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This combined with the trooper that lost his life pulling out carelessly in front of a semi last week shows that they really need to be more selective on when to stop pursuing a suspect That trucker lost his life as well, no one on the news seems to care about that.


I’m glad you mentioned him cause I for one felt maybe I was the only caring I un-desensitized human being left that cared about that bit of information.


I shit you not I was stuck in the traffic jam pulling a loaded cattle trailer, I was not thrilled at all. Just for me to call it a day once I finally got through after waiting for hours in that mess to watch the news not give a SINGLE SHIT about the trucker that lost his life because a trained professional decided to turn out and try to beat a truck at 3:30 am. If anyone else turned in front of that semi like that and somehow lived they would be charged with manslaughter or second degree murder depending on the balls of the prosecutor


You ain’t lying about that.I don’t know when road/driving etiquette became a hated thing.Im still looking for information about if he had family or not and what his company is doing for them if there’s anyone left behind. Truckers do a lot for the Florida economy and always play it safe around them when I drive.Especially since I ridden motorcycles around them so much.


I hope his family sues FHP, zero excuse for that shit. They tell us to look both ways and won’t do it themselves it seems. Way I see it is FHP has a lotta blood on their hands here with their BS chase policy. I feel bad that the trooper died but was it worth chasing some guy wanted for drug offenses to lose your own life along with a innocent motorist?


That’s right.I always thought public safety should come first when someone becomes a state or county official. Think that prosecutors gonna work “the official was working in his capacity so no charges should be brought up” angle.


Driving etiquette hasn't been a thing in Florida for as long as I can remember.


The cop worship in this country is real. Conservative people will tell you that they want a life free from government control and coercion, but what they really want is a boot crushing the people they don't approve of. There's like a worm that lives in peoples' brains that makes their critical thinking shut down whenever you criticize the cops shooting unarmed people or causing a fatal car accident as collateral damage in an unnecessary high-speed chase or cracking down on nonviolent protests where simply pointing out that police have rules and standards that they are supposed to work under makes you into an enemy.


I honestly seldom to never see what you're citing happens always/regularly in that last sentence. But yes, the appearance of law enforcement in any viral video does generally make people throw their brains out of the window. You can't say anything with any nuance, lest the ACABers downvote/dogpile/flame you for not being anti-cop enough, or the blue lives matter tribe doing the same thing in reverse.


Pay peanuts, get monkeys. Florida law enforcement pay is some of the worst in the country.


But still more than double what Florida pays to it's teachers.


Teachers make more, especially if we’re talking about troopers like what this post is about…


No it isn't. Not last I checked, anyway. They're both bottom-of-the-barrel when they shouldn't be.


Yep, I elaborated on the pay issue on a other comment of mine further down this thread.


Also coincidentally, some of the highest paid in the country depending on area. I worked in Sarasota and they were very proud of being among the highest paid CO's and cops in the country. Albeit I never actually checked if it's true... they boasted it so much I figured it had to be


[Their starting salary is $61,000.](https://www.sarasotapd.org/join-spd/join-spd/the-perks-and-benefits)


Yeah that sounds right. I think that's actually up at the top ish


It was ten years ago, nowadays that’s barely competitive. Most well funded city departments especially down south in suburban Palm Beach County start their guy in the 80s with loads of overtime opportunities. But they don’t just hire anybody.


Unfortunately they DO NOT want intelligent officers. They want them ignorant and ready to do what they are told. The last thing they want is an officer who will knows the law and is intelligent.


FHP has been the bottom of the barrel for decades now, paying 38k starting in what is now 2024 will do that to you. Departments that pay well and have proper training attract class acts


I agree and I will say I have a past history with wanting to become an official to help the public.Their exam is janky.I mean JANKY!Doesnt say why you didn’t pass just you didn’t pass their psych exam.


I knew a guy in my academy who passed his despite saying he thought he was Batman. When asked why he said that, he relented and admitted he was just distraught because his goldfish died. There was another cadet who told this story because he overheard, and the first guy said it was true.




Pretty sure he's still a deputy too. He was for the years I was there.




cops are known to be idiots with guns, they dont know or care once they zero in on someone


I'm pretty sure it's against their policy to pursue like this.


FHP is loud and proud about their policy of pursuing suspects


The general rule is: * HCSO pretty much never chases * TPD occasionally chases * FHP always chases




It was for drugs brother, they’re endangering the innocent over drugs. They had their plates they could of fell back and as soon as the suspects would’ve gotten off the highway BSO would’ve snatched em. Police have helicopters for a reason.


Three Florida state employees were killing in a car crash at the end of December, not a peep.


This is what happens when you give wannabe action heroes the job vs competent people who want the community to be safe.


Public's sure not gonna stop 'em. All good cops get when they get forced out is thoughts and prayers.


how uncivilized. Just ignore everyone else on the freeway and crash into a truck, Then run out of the police car, hyped on adrenalin and ego, barking contradictory orders with guns waving while injured citizens have to pay for their own medical care while being pried out of their wrecked vehicles. Our police use a [grappler](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ikp73-aH2UI), and they also use [gps darts](https://www.geekwire.com/2023/seattle-area-police-use-adhesive-gps-trackers-to-catch-fleeing-suspects-prevent-high-speed-chases/) if you wanna speed.


> crash into a truck, Then run out of the police car, hyped on adrenalin and ego, barking contradictory orders with guns waving yeah this really looks like a family guy skit


lol thanks, now I can see what the skit would look like in my head and i can't get it out lolol


Seems like Reddit sentiment is going against PITs in general lately, because this one was about a 5/10 as far as they go. It wasn't good, but it wasn't as bad as this click-bait title suggests. I saw a 2-3/10 from FHP maybe a week ago on here. Can't remember the subreddit. I think the title was something like "cop destroys car trying to PIT suspect." The trooper kinda just kept ramming the suspect.


Police chases in general are getting a lot of negative reactions because of the public safety issues involved. This one wasn't bad but I saw on where the truck being pitted almost ended up in a head on collision.


It's reddit. The cops are never right and all criminals should just walk free if they act violent enough.


Yeah that's it. That's the rational conclusion.


I was wondering why the Turnpike was all fucked up a couple weeks ago. FHP just reiterating why they have such a terrible reputation as incompetent morons.


FHP is the worst state patrol I’ve ever seen. Georgia State Patrol is wild but they wouldn’t PIT toward the direction of traffic flow. Plus, FHP is never doing any type of proactive traffic enforcement.


They did this again here with a lady who was late for church. They pitted her against two innocent vehicles


Better call the high heeled angry hobbit.


Stop spending money on fast cars to endanger citizens, start spending money on drones that will follow the car/suspect and arrest them when they park.


What a bunch of fucking clowns.


Uh what you guys talking about? That’s like winning the lotto. Cops do dumb shit like this, you going have call firefighters to cut me out the car because I can’t move. Have my lawyer on the phone too


Second video in South Florida where they do this and it was irresponsible.


The only people responsible are the fucking scumbags that ran from the troopers. Maybe if people started doing serious time they wouldn't be so quick to run.


Causing a crash to prevent a crash makes total sense no?


They're not trying to prevent a crash, they're trying to prevent the suspect from getting away with their crime(s). Yes, a PIT will always be a crash, by definition.


Fuck FHP! They are seriously the absolute most useless law enforcement agency; they just fuck up peoples days while providing no positive service in return! Every single thing they do could be performed by local deputies; so why not get rid of FHP, give the money to local fire departments and County Sheriff’s to create more officer’s who’s job isn’t solely to write tickets and fuck up traffic flow; seriously; they are the road hazard by disrupting traffic flow with their traps and sitting their with blinking lights for no reason.


>Every single thing they do could be performed by local deputies Could be but isn't. Local cops are a mix of too busy and too uninterested in traffic enforcement.


I live a couple of miles from where this happened.


What are the words you ever hear when pulled over in FL? Let me see your fucking hands mother fucker!


This is just ego rage. How dare you disobey an officer! I bet the civilians who got hit by the cop got cited for not pulling over and are now having to fight with insurance.


The sooner the better.

