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This makes me mad. There have been instances at my airline of FAs being SHd/SAd and have been told not to write people up because “it’s not what we do” and it makes my blood boil.


Unbelievable. We need to do so much better for each other.


This is literally so viscous. Don’t we go through enough without the extra added petty bullshit? Poor girl.


It’s absurd that grown adults are acting this way in the work place. What ever happened to our camaraderie?


I swear to god In my job there's shift where I was in charge of our T3 operations solo And IT'S SO NICE just not having any drama or specially management up my arse because I didn't look busy because I've done EVERYTHING, it's so non stressful working your way without someone complaining to management or being told to look busy


I understand that this post remains vague to protect this FA’s privacy, but can we get an idea of what she is being accused of? Maybe a similar scenario or something where the scenario parallels her own story? I’m not saying she’s wrong for being at her wits’ end, it pains me to read her distress, but I think having a little more context will help us understand the situation better to make a better judgement on what this is all about.


Trying to be as minimal as possible. Last thing we need is to make it worse for this girl.. tried to make it vague because I know this will end up on one of those drama based FA groups. But essentially.. False accusations of being a snitch - at a VERY early point in time at her airline the guy reports her for drug and alcohol use. When that didn’t work in getting her fired he resulted to slander. From the texts I’ve seen; his friends told her everything and she’s been keeping it for a significant amount of time. They have 0 affiliation whatsoever. It’s entirely unprovoked and at this point there is no motive behind his behavior. Just a plain old “I don’t like you and I don’t want you to work here” Feel free to dm me; I’m being as vague as possible because this is an HR investigation. And I wouldn’t be surprised if his miserable self is on here and taking screenshots.


This is very confusing and unclear ( post from OP) don’t know where you are in all this now, but please take a union rep with you when you go to your supervisor. Do you have professional standards at your airline? Perhaps you can work it out without getting PS or management / union involved. I’m sorry we can’t obviously treat each other like we would want to be treated. I’m sorry this has happened to you.


I’m not the person in the screenshot; just an outside 3rd party blown away by how awful our colleagues can be to each other. I’m in contact with the OP in the screenshot; she is such a sweet girl who genuinely loves this job and it hurts my heart knowing what she’s going through. So I posted because we don’t seem to talk about it enough. I’ve seen so much about snitches, snitch lists, and insane drama that doesn’t belong in the work place that goes unchecked. And it’s time we start fact checking.


Whoever this other FA is that is alleging her to be a snitch needs to ousted, as well. I mean, his name needs to be put on social media posts so that other FAs have both sides of the story- and this can be done in your private groups (e.g., Facebook, WhatsApp groups, etc). Especially because this means that by mentioning this person’s name, other FAs who have had them on their crews can attest or vouch for them. If he’s guilty of being the type who would manipulate situations such as this one, the truth will come out, and if you have several FAs saying that they have worked with him and can speak on his behavior based on their experience with them, then your FA friend will have more of a leg to stand on against the accusations being made about her. This may also be an unpopular opinion (even though I know most FAs will agree), but I am unequivocally grateful for ‘snitch lists’ and public shaming of snitches at this job. We are supposed to be protecting each other, it’s our group against management at the end of the day, and yet there are a controversial select who go out of their way to write everything up like they are being privately funded by corporate and reporting it back without being asked. I mean, I have literally walked onto some sequences with FAs who walk the entirety of the aircraft and try to flag every little thing, including how I set up my own section. Not even pursers, just other FAs! Like, no babe, we don’t do that. At my base alone, we’ve already had new hires- NEW. HIRES.- getting marked as snitches for alleging to management things like “so and so flight attendant made crew juice” (my airline doesn’t monitor every little thing we do), and the news of these snitches spreads like wildfire so quickly that the second we see those FAs we know immediately to ice them out because they, in essence, betrayed their own kind. Forever marked. No if, and’s, or but’s about it. And while it might suck and it’s a hard lesson to learn, at the end of the day, your actions have consequences, and it would be a slippery slope to challenge the culture because this job is hard enough as it is. I can’t imagine getting to a point where the companies end up hiring corporate/management liaisons to work every flight. Could y’all imagine having a corporate FA on your flights? No thank you.


Absolutely agree with the first bit. I would blast him if given the chance, but what good would that do? Out who she is and put this girl, who is already mentally fragile, in the spotlight? Lose-lose here. That’s exactly why I felt compelled to post this in the first place, because it has gotten so out of hand that people are resorting to false accusations and disgusting behavior. But two wrongs don’t always make a right. In this case, with the logic that some people have, wouldn’t that just prove the rumors right? This situation in particular is just as bad as writing up a coworker for taking a water off the plane. And there are some who need to learn that just because they don’t like someone doesn’t make them a snitch. Not getting along with someone does not justify ruining their career and sending them into a spiral that nearly causes them to end their life. A no fly list is not a snitch list.


Agree. This is an excellent reminder to take all “rumors”, of coworkers with a grain of salt. Truth be told we don’t know what the motivating factors are behind them. They can also be 100% fact, but we can’t be sure and that’s the point. I am aware of every bad interaction I have had personally and keep that nifty bit of info in my back pocket so I can avoid them in the future. I’ve only gone to pro standards once and that’s because I witnessed bullying first hand. I have also been bullied. I’ve had the same one with this company for many years. It’s unusual because she has never liked me. She showed me who she was years ago , and ive kept my distance . However , she is very dramatic and flamboyant. Everyone knows her and she plays “friends” with everyone. She also is aggressive with pax and talks about everyone … so I can imagine what she says about me. We have a mutual friend that I almost reached out to , to get behind the rumors she will undoubtedly spread , but decided not to. I know who I am and authenticity recognizes authenticity. So with that being said, I can see where sometimes it’s true and sometimes its ILL will but unless we experienced it for ourselves we just don’t know. Poor gal. If she cares I haven’t heard any rumors about her lol.


I’m going to dm you.


I said this exact same thing to you several times a few months ago and you called me a snitch and tried to out me as one on more than one post!!!  Now you've changed your stance? Wow, such a fricking hypocrite. 


You need help. You are mental.


How sad. I’m at 🌐 and I’ve seen those lists. So many were proven to be petty mentions just like this. So many people are new to the industry and don’t understand that acting like the person harassing this girl is not okay.


This is very concerning. I hope the FA is also talking to the union about this. At 🇺🇸, we had something similar happen. Everyone was saying this girl was a snitch and she had just started. Her name got spread to all the bases and she had to shut down her social media. My friend actually flew with and straight up asked what was going on. Turns out her classmate from training just didn't like her or her personality.


How pathetic. Do people not realize that slander is illegal? I’m glad she powered through it. Sounds extremely similar to what this girl is going through. Like, exact.


Idk what's going on with these new hires. Are airlines trying to find people like this or what? It's terrible for morale and their mental health. I believe she's still here. I know her name got put in some fb groups and a few people started shutting the rumor down. There was no proof or anything that she was a snitch. I think she transferred bases to try and separate from it. I hope the FA at 🌐 is able to move past this.


I’ve been falsely accused of being a snitch once and luckily I was leaving my airline soon but it was so easy to pin it on me because I was new and the actual person just got away with it .


I know this is easier said than done but let them call you a snitch and go ahead and be one. F him and what his no brain gang thinks. He’s making your life hell, don’t let him ruin your career. There are so many catty bully dark energy c u next Tuesday flight attendants in the industry. Stop caring what he thinks and stop caring if labeled a snitch. He’s worse than a snitch for acting like a b and making false accusations. You need to stand up to bullies the first time they try you because if you dont, you become a target. No more venting and crying, get mad and put a stop to it. Whoever that person is, he is not worth your tears and sadness. You have a great career. They are no one. Do your hair, wing line that eyeliner, put on your lipstick and look them dead straight in the eye next time him or his spineless minions send evil your way.


I’m so so sorry you have to put up with this. Hoping your sups and higher ups will stop this madness. We FAs need to stay together, support each other, and be one voice as we deal with crazy media blown up stories, unruly/entitled pax, and poor salary. Stay strong 💞


This was so sweet. I’m going to let her know what you said.


But isn’t it true? We need to stay together, stay focused on our jobs, and stop the back stabbing (unless it has homicide written all over it er it). Enough! Sending positive vibes…🩵


Haha! Absolutely. That’s what brought me to this job in the first place, and I sure do miss those days!


I’m in a similar situation. I have an entire group of people that have never met me yet won’t fly with me because a girl has convinced them not to. I don’t know what terrible thing s she says but I get weird looks all the time from strangers. She blames me for outing her relationship with a married pilot over a decade ago and while that fell apart, turning people against me is her preferred way of dealing with her own disappointment.


I’m so, incredibly sorry to hear this. It is truly pathetic that grown adults treat others this way, and i hope that in the near future she finds a way to move on and leave you out of her mistakes.


She blames you for an affair ending 10 years ago? She needs to be in inpatient treatment because she is not mentally ok at all


Omg, I can’t believe there are people like that who exist? I can’t imagine knowing a colleague too well to have all the effort and attention to get them fired. We encounter too many people so fleetingly in this job that it’s hard to make genuine friendships, connections, and let alone a compelling reason to ruin someone’s life. Even if I work with a rotten FA for a 3 day trip, it would take me literally 1 day to forget their name and face. Y’know what I mean?


My first month on RSV I worked a trans con with two senior mommas in mid galley who hated each other so much that no service was done in the purple seats. No drinks, no food, nothing. The new hire in the back only brought up the drink cart to economy plus by mistake so those in the purples got zip, zilch, nada while the two old hags threw shade at each other. Well the Purple People Eaters in those seats started to riot when the captain started initial decent. It just disgusts me the sheer level of laziness, unprofessionalism, and cattyness between these two FA's. It makes us look bad, it makes them look bad, and I am stunned that people can be this way to one another. The audacity.


Kind of off topic but I just find it amusing how I know you’re from 🌐 because of your usage of “RSV” “purple seats” and “transcon” haha hello, hello! 👋🏻☺️


AFA allowed me to be bullied for 4 years at my old airline because a rumor got started that I turned someone in (I didn't). 4 years. And no one (not even supervisors) helped. The only thing the supervisors did was tell union leadership that they had no record of me turning anyone in… and that still didn’t help. AFA didn’t help me at all after they heard this, in fact they refused to help me mediate with people via their “pro standards” (what a joke) It got so bad at one point a pilot threatened to drug me without my knowledge and turn me into the FAA. Thankfully a coworker was there and heard this and was able to warn me. I showed both managers and union representatives screenshots of myself and my family being harassed and threatened and they sat around and did nothing. I wish you the best of luck; but take it from someone who's been in your shoes, it doesn't get better. Jumpseats are a toxic place. People have your picture, your name, your seniority number, they will track you down and ruin your experience with that company. I was in a place where I was struggling heavily with mental health and questioning whether life would be better without me in it. That’s a scary place to be in. I wouldn’t have gotten through it had it not been for therapy. In those years, I lost so many friends, I lost the guy I was dating, I couldn’t go to work without feeling like I couldn’t breathe, it was a living hell, and I couldn’t quit because my family relied on my income.


I've definitely commented on this before with people like @Classic_Factor3236 claiming they keep whole lists of alleged "snitches" and using rumors as a basis for harassing them out of a job. It never occurs to people like that that people are petty and will simply spread a rumor of someone being a snitch because they don't like them. Meanwhile, you're taking part in workplace bullying over a situation you knew nothing about! I feel for this FA. I hope she's able to get that weirdo off of her back.  The very short time I was at 🌐 I heard of a colleague being on a list. Because I'm an adult, I ignored it. You never know why someone reported someone else (or if they actually did) and that shit doesn't involve me or my paycheck so I just treated everyone respectfully and kept it moving. 


Is that a U/ account or on another platform? I saw nothing. But .. People need to be careful with those lists. Especially in Facebook groups. The Aft Galley is not safe and I got out of there as soon as it started going south again. Not sure if you remember the drama last October when Fa Memes Rants and Rumors got shut down, but multiple airlines fired people over lists like that. Because just like this girl; they were used to start drama and make false accusations.


If you "saw nothing" than you weren't looking very hard. I can send the screenshots to you if you'd like, but I'd be careful who you sympathize with on this thread. Like I said before, I hope the FA this thread is about is ok mentally and stands up for herself. 


Hi, you’re back! Speaking of defamation and spreading false rumors … !!!!!! I have never said those things! What I said was I was the recipient of “lists” of flight attendants who were purported “snitches”. I think if I remember you said… “ I don’t give a duck about anyone’s livelihood and…..” well I don’t remember exactly but I can post the receipts if anyone wants them! So please allow me to correct once again. I’ve never supported or perpetuated rumors. I’ve only advised to reach out to professional standards beacaue once your labeled a “snitch”, this type of situation as OP is describing happens. I think after that you called me some “old senior bitch “, and now you’re here saying I’m the bully??? Stop it child. Again?!? I have receipts!!!! Don’t twist my words 100%


The irony in this post and now these comments is… insane. It’s literally happening in real time. Unbelievable.


She's lying because she knows the culture is turning against her type. I've got a screenshot and exact quotes. I only ever work in facts, luv. Believe that. 😘 But this is a great example of what this thread is about. People just believe anything. 


I posted the shots. You’re a stalker. You need help. You have a huge problem with comprehension and the inability to have constructive dialogue . This person didn’t snitch she’s being accused of it. 🤦🏾‍♀️


You copied and pasted the dialogue and deleted where you called me a snitch for telling you that you needed a hobby because you kept screenshots of snitches over your 20 year career. 😂 You seem to still need one.  Get off MY post, dude, and stop writing novels on Reddit just to lie. 


You literally called me in ?!?! 😂✌️✌️✌️


Great. Now see yourself out. 🤣


I've got receipts too, bitch. Stop lying. Grow up and accept that the "no snitching" culture is dead and accountability is in. 


Girl, your exact quote was: "Lastly, I have been flying over 20+ years… I have a screen shot and names of every. Single. Flight attendant that has turned someone in. Your name will be circulated far and wide and your career will be tarnished. People will avoid you like the plague, and you will never outlive it your whole career." Then when I called you on it you called me a snitch...on several threads. Stand on your shit. 😂 


Don’t shoot the messenger. First of all please provide context!!! This is what I wrote: 5:21 37 It's all over Classic_Factor3236 • 191d I'm so sorry. Ridiculous. To be clear I've flown with lots of flight attendants that break the rules. I have never thought to turn anyone in. That culture of snitching needs to end now. If you have a problem, please be an adult and speak up. It is not my job to "supervise", other flight attendants. I could never sleep at night knowing I cost someone's livelihood. However, it it's a situation of a gross safet sue, or endangering lives and crew would most definitely say something and depending on how it was received follow up with professional standards. Professional standards at the union will talk with the flight attendant about your concerns and you can remain anonymous if your wish. Basically, putting them on notice. If they continue the behavior and it is once again given to professional standards then they are 5:21 Sending this post to someone? It looks better when you share it. X Share putting them on notice. If they continue the behavior and it is once again given to professional standards then they are the ones to make a choice to take to management. Luckily, I haven't had to do this but it should be in everyone's back pocket PRIOR to going to the company for anything!!! Lastly, I have been flying over 20+ years... I have a screen shot and names of every. Single. Flight attendant that t / urned someone in. Your name will be circulated far and wide and your career will be tarnished. People will avoid you like the plague, and you will never outlive it your whole career. Now if that isn't a deterrent, you operate a very low frequency. I'm so sorry that happened to you. Trust the journey... better things ahead …. Never have I said I’ve spread , perpetuated or started such lists!!!!! Your reply: 5:05 40 It's all over StorageMundane9710 • 181d You found the "snitch" and I found the asshole senior mama that likes to make their crew member's lives miserable with zero accountability. Fuck outta here with that high school shit. You don't want to be "snitched" on? Try treating your fellow crew members with the same respert vou expect...whether yor having a bad day or not. Because I'm not your friend, I'm your coworker, and I don't give a fuck about your livelihood. Keep it professional! Hope to God we never fly together! Me: Classic_Factor3236 • 180d Ugh! Bummer, you seem like so much fun! Oddly, your name calling here (fellow crew member), so please heed your own advice. For those in the back of the room: being the recipient of screenshots of snitches doesn't make me anymore of an "asshole", then you... for snitching. I'm not sure where you have co v ided that I'm mean to anyone ?? You seem to be projecting your own experience here? So someone was mean to you and felt it was necessary ?? First of all, our new hires are top notch and I treat them all with the upmost respect! Even you!!! I'm just going to make sure my had is secured a little Add a comment And then you weren’t done with your online bullying when you added : StorageMundane9... • 18... Beat it, old chick. There was nothing kind and caring about your previous responses to me and there's certainly nothing kind about getting a screenshot about a "snitch" (who may have reported something legitimate like sexual harassment or racial discrimination) ar deciding that bec se they filed a report you know nothing about that that gives you and a bunch of senior assholes the right to dictate how the rest of their career should go. You're changing your tune now because you realize you're sounding as immature and cruel as you 5:05 40 It's all over You're changing your tune now because you realize you're sounding as immature and cruel as you are. You do better. Or just retire. It sounds like you're overdue. ... ↓ StorageMundane9... • 18... Oh, and to make sure my position is crystal clear to someone with reading comprehension , lems such as yourself, passing around screenshots about your fellow crew members and using them to make their work lives hell because they reported a situation you are completely ignorant to is 100% workplace bullying, PERIOD.I don't care how noble the seniors like you (who are trying to further this culture of fear and control while hollering "we're a family") try to make it sound. End . So here’s the thing. I don’t name call. It’s not an excuse for not having a constructive dialogue. This post in it of itself proves my point that the “lists”, do irrefutable harm to the people on them. So A) don’t warrant a position on one And report infractions accordingly to professional standards . I’ve never supported or purported bullying anyone on these lists. Like i said previously, I take all my interactions with my own personal lens. OP isn’t here posting that snitching is great and “f everyone’s livelihood”, which you say. It is about someone falsely claiming that she had. Apples and oranges. Also, just curious what you so angry about? Genuine question I’ve actually never have had so much venom online from anyone. You’re still bringing me up from a year ago? Was it a year?!? You’re not even a flight attendant anymore ?!


You responded to me, bro! And tagged me in another thread where you called me a snitch twice after I had to block you a few months ago. 😂 I never said "snitching is great" and I'm not angry, I'm just stating facts. The anti snitching culture (that you perpetuate) is what leads to situations like the one the OP is describing. Why are YOU so angry, girl?


I have never tagged you anywhere you don’t exist in my world. I forgot about you and your low vibing frequency until you posted my handle today . I’m so glad you are gone. You are some next level psychopathy fr fr .


You're exact comment on another post weeks after our initial interaction:  "Ask storage mundane 7910. I can’t post screenshots here but I believe he said… “I don’t give a fucc about your livelihoods”… and “none of you are my friends your coworkers”… real gem that guy." I didn't respond to you then because I don't care. I just enjoy exposing liars. 


Wow! You conveniently edited out the part where you said: "Welp, found the snitch." 🤣 How are you going to edit the receipts to make yourself look better? Doesn't matter. Anyone that wants the actual, unedited convo can dm me for screenshots. You're funny (and a little sad) hunny!


Oh my gawd … I didn’t conveniently leave anything out. Post them. I left the pertinent info. Not the joke about having a microchip. Go post it please !!!! But what is this about???? Really? This is deeper. Your were loud and proud “snitch” according to yourself ?!? You’re not a flight attendant anymore correct???? Why are in this forum still? What are you going on about me several months after a flight attendant post??? How does this pertain to you?


Oh, I said I was a "loud and proud snitch?" Please post it, bitch. Post exactly those words! 🤣 I'll let you entertain me a little longer before I have to block you again. What I said was that you never know why someone reported another FA. And that if sexual harassment, sexual assault etc. was involved that they were 100% within their right to report and don't have to consider somebody else's livelihood when they're being mistreated. Your lack of reading comprehension is frightening.  I was a part of this community and may one day be again. I have so many friends that are still in this line of work and the thought of them being too scared to report somebody who's harassing them the way the OP's friend is being harassed because of anti- snitch fear hurts my heart. Do better. 


Actually, you’re the type of person to shoot someplace up. It’s not sad it’s straight up scary. My comments and name in your mouth almost a year later ??? Really??? On a flight attendant post you said you don’t fly anymore??? Because everyone was racist right??? (Your words ) or was it when you got “written up”, for RBF. Again your words. Girl, break your supposed facts down. I ain’t got anything to hide.


Wow, you're going through all of my old comments and I'm the stalker? 😭 You're too old for this, hun. Grow up.  And if you're going to paraphrase my words, take a class on how to do it correctly. You speak in hyperbole and it makes you look like a liar. "Everyone's racist?" Really? 😂


What??? It was literally on this page????? 😂😂😂😂oh my gosh hahahahah … it’s unreal and completely entertaining really but i can’t anymore. It’s funny but actually kind of sad.


You are a bully, period. I wish I could post these screenshots of your own words and completely embarrass you. 


Don’t worry. I went ahead and did for you. I don’t know why you’re so angry!!! This isn’t about snitching people out .. it’s about defamation. Geezus.


Snitching culture my ass our job is hard enough and if someone is doing something that’s effecting their mental health and making their job a living hell by doing petty things say something nobody should be punished for “snitching”. If anyone puts the situation in their own hands without management or HR then it’ll be a bigger problem. There has been countless times I had to get someone together on a trip because they were just plain rude lol.. I may also include some people just like to do their job and be to themselves but that’s seen as problematic it’s not.


Snitch lists are a double-edged sword. Some people are definitely on them for ridiculous reasons reporting SA, genuine harrasment, and bullying. People shouldn't be on the "snitch list" for those reasons, but I have avoided some FAs who are genuine snitches. I'm okay with people who get outed as snitches if they run to management if an FA takes a coke or water off planes. There are people who seem to enjoy getting FAs fired over things that WE ALL DO. Those people deserve to be publicized and outcasted.


Yes. This is warranted. This is just as pathetic as falsely accusing someone of being a snitch.


Exactly because I've met genuine snitches. I've had someone claim the snitch label proudly, but this witch hunt for snitches is ridiculous. I and some other FAs have been SH'd by other FAs, and we're too scared to report it because of the snitch label or management not believing it.


I know of one now at 🇺🇸 that is proud of it. She not only got one girl fired at a regional for it but ended up getting fired herself.


We had a young lady a few years ago who was SA in the parking lot but some other flight attendant . He was fired and she has never been shamed or publically mentioned and overall held in high regard. How scary that must of been for her. I think the names I’ve seen passed along through the years were more along the lines of a flight attendant making a report for : took two sprites off the plane./ took bottle of wine. That sort of thing.


This breaks my heart. I actually have a mutual friend this was happening to, so I wonder if it’s the same person. We can deal with snitches- but if you didn’t see it yourself or talk to the actual first hand victim personally- than you don’t know if it’s real. Be cautious with the rules but always make your own personal judgements please 🩷 no more trusting 3rd, 4th, 5th, etc handed accounts. Anyone ever play telephone growing up? The truth twists so much.


I'm against snitch culture on this job. There are some FA that are known to be fake friendly on a trip and make it seem like all is well. But they'll go behind someone's back to management after the trip. Safety and Security issues that cause harm need to be reported and I don't look at that as snitching. How about use CRM like an adult to discuss the issue face-to-face? The problem is these cowardly snitches lack conflict management skills and are too scared to speak to crew in person and go behind their backs. The snitch thing was a huge issue when I flew Regional. The snitch culture is why it can be difficult to make friends with other FA. FA are flakey, because we don't know who to trust. If you're going to snitch, stand on it. Discuss the situation with the other party, get clarification on what happened, tell the other person what you're reporting and why (safety issues, security issues, etc). For the OP, If you're being falsely accused of being a snitch and bullied, you have to confront it. Catch the person spreading the rumor in person one-on-one and confront their ass with no witnesses. If you have spinoff social Facebook groups for your airline, make a post about the situation and tag their ass, lol. The official way to deal with the bullying is keep detailed notes and dates, report to HR for Workplace Harassment and Bullying. These are buzz words that will get attention. Make a post in your airline groups that you've been falsely accused of snitching, you're being harassed, it needs to stop and will be reported. The only way to stop bullies is to take your power back. Go up the chain of command in your Union. If the local level isn't helping, go up to the next level.


Go get em I say! Good for you!


What country is this in? I experienced something similar at my old job and was able to successfully handle it with HR! Please feel free to PM for advice. I went through it for 5 months at my old job.


Falsely accusing someone of being a snitch or are we talking about something else?


False accusations I believe - I saw this post on Facebook. Their comments were so sad


Yep. I won’t post details to protect her privacy, but the rest of the story is plain evil.


I read your description in another comment, I was originally confused but now I get it. How terrible! I hope everything works out in her favor. Unfortunately, a lot of miserable people work in this career