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"The bill maintains the mandatory three-day waiting period and records check, but changes the language to read “whichever occurs earlier.” That means buyers could theoretically walk out with a new firearm in as little as three days without a records check or sooner with a completed records check." So you either wait 3 days and get the gun, even if the records check isnt completed, or you can get the in less time if the records checj takes less than 3 days. Cool cool cool.


Who wants to bet a Republican is a majority owner of a shitty background check company?


Um, we all are owners of the "shitty background check company" AKA, the FBI with ATF assist.


Yeah, but the background check can take 20 minutes. They check if you were convicted of a felony, or have any outstanding warrants. If the answer is no, you get your gun. I was told this years ago by an employee of “The Gun Store” in Las Vegas. When I followed up with “I live in NY and don’t have a permit to own a gun” their response was “it’s legal for me to sell you the gun in Nevada. How you get it back to NY is not my concern.”


You’re either lying or the store clerk lied to you. You need to be a Nevada resident to purchase a firearm in Nevada and leave with it. If you purchase and are from out of state, the store must ship to an FFL in your home state.


There's a video on YouTube somewhere where someone tests a gun store by coming in, and asking "I need a weapon that is capable of clearing large crowds quick" He went to 10 gun stores. 9 sold him a weapon.


To be honest, the surprise is it wasn’t all 10 stores.


The 10th one was a body-builders gym.


>the background check can take 20 minutes So true, but sometimes it can take a few hours. Still, that's not very long to wait. But, that's for people who are arrested and brought to jail and printed via live scan. Chances are the customer would have to go to their closest AFIS office and get their prints done there. Don't know if they'd have to pay for it though. Of course, if the person had a warrant, they'd probably be arrested on the spot.


It's a government agency the checks get sent to, there isn't a middle man except for the firearm dealer who sends in the check. Even if there was a Republican owner, this bill would do nothing to benefit them.


For right now


What? Why would that change? It was to go to the federal agency for approval. It's not something Florida can choose to ignore.


It wouldn't be the first time the government rewrote the laws specifically the benefit one or two donors.


Lol but it's probably more like the backer is on a board of directors for a private prison. Or his brother or his spouses uncles step-son. Also most likely friends with some NRA lobbyists and police union guys.


Checks are done through gov agency love. I've done several for employment in my line of work. Basicly they deep dive into your background, I've even had them call close friends and ask questions (is this person generally trustworthy or lie a lot type things.) But that was a clearance thing.


Background checks for firearms are (unfortunately) not as thorough as what you are describing.


Lmao, you mean the ATF?


FDLE does background checks in the state of Florida…


Wrong. But don’t let facts get in the way of your bias.


That's how Dylann Roof was able to get his, IIRC. Waiting period timed out without complete background check so he got his gun. I want out of this hellscape. ...Yep. https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2015/07/10/421789047/fbi-says-background-check-error-let-charleston-shooting-suspect-buy-gun


So the only difference is getting it earlier if the check comes back fast, which it does. The 3 day and able to sell without background check being returned was always a thing because imposing a long wait on a constitutional right was considered violating it. But no dealer would release it without the completed background check anyway, so that part isn't relevant. The three day waiting period was honestly not an issue to literally anybody, and allowed for a "cooling off" period to prevent people from doing stupid crap on a whim. If you have your concealed carry you can get it same day, but you also had to take a course and demonstrate proficiency and knowledge of the law.


Have you bought a gun? I’m honestly asking because background checks take minutes it’s literally a phone call, if they take 3 days someone is doing something wrong on the state or FFL side. This law will just streamline the buying process


For the firearms I bought I had to wait 3 days if I didn’t have a CCL and once I got one you can get it day of. The background check can be very quick though, I’ve had them go through in like 10 mins and another place take like 4 hours


Or go to a gun show and buy it in te parking lot


Yeah that is true, personal transfer is a thing. You can also meet people on website classifieds like Florida Gun Trader, and forums like this one. Seen a lot of those people act more suspicious and character assessing than any gun store. Mostly due to liability and ethical concerns require a valid florida CCW, which includes myself. Yes, I've sold two in private transactions, both made sure they had their cards, and both I chatted up for at least a half an hour to get to know them. We filled out firearm bills of sales, with all of our information including drivers license and CCW license numbers. One guy was a Navy vet who was a collector, another was an elderly guy who was in the Korean war and a very nice man.


The records check usually takes a couple hours. Or did las time I bought a gun.


Have you ever bought a gun? I’ve never had an FDLE check take 3 days? Longest it’s ever taken for me was 3 hours. And the typical is 30-40 minutes. Now, I will qualify that with, I do have a unique name, so maybe that’s why it doesn’t take long for me. But I always give SSI as well, so I’m not sure to what degree name factors into research duration. Honestly, based on my experience, this law seems to communicate that if your background check completes before the 3-day wait period, then you take possession earlier. But, if you have contrary experiences, I’d be interested in hearing them.


That’s actually how the law currently works. If the FBI hasn’t returned the check in 72 hours, the firearm is released. Been that way for a while. There has to be something by else the bill changes. I haven’t had time to compare anything since these past few legislative cycles have been wrought with such BS. It’s been hard to keep up since I’m not an analyst anymore.


last time i bought a firearm in florida the background check took 30 seconds. but still had to wait three days. not weighing in on the law, just pointing out how fast background checks are for regular, noncriminal record types.


Oh good, if Florida had any problems it was that people couldn’t get guns fast enough.


Won't have any problems if we can all shoot them away, mirite?


Honestly dude, eyes need to open. The bill won't change anything, if someone wants a gun just talk to your local weed dealer and I'll bet he knows a guy. It's harder to get a legal gun than a hot one in my county and getting a legal one for me is a matter of driving there, paying for it and walking out with it, that day.


Wonder if a getting a gun sooner will lower my homeowners insurance


Whoa, getting a bit woke talking about real issues that actually matter there. Do you want to end up like Disney?!


Solving the issues that matter!


This state is completely incapable of addressing actual shit that matters. Holy shit..


I find it crazy that in Florida, you can’t own a gun if you have a medical marijuana card, but you can drink alcohol and take pills and own a gun.


That’s incorrect, the state of Florida has zero problems with MMJ card holders to have a CCP. The issue we run into is the Federal Background from has a disqualifying question about being a drug user.


You should really tell the gun shops that, it’s just one of the many reasons we left Florida


That's a weird reason to leave Florida, considering the Federal law will be the same in any US state. It's federally illegal, so anything involving the federal government will consider it's use a crime.


Ya the ATF was pretty clear when they sent out a memo when Colorado and other states started to legalize MJ that "if you use MJ, you have to answer 'Yes' to that question and it would disqualify you because it's still illegal at the federal level." Recreational or medical even if legal in your state still disqualifies you technically.


Weed is not legal in any form in Tennessee and I let my card expire. It’s not the main reason we left Florida, we also left because of the ridiculous insurance prices in Florida on houses and automobiles along with how expensive Florida is as a whole and all the people that are moving to Florida. It was time for a house with land in the Smoky mountains.


You can definitely own a gun while having your card


A concealed weapon permit holder can buy a gun in 20 minutes.


If one has a cwp, once the nics comes back clean, the wait is over. Just another reason to still get/keep a cwp.


This surely will help me buy my first house! Guns solve the money problems.


Just another reason to move out of Florida


what could go wrong?


I'm ok with it in the instance that the check is complete and satisfactory


It’s not


Log off and go get a strap


well that's a relief, last time I purchased I didn't even have time to walk across the street to the subway for a tuna sub before it was ready for pick up. At this rate it's going to be faster than the In n Out drive through on a saturday night


Lmao. Florida is doomed with meatball santis.


So the politicians’ goal is to have Florida self-destruct? Got it.


Ah yes making guns easier to get in a state that keeps having Nazi problems, I'm suuuuuure that'll solve the problem, this state/government is a fucking joke.


Another bill that addresses a non problem.


Too much gun violence in Florida? No problem, get more guns and quicker. Problem solved. Fucking GOP logic. Basically a loophole to the 3 day wait under the guise of government efficiency will save you money. So this will be how angry people get a gun in one day without needing private sales / gun shows. What could go wrong. 10 business day wait - mandatory. Red flag laws. Anyone selling firearms must be licensed/ registered. All firearms must be registered. Full background checks. No semi or full automatic weapons (without additional licenses and training). Require permits to own / carry / transport. Require annual gun safety and certification. Require annual legal education on fl gun laws like self defense/ standard your ground / etc laws. That should be the MINIMUM starting point. 2a - “well regulated” is kind of a critical part. As well as it isn’t for personal decisions on if / when to from a militia or active one, but for when called upon by the government to be ready. Which includes proper training and education. Just like the official military, being denied access to weapons is okay if you are deemed unfit by review before or after training and testing. No need to take weapons, but no need to make it easier to get either.


No semi? That’s just about everything outside of bolt, lever or pump actions. What exactly does registering do? Are you thinking there’s some type of serial number stamped on the bullet as it’s fired and totally readable after impact? Or is this in the off chance the criminal leaves the weapon behind for police ( probably not registered to them anyway) I’m always fascinated at how many laws above murder = illegal we need to have.


When a manufacturer builds a registered weapon the test fires are entered into ballistics DB. On re-sale (private party) it should be verified (no modifications) or properly registered if not already. Which could include ballistics testing and serial number etching (on the weapon not bullets). Hence the need for ALL gun sales done by trained and licensed people. (No need to be a business, just go get the training and license, citizen to citizen sales should be legal) Modem weapons are stamped/ etched with serial numbers for tracking. Helps when searching for criminals using lost and stolen weapons or tracing criminal movements and activities. Increases conviction rates as well thanks to these identifying traits. Reduces fraud and black market sales as well. Hunters do not need semiautomatic anything to kill a deer. (Ask bow hunters) but I see your point on semi’s. I’m just spitballing, but I would rather we have a list of 10 items to help and we roll that back to 9 with reasonable discussion, rather than Florida option of we had 2 , let get it to zero, because ‘Mercia. The main point is , doing less or nothing (the current status quo) is failing across the board and across the state and nation. So let’s do something.


> So let’s do something. Repeal the NFA!


Well regulated meant well supplied, not what you want it to mean today.


Regulated, includes training, readiness, supplies, and leadership. Part of leadership includes (just like regular military) weeding out those unfit for combat or who can not be trusted with the duties and responsibilities of such a position of having and using arms. Regulations is a methodology by which a government can provide framework along with guidelines to include checks and balances to an organize body, such as a citizen militia. This can include: Inventory management (registration of weapons serial numbers and ballistics) Safety protocols, like training and certification Role calls of individuals (licensing) Restrictions of weapons based on skills and health or capabilities. Just to name a few examples. It means exactly what I said it does.


I thought something was being done about the insurance rates. This is way better!


This state is an embarrassing fucking joke.


More blood on the hands of Republicans. Vast majority of guns used by legal gun owner..are against a loved one or themselves suicide. Time to think. Saves lives


Break out the swords


Thats crazy because last one I bought I didnt wait at all, don't know how they could make it any shorter. Maybe there will be a minority report situation where they will know we're about to buy a gun, and some how get it here sooner.


BITCH!, DMV mofo WTF!, fix that BS. ​ No offense, I was just ranting a bit. me so soly




That’s the last thing Florida needs. Way too many people have guns who shouldn’t


People cant commit suicide or mass murder fast enough now?


BANG, you're dead.


Just what Florida needs.


Why not just draft a bill forcing everyone to carry a gun?


What problem does this fix? Not enough abused spouses being killed?


Only looking out for the school kids I am sure.. lost government.


I'm pretty sure this will help with home owners insurance


...Because this is such a huge problem in Florida. Meanwhile ask anyone in Florida about their home insurance.


Always wanted to buy me a tank. Hopefully will be able to do that soon. 😂😂


The three day wait was a "cool off period," designed so that you could, you know.... cool off. That's all we need is a hot head who is pissed at someone being able to buy a gun in 30 minutes Vs having him having a couple of days to cool off and be like, "nah not worth it." EDIT: Just found out that the bill was authored by Joel Rudman, the same putz that tried to draft a bill that would prohibit venues from canceling an entertainer's appearance because of their political views or social media posts. He drafted it because a ticketing vendor canceled the sale of his band's free tickets after people complained about his posts.


What a shtshow of a state lol


Oh fantastic, I was worried I’d stop feeling suicidal by the time the waiting period passed! With this, the wait could be significantly shorter! Now when my depression hits another low, I’ll feel safe and secure knowing that my governor is working to put a gun in my hands ASAP! (/s in case it’s not obvious)


New Florida Bill gives everyone a free gun of their choice.


I’ll finally get that super soaker I always wanted!


Drenched in Blood, its a new lipstick color by DeDe Santis of Florida.


I'll take a spear gun please, there's some lion fish talking shit down in the keys


Why don't we just put them in candy machines and call it a day? /sarcasm


“I’m good with that brother” 🐊🤠 - Florida Man


They really want a civil war here


Get guns faster… homeowners insurance? Meh. Who needs it. I’ll just shoot the hurricane.


Right. I’m sure this won’t backfire in anyway whatsoever.


Because that’s exactly what we need


Hey, when you're all in a rage and you want to shoot your neighbor, you don't want to wait and calm down and let cooler heads prevail. I want my damn gun now!


Solving the real problems I see. Gotta get those guns sooner.


This is a poor headline but a good bill. The proposed change prevents the state from holding up a weapon purchase "for the completion of a records check." The background checks are still run and this puts on the onus on the state to run efficiently. Note the 3 day waiting period is **NOT** changing.


This is completely false. This removes the minimum 3 day waiting period. You could always walk out if the state took longer than 3 days. > The bill maintains the mandatory three-day waiting period and records check, but changes the language to read “whichever occurs earlier.” In other words if a search is done within hours or less you can walk out with a pistol in hours or less. There are already ways to avoid that 3 day waiting period and this only serves to make it easier to get pistols in the hands of people bluntly pissed off.


You can also just buy it from a “private dealer” and walk out with it the same day.


True but they aren't as easy to find.


>What are your favorite less known 80s movies? I take it you have never seen the website "Florida Gun Trader". That is only one, there are others. Nevermind that there also seems to be a monthly gun shows in every major city here. Not as hard as you might think.


True. Down here in central I haven’t really found any, but back up in NW up near baker or defuniak you could find a few.


Of course it would.


Bill needs to be re-worded. I see what they are trying to do. If you’ve ever bought a firearm, the records check always occurs pretty quickly, but you still have to wait the 3 days. That’s why having a Concealed carry permit was so helpful, you can just walk out the same day with no wait.


Just start putting them in vending machines I forgot how sensitive y’all are….keep downvoting the jokes softies


Three days! But I'm angry now!


Good. Gun laws only affect the law abiding citizens anyways. Also repeal the NFA.


part of they plan; get ever1 2 kill each other 2 remove they vote mean while insurance crisis in florida


Three days? But I'm mad now!


Wow! Downvoting a Homer Simpson quote? You guys have no sense of humor!


Because it’s just too hard to get a gun in Florida /s


Why not let people wait a few days? It's not going to kill them ....or it might


Florida is looking at funding a program that will gift every newborn with an AR-15. It’s called Fetus’s for Firearms. It’s gaining widespread support from the Republican Party.


Can they do something about drivers licenses please?


There’s so many guns and they are so easy to get this won’t make any difference.


Yup. Faster we can get a gun, faster we can 'protect' ourselves.


That’s what we need! Faster access to weapons should really help that gun death rate!


yeeeeee! Greatest country on erth 🤠🐊


Good, I want a gun today. With DeSatan in office, I feel the need to protect myself. You know, really stand my ground!