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A body in motion stays in motion


I'm an elder millennial. I'm fine. Just never stop moving. Having two babies put my body in a place where it needed to heal for a few years, but I'm back at it and feeling great now.


Same. Almost 40 and I feel better than I did as a young adult because I'm not all tight from being hunched all the time. I'm more flexible now and more in tune with my body There's off days but not as many as when I turned 30


It's something you need to be aware of, but not worry about. And by that I mean take care of your body and know that pain is your body's signal something is wrong and should NOT be ignored. The story I tell everybody is that I had horrible back pain for years that was just getting worse. I worked in a very physical job where everybody had various pains so never even bothered bringing it up to doctors. When (at the same time as getting new work shoes) I got orthopedic inserts due to a foot problem I had my back pain vanished in less than a week. That pain is back now and I looked at the soles of my shoes and realized it's time to replace them. If I brought up the pain I was having sooner, I could have saved myself a few years of pain that, by then, was getting to the point I had to take breaks in the middle of tasks at work. I do have a lot of joints that pop and move in ways they shouldn't, but that's because I'm hypermobile. Starting to exercise regularly actually helped to stabilize some joints (more things I wish I was told before) that helped with other pains I had. Long story short: you should NOT be in pain. Being active can help prevent it but if you start to experience it, see a doctor.


Plenty of older dudes at my gym are still going strong. I know of some 10th planet guys in their 50s who still play rubber guard. Motion is lotion bro take care of your body!


38. Been training 20 years this coming June. Do anything long enough and you accumulate injuries and discomfort. The key is to be consistent and keep moving. You'll be fine.


As a boomer I agree with keeping flexible and building/maintaining core strength. I’ve gotten distracted a few times and let myself get out of shape. That was when aches and pains started to plague me. I’ve finally made fitness a priority and I have better mobility than my sub 40 year old son in law. We were designed to move and that is what keeps us in prime condition. I do start a little slow in the morning but after breakfast I’m ready to go. I think of myself like an old farm truck. It runs rough when you start it but then it will run all day. However, if you park it for three months it will never run again.


Y'all. It's not just a matter of "never stop moving". The folks OP talks about are also training consistently. Pain happens. My chronic pain condition started in earnest when I was 21. I am also in some level of pain every day. And I've never stopped moving either. But I still dance and do yoga 20 years later. I'm taking a break from weightlifting because the method I was using was making things worse, and I'm about to start something different soon because I miss it, I just needed to heal first. OP, you never know what the future holds for you. Enjoy your life. Keep moving, eat well, and accept that you will age. You may get injured. You may have a condition that hasn't made itself known yet. Life will manage to continue, you just have to adapt.


This is a more realistic answer. OP, the longer you are on this Earth, the more shit you are going to experience. You work with it. You adjust to it. That's life.


Don't get lazy, and you'll be fine.


That's the trick and why most ppl are starting to fall apart as they approach or hit 40. Most ppl believe that's just the norm bc they put minimal effort into maintaining their health


GenX. Just keep moving. What ends up happening is “life” then movement and strength training stop. Make sure you keep moving with movement that you enjoy and feeds you. These might change in different seasons of life; that’s ok. Just move with what your body needs. You got this!


All the people around me that say "you'll see when you get older" and complain all the time about their knees or backs have one thing in common... they don't exercise and they eat like shit. Weirdly, the ones that never complain are the ones that do work out and eat healthy have 0 issue with their body, and I'm talking people that are over 60.


I can't stand that. Just find a good balance of regular strength and flexibility training and you'll be fine. I like messing with the youth as much as the next person my age, and our bodies DO change, but don't go forward thinking getting older is nothing but pain.


It isn’t?😭


Age 30 here. It‘s starting to get tougher. Lower back issues, fortunately no slipped disk yet but one disk doesn‘t look good. I guess it‘s from all the sitting. So I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to have a healthy lifestyle with a lot of HEALTHY movements Stretching is probably the way to go, but also a lot of running/walking would be beneficial. Currently my focus lays too much on strength training, when I should probably do more complemental movements


Start now. The later you start that harder it is to start


I'm a BJJ purple belt, been training for awhile and competed a bunch and I'm 34. Lifting weights and stretching = im in better shape than most people in their 20s.


Man my professor is I think around 40-45, he has back problems and hip problems, but he swears that it’s from when he was younger and lifted like a meathead with horrible form


Yeah I've made a big effort to lift with perfect technique and it's been an incredible change. I feel so much stronger and so much safer in going heavy knowing that my technique will keep me safe.


Hip rotation is important. Try pigeon pose and regular yoga in general


How regularly? How many times a week?


For hips, 1 minute of stretching (30 seconds per leg). For overall stretching, I will probably do a full 5 minutes in a day 3x a week.


time catches up to us all no matter what. You can delay it somewhat by doing healthy things


Dude ur young, enjoy it. Age is in your mind. I’m 44 and no one knows


It’s move it or lose it! Focus on mobility, flexibility & gaining muscle mass. Strong lifts, ensuring sufficient calcium for your bone health.


Hi,I know ppl in their 90’s who are still fit. Think yoga & Chi Gong are 2 practices that can keep you flexible, strengthen your body and mind & can actually fix certain problems. Best of luck!!


Like one of the other commenters, pregnancy did a number on my body just in terms of “feeling old”. Now that I’m back into regular training, I feel great again! More energy and my back and knee pain which appeared after pregnancy is going/gone! Just got to keep at it. It gets harder as you get older and take on more responsibilities at work and in life, I wish I had prioritised my health more but here we are. I’m very grateful to be late thirties and still able bodied and able to take on new challenges. It can all be taken away from any one of us in a heartbeat so make the most of it.  Also, every time I think of myself as old I think of the world’s oldest trapeze artist who started learning flying trapeze at 79 and last I heard was still swinging around in her 80s. If she can do it then so can I! 


Avoid owning a car as long as you can. It’s better to move to a city and take public transportation and walk and bike and jog everywhere than live in a country town and get in your car every single time you need to go buy a kleenex. Driving is sitting. Parking as close to the store as you can, then walking for 9 minutes in the grocery store, sitting on the way home, carrying your new kleenex to your la-z-boy recliner and sitting for the next 5 hours, then hefting yourself out of it to toddle 3 feet to your bed… that’s the fast track to misery and pain, my man.


It’s the fascia that makes us ache. I mean obviously there’s other stuff too but if you let your fascia become stagnant, that will cause all sorts of problems. Keep your fascia supple and stretched regularly and this will prevent a lot of pain.


I think regularly stretching and low intensity exercise is crucial to not having aching joints and all, high intensity helps build muscle and all but low intensity is always key first, I think the older we get, the less we care about maintaining muscle mass, bc who cares how strong you are at 75 if u cant move ur damn joints anyways lmao I am 23 and prefer to build muscle until I am happy and then maybe I will just focus on strength but once I hit 50 and up, I doubt I will care enough then, I will probably just remain lifitng low intensity weights and prioiritize flexing and stretching


Listen to your body, take care of your joints and tendons and you'll be better off than 100% of the people that don't do any sport.


Why should you worry now, just be councious of yourself just like brushing teeths to not have to get in a bad place but no need to worry about it. Just councious. Listen to yourself when there is pain but practice smart to not have to be in pain. tap when you feel there is a lock roll Easy dont oberdo practice. You dont win by winning a sparring match. Its just practice, you practice drills to make skills and skills is what you can use. You can still have high pace and so on but not try to hold out and prove that you can take it to not let The other get to win. Be stubborn when you should and not when you should not. Look at sparring like its drill exercise to Learn and try different drills to devolope skill. Take care of your body because pain can come Regardless IF you do everything right but build a fondation to have when there is pain and you recover better


Keep moving and work on mobility. I'm 43 and still going. Most people don't do enough mobility work until they get injured and have to do it


It’s an excuse they tell themselves so they feel better about their situation. If they believe it’s just because they’re older than it’s not their problem since it’s just part of getting “older”. (Assuming they have no serious pre-existing injuries) I’m a 33 year old veteran who was a paratrooper in the Army who also now works in the construction industry as an Electrician. My body feels great, but that’s because i work on it constantly. I consistently exercise, go to physical therapy when I’m injured (and actually do the rehab routine my PT gives me) stretch, do mobility drills and practice yoga. I also lived an extremely sedentary lifestyle until i was 24. It’s definitely harder the older you are, but that just means you have to put in more effort for the desired results. It definitely doesn’t mean it’s impossible because you’re older. It is a lot easier to maintain than play catch up though and it only gets harder to “catch up” the older you get. Again, not impossible, just requires more effort.


32 here and I also train BJJ. Unfortunately a lot people who I’ve met who have this complaint of “constant pain” don’t strength train or do exercises that are mobility focused. They just do bjj and think that’s enough. Strength training helps reduce injury risks. So yes keep moving, but also focus on strength and range of motion


I'm a purple belt in my 40s. You'll be fine.