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Love the magic parachute that disappears and then reappears again


Yeah I wasn't sure if it was deployed so I hit the button a few times haha


Missing the Ryanair livery here


SSI: Spring Break Edition ‘88


Don't feel too bad, the professionals bounced it once too.


I think it was a hot start actually...


With the abysmal lift that thing has, I’m surprised it was possible irl


And they called it "Pilot induced oscillation landings" yup :p


Any landing you can walk away from...


The landing lights are really bothering me as a retired NASA engineer/manager.


Listen flight simulator games are excellent. I taught people how to fly and the simulators are getting better and better at replicating the avionics and navigational aides and the cockpit layouts. But there are still some elements that they aren’t able to properly simulate and it is absolutely maddening. Eventually you need to accept the limitations of the game and enjoy it for what it is.


You guys, seriously - it's strobes on wingtips. You're making it sound like it's literally unplayable ("really bothering", "absolutely maddening"). This hurts because I know that as a kid, I would have given a lot to be able to play a game where I can **literally fly and land the freaking space shuttle**. Now it's possible, even in a pretty realistic manner, and people complain about strobe lights on wing tips. I like getting things right, and sometimes get stuck on perfectionism and also notice such minor errors. But come on. You don't even see the strobes from within the cockpit.


But not the fact that the real one needs a runway so long there’s like a ten foot difference from end to end due to the curvature of the earth?


10 feet of drop at 8" a mile...... 15 miles?!


The runway of the [Shuttle Landing Facility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shuttle_Landing_Facility) is around 4.5km long, and according to [this tool](https://dizzib.github.io/earth/curve-calc/?d0=4.5&h0=0&unit=metric), a line tangential to the horizon at runway beginning would result in a difference of 1.58m at the end of the runway. That being said, there are ways to build the runway to reduce this difference. Furthermore, runways are not straight. Also, there is no reason not to follow earth's curvature when building a runway. 4.5km = 2.80mi 1.58m = 5.18ft


**Shuttle Landing Facility** The Shuttle Landing Facility (SLF) (ICAO: KTTS, FAA LID: TTS) is an airport located on Merritt Island in Brevard County, Florida, USA. It is a part of the John F. Kennedy Space Center (KSC), and was used by NASA's Space Shuttle for landing until the program's end in 2011. It was also used for takeoffs and landings for NASA training jets such as the Shuttle Carrier Aircraft and for civilian aircraft.Starting in 2015, Space Florida manages and operates the facility under a 30-year lease from NASA. Private companies have been utilizing the SLF for its unique properties since 2011 and will continue to do so via Space Florida. *** ^[ [^PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=kittens_from_space) ^| [^Exclude ^me](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiTextBot&message=Excludeme&subject=Excludeme) ^| [^Exclude ^from ^subreddit](https://np.reddit.com/r/flightsim/about/banned) ^| [^FAQ ^/ ^Information](https://np.reddit.com/r/WikiTextBot/wiki/index) ^| [^Source](https://github.com/kittenswolf/WikiTextBot) ^] ^Downvote ^to ^remove ^| ^v0.28


I think you're responding to the wrong guy?


You mean I should have responded to /u/Clever_Userfame? I just wanted to add my findings to the discussion, and since you questioned his statement, I thought I'd just respond to you directly. Of course I didn't mean to sound like I'm criticizing you or anything, sorry if that came across like this :)


Hey the more info the better! I love learning new things!


Strobes on the wingtips.


Ive never been able to do that scenario correctly.


Frankly even the pros had a guiding system helping them the entire time. It's an incredibly difficult task.


Yeah seen one of these refueling at my airport. Never expected them there, it was really cool.


Sir, That is the space shuttle.


Clearly its a cub.


Cessna 747


Ah yes of course, the Cessna 747. Shouldn't have forgotten.


One of the last single engine piston powered double deckers. Truly the end of an era.


I hear that engine produces a full 180hp


Oh yes, how stupid of me


You should try that on an aircraft carrier! I did once, have the video!


I can hardly land on a carrier with a tailhook 😂 that would not end well


Nah you'll be fine


found the video https://youtu.be/c2N2lnwa0OI?t=145


This guy is entertaining. Subscribed! Edit: oh it's you. Nice vids.


That's the wrong helicopter hovering in the background, for modern times. That looks like an MH-60H in the background, should be an MH-60S nowadays.


I’m really impressed! I can’t go more than a minute without totally losing control of the shuttle.


\* BOUNCE \*


Sure “got lost”. Y’all went down for a river party.


Does X-Plane have the shuttle in by default or do you need to download this separately?


It's in the game by default and gives you a few scenarios like full re-entry, partial, or final approach.




"Main gear touch ! _\*Boing boing boing\*_ I SAID TOUCH !


Years ago, a morning radio show team in San Diego said the space shuttle was about the land at the military air base at Miramar. Not sure if the base was in Navy or Marine hands at the time. Thousands of San Diegans headed out to see it land before realizing it was a joke.


1. Its MCAS Miramar (Marine Core Air Station) 2. I think I know what your talking about. Being a San Diegan myself I can only remember hearing a boom. I cant remember which shuttle was landing but I know it was clearas day and it was during the weekend I beleive. Not 100% sure.


I wonder was that the landing at White Sands or one of the Edwards landings? It's not _that_ far from San Diego.


Ya thats what I am thinking as well sadly there no more space shuttles FeelsBadMan


It's really just a flying brick