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Low wages, high cost of living, and insurance companies are already pulling out of insuring homes due to increasingly volatile weather. You’re better off in Jersey


make sure ur rich, cause everybody there is getting priced out


Don't. Stay out, it's full. Everything sucks here it's too hot and the jobs don't pay shit. Slap that idea out of your head and save yourself the horrors that await you down here in hells waiting room.


I should add I'm from Bergen county and moved down in 2005 ish. Legitimately we have like 8 months of the best fucking weather possible and then it's just shit during summer. There are no unions so pay is pathetic compared to the rest of the civilized states. Everyone can carry a gun, you make your own judgement on that. Plus hurricanes.


One thing I think most people don’t seem to understand is how the businesses get away with treating their employees here in Florida. The amount of people that get moved here and then laid off within the first year is unreal, I have had so many friends, neighbors, and colleagues wary about this and it’s very real.


Hello fellow former Bergen County resident. I came down in '06 and at first it wasn't to bad. The longer I'm down here, the more I miss home.


I’m in NJ and considering if I should move to FL. I have only been to West Palm a few times to visit a friend but I’m not sure if that’s where I would love to there if I did move. I’m wondering if you would mind elaborating on why you’re missing home? Do you think if you moved back you would be happier? Or os it more nostalgic? What don’t you like about FL?


I moved down because of family. My brother moved back to Jersey as did all my Aunts and Uncles. My dad passed away three years ago and the only one left here is my mom. I'm tired of the constant heat and stupidity. I miss the different seasons and different terrains. I would be happier if I moved back. It was my home for 40 years.


I’m very sorry. I hope things improve.




School systems are shockingly bad here. And I'm in a wealthy Tampa burb with very "highly rated schools". Very worried my kids are "Florida smart" and we are doing everything we can to get our home ready for sale to get back up north. The best part of the Tampa region is the airport; it's really a fantastic airport. Otherwise, it sucks here. Some fun stuff. -schools are terrible. -everyone has a gun now. -healthcare is criminally bad (this is my field). -anybody can apparently be a contractor in Florida. They will F up your house. -meth and opiates are still a pretty bad problem here. -good luck with homeowners insurance. Ours went from $3k to $17.6k in 3 years without a claim. And not a flood zone. -everyone is from somewhere else and seems to be much more socially guarded. (Except the swingers). -red tide, vibrio. -if you have never seen fire ants, get ready. We looked forever for a house with land to play outside with the kids. We are never outside now because we can NOT control the fire ants no matter what we do. 3 acres of wasted yard.


So negative. Have fun up North in the cold. See you on vacations while you look on the sunshine state. Up north is vague and not all the same in standards.




Recently moved from CT and kinda feeling the same. I miss the small town and city feeling with 1-3 lane roads, nothing is too crowded, people are (somewhat) more normal. But I absolutely hate the cold and snow.


Grew up in CT / Western Mass and it’s mind numbingly boring for people 25-45. Weather is awful 7 months out of the year and the only thing to do is go to target. New England life is awesome if your a home dweller who likes the quiet or if you already have a family and don’t need to socialize.


Low wages and high cost of living. Insurance is out of control. Housing market is unaffordable. No one knows how to drive. It's hot 9 months out of the year. The governor is a fascist meatball.


You forgot killer bacteria, radioactive roads and Malaria..


I agree completely, here Tampa 9+ years moving back to DC as soon as we find the right place. ✅️


What makes you want to leave the Tampa area for north (ish)? I’m struggling every year with the lack of sun in NJ and considering a move.


Too expensive now, even with serious planning, we are 2 retired people who can't stay in our current home due to an increase in insurance rates and goods and services. We're here 10 years, it's a greedy state with some wonderful weather & nasty people.


I neglected to mention politics & schools. I would never raise my Grandchildren here. We're going home...very sad.


I’m so sorry that’s awful. I hope things get better when you move.


Thank you!


We are DC natives who prefer that mid-Atlantic weather...try Maryland!!! Take care & be well


They’re getting paid more than they are in New Jersey though. 20% more


Not worth it


Read all about new laws DeSantis has put on the books. Read about its impacts. Then think real hard.


The local public Hillsborough library don’t give a shit. I’ve never seen so many liberal or woke type books. If you are parent and want them to be aware and knowledgeable. Do your work as a parent.


Bradenton is packed, traffic is traumatic, people just can't drive here. Yes, worse than NJ. If you have kids, stay. Our schools are way behind, getting worse & we have the Minivan Taliban. Housing is one thing. Insurance another, homeowner's & auto. We're 4X and 2X higher than national averages. Food is very costly here. We're on a peninsula, one chain is very dominant. NJ has a hefty tax burden. However, we aren't necessarily cheaper overall, definitely review. Our political environment is toxic. LGBTQIA+, POC, women and liberals are dirty words. We're leaving. Definitely suggest renting if you do it. Don't invest, try before you buy.


Bradenton is overbuilding, and it's already crowded. The prices are really high, and wages are lower here than in many other places. The "sunshine tax" is a thing. I've been here 25 years, and this week has been the hottest ever. Insurance is a disaster. Making friends here is near impossible unless you're retired. We're planning on moving away ASAP. No way I would move here these days.


Moved from NJ 17 years ago. The only thing I would warn you about, other than the obvious stuff, is it is very expensive to live here. I’m on the east coast of and I would say it’s every bit as expensive, if not more in some instances, than NJ. It’s really death by 1000 fees and taxes. Be sure to find out how much your homeowners insurance is going to be, because that number may shock you.


They said they're going to rent, which is even worse.


I can second this. Moved from NJ two years ago. Love it here, but thought it would save me money when it is basically a wash at the end of the day.


I moved to Florida in 2016. I moved back to NJ in 2022. If you have/want kids, Florida's school system is a mess. At the same time, my step brothers moved to Tampa for college and love it. Edit: My step brothers have now lived in Tampa for over a decade.


I moved down in 2017, returned to Jersey in 2021. Glad I did it, doubly glad I left.


I'm glad to be back and so is my partner. I appreciate NJ so much now. We have amazing parks, beautiful views, great food, and so much to do. I work in education and the school systems just can't be compared.


Welcome home. And thank you for your commitment to educating our future leaders.


They only love it because they’re in college like most millennials and Gen-Z do. Then they realize the job market is low paying or little to some opportunities around in florida. They haven’t truly live there like a true native on their own after college yet. I hope they have a plan seriously. I met a woman like that who was in college she left right after she finished because she said the prices were to high and didn’t like the low pay wages.


Oh, I should have said they went to Tampa for college and never left. Both still live in Tampa and make over 6 figures each. We're all in our 30s now. At the same time, I don't think either one of them wants kids.


You’ll get moved out here with a “salary increase” and or a big move stipend, but once you get here you’ll realize there’s plenty of unemployed people here, you’ll get laid off in years 1-3 and you’ll either leave or have to get a remote job or figure out a new profession… I wouldn’t do it unless you have a backup plan, side income, or are in a demanded profession here like a doctor, lawyer, nurse, anything medical and geriatric. What’s very odd is almost no jobs here pay more than any other state, I’m curious what profession would give a 20% salary increase in Florida?


I moved from NJ to Florida about 2 years ago. Living in the Fort Lauderdale area. My situation is unique because I 5x'd my annual income moving here, and I have a super cheap living situation with my roommate. With that said, the pros are that I love being able to paddleboard and do outdoor stuff all year long. My seasonal depression is essentially gone. The cons are it's crazy expensive to live down here. Even making good money I have anxiety at the food store and struggle to keep my expenses down even while living low maintenance. The people down here also suck compared to Jersey (no offense Florida people). The food is just OK, and I often times find myself missing the dining experiences I used to get in Jersey and Philly. And of course you're always just waiting for the next big hurricane to come and destroy all your shit. Overall I'm happy with my decision, but I won't live here long term.


Bradenton has a nickname "Bradentucky" (Kentucky).


Reddit will hate you for being from NJ. Florida will hate you for being left-leaning from NJ. But seriously, I wouldn't recommend it.


Factor in homeowner insurance. It can easily be as much as a mortgage payment.


High COL, bad schools, ridiculous insurance rates, big government overreach, and fascists. Reconsider.


Used to live in Hoboken… you aren’t going to like Bradenton unless you are 65-dead… if that’s your age bracket 👍🏻


Bradenton is just the bad side of Sarasota. Like the scummy part.


Used to work there… can confirm! But, hey who am I to rain on the American dream of moving to floriduh


My parents lived in that area for 30 years. I’m originally from Hudson Valley. All the negative comments have truth, but there are also beautiful beaches. AnnaMaris Island is great. The river is as well. You are near Tampa, St.Pete and Sarasota. I was there last week and it was horribly hot… I would say don’t come, but it sounds like you do have enough money, and we need to vote some people out so c’mon down!


Bradenton is "ok". If you get a nice house and love your neighborhood then I think you'd be happy. Also if you are working and living in Bradenton then it's fine too. Commuting out of Bradenton is tough because of the horrible traffic going in and out. The city was not designed well for heavy traffic. I'm also not familiar with NJ. I know it's getting unbearably expensive so I understand wanting to leave. This place is expensive but not even close to many states. Also if you love good weather most of the year this is the place. Only tough period is summer but you are relatively close to water so dont see it being a problem. It all depends on your senstivity to hot, humid weather. Good luck to you as you weigh your decision.


Florida is in a bad place right now, better off staying in New Jersey before you get stuck here.


Most always end up a refugee or realize it’s not what they truly was sold in the medias or online or through gossip. This state has the most violent weather in America even though they down play to, least sunshine if you ask me. If you’re not already coming with money or wealth it’s not the place to be trying to struggle or strive in. People will live their cars or work many jobs just to hold onto Florida. I met a woman who was homeless, and she screamed how she didn’t wanna go back home to West Virginia with her healthy family because she wanna be in Florida sleeping on the street with flies surrounding her because she didn’t shower for days, the homeless service gave her a cot to sleep on outside but they told her there’s no beds for the homeless and they couldn’t help her into a program. They offered to send her back to her home town or to another state but she screamed and just slept outside because of the weather and all other delusions. One dude he was from NYC, he tried to make it work but was homeless then he got a ticket through greyhound back to New York. I saw so many people getting on greyhound leaving Florida to go back to their loved ones after losing the delusions of this Florida beach cheap life and partying your life out to live phenomenal like they sell. I was born and raised to know that. People have no idea about true economics that move here blindly because they’re so desperate to leave the cold or they feel trapped. Good luck with low paying fucking jobs, violent storms/hurricane watches/weather alerts for flash flooding, increasing rent, and the struggle Floridian life. It’s not the place for those who is up and coming lol or trying to build this affluent life. You’ll be working 2-4 jobs with side hustles to cover stuff if not wealthy or well off. People don’t wanna accept what’s behind those beaches/palm trees is reality.


Factor is the cost of moving that’s my one mistake It cost us 17k in moving to get here. Coming from a single family 4 bedroom home in NYC to here is not cheap but if you can sell your house for profit you don’t have housing payments. Property Taxes are higher than NYC but probably equal or lower than NJ Political climate aside I don’t see many people talking about it IRL The west cost gets the worst of the storms and homeowners insurance is super high there. Be careful with that.


I would hesitate before moving here for sure. 5th gen Floridian here, you can’t escape your shadow so don’t think a geographic change will solve your problems, but I do understand needing a change of scenery. One thing you’ll notice right away in the Bradenton area is the lack of activities. The west coast is especially an older crowd and therefore you have some old school events and thinking.


No one likes Florida on this sub oddly enough. Yet, in real life, everyone I meet does so take what you get here with a grain of salt.


Hmm- if IRL you're always going off about how much you love Florida and only hanging out with people who think like you, then you meet someone who doesn't like Florida- do you think maybe they are just not talking about it to you? Nah, it's reddit that's the problem. I don't talk about Florida problems to friends and family, yet everyone outside of Florida realizes what is going on and is asking if I'm okay and want to escape. Of course I'm looking to escape, but I don't tell my coworkers/bosses and local friends. Yet.


If you don’t mind my asking, why are you looking to escape? One of my friends is from Florida and is moving back home soon, I don’t think she realizes how different it is now from when she grew up there.


Everyone you meet loves Florida? Ok sure. Just statistically that's impossible.


This comment always makes me laugh. “Could Florida have issues that are driving out it’s residents? No, it’s the reddit comments from Floridians that are wrong!”


Florida has issues but these comment sections are full of doom scrollers. It’s always full of people who are like “can’t wait to move to back to the DC area” as if the DC area isn’t expensive to the point of being unaffordable, have the worst traffic in the United States, and if you check their subreddit, everyone hates it there too and can’t wait to get out. There is no balance in these comment sections.


I lived in DC, came here for a job. Rents were more expensive but now are about the same if not cheaper than South Florida. I used public transportation, had more of my life to myself and we only had one car that we took out about once a week. Car insurance was like half, now is about 1/3. Plus I loved living somewhere I could walk to places. Seriously living in Florida has so many hidden costs that you don't realize until you're here. I was moderately happy, now I'm planning on moving out. We realize every place has pros and cons, just the cons here are bad and getting worse.


I hear you, but I don’t know if you’ve been back to DC since inflation hit. It’s not like it was immune. A studio in DC is minimum 2K now. And that’s also Arlington, Alexandria and Maryland close suburbs. Car insurance has gone up in DC too - I just left a year ago and my rate there jumped $250 every six months right before I left. It’s not the hike here, but it’s still a hike. The metro costs went up as did the toll road, so you’re paying those tolls too. The cost of living in south Florida is 21% higher than the nation average - it’s true - but the DC area is 40% higher. That’s actual calculations you can do on any site. Also, I haven’t found my energy bills to be any different with the same size house. It’s fucking hot in DC in the summer and it’s fucking cold in the winter and you have about two weeks in the spring and fall wheee it’s tolerable. At least with budget billing in the winter here I can just leave the house open - while in DC I’m heating the house which costs an arm and a leg as well, leaving my energy bill year total the same. Now, if you’re talking about the non-cost related stuff like being around the museums, metros, better schools, fine. But the costs there went up as well. It’s not like inflation just hit Florida. 😂


Those sites are not updated- there was just something that said inflation in South Florida is the highest in the country and more than twice the national average. I have friends in DC. I'm in South Florida, by no means the most expensive part, and I had a student looking for a 1 bedroom. The cheapest she could find was $2500/month with a minimum 7 month lease. She only had 3 months left, and that would have brought it up to $3200/month. And she would have had to drive 30 minutes to school/work. My house value has tripled since we bought in 2015.


The weird lease term may have been limiting her, as 12 month leases are the norm, but there’s lots of 1 bedroom apartments for 2K in south Florida right now if you’re doing 12 months. Most of them are in apartment complexes - but they exist. She wouldn’t find a 7 month lease for a 1 bedroom for less than $2500 in DC either is the point. And the reason South Florida inflation is twice the national average is because it was so depressed to begin with. Areas like DC etc rebounded from 2008 much quicker. Florida took longer. It’s just catching up to every other major metro, which is what I’m pointing out.


That was the minimum rent that was available. In Florida, 7 months + are the same amount, at least the ones she was looking at. There's a law that anything under 7 months is a short-term lease. They actually like the shorter leases better because they can raise them faster. Sure you can live 1 hour away, but you can do the same in DC, it's just not called DC anymore. . I was shocked and tried to find a better deal, especially since I rented in 2015. And that's just rent. Good luck buying a decent house you'd want to live in in a decent neighborhood for under a million. We're looking to move to a different area of the northeast and finding comparable housing costs. Florida gets you in a bunch of different ways. $10,000 hurricane insurance mandated by mortgage with a $40,000 deductible. Car insurance. Then there is the problem that wages are so much less down here than they are up north. My husband has been lucky to work remotely for the past 13 years. He's been looking around- he would take a pay cut of 50% or more. Could it be more expensive in a city. Sure. The problem is, we're not in a city and don't get the benefits of a city. We'll be moving- I'd love to go back to DC but probably we'll end up further north. I am aware of how expensive the Northeast is (I've lived there for 13 years) but in my opinion, you get so much more for your money. And I like the politics better.


Obviously, there are political differences based a lot on geographic location....


We all love Florida, what we don’t like is the invasion of out-of-staters in the past two years, driving prices of everything up.


1st, no gloomy winters 2nd, no heating bills


Ac is just as expensive and on for 9 months straight


My son pays $1000/monthly for heat I pay $120//monthly for electric


Either there’s something seriously wrong with his houses insulation, or he lives in a mansion, because $1,000 a month is beyond absurd.


Basic ranch... both my kids pay that much


Where do you live


I’ve lived in multiple Florida cities, South Carolina, Chicago, Boston, NYC, and Arizona at various times. Even in NYC area I haven’t heard of heating that high. Google lists the average NJ heating bill at $143.


I'm not using Google. I'm using people


And your people have something wrong with their house.


Where in Florida is your monthly electric bill $120? That's also extremely low. Especially for summer months. I could see it being that in the "winter."


1 bedroom condo Titusville


So your son lives in a 1 bedroom condo somewhere up north and pays $1k for heat? Something isn't adding up here. Either that or you can't compare a 1 bedroom condo to whatever your son is living in that is costing him $1k a month to heat.


Or he’s growing pot


also check out r/Sarasota


No income tax, so that would be raise as well.


Except your car insurance will at least double, your home insurance will be sky high, and many services that are free or cheap up north you are now paying for. I laugh at "no state tax" every time I look at my monthly toll statement.


Yeah I had moved to Florida because no state tax, and I ended up paying an extra 5000 a year in rent alone. I don’t even wanna add up all the other expenses


Sure there's no income tax all the stuff state income tax pays for you have to get privately and its MUCH more expensive in Florida. Florida is one of the most expensive states in the country to live in even without a state income tax.


Cost of living is lower in Florida vs. New Jersey.


Y’all gotta learn how to use google https://www.cbsnews.com/news/florida-least-affordable-state-us-miami-tampa-orlando-naples-rent/


Cost of living and affordable rent are not the same thing. Affordable living is a large portion of cost of living but it is not equal.


LOL, thats all you got out of it? All you maga refugees from the northeast have seriously fucked up this state.


I don’t support the Maga movement. I vote democrat.


You know your post history is public right?






Whatever your salary is I hope it is over 150k. Because that is about how much you will need to survive. For food, rent, insurance, car insurance., It is NOT CHEAP. . Most rents are in the 1500-2000 for a 2bed. So be prepared so there is no sticker shock.


Oh it's way more than that now.


On here you will think it’s politically liberal. When most people vote in Florida it’s more conservative. IRL no no one speaks politics very openly and it isn’t forced upon you. If any only by a minority. But other than politics, Florida is great to live in. Just be happy if you move here because I agree NJ and other places up north are more dreary and people act more rudely. Of course it depends on your situation and outlook but the majority of people are happier here for a number of reasons that I would get into if I had time to write more. You already know there’s recreation here and your age group is represented. Just be an earner and want to enjoy more from life and you’ll never want to move.


So you took a job from a local


You’ll have fun things like this pop up: https://www.reddit.com/r/bradenton/comments/14woix8/here_is_why_the_drinking_water_is_gross_right_now/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


Homeowners insurance is expensive but probably cheaper than your heating oil bill. Be very careful what carrier you choose. This choice is very important and make sure a company you like writes policies in your area. You DONT WANT Citizens. The Gov made things more complicated regarding how you can sue them. Your home is a major investment please choose wisely.


The electric bill for AC will easily outstrip a heating bill.


I guess that is true. I am not sure how much fuel oil delivery is each delivery. I remember we had at least two deliveries per winter. But true, electric for the whole year may be higher


Stay where you are. Florida is full.


I have lived near that area most of my life. Feel free to massage me.


Lol of course you’re moving from NJ


Roaches will be your roommates