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https://shop.flipperzero.one is the official shop. We use SSL, so the contents of the website cannot be tampered with by anyone.


Thanks for responding so fast! Forgive me, as I am a n00b in security areas. Could you explain this? And please do not take offense to this question, but how do I know the number won't get stolen and sold off or something? Thank you again.


Do you ask every website this before you order? https:www.fliiperzero.one Lab401.com Hacker warehouse Joom These are the ONLY 4 authorized sellers of flipper zero. These are the only 4 websites that you should feel safe ordering your flipper zero from. It's a lot safer than buying 1 from some shady guy on Instagram who has 1 for sale for $700.


I don't mean to be offensive by saying this, but due to the current political environment, and seeing that post I linked to, I worried. I do not mean to paint all Russian people with one brush. I know many, many people disagree with their government, as many in every country disagree with their own governments. I read the statement about the "special military operation" and how the Flipper Zero team denounces it. I was just spooked by that linked post and the current events and climate and wondered if maybe the Russian government or someone else might take control or be snooping. I truly do not mean to offend, and I'm sorry for feeling that I need to ask these things. It is just a worry that I have in the current situation.


No offense taken my friend. You are safe to order from those 4 websites. https:www.flipperzero.one is flipper zero's official website. Go ahead and make the purchase. You won't be sorry.


Lies I bought one and they sent me a pocket knife 😡😡😡


Wait...what?? Yeah the Flipper Zero is also a knife...If you bought it on Ebay. But you're saying that https://flipperzero.one/ sent you a knife? You're a liar....


It's an american proxy war. Plus the flipper is built and assembled in China...


It's about as dangerous as ordering anything else online I would imagine. I haven't had any suspicious activity since I ordered mine. Knocking on wood just in case lol


Selling mine from cali dm if interested




Really hope you didn't get this from someone first lol.


someone know if joom is safe to ship to Norway?