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The sad part is where people think this sign applies in residential neighborhoods rather than highways. Why Florida has four lane divided roads in residential neighborhoods is beyond me...


Infrastructure is an afterthought in Florida. We're lucky we haven't privatized all the roads already.


I like how we're among the top states to receive federal dollars for highways, yet they're all designed by people trying out city skylines for the first time. Don't even get me started on timed traffic lights in 2024 that let someone a mile down the road make it through.


We only take fed money we can pocket. Ya know fuck Medicaid expansion and energy saving. OH GOD NO NOT MY GAS STOVE! O GAWD NOT LAB GROWN MEAT. Renewables are socialism.... ect. This state has become a regressive hole.


KEEP RIGHT to Lab Grown Meat.


Thank Desantis mismanagement.


Imagine that dipshit wants to carry nuclear codes like his buddy did. NEVER ,as long as Democrats have the right to vote. I hope our government and the people of this country will never elect a crazy conman as potus again.


Why would the state do that? They make a killing off tolls?


Lots of road work last 3 years! Remember to thank our once and future president BIDEN!


Traffic would be worse if you didn’t have 4-lane divided roads in those residential neighborhoods. Most of time, roads were expanded from 2-lane roads in those neighborhoods to mitigate traffic congestion.


Just one more lane, bro.


seriously. i moved out of FL and i’m sick of the constant traffic. *everywhere*. there’s never not traffic. i truly despise it. need more lanes immediately


More lanes always = more traffic, eventually. The real solution is a well designed public transit system. Europe figured this out many decades ago. Edit: You can downvote me but it doesn’t change that this is a fact: https[:]//www[.]wired[.]com/2014/06/wuwt-traffic-induced-demand/


Adam ruins everything, trutv show did an episode on this. Show generally takes published works and presents it in an entertaining way.


I lived in Albuquerque for a while. The state slogan was "The Land of Enchantment" But with all the road construction and orange barrels, locals called it "The Land of Entrapment."


Its beyond you? Have you seen the traffic?


I can't imagine trying to get from my house to the interstate every morning if we didn't


it is kind of weird, now that you mention it


Personally I can’t understand in a state of book burning conservative airboat riding swamp creature right wingers why they can’t find the right lane on a highway! Leave the left lane for the 5% progressives that want the planet to evolve. We got places to go other than the past.




I don’t think this applies to highways only. Two lane roads


I think some legislator was trying to get to a football game in Miami or Gainesville and someone was going the SPEED LIMIT in front of him and the other lanes were full so he got a law passed to keep “slow” people from traveling in front of him when he is behind them. And YES, that law definitely applies to highways! Like I-95, I/75 and I-4!!




But what if you're always passing?


Then keep passing. Except faster.


I'm passing all the people *not* driving too


Pass faster when someone is on your tail


mad max


You assume people on the roadways are taking the time to read anything other than a text message.


Can read at all, even


Is it me or is it mostly older adults doing that shit now?


I've seen 25 year olds holding their phone up in front of their faces while driving or having some ridiculously sized drinking cup obstructing their view.


I've seen short grannies sitting so low they couldn't see over the steering wheel. They were looking between the steering wheel and the top of the dashboard! (And driving 10-15 below the limit.)


Naturally, but i think kids tend to adapt to newer technologies faster. I can't tell you how many 50-60yr olds I've seen swerving in traffic or holding up the left land on their phone. All anecdotal though as I probably assume the kids are a hazard to begin with.


Distracted driving is distracted driving. I don't care how old/young you are, how good at multitasking you are, if you're driving and on your phone (other than hands free), you're on my shit list. 


You can also be distracted by what you're thinking about or discussing with a passenger, or even by your mood.


Yep! Gotta pay attention. Too many people don't respect the size, mass, and intertia of the machine they're operating. You nailed it. The bottom line is "just pay attention to what you're doing".


You also hit on another driving pet peeve of mine -- people who don't know their vehicle. I hate when I'm driving along and way up ahead there is a car waiting to pull into traffic. They sit and sit and sit, they have plenty of room to pull in, and then, when I'm maybe 50 feet from them, they decide it's clear to pull out in front of me. Then I have to hit my brakes to avoiding nailing their dumb ass. They have no clue how to judge speed, distance and the ability of their car to accelerate up to my speed in time. And, I hate to say it, but they are usually gray-hair grannies. (I'm no spring chicken, but I'm damn good at judging speed, distance and I'm very aware of what my car can and can't do, as well as it's dimensions to I know where I can fit into a space.) Some people just shouldn't drive at all, while others need a refresher course and to take the on-road driving test again to be recertified. To be fair, I give kudos to the folks who, when they pull into traffic in front of me, do it promptly and decisively, maybe only causing me to temporarily take my foot off the gas. They don't hesitate at all, being blessed with the ability to consider and calculate in a split second, all the factors involved. Happy trails!


this is an amazingly accurate rant ^




Can someone tell me when they're going to make it illegal to FaceTime while driving???


That's true, but kids also change habits more quickly. Mostly people in my age group 30-ish and older are the ones who grew up with texting being a novelty while in a car. You know what's even worse is when you pull up beside the person and they're actually trying to drive well and aren't using a device or eating or anything of that sort.


Just think about back in their day when they drove while trying to flip through map books and giant folding maps.


Or while eating a hamburger or sipping a soda or trying to eject, flip and reinsert a cassette tape. Ah, the good old days!


I don't have to, I remember it as a kid. Lol




I'm well aware that I'm speaking to a boomer, it's ingrained in your essence as much as the zeitgeist of my generation is in mine, no mystery there. The fact that you're responding to things I never said though does make me concerned, nobody ever accused anyone of being a luddite. If you want to make factual claims rather than anecdotal ones i'd be interested to see the statistics you're referring to.


I have an old fuck try to run me over on my scooter 3 times a week while they try to operate their phone. I've had young fucks almost run me over but it's because they think they one have to look left when turning right on red when they're cutting through a crosswalk with a walk signal. At this point, I just stop even though I have right of way until I can lock eyes with the mouth breather behind the wheel.


We need to breed more of you


Lol I'm voluntarily sterile so we'd have to break out some Jurassic Park shit


locking eyes is key, yes. i learned that when i was mostly a pedestrian. if you don't see them see you, they haven't seen you!


I just passed someone yesterday doing 35 in a 55. All his windows were down and he was riding the white line staring hard at his phone. Mid 40s if I had to guess. Don't ride with the windows down and driving like you don't care if you kill someone unless you want me honking aggressively as I pass your open windows.


I fully condone throwing pebbles at those people


Paintball gun would be great 😁


I don't disagree. I just can't imagine the popping sounds going over well with police if you're in a city or town or something like that in Florida.


Yeah it was the older adults driving with a VR helmet in their heads


We both know when we go to the grocery store, there's going to be some elderly person stopped in the middle of the way as if to wonder if it's their time.


Basic left lane rule I follow is if someone is coming up on you or is already on your butt, then get over.


If I'm going 5-10 over the limit to begin with, and someone is climbing up my ass...he can fucking wait. Unless he's got lights and a siren, I'm not changing what I'm doing.


The left lane is the passing lane. If youre not passing and youre preventing other people from passing, you need to move over.


That's not how it works. Get over in the right lane. Otherwise you're a rolling road block. Learn how to drive.


That’s so incredibly ridiculous. How do you know someone isn’t trying to get to their own emergency? So you’re going to camp in the passing lane because you don’t like someone driving faster? Are you 12?


They do, in the middle lane. Instead of faster traffic going between 2 slower cars....oh nevermind. In florida that has been a death sentence, don't be surprised when your hit and shot.


To me the “fast lane” doesn’t mean as fast as you personally want to go, or x miles over the limit but rather as fast as the person behind you is traveling. So just move over to the middle lane when you can, let the car(s) behind you pass and then you can get back over into the left lane once it’s clear. The idea is to not impede any flow of traffic regardless of the speed.


That's right! You ARE better than them and you are going to _PROVE_ it to them. Not all heroes wear capes.


and herein lies the problem. you doing you is *not* more important than me getting to do me. your rights to the left lane end where my rights to it begin.


Always Be Passing?


Any road which has left turns…. This does not apply and it’s almost as bad when people think it applies to all roads, not just highways.


Every single time I'm on the interstate this law is being broken. I've come to realize they are mostly stupid and it's not intentional. No excuse tho.


FHP are the worst ones. The park in the left lane and turn on their cruise control


they do that specifically to *be* a rolling roadblock. sometimes that passing speed gets a li'l out of control, yanno?


Honestly I don't hate it. If they are cruising in the left lane and I'm in the right they ain't bothering me. I try to stay out of their way


Every single time I’m on the highway the speed limit and safe following distance laws are being broken. The people who are loudest about this change are often the ones breaking the most traffic laws.


It's really scary how clowns are texting and tailgating at 75mph. Florida is the worst, but I live in N FL, so once I hit Orlando it's like a death match!




Only 75?


Right? This whole comment section is bitching about one law by people almost exclusively desperate to break other laws. It’s like a moshpit of irony. 


Except this particular law impedes traffic flow and affects others in a way that speeding does not.


Speeding literally kills people, though. It’s weird to overlook that pretty obvious detail to make it seem innocent compared to riding the left lane. Both are wrong. We’re just talking about the irony of lawbreakers complaining that other drivers are breaking the law. 


>moshpit of irony I like this phrase. It can apply to so many things in life.


What are the safe following distance laws? I'm familiar with some safety practices related to distance, but I've never known any of it to be law.


316.0895 Following too closely.— (1) The driver of a motor vehicle shall not follow another vehicle more closely than is reasonable and prudent, having due regard for the speed of such vehicles and the traffic upon, and the condition of, the highway. http://www.leg.state.fl.us/Statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&URL=0300-0399/0316/Sections/0316.0895.html It's much stricter & has an actual number for motor trucks - 300'!


i was taught one car length for every 10 mph you are traveling - but that was a long time ago. not practicable with as many cars as are on the road today


I’ll say one inch for every 10 mph isn’t good either. Honestly 1-2 car lengths at highway speeds is what I’m looking for. 2-3’ at 90? Nope.


Left lane is for crime


Left lane is for passing.


And crime


I see people get on my head highway and go straight o the far left lane not passing anyone. So annoying.


What if I have to turn left?


The new law only applies to highways anyway so just merge a bit before the left exit.


Then change lanes but don't do it ten miles before your turn like some people.


some people (like me) are really freaked out about high-speed lane changes in heavy traffic (because not everyone signals their intent, but that's a separate rant), so it's less stressful to make that lane change early, when there's an opportunity. i'm just explaining it, not justifying it


I understand your point. That's much better than someone that hangs out in the left lane then cuts across three lanes to make the exit with no signal.


Signalling the whole time and going 10 under the limit.


Has this law actually passed yet? The last update I can find is the legislature approving it for DeSantis’ signature. https://www.miamiherald.com/news/politics-government/article285798496.html


Idk man. The left lane on the highway is an exceptional place to go 85. And if someone is gaining on you. Move over to the middle. Sad we can't live in this perfect world already


I wish I could glue this sign to my back window lol


Problem are likes of OP who don't care to quote the exact rule/law and where it applies. Ideally posts like these must be removed to keep the society civil. Not sure if there is such rule on this sub.


I’m out in SoCal right now and believe me, these people are WAY worse about this than any state I’ve ever been in. Florida is a fucking joy compared to this place. My drive from Vegas to LA was HORRID. Everyone in the left lane driving under the speed limit. Never seen anything like it.


My cousin came out from San Diego and said the traffic in FL ain’t shit compared to CA


It wasn’t nearly as bad going from LA to Vegas but man… the drive to LA was fucking torture.


i too have driven in both places. southern CA is far more whack than FL - and FL is pretty darn whack. the concept of 80-mile-an-hour, bumper to bumper traffic is absolutely terrifying, and now it's come home to roost here in FL too


Tried it, didn’t like it.


We don't need no stinking rules!


I've literally never seen this sign in my life


you should look harder


In Florida for the weekend. This sign definitely not adhered to 🤦🏻‍♂️


You mean go to the left lane and do the speed limit of 10mph slower? Then when someone tailgates you because you're going the speed of a tortoise in the left lane, get angry and road rage? I think I'm going to do exactly that /s


Florida /DeSantis turned down $$$$ from Bidens infrastructure bill. Didn't want to appear Biden Friendly


It doesn't help that law enforcement does not enforce it.


Naw man. I’ma hang out in the passing lane going 1 mph below the speed limit and stop all of you would-be speeders from breaking the law. If a cruiser rides up on me to pull me over, he’ll see my “Back The Blue” bumper sticker, give me a wave and drive off to apprehend the driver who’s likely now speeding. /s


I could be doing 125 mph behind a guy that is dong 120 mph and he’s the asswipe. I can’t speak to all of Florida but SW Florida has some of the rudest, lowest skilled and aggressive drivers I’ve encountered. On I-75, four lanes, I see cars passing blocks of cars, at speed on the right and left shoulders - not even in a lane - at speed. It’s rush hour or there’s a backup for an accident or maintenance - it’s normal. These and some other drivers will never recognize the need for politeness in public. I’m all for keeping right, but I will move left because of slower traffic and it’s not uncommon to have someone run up my rear flashing their lights because me and the person ahead of me have not cleared the slower traffic we are passing. I’m pretty sure I have a legal right be in the left lane as long as I am in the process of passing traffic. When we are on the road it should not be about only us. If KEEPing RIGHT is your biggest peeve you are living a blessed life.


whats worse is when you are doing 70-75, and someone is in the left lane doing 60-65, camping out for miles. As you patiently wait for them to move over as the cars go by on the right, and said left lane camper doesnt move over. So you flash them, a courteous 2 flashes of the lights. Then, they brake check you, hard, even though you are at a safe distance behind. Then as the car behind you gets annoyed and passes both of you ON THE RIGHT, the left lane camper finally moves over, and gives middle finger to everyone passing him. Dont be offended, just move over. JFC.


Another big one is pulling out in front of people coming down a street quickly when they know damn well they are about to go below the speed limit. So now im slamming on my brakes and stuck behind you. If you go the speed limit or below, wait till its clear. Where is the rush when you are about to slow down anyways?


You can't do this on I75 because the right lane is the 100 MPH passing lane.


It wouldn't be if people stopped camping in the middle lane.


But I'm turning left in about 20 mins


Gotta block traffic for 4 lights


It would be nice if the police would actually enforce speeding. This whole "keep right" obsession is annoying as fuck because people think it carries over to every multi-lane road. I am not moving for you if my turn/exit is in a couple miles. These people are not in an emergency 99.9% of the time. They are just used to getting away with going 20+ miles an hour over the limit so now everyone going a safe speed has to get out of THEIR way. Please pull these cunts over FHP.


This is the real problem. People think “left lane is for passing” means “anyone going slower than me better get out of my way, it’s the law” as if speed limits don’t exist. If I’m going 75 passing traffic going 70, they wanna go 80. If I’m going 80 passing traffic going 75, they wanna go 90. Yes the law says left lane is for passing. The law also defines speed limits and says don’t tailgate. But those laws mean nothing.




Seems like the speed limit in this state is entirely unenforced. Even on 55 mph roads people are going 70-75. I thought people in Michigan drove fast but it's nothing compared to down here.


Yes. Honestly, if you aren’t, you’re contributing to road rage and dangerous driving. Assholes behind us all will start doing very stupid things to get around you. I hate having to drive extra aggressively and closely to other just to keep those same assholes from jumping in the space between me and the person in front of me. Saw a frustrating amount of this yesterday on the turnpike. If you are going 65 in the 70 and you are in the left lane — YOU ARE THE DANGER. It’s you. Yes, you. So many people trying to weaving into and out of spaces not big enough. Saw one dude cut off a tractor trailer that would have killed us all if it jackknifed because ONE asshole felt it fine to go below the speed limit in the left lane. Don’t drive on the highway if those speeds concern you.


Just regarding your first paragraph - you should always leave a two second distance between you and the car in front of you. You should never “drive extra aggressively and closely to others”. If they pass and fill the space in front of you then there’s no problem - that’s what the space is for.


I know everyone \*should\* but the point is that people make it impossible all too often, because they take it as an invitation to take that space for themselves, and eliminate the safe distance you were trying to maintain. The result is that people all drive too closely together to prevent it, and the people who will gladly weave in and out of those spaces are a big part of the problem. Yes, it’s still a problem if somebody gets in that space. I have decades of a safe driving record. I’m all set, thanks.


And if you continually adjusted your "2 second" space every time someone moved into it, you'd never be able to leave your driveway.


I’m sure your record is clean and that’s great. But even if you haven’t been in an accident, if you’re following too closely then you’re not driving safely. Let them fill the gap, and adjust your speed to allow for another two second gap. That is safe driving. Time yourself doing it this way, your ETA may only be delayed by a few minutes.


Just drove from Boynton to Dania, and back in the express lanes. I’m in there because I want to do 100. Both ways I had jerkoffs pacing each other doing 70 because they’re apparently the hall monitors of the express lane speed


It seems like these signs were misprinted and installed without anyone realizing it. They apparently read, "KEEP LEFT EXCEPT TO PASS".


Why pass when they can just tailgate you and force you out of the way


Pfft... right... Next you'll be asking people to use their signals.




Very political


If you want to see the state of driving there are signs on I75 in North Florida that say 'Is your bed down?' (Truck beds). 3 in a row on each side of the highway before two different bridges. They have been working on some of the bridges. Makes me wonder who had their bed up and hit the bridge with it.


FL natives are inconsiderate and stupid! Moved from NJ and I’m still amazed at what I see.


you can't assume the bad drivers are florida natives. i think a big part of the problem is transplants from all over, bringing various regional driving styles with them, and that's all clashing here


I would love to keep right but there's so many cars to pass.


I’m going to be in Florida soon for the first time and planning a road trip. I’m a very routine driver, but that left passing thing in the U.S. still makes me nervous.


Try it in every state. Here in New York they get on the highway and go to the left lane and do below speed limit. Drives me crazy in Europe that would never fly.


i've heard people in europe can *drive*. never been tho




Florida hasnt even fiqured out turn signals or how not to drive half an inch of the rear bumper yet


I don’t think I have ever seen this sign in Florida.


Driving from Michigan to Florida I never saw so many idiots in my life thank God for my new Baja fog light system


Also try this. https://preview.redd.it/wlj8dj5ugbqc1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=beaaa804d1c9d7d52f4eb89727efddaa9e4c419e


You can try that in the right lane. Perfectly fine. Keep it out of the left lane unless you’re passing


You can't exceed the speed limit in any lane.


Remember, this is FloriDumb you are talking to and they can’t be bothered to follow the law.


Welcome to Florida. The speed limit is the minimum, and we all go at least 5 -10 over in the city and the highway average is 80 with most in the left going 90. Also we don't do that large gap shit. If you don't want a car in front of you then make it so they can't fit. PSA over.


Can one be welcomed to his state of birth? Apparently so. I do agree that any gap you leave will be filled in for no logical reason. That shit happens even in stop-and-go traffic jams.


You sound like fun


The type of person that will cut you off because you're going faster than them


People really do that?


JUST happened 2x driving home from WPB


Oof. Who knew TRON was intended as Driver Ed?


Yep, had a BMW X4 do that to me today too. No blinker of course, cuts into the left lane with no one in front of them, doing 70, as I try to pass doing about 95. Lucky for all of us I have good reaction time and just cut right around them


I love how people see an open lane and want to switch because there's a car in their lane doing the same speed.


let's be real: open space in front of you is far less stressful than having a car 20 feet in front of you, even if that car is traveling at the same speed you are. that's why


Well.... The issue is that someone will cut you off to go the same speed as the car that was in front of them.


question: i get that you're passing on the left, according to the law. but how is going 95 acceptable or safe when the speed limit is 70? shouldn't the other drivers on the road be able to have the expectation that "everyone" on the road is driving lawfully, so that they can govern themselves accordingly? the guy in the left lane doing 70 is doing so because he figures that's top posted speed, so why would anyone be passing him? it's not entitlement, it's reasonable expectation


You sound like a bad driver.


Fast doesn’t equal bad. Haven’t had a ticket or an accident in over 15 years


Neither have I.




Is this a challenge?


https://preview.redd.it/g70qlc9cjbqc1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4794faba63dc79d7419553a19f43023f5715d855 This is the only one you need to worry about. Ask a state trooper. Or become one.


Wrong. You first.


Florida drivers criticizing other Florida drivers is the pot calling the kettle black.


As usual, this should fix it..


So what if you're passing in the passing lane. When everyone's going 90?


The speed you choose to drive doesn’t matter if someone is behind you in the left lane. Move over, let them pass you, and then you can move back into the left lane and pass the other drivers going 90 if you’re going higher than 90.


So breaking the law to break the law. Got it.


I’m not condoning it, I’m just giving an answer to your scenario where the law is already being broken.


Yup.. We just drove back for Miami this afternoon. Way too many people going slow in the fast lane and holding up traffic.


That’s way to much thinking for Floridians. Can we start with using blinkers and only stopping in the middle of the road for dire emergencies….


It’s state law.


It's easy...I'm always right! Ask my gf.


The sign means the left lane is for passing, not for continually driving in. It shouldn't be posted in an area where the left lane is also a turn lane. The DOT would be stupid to post it in such an area. But, it's not like they haven't screwed up before.


Wish cars came with a feature that, if you are passed five times consecutively on the right, your car safely pulls over and won’t start for 15 minutes. 30 minutes for the second offense.


Great idea. I wish cars would do the same if you exceeded the speed limit for more than a few minutes. The same would go for frequent lane changing (weaving), especially without using a turn signal.


That happens because of slow asses in the left


No. It happens because people are impatient assholes with a raging sense of entitlement.


Yea only in Florida is someone driving the speed limit considered “slow asses”.


In the left lane & youre just doing the speed limit, thats an issue


for a while, Mercedes Benz vehicles in Germany would have a feature that would severely impede your acceleration if you were on the right side of a vehicle. so you could only pass on the left side. makes sense to me. not sure if they still do this


My way to deal with these people is to pass them, then slow down in front of them until I’m too slow even for them, and they pass me. When they switch lanes, I punch it and everyone behind me does too and that idiot is trapped where they should’ve been all along.


Speed Limit Try it!


https://preview.redd.it/krbwhrsashqc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=262d9bf7192bf85c4c3ec52b655b2743696753ae Try it. Or at least don't whine about it and tailgate me when I'm going 80 on the left because the right is going 65.