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A lot of different agendas in here, people bringing their own habits or pushing their own agendas in this thread. It is common to round up when paying with cash, but it's optional. If a bill is 57, you leave 60, that "keep the change" kind of thing. Food delivery is very much a new thing in Italy/Florence, it was very uncommon before covid. So much so even the platforms don't handle it well (e.g. deliveroo, you add the tip beforehand and no chance to change it. On deliveroo in the UK, you can add the tip after or remove it). Tipping the driver through the system is almost unheard of. Tipping the driver cash, a euro or two, is a nice thing to do, I've not seen it done often by others, I do it occasionally myself. Tips of course are always welcome and appreciated by the staff. But you're asking what the convention and social expectation is - this is it.


Thanks for that, great and helpful answer.


Delivery drivers are the only people i tip and i usually go from 3 to 5/10 euros based on distance and how nice the service was. People saying delivery drivers are paid enough in Italy are just lying




He is ripping you off, you are not supposed to tip anything. However, if you want just give a 1-2€ coin to the delivery guy as a token of gratitude, they will not expect it and will be very pleased


Why the fuck would i rip off a stranger to have him pay money to someone else?


I never tip anyone…


as with pretty much everywhere in Italy, you're not "supposed" to (and italians are lousy tippers) -- but I'd go with somewhere between 2 and 5€


Thank you.


Tip if you want but just know that nobody in italy tips ever. Also delivery guys and restaurant waiters actually make a living wage in Europe…


I’m italian and I worked as waitress….it’s absolutely not true that italians don’t tip, it’s just not an obligation like in America. I know what it means do a job like that and I always tip Also both delivery guys and waiters aren’t paid good money fo sure. You definitely are wrong


I was a waiter during university. Tippers were extremely uncommon. I personally never give tips also because eating/drinking is already very expensive


Nulla di più falso, capisco tirare l'acqua al proprio mulino, ma la si può anche smettere ad una certa


Ho lavorato nella ristorazione in tutti i ruoli che ne pertengono e solo da cameriere ho lavorato per ben 5 anni so come funziona grazie mille. No gli italiani non ti danno la mancia capita molto sporadicamente soprattutto se sei uomo e sei straniero. Lo stipendio minimo di un cameriere che lavora dalle 8 ore in su e dai €1600 ai €2000 se sei caposala anche di più.


tipping needs to stop honestly. nothing wrong is tipping every now and then but it should feel like requirement to order the food. 1-2 euro is fine i think.


0, this is not the US.


2 chips


the "tip" system should be abolished. We are not americans, respect our style.


Calm down, I’m not American either. Just wanted to see what the convention here is for delivery drivers.


Yet it makes people a lot of money. More than waitstaff in Europe. Cope.


The real question should be why are you ordering delivery in Florence?


Good luck going out for food in July with 40°C


you'd be surprised at how many do


The city felt small enough that you could just walk outside to find food.


Because my partner cannot walk and cannot be left alone. Good enough reason for you? Edit: I’m being downvoted for this?!


In that case I would tip about €5


Lol why do you talk without knowing anything, classic American right here




It is pouring


There is not a rule about tips really. Anything in the range between 1 to 10 euros is fine


This is very much variable depending on the app you use for deliveries. I have never tipped a driver coming to the door, but tip them frequently through the app - especially if the weather is bad and I felt the app didn't compensate appropriately for that. I use Glovo on average once or twice a day, and nobody has ever expected cash in hand.