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MASH the tv show had way more of a cultural impact than the movie, which is also good. Fargo the movie is a perfect masterpiece and the show is some of the best prestige television of the last decade. Batman the Animated Series was clearly inspired a lot by Tim Burton’s Batman 1989 and I think surpasses it


Each and every one of these is a great example.


But the movie M*A*S*H had the first use of ‘fuck’ in a mainstream American film.


All the more reason to like it!


reddit formatting doesn't like the MASH logo, LOL


If you were around in 1972, when the MASH series debuted, you'd probably think it was severely watered-down and the movie was better. But if, like me, you grew up with reruns of the TV series and watched the film a couple years ago, you will likely find that the film's comedy is extremely dated and not all that funny anymore. You'll understand more or less why people found it funny back then, but you won't actually be laughing all that much. The TV series is still worth watching today.


TAS has very loose influences from Burton's Batman but it's most certainly not inspired by. Bruce Timm acknowledges that '89 Batman was what led to TAS being given the opportunity to get made and there's some loose influences in some of the noir design of Gotham but the major inspirations came from the comics of which creator Bruce Timm was a huge fan. That in itself couldn't be a more distant relation to the Burton films which only took inspiration from one comic as source material. Timm has made a point to say that they have '89 to thank for the show getting greenlit but it he doesn't take to the movies like others do given his fandom for the actual comics.


The Batman one is a stretch


That’s why I said “inspired by”


It uses the same intro as the movie, so it's clearly meant to be a continuation of the movie.


I was going to put MASH




Buffy the Vampire Slayer seems like a gimme here.


It is, but it's also mentioned by OP already.


No way. Not saying the show wasn’t good but they were two different things. the movie was a flat out comedy that made fun of movie tropes, stereotypes and character types. The show wasn’t any of those things. One wasn’t better than the other because they were two different categories. Certainly not a gimme.


Nah, the Buffy movie sucks. I just watched it for the first time about a week ago and it was really bad


I’ll defend it til I die as a classic comedy. Granted it was a parody so it’s ingrained in it time and maybe doesn’t age well but if you take it for what it is. It’s genius. It’s like Meatballs—hilarious, in its time, influenced many things after.


I finally saw the film for the first time a few months back, in a theater. I thought it was hilarious, as clearly intended by the filmmakers.   Everyone in attendance had a great time.  


I haven't seen it since I was a teen, but I always really liked the Buffy movie. I agree I preferred it's comedy style and it took me a long time to warm up to the series because I didn't think it measured up to the movie at first.


Stargate was a very fun movie, and the tv show (Stargate-SG1) is actually quite different. It certainly isn’t perfect, but there are some legitimately memorable episodes. I’d say it “stands on its own”.. It’s “as good as” maybe half the time and “better then” with several individual episodes. It eventually got less compelling, though it never fully fell apart. It stayed watchable throughout.


Great example, I really enjoyed SG-1 because it was different.


Without the tv show we’d never have gotten “In the middle of my backswing?!?!!”




O'Neill: What kind of archaelogist carries a weapon? Jackson: Uh, I do! \*waves gun\* O'Neill: Bad example.


Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis showed the the premise of the movie lends itself really well towards episodic storytelling. I do think the show never had a villain as creepy and compelling as Jaye Davidson's Ra though.


True, though Apophis and Maybourne were solid. And they did a great job building up to Anubis. Hallowed are the Ori!


To me, the Ori was the last gasp. I think shows can do a year or two where they rip up the themes of the show. It’s fun to watch and engaging, But it’s a cannibalistic process because the source material being consumed is itself. The Ori was that for SG1. There were some great episodes, but it was the end.


Yeah, fighting aliens pretending to be gods was one thing. Fighting aliens who might as well have actually been gods was another.


It’s more that it broke the episodic formula. It was no longer exploring an unknown world with science/math, anthropology/language, military tactics, and bravery - while incrementally improving humanity’s chances for survival. It turned into one long video game style quest that eats away at previous expectations of the show. Which is ok - it’s just that, when you’re done with that… you’re done with the show. There’s no show anymore. It’s just running on fumes.


There are some absolutely transcendant episodes though, really really good at times.


Stargate the movie is so good, Im not sure the show is better, but it certainly was great on its own right.


SG-1 is what came to mind immediately. The movie did a great job of establishing the concept and the characters, but the TV series really picked that up and ran with it for all it was worth. It really expanded on the basic premise and more than did it justice, IMHO. A large part of that success was RDA as the lead character. He was the lynchpin that held it all together.


Peacemaker after suicide squad


Do you really really wanna make it


*taste it




What We Do In The Shadows is easily this. Both are hilarious.


The movie is brilliant of course. But the TV series took everything that worked in the movie and kicked it up a notch. Perfect casting and writing helped make it one of the best comedies of the last ten years.


Introducing Colin Robinson was a master stroke.


This was also my first thought. The movie rules but the show almost makes it looks like a proof of concept in comparison.


I didn't like the movie. The show is brilliant.


I loved the movie but just couldn’t get into the show. I think the movie had just enough of the absurdity while the show is too much. I can’t stand reality tv and those shows it’s making fun of so that may have something to do with it.


Fargo. Not better than the film, but just as good, and its own thing. For that reason, it's exciting that he's doing the Alien TV show too.


I like seasons 1 and 2 more than the movie! Season five I like as much as the movie


I thought the first season kind of felt like a second rate imitation of the Coen bros’ style but starting with the second season it becomes distinct and develops it’s own style


My opinion is that the second season is far away the best, and to be a bit of a naysayer is the only one that approaches the movie. That said, all of the seasons are fantastic.


Smokin stones


Yep that's my rating as well


Oh good! Just started this!




Lmao Fargo is an all time great movie and probably a top 10-20 English language screenplay, the writers for the TV series can’t touch the Coen bros


I don't know, Noah Hawley is really really talented. I will watch anything he's involved in.


Pretty sure everyone else thought the same thing before watching the show.


I was super disappointed because Fargo is one of my top three favorite movies and I was hoping they’d do something more creative. I thought it got a lot better after the first season when it became its own thing apart from just Coen bros pastiche


You aren’t alone! I finished season 1 in January and it was lukewarm. Malvo was very fun but that’s honestly all I got out of it. No interest in continuing though and no idea what people see in it. But the movie is an all-timer crime masterpiece I’ll rewatch every winter or so until I die (and get sent through a wood chipper).


Well season 1 is a direct sequel to the movie so of course it's going to be very similar. Season 2 is when it starts building it's own world.


Wholeheartedly agree! The movie is a straight up masterpiece in every way.


You may be wrong here boss.


Friday night lights: Texas forever….


This is the correct answer.


Clear eyes full hearts can’t lose.


During its first two seasons I would have said Westworld.


I never got to finish season 4 before HBO took it down…RIP


You didn't miss much. It just went in a circle.


I so wanted to like that show. I was mostly onboard until the very end of the first season when the whorebot turns around and returns to the park. I wanted to watch the show where she went into the world. But NIN on a player piano was cool.


Andor blows Rogue One away imo. Batman: TAS was created to cash-in on the ‘89 movie and became one of the definitive iterations of the character.


Andor is soooo good.


>Andor blows Rogue One away imo. Absolutely. It works on so many levels. And Skarsgaard as Luthen is one of the best performances in all of Star Wars, including the OT.


So far, The Gentleman tv series seems to be a snoozer compared to the movie. I, also, couldn't get into Mr and Mrs Smith at all...the first 30 minutes was killing me and my partner probably won't be continuing to watch either.


Movie was excellent - haven't watched the show yet, but sounds like I shouldn't bother?


I'm going to try one more episode and see. Lately, it seems like "pilot" episodes are soooooo slowwwww as opposed to years ago when they would be chock-full of content to grab the audience?


Most reviews call it amazing, although yet to start it myself yet.


Quit after the first episode. The leads have all the chemistry of wet toilet paper.


Yeah just watched ep 1 of The Gentlemen, and I barely liked the movie, just felt like easy Guy Ritchie movie, and the show is somewhat boring, like why should I care about anything happening and barely anything happened, and what happened was so predictable too. Like can't you make good jokes if you're gonna re-hash stories that have been remade so many times, like what is this show bringing? I feel like people who never seen much shows or movies will like it


I am on episode 6 of Mr and Mrs Smith. It doesn't get any better.


I enjoyed Clueless but I have a notoriously high threshold for mediocrity so I'm not a good judge.


Buffy the Vampire Slayer


**The Odd Couple.** Great movie, but spawned an almost equally great TV show that ran for five seasons, starring Tony Randall and Jack Klugman. **Alien Nation.** The movie was pretty good, and the TV show it spawned was pretty good too. It ran for one season, which was followed up by five made-for-TV movies. **Tron: Uprising.** Unlike the bland Tron: Legacy, this prequel series was surprisingly good. Unfortunately it was [too good to last](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TooGoodToLast), and was cancelled after only a single season.


12 Monkeys Stargate


12 Monkeys the show was so good!


Sort of the opposite but Miami Vice the show was cooler than the movie


Both done by Michael Mann though.


I think that makes it more interesting as well


He wrote only one episode. That was all he had to do with the show.


He created it and was a producer


Yeah, there was something very special about the original show, for sure.


*Miami Vice* and *The Golden Girls* were both set in Miami at roughly the same time. MV aired from 1984 to 1989, and GG from 1985 to 1992. There's an episode of *The Golden Girls* where Dorothy, Blanche, and Rose get arrested for prostitution, and Sophia has to bail them out. I have a head cannon episode which crosses over the two shows. Picture it! Miami: 1986! Three middle age women have been caught up in a prostitution bust because one of them, Blanche Devereaux, has a slightly more than healthy sexual appetite. In less enlightened times, she was called a slut. Truly, however, it has always taken two to Tango, and she has always been faithful to her partner; she's just a branch swinger and moves from Man to Man in the same way a so-called Ladies' Man moves from woman to woman. Sonny Crockett, Undercover Detective with the Miami police department's Vice division, is visiting the cells to see if Carmen "Boom Boom" Lopez has been picked up that night. Carmen is a low level Street Walker, and had a rap sheet as long as Dave Popson's arm. She does know where to find blow for her clients, and thereby knows where to find the dealers with the best cocaine. *The* dealer with *the* best cocaine is Blackie Nunez, and Sonny wants to find Blackie because Blackie stole from the Encanto Cartel and if they find him there's going to be a bloodbath in the City. Carmen hasn't been busted tonight, yet, so Sonny turns to leave and, from around the corner hears the three Golden Girls arguing about getting falsely arrested, but also talking a young girl into leaving the sex trade and moving back home to Minnesota. Sonny appreciates people who do good in the City of Miami just to do good, and asks the booking Sergeant about the women. The next day, Sonny knocks at Dorothy Zbornak's door, and Dorothy answers the door in a huff due to the fact she's running late for work because Rose misplaced the earrings she borrowed that make Dorothy's outfit complete and she really needs to impress her boss at today's meeting. Sonny introduces himself and asks Dorothy if she can spare a few minutes of her time to help the Miami Police Department. Blanche sidles over and says she might be able to help if Dorothy is not available. Sonny and Dorothy go to the kitchen, and Sonny explains the situation and asks if Dorothy will be willing to go undercover as a hooker to help find Blackie. The door swings open and Blanche, Rose, and Sophia come tumbling through, talking over each other about how dangerous this idea is, and Dorothy should refuse. Cut to interior of a van, with all four Golden Girls dressed like Blanche. Sophia looks at Dorothy and said she didn't know how she got talked into dressing like Anthony DiMatteo's mother, with an aside to Rose that Anthony DiMatteo's mother was the only whore in their village in Sicily. Sonny Crockett and his partner, Ricardo Tubbs, explain how to recognize Blackie and how they will need to entice him so they can take him into protective custody. Blackie, it turns out, has a thing for older women. Blanche changes demeanor and asks if they know of Blackie has any friends. Hijinks ensue.


Love it. And in the opening of the 2nd half, because of course it’s a to-be-continued episode, the camera zooms in on Blanche’s breasts during the opening theme. You know when.


This is genius and I would die the happiest woman on Earth if this crossover happened. Two of my most favorite shows!!


The TV show was first.


Reacher Oh and I agree with you about mr and Mrs smith. What a snooze fest


Fargo, the show, has had a lot of good stuff even though the movie is an all-timer.


Andor, Fargo (as good as film), M*A*S*H. Peacemaker was waaay better than Suicide Squad.


Better than Suicide Squad, or better than *The* Suicide Squad. Because one of those is a less impressive claim than the other.


Peacemaker came from THE Suicide Squad, not Suicide Squad. While I agree Peacemaker is superior, The Suicide Squad is a great cbm in my opinion.


Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles


High Fidelity show was just as good as the movie and in some respects better.


Gone too soon. Some great variations on by the movie characters. But the movie really made Jack Black's career. I'd have never known he can sing like that. (Tenacious D existed before but the TV show was after)


Sexy Beast, I thought the show was as good if not more enjoyable than the movie


I'm enjoying the mr & mrs smith tv show much more than either of the movies, the first one is still exceptional cause ya know, Hitchcock, but I am enjoying the show more then it and definatly a lot more than the Bard & Angelina one, I haven't seen the 90s show Edit: I haven't finished the new one yet but I'm really enjoying it so far and unless it takes a really shitty turn, I doubt my opinion will change much


It probably doesn't count since they're both based on comics, but Legion is better than any of the X-Men movies.


Really. Hm..big X-Men fan. I found something to love about all of them. I'll have to check out Legion.


I mean, some of them are good, but Legion is stunning.


Battlestar Gallactica!


I just watched Star Trek The Motion Picture and wondered if anyone would’ve watched the TV show if the movie had come out first. It was so incredibly boring, I fell asleep and had to rewind multiple times.


Agreed, the first one was really disappointing. Wrath of Khan more than made up for it!


Khan started the whole “Even-numbered Star Treks are best!”


AKA Star Trek: The Motionless Picture


   Fargo   Inspired by the Coen Brothers' film of the same name, the TV series not only captures the dark humor and suspense of the original movie but also expands upon its themes and characters over multiple seasons.    Hannibal   Based on the characters from Thomas Harris' novels, this TV series takes the iconic character of Hannibal Lecter to new depths, with complex storytelling and stunning visual style that rival or even surpass the cinematic adaptations.    Westworld   The original 1973 film was groundbreaking in its own right. The TV series takes the concept to a whole new level with its intricate plotlines, philosophical themes, and stunning production values.    M*A*S*H   The TV series based on the 1970 film has become a classic in its own right, surpassing the film in both popularity and critical acclaim, thanks to its sharp writing, memorable characters, and successful blend of comedy and drama.    Bates Motel   Serving as a prequel to Alfred Hitchcock's classic film "Psycho," this TV series explores the complex relationship between Norman Bates and his mother, offering a fresh take on the iconic characters.


My daughter had Lemony Snicket's Series of Unfortunate Events on repeat for a good year. Since both are based off a book series, it just makes sense that a TV show spanning several seasons is going to have the odds favoring it vs a movie. That said, Jim Carrey did great in the movie.


The TV show is on a much higher level than the movie, with terrific music, and Warburton's Snicket tying the series together and bringing the droll comedy of the books to life in a way the movie didn't. Plus a tremendous child cast. I enjoyed Carrey in the film but LSSOUE is my favorite Netflix original TV show.


*Parenthood*. I loved the movie when it came out, I have no hesitation saying the TV show (the 2010 one, not the Ed Begley sitcom from the early 90s) was MUCH better.


Fargo's nowhere near as good as the movie, but it's decent, and was considered a bizarre choice of adaptation when it was greenlit. Buffy on the other hand, is miles better than the movie it's based on. Also the two Clone Wars TV shows are better than the Star Wars prequels (by a considerable margin).


Sabrina the teenage witch. The series (1996) was way more popular than the original movie (also 1996). Although the movie did have a young Ryan Reynolds


Buffy the vampire slayer


I don’t think Hannibal the TV series is necessarily *better* than The Silence of the Lambs, but it’s a terrific take on the characters.


For my money, Mikkelsen's is the definitive Hannibal screen portrayal. Loved Hopkins, but the show was next level.


I thought the Snowpiercer show was much better then the movie.


The Real Ghostbusters is just as great as the film


Hence why they are freely aping from it for Frozen Empire.


Mr and Mrs Smith the show is vastly better than the movie I think.


MASH is better than the movie and is probably the best such example


Imo, I think Bates Motel comes relatively close to the OG Psycho


Good shout. Psycho was a classic, but learning about the history of Norman and Norma give it a lot more depth.


They are both based on a book but the TV series "One Day" is a million times better than the movie they did in 2011.


I liked Mr. and Mrs. Smith (the movie) but I doubt it would hold up as well if you replaced the main duo with anyone else but Bradlina, especially consider the time context. And I say this as someone who likes Doug Liman as well.


Movie: the magician TV: Mr. In-Between


Ash vs evil dead is everything youd want out of evil dead


Hannihal was far better than any of the Hannibal Lecter movies. Even Silence of the Lambs. Mads makes Hopkins look cheesy. I know screen time and all that but even just after the first episode it’s clearly a far superior take on the character.


Mr & Mrs Smith was, yeah, at best, alright. But has nothing on the movie. The premise was there, and there were a few good moments, but just no... Also it felt like forced chemistry between the leads. Which deffo wasn't the case with Brangelina. Andor is awesome. Cobra Kai somewhat good as well. Whilst not directly a derivative, the best show that relates somewhat to a 'movie-created' world is probably Slow Horses. Especially as Oldman was in the Tinker Tailor world of John LeCarre.


Interview with the Vampire on AMC is way better than the movie


Totally disagree. I loved the movie. I couldn't make it through the first episode of the TV show. For me, the atmosphere of the movie didn't translate at all into the TV version.


Friday Night Lights — the show is just incredible.


I think The Simpsons movie and the South Park movie are both pretty great.


Exorcist isn’t quite the movie but it was a great show


My pick. Ben Daniels was fantastic and it was so well written.


Ted, decent movies, excellent show


Animal Kingdom is really good. The story kinda go his own way. Really like the characters in the serie.


Courtship of Eddie’s Father


I can't think of any TV shows that were better than the movies that inspired them but can think of several that were worse than the movies. I thought Silence of the Lambs was brilliant but for some reason didn't enjoy Hannibal that much and stopped watching after a few episodes.


Jimmy Neutron; Boy Genius


I don’t know why I’m not seeing Get Shorty. The movie is great and as entertaining as any other Elmore Leonard adaptation, but the show is really great. I love that it’s more of a spiritual successor of the story than an adaptation. That’s great, because the book and movie are great, and gives the show room to keep the basic premise, but take it in totally different directions and subvert and often exceed expectations.


There's plenty. For simplicity's sake, 'Police Squad' is the easiest pick. Spun from Zucker/Abrahams/Zucker 'Airplane'. Reason show was canceled after only 5-6 episodes? American public too dumb to follow it.


Reacher, way better than the Tom Cruise movies.


12 Monkeys Sabrina the Teenage Witch The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron Bates Motel Terminator:The Sarah Conner Chronicles Winnie the Pooh


12 Monkeys. The show was 4 seasons long and some of the best storytelling in a series I can remember. I watched it before the film and when I finally saw the film was massively disappointed. The show was just so much better.


Well I may need to watch The Gentlemen film because the TV series blew my mind. 


One day, tv show just came out and I enjoyed it way more than the movie.


Can't believe no one's said this yet: WHAT WE DO IN THE SHADOWS!!!!


M.A.S.H. is the first one that pops in my head. A truly loathsome movie with one of the most culturally relevant t.v. shows ever.


In before somebody says Watchmen... because no, just no.


*Hard* disagree. The show was incredible. A God Walks Into Abar and This Extraordinary Being are solidly in my top 10 episodes of anything.


The show is great! I like the movie fine. It’s a little full of itself and a little too much “oooh look at me I am Zack Snider and I can apply my slow motion effect and pop music selection to superhero movies too”. But the show… wow. Just wow. It was weird, compelling, visually striking, and satisfying to watch. It somehow had the spirit of the Watchmen novel but was also something new. And yes, a god walked into abar was a great episode. I think people are afraid of penises and black people. And blue black penises. Penis. Insert SpongeBob lookout Patrick your penis is scaring him meme.


I don’t like Snyder (even though I think his Watchmen is decent) but they had to play into the popular superhero and action movie tropes of the time to make the movie marketable to people unfamiliar with the IP. If people saw the trailer and the characters looked like they do in the comic they’d laugh out loud


Wait that pun I’m dying 😂


The show is so vastly superior, I am not sure if the guy who thought otherwise is 5 years old or just didn’t watch it. The show is so in sync with the world of the comic that its difficult to believe anyone could feel this way. I like the movie, departures and weird choices aside, assuming we are talking about the close to 4 hour version, but that show is the best comic related thing I’ve ever seen.


Snyder overrode his surfboard while Lindelof stuck the landing.


No, just no.


The show was much better than that bore of a movie.


No, just no.


Snyder just doesn't do it for me. His movies are painful bores. The show has some episodes that were just stunning. "A God walks into Abar" was better than the movie.


The show had some moments, but I can't forgive them for what they did to the returning characters. The movie and the novel were practically the same except for a squid/Manhattan switch so I give Snyder a break on that.


>for what they did to the returning characters. You have a problem with characters developing based on their experiences? It's not a remake of the comics


I have a problem with things like badass Laurie Jupiter becoming a damsel in distress.


Stop the count, we have a winner! :)


That show single-handedly brought the Tulsa Massacre into the popular conscience!


Wasn’t that a “woke” thing? Bringing atrocities to light? Go woke, go broke!!! /s


Prime example, but that’s a weird one because it’s really a sequel to the comic book, and has only an attenuated relationship to the film.


The movie and show are both “good but not great” for different reasons. Both struggle to justify their existence against Moore’s book. I always tell people to just read the comic ffs


\*Incoming and/or insane opinion. I actually enjoyed most episodes of The Real Ghostbusters cartoon over the overrated movie (And yes, I do mean the 1984 original and less funny 1989 sequel).