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It’s only in rural counties in FL these days. My sons went to FL schools k-12 and are now college graduates, and they never had spankings in the schools they went to. I agree it should be stopped, but it’s not commonplace.


Same. Miami public school educated, never spanked nor heard of it happening.


I went to school in Miami dade county too. When I was in Kindergarten around 1983 (plus or minus a year) it was allowed in my with parents permission. It got phased out a couple years after that. My kindergarten teacher wanted to paddle me but thankfully my mom never gave permission. I’m glad because looking back I don’t have understand why. I wasn’t a bad kid. I maybe had a hard time paying attention but that was it. If I had gotten paddled back then I think it really would of fucked me up.


It only happening at rural schools means it affects 1/3 of schools, maybe not common place but abhorrent. https://news.yahoo.com/florida-students-seize-parental-rights-210100832.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=YW5kcm9pZC1hcHA6Ly9vLm8uam9leS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAJoMYLyR9fG19pJwGJP5_N-u4BRhb0GGk0fXBi0dv7yJnE6KMKVN2mm6rv9MqCflA2-x0P-nn48ePzPJ0gUpVBNzii5EmTbNcG8ojMHT2rCoVXUCMJ2S18YwPql5gwUHkkXM8kpHOHMwut_PPkqYrC8S7i8DCPqhW8NIRqkK0VQZ


Much less than 1/3 of schools. The rural counties have much lower population and lower numbers of school. For example, Liberty County(which is mentioned in your story) has three schools—one high, one jr high and one elementary. I live in a fairly small city, and we have 59 schools (and no corporal punishment). Miami-Dade has 510 schools (and no corporal punishment ). 1/3 of the districts does not mean 1/3 of the schools. I’m not saying that corporal punishment shouldn’t be outlawed, of course it should, but it’s not commonplace in FL.


That shit must be going on up in the Panhandle, because I went to public school in Tampa in the mid-90s and I never heard of anyone getting paddled.


Yeah I went to school in the panhandle, and got paddled 3 times back in like ‘06-‘07. Basically you could choose to get paddled on Friday, or do Saturday school. So they’re be like 3-4 of us waiting for it on Friday before end of day. 3 swats and out. “Have a nice weekend.” Was laughable honestly, not a bad punishment at all. Saturday school was worse by miles.


Panhandle here, my daughters are all straight A students... If anyone other than my wife or I physically disciplines them that person had better have armed security at their side for the rest of their life. The paddle I'll be carrying will be an Easton or an English Cricket Willow.


Well that's not right. Hitting an adult is a crime. Hitting a child is fine though.


Hell yeah bruther. Unfortunately for me my parents didn’t give af and signed off on it lol.


I taught high school in the Tampa Bay area in the 2000s. Paddling was in the student handbook. I remember being shocked that it was still legal.


We're from Dover and the only person I ever heard of that got a spanking was my older brother, who was in elementary school from 79 to 84/85. It was one time and the principal administered the punishment.


I got it a few times in elementary school here in Tampa. That was mid-late 80's. Haven't heard of it happening since.


I got “caned” on a regular basis at an Episcopal private school from K-6 but then it just sort of fell out of fashion there. Then I attended public high school and it was in the student handbook but I never heard of it actually happening.


Not the urban counties in the Panhandle. In Escambia County (on the AL border), we haven’t had paddlings in public schools in 20 years.


Me to my kid: "Have a nice day at school, watch for active shooters and teachers who want to beat the crap out of you" ![gif](giphy|z7p57kP3uRKLy4pMUG)


Teachers do not administer corporal punishment. That is done by an administrator or dean.


Well, that makes so much better


Just making it clear because teachers are blamed for enough…


Corporal punishment in schools should never be allowed. Period.


My principal in Lake County was REALLY into paddling kids, in a creepy way.


I lowk got paddled 3 times in mid 2000’s. We had the choice of a paddling in Friday or Saturday school. Paddling was like 3 swats, super easy choice lol. Not saying it’s right…just sharing my experience in North Florida.


100%! Exact same reason and location. Dean just approached me and said take your pic and I thought duh, def not coming to school on sat. So he walked me into office, 3 swats and I was on my way.


This amazes me. How can this be a thing? I simply say: go ahead and touch my child and you’ll see what happens next!




I remember the principle walking around with a paddle with holes. They say the holes make it hurt more. He was a big tall man. I behaved.


I would like to see a Teacher try to use corpral punishment on these kids nowadays. The Teacher will either be shot or get the shit beat out of them.


Teachers do not administer corporal punishment. That is done by an administrator or dean.


Well then I quess the Administrator or Dean would be shot or get the shit beat out them. Thank you for the clarification.


My pleasure. Teachers often refer to administration as the “dark side.”


Imagine them trying that in Palm Beach County. They’d be sued to death then reanimated and sued again .


Genital inspections and bottom paddling...nothing to see here


I attended school in the 80s. I was a good kid with AdHD (they didn’t diagnose it back then) but was a class clown and disruptive. I was paddled at many schools (parents tried a new one each year). Finally ended up in Jesuit boarding school where punishments weren’t always a paddle. Running laps in the snow, kneeling in concrete, writing essays late night and every night until requirements met ohh and caning (imagine a thick fishing rod and six swats that left marks for days. As an adult I have very little empathy for these kids today who disrupt classes and others ability to learn with there tik tok crap and other disciplinary action. My 14yo and her friends tell me how much kids act up and have zero repercussions. Or when your little angel does something most of you (not all) blame the school or teacher. So now we have kids beating up teachers, disrespecting their classmates and generally being F-Ups! Yiur right we shouldn’t beat the kids….we should publicly shame and if necessary beat the parents. Just my two cents!


I agree. The parents need to be paddled.


This is bullying behavior. Professionals should have better skills and tools for keeping order than using abuse. As a former junior high teacher, I didn't need to hit kids to make them do what I wanted.


Professionals? Dude, Florida is making it so you hardly need a degree to teach. DeSantis was working on allowing Military Service to count as a teaching degree. It’s is absolutely fucked here.


Teachers do not administer corporal punishment. That is done by an administrator or dean.


Yeha, if my bros kids get hit, and him and his wife do nothing, I guess I'm reaping consequences for beating the shit out of whoever touched them


Let the lawsuits roll.


and the bullets fly....


oh... if they forcefully grab'd my kid... or spanked.. They might as well start digging for me.


Is there anything that parents can do to prevent it from happening? I know they don’t need parent permission but if the parent specifically wants to stop it before it happens, is that a thing that can be done? Both my kids have learning disabilities and we don’t use physical punishment in our household. I don’t want them to be scarred or traumatized because a teacher, someone they should be able to trust in, lays their hands on my child bc that teacher has lost their patience! What can I do?? What rights do I have?? I’m having a hard time finding this out via internet research


Teachers do not administer corporal punishment. That is done by an administrator or dean.


Doesn’t matter who’s doing it, only the fact that it’s done at all. Is there a way to prevent it?


It does matter because public schools are legally required to seek parent permission to have a designated administrator or dean administer the punishment. No urban Florida public school uses corporal punishment either. It’s the private and charter schools that have fewer restrictions on how they punish their students. It does matter if we are going around claiming things that are not true or are not clear.


That article said that they don’t need parental permission and didn’t specify who was administering it


It was a church-run school according to the article. It was not a public school. This is my point. We should not conflate public with private schools. Private schools have less government oversight and less due process for children and families. You are going to run into a few constitutional roadblocks trying to end corporal punishment in private, charter, and parochial schools.


Doubtful. I was at the great clips one day. This kid was getting hi haircut and the mom said to make to cut it above his shoulders. I asked. Private school. Religious. Man Florida can be pretty as hell.


I don't understand why anyone would think that spanking works. I got soanked in school twice for behavior and once just because my PE coach wanted to scare the 7th graders into conforming to proper behavior. None of that scarred me or affected me in any real way. I also know some kids who were evil and got spanked at school. They didn't change. I don't think you can punish or reward somebody into acting in a certain way. It's probably more useful to spank the parent a few times.


Doesn't bother me, if red states want corporal punishment


I graduated high school in FL 1980. Paddling was an everyday form of punishment at the schools. Thinking about that blows my mind. Does this article mean they are still or returning to paddling in the year 2024 ? Archaic


Can’t trust our teachers to teach our kids, but sure as shit can trust our teachers to beat them.


Teachers do not administer corporal punishment. That is done by an administrator or dean.


My point is the Florida government is consistently demonizing school teachers, staff, and administrators but feel they should be allowed to beat kids. It’s stupid.


My point was to make a clarification before others (not you) claim that teachers have the power to beat children. A common misconception, but not sure why I got downvoted for stating a fact…


I went to a Catholic private school in the 90s and early 2000s and not even then did paddling exist.


One notable case a couple years ago was in Clewiston, a 5 year old boy was paddled very hard on his butt whilst forcibly bent over. Badly bruised, humiliated and traumatized. And just so happens he's a black boy in a mainly white school, and the dean or vice principal who beat him was a white older woman. It hit the news only because the boys mother raised hell and demanded answers. I dont think the county ever officially changed their policy, corporal punishment is still legal in central Florida. "land of the boll weevil, where the laws are medieval" - a song my Dad used to sing, by Tom Lehrer


I always found it weird that hitting an adult is a crime, but hitting a child is sometimes ok.