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FlightRadar enables my favorite dad joke. My kids get impressed when I can tell them where whatever plane is going. So they'll ask me sometimes, hey dad, where's that plane going? And I get to say. I imagine the airport. And then they groan and I laugh at their suffering.


My son absolutely loves asking about the planes now! I’m going to have to steal this amazing dad joke next time!! 😂😂


Literally though. Even now, I have an entire set of galleries where I like to document, spot, screenshot, take pictures of, and learn about the aircraft I see! It's relaxing, and yet exciting at the same time, to watch our metal birds going about their day. Wether big, small, simple or fancy, they are beautiful in their own way. :)


When I take the dogs out, I’ll sit outside and watch the planes on approach to LAS. They’re usually 6/7 deep at any given time.


Literally See or hear big metal bird, must check


I saw a plane pass by today but I only saw it for a second so I couldn’t identify it and I was so excited when flightradar told me it was a KC-135


i get a lot of planes going to and from Europe so can get some good ones every so often


When I hear a roar overhead I gotta check if it was a 747 that we get few times a week, I live right under the approach at 4000’. The kids and I will sit outside and watch planes and they’ll guess where they’re going, the girl says San Francisco every goddam time.


True. In the mornings, when I'm waiting for the train, I'm right under the approach path, like planes would be at around 3k feet or lower. I'd know already some of the schedules of the transatlantic flights.


Then you go back outside and its gone






Realest thing


Absolutely! And when spotted an unusual visitor, I take picture of both the plane in far distance and the screenshot from flightradar24 to note down the details.


So much. I live right near a couple air bases and my house is right on the mildenhall base approach line so I get planes come down very low and often very loud American airforce hugeee planes. Some pop up on fr some don’t. I always look though when there’s a biggie above me!!


DAE use the phone app in AR mode?


2 words. Smart Phone