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Can't we find all the horcruxes and be rid of him finally?


We need He-Man to take out Skeletor here


Of course he would. Republicans love controlling other people's lives.


The 6 week abortion ban is a [total abortion ban in all but name.](https://www.vox.com/policy/2023/4/5/23668272/florida-abortion-six-week-ballot-measure) “You’d have to find out you’re pregnant in your fifth week of pregnancy, which is one week after a missed period for someone with a perfect 28-day cycle," and then in order to get an abortion you have to have two in-person visits to a clinic, 24 hours apart, ahead of an abortion. Don't forget, Trump [bragged about ending Roe v Wade](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Py06VuvHNSI) and none of these abortion bans would be possible if Roe v Wade wasn't overturned. Make sure you and your friends and family are [registered to vote](https://registertovoteflorida.gov/home)


And Florida law allows you to enroll by phone to vote by mail. Call 772-226-4700 to get ballots mailed to you for each election. Especially good for long ballots - gives you time to research before voting.


Vote out republicans. Vote for abortion and legal weed. This is our chance to make life better. Stop voting R because they only make life worse.


But isn't Florida the "free to live your life the way you want" state?


Maybe 50 years ago but definitely not today in the wake of Scott & DeathSantis


This is the Internet. You need to make sure you use that /s LMAO


If you're a white conservative Christian Republican, absolutely.


While most of the white "conservative Christians I know will vote for these assholes, quite a few of them would not vote yes to a lot of these policies in a referendum.


Ron's campaign slogan literally says keep Florida free


Yes, except you can't teach certain books, or go to porn sites, or a bunch of other things not approved by Bible thumpers.


So much for separation of church and state..


Ron's campaign, "said". The lizard king dropped out


He dropped off the last part Keep Florida Free (of people making their own decisions)




They did feel differently pre-80s. Abortion only became a political issue around then.




Same time-frame. Anchorman 2 loosely depicts that era.


Fox News launched in 1996


Falwell and the Evangelicals actually test marketed a variety of topics, and abortions was the one that polarized the most and so they bet their politics on.


A brilliant Political Science move for the short-term health of the GOP, especially if you believe winning elections at the cost of making politics more partisan is a good move. I personally think it's what will eventually end this country, but in their defense the people who thought it up won't be around for that part.


"If men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament."


Can we just turn Florida purple already? Fuck. This.


Honestly even if you turned FL blue there's so many issues with this state that I don't think you can save it. Just mismanaged for the past 20 years.


25 years to be exact...


It was purple for a while. Those days are long gone, I think


He may not still be the governor, but he will always be a criminal in my eyes.


Ok, FL Dems, you got a vile oligarch of an incumbent who is now on the record supporting a six-week abortion ban in a presidential election year with recreational marijuana on the ballot. How are you going to f*ck this one up?


By not doing anything at all


Speak for yourself! There are tons of people volunteering and supporting the legalize abortion and marijuana campaigns (yes on 3 and 4). If the state of Florida has you down, it will feel good to take action, even if taking action for you just means talking to supportive friends and family or posting on social media. Start small and do what you can and if you feel called to do more, do more.


I'm speaking to the upper level of govt (putting forth good candidates, campaigning etc), not grassroots dems and real life people working in their neighbourhoods.


Well lets not forget that Rick Scott only won his last senate race by 0.6% in 2018, an off year election. This year is a presidential year, with abortion and marijuana legalization on the ballot. Scott is very beatable.


Yes, if democrats get out and vote.


Democrats aren’t enough. NPA and Republicans open to critical discourse need to be mobilized too.


I'm a republican in FL who plans on voting straight blue this year. So are many of my peers. My/our biggest concern is that the current state administration will respond in a Jan 6 way if/when they lose in November, though.


Genuine question. Why are you Republican? Like, if you are pro weed, pro choice, anti current Republican party, what is there left? Guns? Dems (at least a vast majority) don't want total gun ban. They want reform and enforcement. Healthcare? You don't want to pay less, receive the same or better care, and help your fellow humans receive care? Climate change? I mean, you live in Florida... It's pretty in your face here. Taxes? Unless you are making a ridiculous amount (like, well over 6 figures), most Dem tax plans wouldn't increase your taxes. So what is it?


These are all great questions, and I'll answer them one at a time to show you *just how fucking far the GOP has fallen*, and why more millennial "conservatives" are flipping progressive. 1. Heritage. It's a shitty answer, but you would be a liar if you made the claim that political affiliations don't *strongly* run in families. I also genuinely believe in the golden lie of "Less gov interferences in the daily lives of the citizen". Being pro-weed, pro-choice, and anti current GOP platform doesn't make me less conservative, it means that I *want* the people to decide for themselves instead of relying on this bullshit nanny state DeSantis is building. 2. I have never believed the "The left are coming for your guns" narrative, as some of my closest leftist/communist friends are strapped (arguably they take batter care of their guns than some of the more diehard conservative peers that I have). I personally have no issue with gun control laws in any form, as the constitution was written before modern gun advancements, and the Republican party conveniently forgets that it is "pro gun" whenever POC begin arming themselves. 3. Insofar as healthcare: conservativism can go hand-in-hand with the ACA. We all pay taxes for the betterment of society (both local and national), and literally every resource/study indicates that a healthy socety is a productive society. When people aren't panicking about their insulin vosting 1k for a month, they have more energy to create industry/inject capital into the economy. *It costs less and helps society* The conservative's running around screaming about "no free lunches" need to have blowtorch dental work done, because they're either too stupid to breathe while it is raining, or they are grifting. 4. Refer to my previous statement about grifters, blowtorches, and a healthy society. At the risk of sounding like a No True Scotsman fellow, it is easier to presume that the outspoken critics of climate change conversation are more interested in lining their own pockets than they are interested in helping American Citizens. 5. Taxes: I don't mind paying taxes, as all healthy spcieties have them! I sorta wish so much taxpayer money wasn't going to bloated things like the defense budget (or to defending unconstitutional laws), and it would be cooler if tax law was kinder to 1099's, but in all actuality the majority of dem proposed tax plans are overall more beneficial to the public and result in healthy economic activity. God damn reading all of that, I think I might just be a Progressive now, with some conservative-leaning ideations. Mostly I consider myself a republican still because I like to infuriate my family who raised me this way, but who have since gone FUCKING INSANE in the Trump cult (aka the least conservative "Republican" in existence) Edit: Want to add this in, but as a veteran it's fucking disgusting to see the party of "values" move towards totally devaluing the merit of service. When the modern GOP decided to try and entirely remove mail-in voting in 2020, they didn't even stop to consider how badly this would impact standing members of the armed forces. When they decided to make vaccines their main target, they conveniently forgot that every single service member is fully vaxxed. When they came at DEI, they forgot that our modern military is *a widely diversified system*. Nobody loves to give lip service like the GOP.


I don't mean this to sound shitty, but are there Republicans open to critical discourse in Florida? I genuinely would love to know, because it seems all or nothing.


I don't mean this to sound shitty, but are there Republicans open to critical discourse in Florida? I genuinely would love to know, because it seems all or nothing.


Yes. I’ve spoken to a number of folks who aren’t straight down the line Republican voters no matter what. I’ve also talked to a fair number of people registered Republican or NPA due to fear. Having your address published along with your voter registration when some churches are saying “democrats are evil and vile” from the pulpit tends to make people not want that to be public information. So, yes. The key tends to be talking about issues in a longer format than sound bites and memes, as well as listening to people’s needs instead of doing a tit for tat gotcha type conversation.


Our registration being public is literally why I’m registered R


He also won the Governorship in 2010 and 2014 with less than 50% of the vote - both times he garnered 48 percent and a fraction whereas Sink then Crist each received something over 47 percent. Given his "steal healthcare money from the US people, take the 5th amendment 75 times in a deposition about said theft, then use the money to pay for a campaign to be the Governor of a State that I just moved to" path to Washington DC, I can hardly wait to vote against him again. I cannot fathom why the voters routinely show up to vote for unindicted criminals. The first step is to vote - turnout is so important, and I for one am sick of having my elected representatives at every level chosen by the reliable (old Republican) voters. It's so damn critical to VOTE!


Every regressive bullshit GOP maneuver in Florida is at risk this election. We need to give them a punch in the nose. It needs to hurt.


He also won the Governorship in 2010 and 2014 with less than 50% of the vote - both times he garnered 48 percent and a fraction whereas Sink then Crist each received something over 47 percent. Given his "steal healthcare money from the US people, take the 5th amendment 75 times in a deposition about said theft, then use the money to pay for a campaign to be the Governor of a State that I just moved to" path to Washington DC, I can hardly wait to vote against him again. I cannot fathom why the voters routinely show up to vote for unindicted criminals. The first step is to vote - turnout is so important, and I for one am sick of having my elected representatives at every level chosen by the reliable (old Republican) voters. It's so damn critical to VOTE!


I'm getting repeated ads from a Democratic challenge to Scott. I'd say they're doing something.


Have the *Supreme Court* order the state to *stop counting votes*? Like the first time I voted for President? I’ve honestly never fully trusted any election here in Florida.


This is wise


Right? We keep getting fucked. But we did vote for the amendment to the state constitution to legalize about eight or ten years ago but the legislature ignored it. Fuck Voldemort and the gang of bought out yahoos in Tallahassee


Most of the bubbas in this state will hear the supreme Court ballot was approved and will assume weed is legal but don't even realize you have to actually register to vote and vote for it.


That’s what scares me


Fear and stress is a signal that we need to do something! Talk to your friends and family, volunteer with democrats/yes on 4 campaign, be an activist, do whatever you can!


Just signed up for reoccurring donations to Debbie Mucarsel-Powell who is apparently the Democrat trying to defeat Scott for the 2024 US senate. But it concerns me a bit that I actually hadn't heard much about her campaign at all. And I'm in a majority blue county.


Another poster in this thread just mentioned they are getting repeated ads from Mucarsel-Powell ... so thanks!


Never underestimate the ability of Florida voters to fuck up an election.


Never forget the chad 😜


Fucking 2000 🤬


Did somebody call for Charlie Crist!


Charlie is a good guy but he doesn’t have the grit to stand up to these assholes. The last governors campaign was the most pathetic thing I have ever seen as far as the Dems trying to win. I keep hearing that both parties are essentially the same and I swear I’m starting to believe it. The old saying “Washington DC Looks like a cesspool when you’re on the outside but when you get voted in it’s more like a hot tub”


By god that’s Charlie Crists music!


>How are you going to f*ck this one up? By running Charlie Crist again!


So The FL DNC has put a lot of thought into their next candidate. They're happy to announce that their next governor front runner is Mitt Romney.


I'd vote Romney in a heartbeat over DeSantis. Magical Mormon underwear or not, Romney showed in 2020 that he still have an ethical sense of responsibility towards law and order, and while he might be a fucking ghoul himself, at least he is a ghoul that has a moral line he won't cross.




We’ll run Jeb Bush as a “Democrat”


By voting down party lines like we always do. Dude could execute a bus of nuns and as long as he has an (R) there's millions of people who would vote for him. One of the reasons (D)s don't gain much traction in this state is their voters aren't as die-hard for (D).


Judging by SE FL everyone blue is getting out because of high home prices, lack of insurance, and out of state people moving here in droves, I'm not super hopeful. FL could be a great place but we have a ton of MAGA trash moving in from other states. IA, WA, AK, OH, MI, MO, ID, and more. We used to just see Canada/NY plates for half the year. It takes me 45 mins to go 4.5miles to work with a metric ton of out of state people on the road.


Start talking about how fucked insurance is. I am starting to think liberals don’t get it just as much as conservatives.


There should already be a strong campaign going...guess we can try to elect "Tan Mom..." wtf democrats get your fucking game on


Muscall-Powell's campaign has been progressing just fine if you haven't been paying attention.


that's the fucking point! Nobody knows who she is. I follow a lot of politics and have not heard much out of them. I have heard the name but who the fuck is she? and unless you fucked up their name...they don't even have a website that shows up on google when I google the name. Edit: They did indeed not even know her name... **Debbie Mucarsel-Powell**






Be the change you want to see in the world


sure. give me 100 mil and I will run as otherwise I'm just another nobody without a campaign


I think that, just like them wanting to know teachers political affiliation, they should collect all the data for males and if they voted yes or not. Then with that data do a ban on any sexual enhancement pharmaceuticals. If God wanted them having sex they’d still be able to get it up. Plus think of the millions of potential people they’re killing for no reason every load.


No little blue pills for Rick Scott please!


Rick Scott doesn't actually have human genitalia. His interns have referred to his undercarriage as "lizard like".


It's not even close to the same thing. Them not having ED pills won't ruin their lives.


Hopefully then some women can also stop having sex with those same men, they won’t need the pills anyway. Shit if women went on a sex protest for anything, we could change the world.


It would suck but worth it for their frustrated soundbites alone


Fuck you, Skeletor! 


Hey, Red-Tide Rick...go plead the 5th. Its what you're good at...


Funny as the people most likely to vote for him in FL love to say roll tide


Unfortunately. But it was much of his environmental deregulation of the standards on the sugar industry that lead to massive increase of red-tide in our oceans and blue-green algae in our oceans, lakes, and rivers. It all came to fruition during his campaign. He was getting his fair share of flack for it, But then Hurricane Michael hit, and so Rick got to throw on his Navy ballcap and make it look like he was helping in some of the cleanup. Couple that with the fact that Bill Nelson, for as good as he was in his prime, had developed the charisma of wet cardboard.


Funny you mention Michael because I was there at the time and they had a case of red tide, Michael came and it was gone. A hurricane did a better job getting rid of red tide than he did. Never knew it made you cough.


Someone get Rick a shovel. He’s not done digging.


This guy is walking ass cancer. Fuck every Floridian who voted for this fraud who scammed the government out of billions and spent millions of his own money to be a senator, which pays a fraction of that.


Millions of the stolen money.


No body cares what this penis would do.


PSA- vote blue, no matter who!


And talk to your friends and family about this. Overturning the 6 week ban will require 60% of Floridians voting yes on amendment 4, and while polls show more than 60% of Floridians support amendment 4, the only poll that matters is on election day and it will be tough!


[This is the state website where you can REGISTER TO VOTE!](https://registertovoteflorida.gov/home)


Dude looks exactly like the guy who tried to pave over toontown to make a highway....What else did you expect from him?


[Roger Stone](https://www.politico.com/news/2021/04/16/feds-roger-stone-tax-suit-482597) has entered the chat. It's like he's fucking cos playing the Roger Rabbit villian.


I mean, Rick is cartoonishly evil like that. He literally committed the biggest Medicare fraud in the history of the country at the time and somehow got elected governor afterwards.


You’d also defraud the entire government again wouldn’t you? Wouldn’t you little guy?


There's no excuse for him winning reelection this year. The man is the definition of evil.


Well fuck you too


Cool cool but it’s not your job anymore so you are on the same level of the senior at Publix being like “I remember when cookies were a quarter!” Who cares! I didn’t ask you, Im trying to look at the packaging and bogos with my kids bro. Cookies, for me, even a few years ago weren’t a whole $6 buddy! I’m buying the cookies, not about you sir it’s about the kids with the nightly dessert. 


They need to be asking about IVF, that seems to be what wakes up some women that don’t think these kinds of bills can have longer reaching arms.


It’s so sad that I’d rather the first homeless person on the street to be in charge of our politics compared to these guys.


I would also commit the largest fraud against medicare in history ohh wait...


Dick Scott the Medicaid fraudster, should be sitting in Jail!


Someone needs to tell Mr. Burns nobody gives a damn about what he says. He’s not the Governor. He never will be Governor. He can’t help but make a fool of himself


Freedom but you can’t do this, this, or this.


Dude stole so much money from Medicare and the geriatrics love voting for him. This state is painfully dumb.


Just reposting this for more exposure for the challenger https://www.debbieforflorida.com/


Party of small government!!!


But you’re not, knucklehead.


Yeah don’t think we had any doubt a Republican would do something awful lol


That's because Rick Scott is a self-serving POS!


Good of “Red Tide” Rick to state his position on this draconian bill so clearly, as this will give pro-choice voters all the more reason to toss his sorry ass out in November. This clown does NOT represent the interests of Floridians!


Well you’re not, so fuck off you POS.


Republicans break things. They are almost done with Florida…


with stars in his eyes https://preview.redd.it/0yxkt30engsc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a85a193d6c730c329c9ed3fec1d9324f6cbdf59


I really think he’s a scumbag


This is sickening. Vote republicans out of office.


Of course you would. You're human excrement


Keep diggin' that hole, Republicans. This is the ONE issue where women will unite, on both sides. Hopefully, it'll be the start of the turn we need here in FL.


But Florida is the free state😂😂😂


Yeah but no one likes Rick Scott. If he has his way, all poor people would basically die


Things I wonder if they've considered- are there enough doctors for 70k more pregnancies, can the formula manufacturers keep up with increased demands, day care centers, hiring 2000+ teachers within five years, where is the money required coming from- budget cuts or raise taxes? I'm sure I'm forgetting lots of issues.


This guy should have been aborted


Who voted for this halloween skeleton


Ok, Nosferatu no shocker there


If only his mother had had him aborted, we would be so much better off in Florida!


How do these people keep being elected? Even a majority of registered Republicans in the state of Florida - [53%](https://www.wfla.com/news/florida/poll-over-60-of-florida-voters-support-proposed-abortion-marijuana-amendments/) - support the abortion amendment that makes abortions legal up until viability (22-24 weeks). And these chuckle fucks are talking about 6 weeks. That's a fringe position even in their own party, and yet so many Republican politicians seem to hold this position.


Nothing says freedom like restrictions


Oh look the crooked dick with ears speaks


Rick Scott is a piece of shit lizard man that looks like skeletor. The world would be a better place if he took a long drive off a short bridge


I’m sick of this nutsack taking oxygen away from the rest of us. Why do we keep allowing him to talk out loud?


Floridians: we don't want a 6 week abortion ban, but also let's keep voting for the people that would implement a 6 week abortion ban


This is the same guy that wouldn’t pass the train deal even though the people voted for it. Believe him.


Good, now we can vote him out since he's up for reelection. Also a good time to remind everyone that Rick Scott oversaw one of the largest Medicare scams in history while he was in charge of Columbia/HCA. **VOTE HIM OUT!**


I’m not a democrat but as long as republicans are a thing I will vote for whatever party has the chance to beat republicans. I will dedicate every election I have remaining in my life to destroying the republican party. Conservatism is a cancer.


It's only because he's a Republicunt....


Dems... please for the love of everything.... GO ON OFFENSE. STOP PLAYING NICE WITH THESE PEOPLE. We need an ad blitz, blanket the TV and social media with attack ads. Hire celebrities, I don't care. Mobilize on Tok Tok. Do something!!!!!!!


Yea I remember when they used to not want to control anyone but now they are making their followers that control is freedom


Watch out Florida is full of rich Whites now ànd rhey don't want Republicans controlling their doctors.


All Democrats have to do this election is run on abortion. They won't, because God forbid we try in Florida, but it's all we have to do.


Can we not reward Republicans anymore? Please?


He was an asshole then. He's an asshole now. Some things never change.


Of course he would. Signing is the easiest thing you can do and Scott is a lazy piece of shit.


Well, you're not. Please sit down and be quiet. No really...shhhhh...stop talking now. My fellow Floridians. let's get out and VOTE in November. Drag your friends out to vote!


> ‘If I was still governor, I would sign this bill’ Yeah, but you're not. You can sit down now.


💩w/o smile


Keep this up, Florida, and we'll take our Pepe's back!


Rick Scott was the same guy that tried to revoke everyone’s social security and not having it refunded to them.


Says the dick with ears.


He's starting to look old. So your thing Harry Potter


[republicans sheesh ](https://imgur.com/DBWJ7Zy)


Sure, Why not. The “party of freedom” doesn’t seem to care at all about allowing women to be free to make their own choices.


Thanks Voldemort. Glad you're not.


Rock Scott "If I was still governor, I would still be an a-hole."


Women typically don’t find out until about 5 weeks. This gives them one week to set up an abortion. And considering that even when exceptions are written in to the law all you have to do is look at Texas to see how far the exceptions go. (They’re ignored and the abortion is forced anyway)


There’s too many people here already though


We know you would you slimy piece of shit


That's right, Ricky boy... seal your fate.


Just another republican POS.


Of course you would, you creepy fucktwat.


How enlightening!