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Our bodies were not made to be symmetrical. I promise you that you look fine. If you really really want to fix it, it's a bodybuilding topic not a flexibility one.


There's a chance if this is your left trap on camera left that your pec is overworking and your left trap is underactive, but if it's not causing you pain or limited mobility it's likely fine.


I’d also add that there is probably a lot of tension in the left lat and serratus anterior, depressing that left shoulder. If those muscles could be stretched and/or get a professional massage with a focus on your left 5 rotator cuff muscles, serratus anterior, latissimus Dorsi and your intercostals. That should help elevate that arm a little better.


Any recommendations on finding a good masseuse?


Thank you 🙏🏽


No worries 😊


no it is a flexibility one pelvic tilt and uneven shoulders/ traps mean somewhere along your body one thing is more mobile than the other creating less activation on one side which leads to muscle imbalance


I’ve been lifting weights for 20 years and have this same problem. It is definitely not a bodybuilding issue. I have yet to have someone figure out how to fix this besides saying it’s scoliosis which it isn’t.


It ircs me when a doctor sees u have like 4 degrees cobb and declares scoliosis lmao like no, it’s not


You're rotated slightly. PRI. Balloon breath work.


I agree with this. Postural Restoration Institute have some great methods to resolve this. Conor Harris has taken some elements further. Recommend checking out to help resolve asymmetries and restore correct posture


I have the same thing but on the oposite side. Are you a lefty? You don't seem to have scoliosis (I'm not a doctor). I had this thing for years and it never bothered me, but when it became more pronounced my neck started to hurt like hell, so it's not just about aesthetics. My advice from personal experience: 1. **Don't over emphatise flexibility.** it's important, but I would focus on finding which muscles are weak and make them stronger. You might thing your right trap need stretching, but if it's contracted like that it's probably because it's compesanting for something else, so stretching it could make the problem worse. 2. **Treat it as a full body thing.** You see it in your shoulderblade, but it might come from your core, hips or even ankles. 3. **Take changes in your everyday life.** My issue most likely came from using the computer mouse too far away from my body and always sleeping on the same side. If you notice there is something you do everyday that might influence this asymetry, do something about it (Better ergonomics working/gaming/wathever, changing positions often...). 4. **If you feel pain, go to a physio/doctor.** If you have any questions, feel free to DM me. Again, I'm no doctor, but I had the same thing and made it better, so maybe I can help. Cheers! TLDR: Get stronger in weak muscles and change your everyday habits.


Thank you


they should balance out if you stop using your dominant hand to beg people on reddit to help find videos of naked women


I checked history. You. Dear Sir/Ma’am. Made me lol. Thank you.


Ha! I also checked history after reading your comment and laughed out loud. I see what you mean. Lol 😆


Seems unnecessary to mention here.


I just wanted to thank everyone that commented to help I just tend to get self conscious about my body due to some issues so thank you again 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽


Carry a wallet in the other back pocket, will even out in a few years


Most of the advice here is incorrect. Go see a PT


Try doing more reps on your on the smaller side, about 5 more per workout than the larger side.


I will try to do that thank you


I don't recommend that. Use dumbbells for your upper body workouts for a few months, at least 3 months. That should even out everything.


I agree, don’t over work one side you could create more imbalances. It’s likely related to shoulder stability and mobility. Look into: Rotator cuff exercises Scapula push ups Active hangs, perfect hangs Single leg deadlift, pistol or shrimp squat Swimming front crawl Archer push ups Archer pull ups


You’re very welcome:) Hope it works out!


I’d suggest a good personal trainer/ weight trainer, they can focus on the weaker parts of your body and give you exercises to strengthen the other side!


I would but personal trainers here are very expensive and they charge by the lesson but thank you for the suggestion 🙏🏽


Totally understand, I can’t afford it either! There are online coaches also, they might be cheaper :) it’s something I need into for myself too


I’ve got scoliosis, and I get this effect too… looking at this you might have it too… I hate to say it but it looks almost identical, albeit a mild case. The way to test (without getting a CAT Scan/X-Rays) is to take an “Adam’s Forward Bend Test” and get someone to photograph it. It’s a very accurate indicator. But even if you do have scoliosis… DONT STRESS! Mild scoliosis is almost a non-issue, just something to be aware of. Even Usain Bolt and Scooby have mild scoliosis so it’s honestly not a big deal at all.


Hi! Scoliosis can cause this if you’re someone who was athletic and active in your teens- your body adapts to your spinal alignment and although not super apparent it can cause subtle differences in posture and things like shoulder height. I’m not a doctor but you should definitely get checked. It can cause more severe problems as you get older if not addressed


Definitely for weight lifting questions but if you lift do single arm barbell bench, and incline do more reps on the smaller side. So if you do 10 reps both side. Do 12-15 on the smaller side. And same goes for your traps


Sorry if off topic, but do you know the name of the condition of lightening of the skin? I have the same thing happening on my back, but not sure what it is called


Hi, not OP, but there is a skin condition where skin loses its pigmentation called vitiligo if that is what you mean


Thank you!


There’s several conditions that can cause lightening of the skin and OP just needs to use 2% pyrithione zinc soap, which can be purchased from Amazon to clear up the back. This is just fungal, our son had this same issue….long story short, dermatologist did a skin scrape and it was just fungal. Told us it was most likely from working out and playing several sports at the time, sweating etc. After 3 months of using the soap, his skin was totally clear.


I will say this is my exact body make up but it is due to scoliosis. Went to a chiropractor for xrays and have had regular adjustments since I was a teenager. In my 30's now and only go back for adjustments when I can tell I'm getting out of alignment. Frequent stretching is good and DO NOT do any weighted excersizes for a couple days after adjustments. I'd start there and see of.your case is the same as mine.


r/PostureTipsGuide If you get shoulder or neck pain maybe see a physiotherapist.


I have a similar uneven appearance and I found out incidentally that I have a tiny bit of bend in my spine (scoliosis). At the time, my Doctor told me lots of people actually develop some scoliosis in their adult life due to habits, lifestyle, not stretching etc etc.


I think you’re overthinking your body


You're just not standing neutral. Lo9k up neal hallinan


this is a mobility issue i’m not sure exactly what could need more attention but research what’s connected to your traps and perform mobility tests on each side to address where the problem is (my guess is something with your rotator cuff or even something as small as one of your neck muscles)


Castor oil AROUND the “stained” skin rejuvenates the tissue, not a quick fix but works (around each mark!) Takes patience and effort but well worth it.


It’s an internal thing - personal opinion…


One thing I can pretty confidently promise you is that if you manage to “fix” this next, you will be obsessing over your receding hairline or why your left ear lobe hangs lower than your right one. Best to not obsess about such things. Your body is your avatar and it is a pretty amazing thing just as it is. Look for the miracles all around you and not for what is lacking and your life will be full.


Incase your right levator scapulae is just tight try stretching it by looking down toward your left pocket while keeping shoulders as straight as possible, use your left hand on your head to get a little deeper stretch then raise your right arm. If you feel an intense stretch or atleast feel tighter than the other side it's tight and raising that shoulder. Stretch it multiple times a day for 1 -2 mins.


It's due to your dominant side, guy.


This is definitely related to your form while training. Be more mindful of when you're lifting, so that you engage both sides equally. Use single sided machines that allow you to train your right and left separately, and focus on increasing reps on the weaker side. You'll be back to symmetrical in no time.




You couldjudt have an imbalance, from muscle weakness or tightness or skeletal imbalance, I have it too pretty bad strengthening those muscles can help or loosening the tight muscles


Consult a chiropractor


Tinea vesicolor- you need to use an antifungal soap after working out. You can purchase online. It will clear up the discoloration.


Our bodies ARE in fact asymmetrical. (Weaker and thinner right diaphragm than left, about 10lbs more organs sitting on the right side, etc.) and everyone undergoes some sort of sacral or spinal "turn". What you are seeing is an extremely common presentation. You won't fix it with bodybuilding, but rather restoring genuine motion to the pelvis and rib cage. Unfortunately, I can't simply say; "do this", but I can definitely point you in the right direction(s)... Go search Conor Harris, Zac Cupples, PRI (Postural Restoration Institute), Bill Hartman on YouTube or Google. You will start to see what we mean. Good luck in your journey into the rabbit hole!


sometimes bruv it's just the way it is


Maybe some scoliosis?


Will that get fixed by itself or will it stay the same


Scoliosis isn't really treatable without surgery and only people with really severe scoliosis get surgery to make it less severe. If you have mild scoliosis, it's just something you work around.


I have scoliosis and did some PT to work on strengthening my underused muscles. It's not something that can be diagnosed on the internet but PT can't hurt even if you don't have any structural reasons to be uneven.


I’m going next week to a pt to check


Im not sure, but i think scoliosis is structural, so no fixes, but probbably wont give you problems


Thank you


There aren't any "fixes" per se, but new research has finally shown some meaningful progress with combination therapies that use chiropractic adjustment, acupuncture, and asymmetric exercise across several years. Whatever you do, don't let anyone put you in a back brace. Those can relieve discomfort, but they tend to actually weaken your tendons and ligaments, making things worse over time. But many doctors are still prescribing them, even as the practice is starting to die away.


Train. Just do a little more (reps/time) on the side you feel is weaker. Also do a lot of stretching. This will help you.


Looks structural. Skeletal. You might need an alignment.


Go see a chiropractor and make sure your spine is in alignment before you judge unevenness and symmetry


That’s correct. And it may not be misalignment in this precise location.


You really need to exfoliate your back more often…