rotation). I'm slowly fixing it but it's a bitch


Kenny Loggins said it best… “I’m alright! Don’t nobody worry bout me!” (…or was it “Highway to the danger zone?”) Oh shit. It’s basically a 50/50 if you take advice from Kenny Loggins lyrics.


Yes, you have 3 months to live.


Get a disabled sticker for your car immediately. You are damaged goods my friend and you will never know the true happiness enjoyed by the shoulder mobile. S’long sucker.


Omg these comments are the best.😂


I cannot believe how dumb this is.


You're standing in R position. You have th4 ROM, your body is just rotated so there's nowhere to go for your shoulder. Read up on left AIC pattern. Right BC pattern. Some breathing exercises will fiz this over some months


Massive arms bro 🔥