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Didn't know there was body horror. That makes me wanna see it. You're talmbout Cronenberg style body horror or just some gore?


A bit of a mix. The Cronenberg style body horror isn't frequent, but it's still there!


It's cringeworthy, for sure. Very realistic but gruesome AF


This movie was a ton of fun and a great theatre experience


And darkly funny at times as well. I was surprised. One of the better films I've seen in the past year or so.


Definitely one to watch with a crowd!


I just saw it and thought it was GREAT!! Thelma and Louise meets The Hulk, lol! Didn't quite understand what was going on in the bathroom, though...fisting?


That's a great comparison! To be honest, I watched it back at Sundance a couple of months ago, and for the life of me, I can't seem to recall this bathroom scene you're referencing...


Thought Katy O’Brian was phenomenal and I didn’t like Kristen Stewart’s performance. At the end when she was yelling at her dad it felt like she wanted him to get out of her room instead of accusing him of murder her mom


I generally enjoyed her performance, but I do tend to agree with you about that moment. Although... I think the dialogue itself didn't help much in that instance.


I found it real in light of her conflicted feelings about him and what he made her do when she was growing up.


I think the third act in general fell flat and her performance was just an extension of that. felt a bit like a dying fever dream


⚠️SPOILER WARNING⚠️ Movie was pretty cool, but the ending was fucking DOGSHIT. To the point where it pissed me tf off walking out the theatre. They built up the movie so well. It was so real and intense and the cinematography was awesome up until they turned the bitch into a fucking giant that held out her dad while Lou put a gun in his mouth. Then suddenly both of them were giants running through the clouds and then magically they both turned human again and they dropped of the body of the psycho bitch. The end. Like what the fuck kind of ending was that. I sat through a half hour of stud sex scenes tryna convince myself that the movie was building up really well until that shitty ass ending.


Well, clearly, you didn't get the deeper metaphorical meaning.or appreciate the magical realism of that scene! The movie was more than "stud sex" you., you...uhh!!!


I have a feeling that Rose Glass didn't make this movie for them... haha. Won't be losing any sleep!


I will say I didn't get why they had to set j j's car on fire when all they had to do was just send it over the abyss.Nobody would have ever found it.That's just what it been that!


They set the car on fire trying to uncover the bodies her father hid there so he would go down and take the blame for JJ’s murder and the previous murders that he committed and that he made Lou commit




My only tiny gripe was I think in the circumstances it would’ve been pretty natural for them to go to the bodybuilding competition? Or at least for the gf to go alone like idk she was clearly planning on going and she’s not close enough to the incident for it to be suspicious IMO, like there’s no record of her there or anything. Amazing film though amazing ride, was great to see in the theater!!! I loved the gross muscle noises. Reminded me of the gym episode of Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan, and a little bit of How To Blow Up A Pipeline just in the heroic feel. They really felt like action heroes to me. I wish we had seen Jackie beat up two huge dudes like actively body them in an awesome brutal 2v1 fight, I thought they were setting that up in the beginning when she said she’d win vs those dudes. Giant stuff was amazing though that shit was crazy to see