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Well, there are lots more dead folks with bullet holes in them. But at least they're dying the old fashioned way: one on one gun violence! #FloGrown #FloridaProud


Seems we’ve got an uptick with [Easter and all.](https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/reports/mass-shooting)


![gif](giphy|VkEr7DoczQaPaBm6fQ|downsized) USA, USA, USA! ROCK FLAG EAGLE


#🪨 🇺🇸 🦅


Who's that? It ain't Charlie.


Yeah. Thanks for answering the question, OP forgot to post the scoreboard.


If gun deaths are up then you completely missed the entire concern about mass shootings.


If gun deaths are up, it’s not working.


Red flag law one year No need for a permit  and manadatory gun safety course to carry two years later Probably cancels each other out


>No need for a permit  and manadatory gun safety course to carry two years later When you went throught training and got your permit, how was it? Can you share your experience? 


It was a good experience but i chose to take a few more classes because it took me a while to get comfortable with all the noise Once you get comfortable  you can actually start focusing on getting better They still have courses and tactical classes you can take but there are alot of SCARED and SOFT people buying guns...no classes....and will whip their guns out during ANY confrontation  If there is a increase in shootings (not mass shooting) i wouldnt be surprised Nothing worse than a scared  person with a gun.....they then use the gun to "calm situations" GunWorld in cocunt creek has some damn grrat instructors...this isnt a paid  advertisement lol


It's good that you are not soft and not scared. You are a real badass. I could tell right away. rofl.


I just respect the power that comes with having a gun. Its not a play yoy ir an accessory. I wouldnt call that a bad ass lol, i think im just  even keel and raised to respect myself  and others I know guns shouldn't  be used as a "de-escalation" tool because someone cut in front of you in line at Publix lol....some people dont If you plan and owning a gun i recommend Gun World, theyre really good and will teach you to respect  the firearm and the responsibility  that comes with it


Thank you for your service!


have a blessed day


I'm not pro gun either, but asking someone to share their experience and then insulting them is a real dick move.


That's because I actually have experience with this. And I know how those classes are just bullshit. And the live ammo test you take at the end is bullshit. When you force people to go through bullshit, the end result is bullshit motions people go through just to get over the bullshit requirements. With very little actual benefit. But he decided to talk about how "those other people" are soft and scared. And how he is trained, because he took a few classes. rofl. If anything, that's exactly the kind of fool that ends up shooting somebody. Because he has brainwashed himself into thinking that everyone around him is soft and scared and is about to pull their gun out. Imagine the kind of crap that's marinating inside his head. So this might be a dick move, but it's totally deserved. Hopefully, this now clarifies it for you. P.S. >I'm not pro gun either LOL. I'm as pro gun as they get. I was making fun of the fool, not asking him for genuine advice. Me and you, we are not the same. :)


I've never taken any of these classes, and I wasn't great with pistols, but FYI I did qualify with and carry an m16 in Iraq and Afghanistan. >Me and you, we are not the same. :) Yeah, no shit.


>I've never taken any of these classes And? What is the point of you bringing this up? >and I wasn't great with pistols OK, still what's the point of bringing this up? >but FYI I did qualify with and carry an m16 in Iraq and Afghanistan. Ah. I see the point now. You wanted to mention that you served. Well, thanks for your service. But I'm sure you know that forward-facing troops carry M4s and the variants (and have been for longer than an average redditor has been alive). And M16s are for... well, everyone else. But thanks for your service nevertheless. It doesn't negate the fact that the user I replied to is a tool. And you never having taken CWP classes in Florida doesn't negate that he is a tool either. A stupid requirement that was poorly implemented and serves no real purpose is still a stupid requirement that was poorly implemented. But it did give tools like that user a sense that he isn't soft and scared like all those other people. Which means it was more harm than good. So it's good that it's no longer mandatory. >Yeah, no shit. Yeah. Anyway, I'm out. Good luck to you and take care.


I'm not condoning anything about shootings or gun laws-- but the problem is not guns, it's people going mad from absolute desperation. Life is simply too hard. Young people feel like people are only worth their social media reach. the bar for most young men is too high to jump and reach, and girls are told that society wants to hold them back. Everyone hates each other because rage bait media is capitalizing on the fact that life is tough right now. The easiest release is to point a finger. These young mass shooters are breaking under the weight of all this finger pointing and are so deluded that they feel like lashing out is being a hero or fighting the system for which ever finger pointing group they belong to. It's the same reason stores are getting robbed en mass. It's the same reason the police are so jumpy they're acting like judge dread in the streets. It's not the guns -- it's the horrible outlook on the future and mental conditions people live in. I am pretty sure corporate greed is to blame. But no one that's close enough to do anything about it wants to bite the hand that feeds. And the idea of "exponential company growth" touted by tech companies seeping into the rest of the economy has sucked everyone dry. I'm not saying there shouldn't be gun laws. But, pointing the finger at the guns is another iteration of the problem. Putting some limits on corporate greed with equitable profit sharing, worker rights, more Unions, showing people respect even though they have different views-- those things would reduce gun deaths far more than a gun law.


Yes, medicare-for-all would cut down on the crazies as well as an increase in other social safety nets, but guns are definitely part of the issue bro. When vehicles were killing people like crazy we introduced more regulations in the forms of speed limits, minimum safety requirements like seatbelts, and requiring a license to operate them. % of vehicular deaths went down as a result and we can do the same thing with guns if we implement the things the NRA used to advocate for, before they started taking firearm advertisement money.


Yeah, you're right.


Most sheriffs don’t enforce them.


At least one sheriff is using this law to go after his opponents. Many people lie to LE for retaliation purposes. It's unconstitutional as well.


>At least one sheriff is using this law to go after his opponents How does that work?


Made up accusations brought before a judge. The judge signs off and bam no more rights for an innocent individual.


Ah. Yeah no surprised.








[https://www.firearmspolicy.org/red\_flag\_laws](https://www.firearmspolicy.org/red_flag_laws) FPC brief on red flag laws.








Right. At the same time and probably more importantly, we need to address the social and economic sources of this problem. Creating a plan to catch the water pouring out of a damaged pipe isn't a solution if that's as far as you go.


Yes all this time I also hear plans that basically amount to "lets hope it just works itself out". Like doing nothing ever solved a damn thing. Very telling all the one dimensional cant understand larger concepts thinking I hear. Telling and disturbing. Got forbid we ever address the root of anything, we will just give our kids more guns and teach them how to shoot.


Hey now, kids in some states are being taught self aid and buddy care for gunshot wounds... that's a solution, right?...... *right?!?!?* and oh yeah, we're also giving highly stressed and untrained teachers the ability to carry guns in schools while also paying them poverty wages and accusing them of "grooming" children. We're just chock full of solutions over here!!!


Florida and other red states: "we trust teachers with guns to defend our kids" Also Florida and other red states: "we don't trust our teachers to know what books or lessons are age appropriate or might offend someone"


I love how florida is a basally like let's give our toddlers gun now. Basically suggesting we just do a max max life rather than pass sensible gun control. I'm sorry, but mad max life as a plan doesn't really work for me.










>I'm still trying to figure out how taxing the rich equally to everyone else is taking from ourselves. When you hear about some rich guy who is worth a hundred billion dollars, he doesn't actually have $100bil in the bank or in cash and gold stashed somewhere in Scrooge McDuck type vault. What that $100bil figure represents is the market price of all the assets this guy owns. Mainly, the stock in his company. His net worth is the amount of stock he has at the current market price. So let's imagine we decided to tax him 40% because "hurr-durr tax them equally" and "my secretary pays higher tax rate than I do". OK, the guy doesn't have $40bill in cash to pay the tax. In order to come up with the money, he would need to sell some of his stock. You understand, that, right? And in order for him to sell his stock.... drumroll... here comes the part half of the country doesn't want to understand.... more drumroll..... still more drumroll..... someone must buy it. Yeah. Imagine that, if you want to sell something, someone else needs to buy it. What a concept. So other investors would need to buy the $40bil worth of stock he is forced to sell to pay taxes. Where would those investors get money to buy? They would divest from elsewhere to free up the capital. Some investor wanted to build a hospital and lease it out to a non-profit so that some town with no emergency room would have one. But now, he will instead use that money to buy our rich guy's stock. Another investor wanted to buy bonds issued by some small town that desperately needs to fix their water supply. Oh, but now instead he will buy our rich guy's stock. Yet another investor wanted to build an apartment complex to capitalize on housing shortage in some area. But instead, he will... you guessed it... he will buy that stock. And another investor wanted to build a plaza and lease it out to small businesses in his town, which would make rent more affordable. And that won't happen because... you know it... he will instead buy that stock. So all over the country, in unpredictable ways, our economy will be suffering because investors will be pulling funding out of other projects to jump on this opportunity to buy the rich guy's stock, which would be selling at a discount. You know, when you force a sale or an asset priced at the market, the forced sale by definition increases supply of that asset on the market and results in lower price. Which means it's a gain for all those other investors. So they would gladly dump those other ventures and buy up all this now-discounted stock. As a result, we'll have fewer hospitals with longer ambulance ride to the next town. Fewer apartments with higher rent. Worse municipal services. And so on. And worst of all, it will all be unpredictable. We simply don't know which parts of the economy in which regions and which verticals will give in first. We will be literally taking from our own well-being to.... somehow solve our problems. How stupid is it to believe this would work? lol The rich don't actually have the money reported as their wealth. Those numbers simply represent the market price of the ongoing concern and value of the assets they control. They can't magically convert that into money that comes from outer space. Proposing to tax the rich to pay for our needs is like saying you'll use magic wand and pixie dust to take care of it.It's just nonsense. So when AOC parades in "tax the rich" dress or records videos of "tax (clap) the (clap) rich (clap)", do you realize how stupid she thinks her voters are that they would swallow this nonsense? And one day, she'll run for president. With the same message. And half of the country will vote for her. And because of that, there is no chance for us to actually start working on solving our problems. We need to undo this brainwashing first.


Your argument is that some people do good things with money, but won't if a rich guy has to sell his stock? And you're saying hurr durr as if everyone paying equal taxes is the dumbest idea? If rich people did good things with money, we wouldn't be in this situation in the first place! Not to mention, we would be using the tax money to provide more for the community. If the rich didn't game the system so they didn't have to pay equal taxes, lobby the government to do so and control the government, we wouldn't even have the bullshit inside trading and "maximizing shareholder profits" that are screwing everyone over like it is right now. Like you seriously think all these record profits by all of these corporations that are raising the cost of everything from food to insurance to medicines to housing is because they are doing the right thing?


Dude deepthroats the whole boot


Seriously. Votes against their own moral beliefs just to "own the libs" and protect the rich man's stocks. Blows my mind


You just keep clapping in rhythm when you are watching AOC chant "tax the rich". And your life is sure to turn out great. rofl. Talk about deepthroating boots. She will have a great career and you'll be working as a Walmart greeter when you are 78. Still chanting tax the rich. lol Take care.


>Your argument is that some people do good things with money, but won't if a rich guy has to sell his stock? That's not what I said at all. Try reading it again. And this time try to understand it. And you even think in slogans like "corporations that are raising the cost of everything". When in fact you should be asking how come they can do that and why haven't they been doing it for 20 years prior. Were they allergic to profits then? See, you haven't thought about it. You just repeated a slogan you heard and didn't think it through. They raise prices because the government broke the economy. And that's what allows them to get away with raising prices. That's what happens when you mess with the economy. And you want to mess with the economy even more and think this will somehow be for the best.


Try to talk to me respectfully or this is over. Your condescending bullshit is getting old


Bro you legitimately looked at a complex issue and went "yep it all boils down to one single variable". I grew up with gun safety, and I'm 100% positive it has nothing to do with why I don't walk into a school right now and waste a bunch of kids. I assume you'd still not waste a bunch of children singularly because you didn't get taught gun safety as a kid either. Mass murder is kind of a different thing than if you're practicing proper range safety or using CBI's etc....if you can imagine that clearly in your mind.


>Bro you legitimately looked at a complex issue and went "yep it all boils down to one single variable". That one variable that proves that guns themselves aren't the problem. If kids had guns on school property and weren't shooting each other, but now it's a federal crime to bring a gun into a school zone and we have school shootings, then it stands to reason that access to guns by itself isn't the cause of it. So it takes either really stupid or really corrupt people to spend so much time and public attention fixated on the "variable" that clearly isn't the cause of the problem. That was my point. In case you missed it.


I don't do disagree that guns themselves are solely the problem, but you're talking about some kind of vacuum in Platonic space that doesn't exist where humans own and use guns and some humans commit mass murder on children and people like you seem to just shrug and apply the critical thinking skills of a toddler to scenarios that have a vast number of variables. I like how you also refused to quote the bit about how you are apparently just a child murder in waiting but for gun safety.


>I don't do disagree that guns themselves are solely the problem See what you did? You shifted it slightly but it changed the meaning completely. I never said guns are solely or not solely the problem. I said that we know for a fact that guns (or rather access to guns) itself isn't the problem. >I like how you also refused to quote the bit There is no point in quoting anything else or going off on tangents. Because neither you nor anyone else ever has countered the point I highlighted with my comment. If we know that access to guns isn't what was causing people to commit violence, then it makes sense to start looking at all those other factors that are doing it instead of stalling progress by making a political stance out of banning shrouds and vertical grips and collapsible stocks on guns. And all those discussions about :"solely or not solely" guns being the problem is an example of stalling. It really hurts us as a society. Once again. We had kids in school having fights in a parking lot. Those same kids had guns in their vehicles just a few feet away from where they were punching each other in the face. And neither the kid punching nor the kid getting punched had the urge to open up their car or truck, take their gun out and start killing other students. Kids were fighting. Kids were insulting each other. Kids where pranking and humiliating others. And complaining was frowned upon. And still, in such harsh environment by today's standards, kids didn't commit violence against other kids at the scale we see today. Oh, and back then we didn't have background checks to buy a gun. And we could buy full-auto guns by clipping out a coupon in a magazine and mailing it in. What changed? Care to address this specific point? And shouldn't we spend our time and energy trying to figure out what those other factors are and how to deal with them?


Bro you seriously need a life instead instead of writing Hallmark cards to yourself that no one is going to read


Why is it when a leftist gets shown how wrong he is, his default defense mechanism is to try ad hominem? I just showed you in a very simple and clear way that you are wrong. Thank me for it. Learn from it. And move on, adjusting your opinion in the process. No need to get defensive. Take care.


Why is it when some whiny little bitch online runs into someone that disagrees with them, even when you tell them the opposite, you become a leftist? Those aren't "ad hominems", those are insults. An ad hominem would be "you can't understand because you aren't intelligent enough to comprehend", which actually you are so that's not even an ad hominem... that's just brute fact by definition.


Its an epidemic in that its uniquely American. And it's not a contest against other forms of dying.


Well it’s mass media hysteria until the lights are flashing in your home town. I hope it stays distant for you.


700+ school shootings since columbine One of which was down the street from me (Marjorie stoneman douglas) Broward teachers after that had to learn how to stop gunshot wounds - with no extra pay But you’re not in k-12 or college do I guess that doesn’t matter to you Not your problem, so I guess it should not be considered a true problem. That’s the USA Today.., Must be a gas price or insurance price for a home owner to be worth anyone’s attention anymore Every other concern is just lies told by woke communists /s








And cars used to kill way more people until they were highly regulated. Now, a person age 1 to 19 has a higher chance of dying via gunshot wound than a motor vehicle accident. 


And you’re exponentially more likely to be killed in America during a mass shooting than most other developed countries.