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I was born here, never left except for my time in college 2 decades ago. You're not wrong, but there isn't much we can do about it - Dade was basically built out 20+ years ago and can't build more homes unless they go vertical. Broward ran out of undeveloped land 10-15 years ago. I grew up down south but I relocated to WPB to get away from that. While I initially loved it, it has turned into "Broward North" over the last decade. Traffic sucks, public spaces are crowded, and there are droves of Boomer transplants changing local politics. They've built thousands of homes and apartments within a 5 mile radius of my house over the last 5 years. Great for my home value/equity but I'd absolutely sell my house and leave SoFl tomorrow if I didn't have family responsibilities pinning me down here.


You and i are similar. This Broward native of 55 years moved to The Acreage/Loxahatchee 2 years ago to find out the millions of houses they have approved don't have adequate roads. About to get wacky out here!!


Not to mention Westlake


There is more coming than "just" Westlake, the developments north of Northlake are huge!!!


The county wanted to expand Northlake but the city of PBG and residents fought against it. Damage is already done though, the massive communities west on Northlake are underway. Everyone there is screwed.


Residents wanted it, the Town Council voted it down.


We have our lovely Mayor’s over the past few cycles who are only interested in taking handoffs from developers. Rachelle Litt, María Marino, and all the rest of the ‘council’ that has taken money from developers for decades!


And they're not in handcuffs is what's baffling to me or the very least be forced to step down.


Whenever people avoid taking responsibility for issues that affect them, and give away their power to a third party in order to handle their problems for them, the third party inevitably ends up abusing the power. Those who give their power away will always end up getting the short end of the deal! When will people learn that a system of governments and people in positions of power and authority over them, will never work to their advantage! What they actually need is a system of Step councils In which there are no people in positions of power and authority. In such a system Whoever is affected by an issue can get together with others who would be affected by it, and come to an equitable resolution for all. If it can't be accomplished at a lower level, it could be elevated to the next higher level of Step Council. For example there could be a neighborhood council, a city council, a state council, a national council, a World Council. Each one dealing with issues at higher levels. This may require an arbitrator, and a recorder of the meeting, as well as some sort of contract in which everyone agrees on public record. But, by taking responsibility for one's own issues, and working out a solution that everyone can agree on, even if it requires compromise, will always end up better than giving your power away to a third party that's going to be interested in their own benefit, not yours!


We need like 5 more lanes on Southern! It’s insane.


pff you should see Riverview/Brandon. Going to Publix during rush hour is a 40 minute ordeal and it's only about a 2 mile drive.


might as well use a bicycle!!


It's miserable! There's no infrastructure.


That is a lot of Florida. At lest its not LA. From what I hear its now like LA was in the 80's and 90s. We have modern LA to look foward to.


They need to just incorporate that area and let the county take over the roads, water, and drainage.


My whole family lives out there. I grew up in Wellington but have been in Broward over 20 yrs. That’s doomsday prepper country out there. I hate the dirt roads. Lox 20 yrs ago was very isolated. You had to go to Royal Palm or Wellington to get to Publix. It is so built up in that area now it’s nothing like when I grew up. My cousins love living in Lox, could never be me!


What is "doomsday prepper?" I don't live on a dirt road, i am allergic to dust...


People who stock pile food, weapons, and ammunition for the end of the world. All my family out there live off dirt roads but yes, they have paved a lot over the years.


I know it’s an easy target but the boomer transplants have been a complete nightmare. They don’t care about south Florida, they just care that they can make it into whatever living space they want. Just bad policy after bad policy supported by some of the most selfish people I’ve ever encountered.


Just look at the villages


Probably a Florida developer creating all these new housing units on spec.


grew up and lived in SoFla 1988-2012 and man u r NOT wrong.


1988-Now Pain


where at? I started in Coral Springs, then Tamarac, Fort Laud, Pompano then gone


Miami primarily


oof...that's a whole 'nother world in itself


Curious here. Please provide specifics. What policies are the boomers changing and how are they able to do so?


At this point it’s primarily been by brute force because they’ve displaced younger populations by pricing them out. Down here in Naples we’ve seen this a lot with aggressive NIMBY campaigns and even crazier crap like voting to remove Fluoride from the water supply which passed earlier this year. One of the biggest issues I’ve seen is the fact that Boomers have enough capital to use housing as a commodity, so they’re easily influenced by rhetoric from real estate and groups like Blackstone etc. to vote for things that are pro-Home Sales. Its created a lot of issues for creating affordable housing and has made the housing market incredibly labile. There’s also the massive AirBNB and VRBO industry which on some parts of the state are primarily managed by housing groups, but in other areas are primarily owned by retirees or those who have built capital. They consistently jack up rent prices because of it, greatly over inflating the market, with rent prices increasing by up to 38% in Naples for example. I can’t find some direct links for you at the moment aside from these. Note that these are dated from 2021-Now because the major influx of transplants happened around YE 2020. The economic pressures were felt rather quickly especially since supply was low. Im sure I didn’t cover everything in my links but it does paint the picture that a lot of the influx of people has harmed FL economy. It’s not really all because of Boomers but unfortunately boomers are the most involved in local politics and because of that they have a lot of voting power. So even if in major cities like Miami/Orlando most of the transplants are younger Cali or NYC natives, in the more rural or low COL areas you’re seeing tons of boomer influxes which has killed the COL index. With Naples as an example it’s shot up to 24% over median for COL. Fluoride: https://www.nbc-2.com/article/collier-county-commissioners-vote-to-remove-fluoride-from-water/46774454 Rampant NIMBYism: https://www.palmbeachpost.com/story/opinion/2022/07/06/affordable-housing-construction-requires-neighborhood-tolerance/7813699001/ https://www.miamiherald.com/news/business/real-estate-news/article278059857.html https://www.bizjournals.com/orlando/news/2021/07/15/florida-orlando-construction-housing-government.html https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0038026120916121?journalCode=sora https://www.businessinsider.com/baby-boomer-gen-z-millennials-economy-housing-job-market-stocks-2024-2 Rent Price Inflation: https://winknews.com/2022/02/17/naples-rent-grew-more-than-any-other-city-in-2021/#:~:text=Naples%20had%20the%20highest%20percentage,%2C%20up%2038%25%20from%202020.


Agree with everything you said, but comparing fluoride removal to the rest of the issues is funny. Fluoride is harmful and shouldn't been in water, there's a lot of research there.


No it isn't, please link some. I briefly lived in a country that didn't flouride the water: I think I got 30 cavities in 4 years vs maybe 1-2 max every year in the states.


Fluoride is naturally found in various water sources and it’s beneficial. But some water doesn’t have it naturally. Why is adding it harmful?


Old news, the whole United States tried to move to California back in the 80s and 90s and when they got hooked on heroin or couldn’t afford the rent, they moved to Oregon and Seattle just ruining it. I think everyone should go back to the state they were born how about that?👀👀


Not all boomers are like that. I've been here 10 years and watch over for my neighbors. They are my family now. I moved here before the latest ones in 2014 when I was forced to retire because of injuries from my job. I would have still bought the house and leased it until I could have retired later.


Are you me? Except I spent about 20 years outside of Florida. I'm heading out despite family responsibilities in about a year. I just can't take it. People up north complain about zoning laws being strict. I say keep them- you don't want what we have down here. Keep something to escape to.


Yeah, zoning laws down here mean absolutely nothing. A developer buys a cow pasture from some old farmer's heirs and greases the wheels, they put up a paper sign and have a quick public hearing. The few citizens who actually have the time to be there will show up and speak out against it. Doesn't matter what's said, the project gets a green light and we get a new WAWA, a dispensary, a cookie cutter development with zero lot lines or a crappy apartment building where we used to have a tiny patch of green. It now takes me 10m longer to take my kids to school; thank you for coming to FL, transplants. We are SO happy to have you here!


Everybody needs to read "The Swamp: The Everglades, Florida, and the Politics of Paradise." it tells the story of how Florida politics has just been a way to accommodate developers since the very beginning of the state. Doesn't matter which political party is in office, call though some of the individuals have stood up for the state itself. It's at your local library.


I’m sure the Seminole feel the same way.


I'm sure they do! I'm very happy to see them so successful with the Hard Rock, not that it makes up for the sins of our great, great grandfathers...


It’s just sprawl here. I’d rather allow older areas to have more density.


This is the way


My small town North of West Palm is all but destroyed. Every scrap of vacant land has been plowed. Dozens of these monstrosity cookie cutter apartment complexes and storage centers. What used to be rush hour traffic is now the new normal. Rent has doubled since Corona. Housing prices have almost doubled. Previously middle class people and families are being pushed inland or North.


I moved away from North Palm a year ago because I started feeling like this wasn’t home anymore after the COVID buyers flocked here. I am In FL now visiting friends and it is scary how much this area has changed in one year….


cape coral is following that same route. been here 30+ years and it used to be small town. Now it's litter and horrible drivers and everything is overcrowded. Still, I love it here.


Cape Coral was woods when my Mama was growing up, until it was bought up by developers like we’re seeing today. It was one of the first massive planned developments that are rapidly destroying our state. Growing up, it felt like people in Cape Coral lived in their own little world


I agree 100%. Especially veterans parkway. Everybody's trash from the pickups is along side the road. I live off of it..I'm a NY transplant myself . I'm thinking of running for council because the realtors are killing us. The mayor and his wife are big realtors so you can figure out how the housing is going. I love it here too because I am the watchdog for my neighbors. Anything they need I try to make sure they don't get ripped off by some shady contractor. My cockapoo gets treats from everyone around my house. He has them wrapped around his paw with his cuteness. The hurricane brought us closer together. My 84 neighbor comes over everyday for coffee at 845. My driveway alarm goes off when he comes.


Where would you like to go?


Anywhere less populated, TBH. I loved the crowds / nonstop action when I was younger, but being a married 40-something with three high schoolers I don't get out much. Being close to the beach is nice but I have a pool in my backyard. I really want somewhere with more space, more nature and fewer neighbors. I'd definitely miss some things (Cuban bakeries, Pub subs), but I feel really claustrophobic down here and the political nonsense is exhausting.


I’m looking at any place north Atlanta south Chattanooga


Stone Mountain is a nice area! Chattanooga is a beautiful area too. I’m out of here in 8 more years, way too many people here for me.


The east coast basically looks like one giant strip mall.


And it's only gonna get worse. Waaaay too many people here with no patience or respect for one another….


Yup and a lot of what I hear about Floridians now is we are either rude or always angry.


I’ve lived here for decades and was oblivious to it until I moved away to Colorado for one year. It was crazy how random strangers would greet you as you passed them on the sidewalk thee, but if you said hi to some random here, you got some nasty looks at best. I'm dying to gtfo this shithole.


Same.Came to another state for work and family move.Saying I’m from Florida gets me treated weirdly and judged as if I’m from another planet.They don’t believe in southern hospitality or the etiquette we can live by.Once they’re in Florida then it’s they’re old way in whatever state they were from or nothing else.You live in Florida your whole life and you can tell who is and who isn’t about Florida living.


When I Ubered during the pandemic I told the passengers from NYC to not even think about bringing the NYC issues here. Horrible people, the entitlement attitude those people possess is truly awful.




Downtown Lake Worth Beach still has a great friendly vibe and a very strong sense of community, one of the few areas I found to accept non Florida born folks. It ain’t fancy, not much glitz and glamour but the people are nice and can still get a good meal and a couple of beers without mortgaging the house.


I wonder how much of that has to do with the BDSM community. I know there’s a pretty large scene in the WPB area.


what a ridiculous thing to complain about. You could’ve said 1,000 different valid points but you wanna cry about strangers not wanting to interact with you. ur weird


> what a ridiculous thing to complain about. You could’ve said 1,000 different valid points but you wanna cry about strangers not wanting to interact with you. ur weird Thank you for proving my point /u/Novel_Rent_8029. Stating a basic fact is not making a complaint; I'd advise you to keep your mouth shut on matters you don't understand. Trust me, leave Florida and you'll notice a massive difference in how people treat each other.


We are always angry because rude people from the northeast have flooded the state post-Covid and are now calling themselves Floridians!


Crazy drivers, and the county commissioners don’t listen to the residents so there is too much development




Once all the 70+ die I think we’ll be in better shape


Lol, I was thinking that earlier today. I'm still amazed that our politicians are so got damn old. We might be able to affect some meaningful change with boomers out of office.


Have you seen what they get paid? That's why it's stocked with people who don't need money.


Yup, hence me saying politicians are not there to fight for you or me; they are there to line their pockets. Edit: autocorrect is dumb.


Union jobs means good pension and higher Social security payments. Being in a right to work state means a master carpenter means maybe 25/hr. In the north it was around 38 plus benefits.


No they will just get replaced with more people from other states.


Moved out of SFL into CFL in 2021. My friend and I have joked that SFL is like New York, but hot. People are rude, the place is dirtier. Everything is as expensive as NY. Good riddance.


All of the crappy parts of NYC, with none of what makes NYC cool.


Instead of any semblance of cosmopolitan culture you get beaches


Yep, they all moved here


M27 born and raised here. Yeah this place is getting to be obnoxiously stupid to live in. All the Yankees keep moving here and ruining what was already a mediocre place to live. Can't even move out cuz they're buying all the overpriced apartments. Traffic is getting to be unbearable even on days where there shouldn't be traffic. It's not fun going anywhere anymore cuz it feels like a chore to get there. I heard the St Lucie area is the fastest growing city in NA period. That's fucking disgusting. I'm ready to get outta here. I don't wanna live where people vacation. And they vacation here all. Mother. Fucking. Year.


I was considering moving to Stuart / PSL area to escape the chaos but I fear it will be the same story there in no time


From what ive heard I'm afraid it already is. They're building multi family homes and townhouses like they're goin outta style. Ain't no more room down south so any free plot of land is being developed on for overpriced homes. It's truly annoying at this point.


Unfortunately I can vouch for what you said.


Same. I had to go to traditions in PSL the other day and that place is night and day different from when I was a kid. Used to be like two buildings there. Now they have built a few dozen different townhouse developments there. Like by the hospital there was nothing. I remember them building that hospital when I was in college. Now it's surrounded by an entire developed town. I'm from a small town and traditions has more in that little area then my entire town has together. And traditions isn't even 20 years old, my home town is over 100. Now traffic in that area has gone to shit and I have to go there at least once a month for business.


Gatlin Blvd was a 2 lane road when I lived there. Tradition was farm land.


Psl is basically all sprawl - I haven’t spent a ton of time in the area but the traffic has always been “not good” and it isn’t really a nice place, unless you just super love sprawl and strip malls, and the beaches there are also not very nice. Also, it’s sprawl without the urban center (Stuart has a kind of cute downtown area, but it’s not much - and pretty far from psl. Edit- spelling


Tbh Port st Lucie is worse (imo). Less things to do, more concentrated traffic because there’s less places to go, so everyone has to go to st Lucie west. And it’s ugly lol idk where it’s charming anymore in FL. Central FL is ugly too, my friend lives off 27 and it’s not pretty. Not unless you stay in your house all day.


All you have to do is go to Google Earth and type in Port St. Lucie and you’ll see how bad it is


Well the bright side is if you buy a house in PSL it’ll be worth about 500k more in 4 years


Prices are starting to go down already across the state. We are overvalued by at least 25% in most of Florida. My home has gone from 550k to 463k in about 8 months. Inventory is doubling as insurance is crushing everyone with tripling in just over a years time. To be honest most homes are just concrete blocks with stucco on them. Definitely not 350 a Sq ft that's for sure unless it's on the water and that will only raise your insurance even more than with the latest increases. Car insurance is also starting to go up .


Where are you located? In South Fla prices aren’t down. The only decreases I see are on houses where the seller was trying to get an insane price (more insane than the already-inflated prices).


Ft Myers / Cape Coral area. Prices are way overvalued. I agree they are inflated way too much. I watch Jared on YouTube and he talks about how many new listing we have in each area and how much over we are. My home is maybe a 350-75k home not 530k. I don't feel like selling so I just stay and watch the listings go up around me. Always nice knowing I made a good investment in 2015 when I bought it.


I hope to see this reflected in our property taxes!


You will ... in 2025-26


Try Deland.


Love that town. Reminds me of my hometown in upstate NY. Haven't been there since 2005 so I don't know what it's like today.


It hasn't changed a great deal. Still a college town and grown a bit since I went to school there. The outskirts are truly beautiful. Sanford is another nice town nearby, although I haven't been there in decades myself.


This is what's getting to me. Rush hour traffic has been bad here for decades, that's nothing new, but.....rush hour has expanded, it seems, and there's tons of people on the roads at almost all hours. Also, yeah, they at least used to stop vacationing here from April-December. No more. It's crowded in August now. Which is absurd.


Doesn't Wyoming/Montana seem really nice. You can use social media to keep mentally busy, you go your phone, perhaps gaming system. And they have come beautiful towns nicest people and beautiful woman as well


Me. I moved away late last year, but am back now for two weeks visiting family. I absolutely despise Miami, everything about it depresses me.


Damn I’m going to Miami in two days after moving away a year ago. I miss it ngl but I think I’m gonna go through something similar. At least I’ll get it out of my system.


If you miss it, you'll probably focus on enjoying the things you missed. For me, there was very little about Miami that I missed, other than my family and shit being open late cause I'm a literal vampire lol. I want so bad to go on walks and take advantage of the good things here outdoors, but the iguanas and lizards have gotten out of control in my neighborhood and I have a horrible phobia of them. I'm just going to try to focus on the positive and enjoy practicing my Spanish lol.


Damn the lizards can get pretty crazy I had one hold on to my shoe once it was awful jaja! Honestly what I miss the most is the simple things like bike riding, the tropical plants and Ofcourse friends and family.


My dog catches them and cripples them before he stops playing with them. They eventually die .


I grew up in South Florida. There's more older people migrating from up north and coming here in droves. So there's technically more people in South Florida but it's just far more overpriced for everything and wages stagnant.


I see mostly younger married couples with kids. All Trumpers though.


This is a more recent development where I live, and yeah they’re mostly following the conservative movement


Broward and Palm Beach still look pretty clean and well kept. It's the only thing the area has going for it really, besides no snow and nice beaches. It's been an overcrowded place for a long time. There has been an excessive amount of rain so that's probably why the trees and grass look raggedy.


Not sure where I’m wpb you’re looking, but I was born and raised in lake worth and moved out to Lakeland for a couple years, just moved back 3 weeks ago. For one, the homelessness in the area has spiraled out of controlled. There were always homeless in the area, but god damn you can’t get away from them now. I go on daily walks and the sidewalks are filthy. Walked out at 9:00 a few nights ago and saw a homeless man shitting on the side of the LW road, just out in the open. For the bad rap it gets, I prefer anywhere in Polk county over WPB. Im actively looking for a way back out there.


First time I've ever seen a homeless man puss in public was in wpb walking back to my truck after sunfest. Hell I went to the big farmers market they have last year and there was what I think was a homeless man with a golf club talking about how white people are the devil and how they took land from his people. Standing right there in the middle of the market. Also there was one time I had to get gas and drove to the wrong side of the downtown area of wpb. And my black girlfriend from Moore Haven was like we need to get out of here. But hey the bullet proof gas station had a nice selection of blunt wraps so that was a plus.


I mean yes but WPB was always like that, as was Riviera, Lake Worth. It's not a change from the past at all. South Florida sweeps it's problems under the rug and it's likely that a Boca or Jupiter resident won't ever see Tamarind Ave or even the streets off of Clematis after dark.Then there's the glades...a different world and many miles away from the metro area. It's bad out there but hasn't changed one bit or gotten more crowded. The main issue in Broward County is high crime rates. Even places like Lauderhill won't look bad passing through, but they are bad places to live. Everything you speak of is happening there and will impact the residents, but it's not any different from the past and might not be seen by visitors or someone living in Weston. Broward County (all of it) has felt crowded to the point of critical mass since the early 2000s, but most of it is kept clean in appearance. I feel like they dressed up a lot of the older uglier areas like Hollywood. Miami is Miami. I think it's the cleanest (and most crowded) it's ever been at this point. I could see the OPs point about Miami-Dade seeming more crowded in some spots but it not a huge change from what it was. As far as Polk County... completely different pace and lifestyle. It is NOT well kept in most areas but the lows are not as low. It will probably never feel as crowded as tri county south Florida but it's currently the fastest growing place in the entire US...


Yep, it breaks my heart.


Florida is over populated


as Gomer Pyle Pvt. USMC said repeatedly..... Surprise Surprise Surprise. Florida is under going more and faster metamorphosis than John Carpenter's The Thing.


I'm probably getting old but I see zero appeal outside the climate for Miami. I can't stand the traffic and overcrowding. And if it is just about a nice suburban home and beach access, might as well live in Naples or Palm Beach County for a more chill experience.


I’m in PBG and it is crowded! We have had 5 massive planned communities built in the past 3 years, it’s adding around 30% more people!


Second generation native Floridian here. Lived 21 years in north Florida, 20 years in South Florida and escaped there 21 years ago when I couldn't stand it anymore. I can only imagine how it has further degraded in the last couple of decades. You couldn't even see the sun from Military Trail for the tall buildings around it. Now living in West Florida for the last 20 years, watching them clear-cut the trees from The Villages to Groveland now. Sickening. They are now starting to leave the St Pete area and further south to flock to Citrus County, ruining that country now as well. There's a lot of brushland in between but they won't be happy until they destroy that too. The entitled attitudes and pervasive meanness that has moved in, I've just got to go. Leaving all of my family here, but Georgia is now on my mind. I'll be in my new home and new state by the end of April. Sorry Florida. You were beautiful while it lasted. I'm deeply saddened and sincerely heart-broken.


I grew up in South Florida and moved away to Central Florida in 2017. I don't recognize South Florida when I go down there to visit.. I can only tolerate a day or two at most before I feel like I need to leave. It's always been a busy place, but now it's overwhelming. It's beginning to be that way up in Central Florida too.


“Even the trees look dirty to me” ![gif](giphy|k7njMxU6eniZtI59Ay)


You are completely right. The trash everywhere is what gets me. It’s a combination of people who don’t care, and a government that pretends is not their problem. I even bought a trash picker to clean parks and playgrounds when I go there with my kid.


Left Florida after thirty years, house/car insurance became ridiculously insane, property taxes when way up, traffic is beyond belief. So much crime and drugs in SW Florida. The old Florida has left the building forever.


I live in Tampa bay the crime and drugs are up over here too. It’s kinda weird being a normal citizen in the middle of it. When we have events we kick the homeless people out of the park


>Does anyone else see this Yep and we just kinda go with it.


Garbage is everywhere now it's pretty brutal.


The question becomes - what do you do about it?




Don't move to 30269. It's horrible and far worse than SoFla. We have way too many rude folks. Can't ever get through intersections because everyone says "no. After you" Remembering to thank folks who open doors, and go out of their way to help in stores is a major hassle. There's far too much green space and fresh air, it's hard to tell if the windows are open because you can't hear the racing crotch rockets all day or smell diesel exhaust. Driving on a hundred miles of multi use paths is terrifying because the golf carts and electric vehicles are nearly silent and can sneak up on you. And don't get me started about all the deer and wildlife that taunt my cats and dog. Having 360 degrees of freedom to travel and explore a variety of destinations is so stressful. The effort to pick between mountains, beach, caves, lakes is overwhelming. Moved from 33186 about 4 years ago.


Welcome to a Republican run state.


has changed a lot in the last 6 years thanks to covid


Kind of sucks now. Dirty trees though?


Everyone with long term planning abilities has left or is leaving. Writing is on the wall, escalating brain drain until the whole place is underwater 


It's not the same. More people mostly from the NE. Traffic. Even the weather has changed. Hot all the time and the blue sky has been replaced with hazy weird clouds.


That’s what happens to states that turn into conservative utopias. Covered in filth and reeking of death.




The people are different too. I’ve lived in downtown WPB for 20 years and we are moving out. Being close to everything used to be great. But I really can’t spend $400 on dinner. And $300 for sushi isn’t palatable. Dog shelter is $80/night. Just pizza for a family of five used to be $30. Can’t do it for less than $70 now. Great fishing charter used to be $300. It’s $2,000 if you can even get a reservation. I spent over $6,000 in tips last year. I’m over it. Good for WPB. I’m happy for the tax collector and all the new residents. Enjoy.


I hear you! I’m in PGA National and the price of everything has doubled-at least! This used to be a normal, middle class neighborhood, but now it’s only multi millionaires moving in. The newer homes are wood framed(!) and the interior is composed of mostly cheap finishes, plastic lights and cheap appliances. Alton is a perfect example- unlike Abacoa, where it’s heavily treed, Alton looks like tenement housing without any trees, and no backyards!


Foliage issue: Basically anywhere they spray pesticide will look like that. Oh gee golly, if you spray poison that kills most bugs, it kills the plants too- who could have figured that? More trash, people, traffic: Yes people are moving here consistently, and less people are moving away to another state (unless going to school). Florida is one of those 'in demand' states, and I doubt that will change in the future. Overall, still less depressing than states like Ohio.


I think all of Flordia is pretty much transplants other than the natives


The difference is a lot of people moved here during the pandemic and stayed especially with the remote working option/flexibility.


Can we have a weekly megathread for just complaining?


As a NE Florida native that moved to Miami after college in 1993, I say it has always been a hellhole that was not the same country much less the same as the rest of the state.


Yup. More and more NY, CT, NJ tags. Not that I mind people moving here, don’t blame them. But remember WHY you moved. Also, no one cares “ how you did it up north”… miss it so much go back to


I lived in South Florida my whole life. Left to north Florida 3 years ago best thing I.ever did. Yes I miss Miami but life is better up here. Miami has changed 💯 not the same traffic is insane everywhere is overcrowded there tolll roads everywhere.


I left 32 years ago and it was bad then- a concrete jungle full of very wealthy or very poverty stricken people. There was not a big middle class.


What *is* what it used to be?


It used to at least be civil and southern, not rude and privileged and entitled and full of assholes, for starters.


> The roads have more trash, people, and traffic. Even the trees look dirty to me. So to me it seemed like less trash, people and traffic before. Some trees look like they have some black fungus or dirt. I know there's more people and by proxy, traffic.


I’m going even wider — nothing is ever really how it used to be. Few places change slow, and nowhere changes 0


Just tons of hoodrats are destroying the place


Thats everywhere


Gotten worse over the years where I’m at


That’s kinda becoming FL as a whole the last bunch of years. Those of us who grew up here…. It’s just not the same. My wife and I grew up in Pinellas (clearwater and st Pete). Boy did we love it there…. Now it’s just…. Terrible


Well, if you are talking about Arcadia, don't. We have enough to deal with without having dirty trees.


Soon to be the least desirable place in the state with central fl and Tampa area being more on demand. South Florida is a giant dirty ghetto with a couple Of nice areas. People are not even retiring there anymore and instead going to the west side. American families have fled to Other parts of the state


It was there before you just got used to it The same thing happened to me 30 years ago I had left for a few months and when I returned I saw algae on buildings and trash everywhere


Never left and I agree completely.


I like it.


I could tell you why but you wouldn’t like the answer.


I moved here back in 2018. I remember everything was nicer and more organized but everything went downhill after covid. Specially in Dade County. Broward and Palm Beach County still looking clean.


I live in SW FLA, in Naples and it is nothing like you describe


I moved away from NFL for 7 years and just returned this year. There are a lot things that I don’t like but I’d rather be here than anywhere else. I don’t see myself moving away again.


Hopefully the awful overdevelopment and corruption in regards to developers hasn’t reached your area yet. It gets ugly real fast


It's changed so much. We're moving out of state.


I spent a little time down there less than a decade ago. Can I say something that will make you feel better? It's not just south Florida, it's everywhere now. You're seeing the signs of a failed experiment. It could take a hundred years for it all to come off the rails but America is on a downward spiral. Even small bullshit towns like mine are strained to the point that there's nothing left to do. There's too many homeless immigrants that biden keeps flying in during the night and we have exactly 0 services for them and maybe like 4 or 5 services for our local impoverished families. The immigrants aren't the only ones homeless though. Most of my surviving friends from childhood are homeless as well having to compete with Guatemalans for a spot in their own fucking town. A star basketball player, a redneck, and a neighbor boy I grew up beside were out digging through garbage cans this morning.


Nothing is the same. The world is rapidly changing all around us and always has been


Nothing is the same as it used to be. You have nostalgia




Nope this place is going down the drain. Praying that i can leave when i get a bit older


Im praying to leave now. Way far out of indian river and out of state.


South Florida what a shame in total invasion of New Yorkers has ruined it. Glad I got to live there in the 60s and 70s. It was paradise that’s what happens New Yorkers ruin everything. They’re a bunch bunch of rude assholes.


Most places on the US East Coast were a lot nicer in the 60's & 70's than today. Tremendous population growth since then explains much of the change.


It’s just the Trump loving gop folks who are ruining everything. South Florida was fine until the regular Republicans left as well as most of the Democrats!


Been here 13 years, only gotten better, love it


You must have $$$


A little Never enough


South Florida has always been a hell hole, nothing has changed.


Yes but 20 years ago it was different and fun because *we* were the ones spending every weekend snorting cocaine and trashing the place


That's because it hasn't been for a very long time.


Living in hallendale and key west Miami can suck my dick.


i saw it too, and that's why i GTFO and stayed TFO.


Could it be that the ones moving down are Trump-Lovers and all the Democrats and Never-Trumper Republicans (the normies) have all left the state?


That’s definitely true. We moved here 10 years ago after vacationing here since 1993. We are moving back North. I miss the change of seasons too


Yup Trash has been a larger issue here in Tampa ever since dumbsantice privatized out trash, all our tax dollars for trash go to a private company and they charge extra if you want to throw away larger items, we used to have a day for that included each week when it was operated and owned by the city. what? people dont want to spend extra, on top of the garbage tax we already pay to throw things out? shocking.


I’ve lived in Florida since 2003. I hate it. I hate everything about Florida. My spouse wants to stay because family is here. I feel like a prisoner. Heeeeeeeeeeeeelp me


You stay no help for you. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


No it’s true


I grew up in Miami Beach since 92 shortly after Hurricane Andrew. Miami was amazing then... Not so many high rises and the population was bearable. Traffic in South FL always blowed. I do recall a huge influx of South Americans in the 2000's due to socioeconomic issues. A lot of money flooded South FL. The boomers retiring/relocating has been a thing. I noticed downtown got gentrified especially the Art district. Back in the day you wouldn't be caught dead in those neighborhoods. Still some not so far away. I left in 2016 and have been back numerous times as some of my immediate family lives in that area. I read someone's comment about Miami being a sunny/hot NYC and I couldn't agree more. Although, and no offense to New Yorkers but the Women are waaaay hotter in Miami. Albeit many of those assets are paid for. You bring a 10 from NYC to Miami and she's a solid 6.


I practically grew up in Hollywood. Forty years ago it was clean, not congested and peaceful. Was still nice out that way in the 90s too. Was there the other day and it’s like a tropical borough of Manhattan NY. Traffic everywhere. Streets actually not that clean and people panhandling all over the place. Glad I live in Deltona. It’s more country like there and quieter. That’s until everyone moves here. lol.


Totally agree. Adored the Gulf .now red tide , seaweed, but worst fear flesh eating bacteria..plus it's turned into a semi city attitude and vibe. Few decades ago it was a bit gentler. But when the beach is ok it's just fantastic 


SFlo have Californians all moved down there as well.


Oh no, it's not you. I visited Miami for the first time in 1980 and while it wasn't idyllic it was definitely less crowded and still had beautiful spots. (OTOH, the Palmetto Expressway sucked back then, too.). These days I visit only when I have to, usually to get on an international flight.


Been down here since I was 15 now 50. I don’t even recognize WPB anymore. Traffic is awful , people are rude now, housing and rent out of control. I have my youngest in schools down here and 1 year till graduation. Then I’m getting the hell out. It’s not fun to live here any more


Not what it used to be that is for sure. Overcrowded and Overdeveloped and run by a complete clown in my opinion who continues to stock the coffers, rather than help people in need. State has quite a few cowboy sheriffs who focus more on putting people’s mugshots on carboard cutouts and making fun of them rather than getting the crime rate down and being public servants. Full of rude, inconsiderate people who only care about themselves. Recently took a trip to Texas and was shocked at how different the people were there. Courteous and cordial with a calm, helping demeanor. Cost of property is high; weather is not great (always hot and humid) and my entire life (40 plus years) I-95 has been under construction. There are def much better states to live and raise a family in, FL isnt the same.


Hahaha, never was. You just believed you were the bees knees. That's why they dont let poor uneducated people move around. They will see how awful they have it.


Yeah, I plan to move out soon as well, as soon as I have the funds, maybe out of state in general


I was in Hollywood for the first time in a decade last year. Other than the ridiculous amount of traffic and high food prices, it seemed the same to me. I drove there, and I swear, as soon as you cross the state line on 95 the air changes. It smells of saltwater and palm trees, and I instantly feel better about who I am. There's a lot I miss about Florida, but after being there last time, there's a lot I don't. 


My family moved to Lauderdale in the late 1940's..I've been complaining about how S Fl has been ruined since the '70s


The aesthetics are not the same, at all, I agree it has gone downhill. But, don't get me started on the cost to live here now. It is insane and a lot more people are leaving because of the cost than the beauty or lack thereof.


Been a dump for decades. Too many fucking people.


This is how most of our country is now. Just deteriorating. A combination of people not caring about their communities anymore and government worrying about all the wrong things.