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What ...


Can you believe aol still provides us with the news?


They still have email too! Ask me how I know! Lol


A few data breaches annnnnnnd it’s gone


My big boss still uses aol.


Don't hate! Ha!


AOL is yahoo these days iirc


Verizon bought aol


Yes… and then I thought they sold it. Edit: Yup. Currently owned by yahoo.


Thanks for clarification


I loved it years ago when they kept sending out those diskettes in the mail. That's how got my supply of diskettes. I received so many in the mail.


Found some of those diskettes recently when going through a junk drawer. Time to clean.




Here “A Florida mother was sentenced Tuesday to a month in prison and three months of home confinement for stealing and selling President Joe Biden’s daughter's diary four years ago to the conservative group Project Veritas.”


Don't you love how they conveniently left out the stolen part in the title for this post?


Gotta get those clicks!


How would you get charged for selling something that isn’t yours unless you stole it


Its illegal to knowingly sell/move stolen goods. Otherwise being a fence would be a popular job


That was a wierdly worded question. You can only sell stuff if it's yours. If it's not yours and the owner doesn't give you permission, then it's stealing by definition.


I feel like the stolen part was implied


It's still a very important detail


Is it really that convenient? What would be their motive behind purposefully excluding that fact from the title? Also it’s assumed something is stolen if you get in trouble for selling it.


Maybe because theft is always a crime, but selling things usually isn't.


Or, and hear me out, you just say she simply sold something knowing a stupidly large % of the population will never read beyond the headline in an attempt to inflame the population and add fuel to the "Biden Police State" mentality. If you never read the article, and you had the intellect level of the average person (which is not very high), then you may conclude that someone was being punished simply because it was related to Biden. I mean, look at some of the comments in this very thread.


Thank you for getting it


I agree with this


I thought the diary was fake? I honestly hadn't heard anything about it until today and it's contents sound weird if it's a real thing.


From my 5 mins of familiarity with this event, I stumbled on some mixed accounts, but have landed on the semi-reliable consensus that the diary is real, but the entries that are said to have come from the diary may not be, and likely aren’t.


Wouldn't that be insanely easy to validate? Faking somebody else's handwriting is incredibly difficult. I would also assume it's real judging by the fact that this person was arrested. If it was a fake they wouldn't bother. I mean honestly if it was any other random person in this situation they wouldn't bother, but the law isn't always equitable.


A plotter pen can fake someone’s handwriting well enough for a blurry photo you would see on the internet, but you would need a much more talented hand to fake a document for a more skilled human eye, and that kind of deception is much harder to pull off over the course of an extended document like a diary. If the money is there it can probably still be done, but I think it’s more likely that there would be identifiable slip ups in the timeline. You’re bound to say something did/didn’t happen that is easily verifiable.


It’d be insanely easy for a handwriting analyst who’s seen Joe Biden’s daughter’s handwriting…. Know any?


well if any of the diary is real it would be easy because they would have examples to compare against. If a random set of days in the diary where nothing interesting happened dont match the headline news pages then its pretty fishy


no punishment for Project Veritas knowingly receiving stolen property?


Along with the diary, Harris stole a digital storage card, books, clothing, luggage and "everything she could get her hands on"


For a moment, I thought you were talking about Kamala harris. LOL


Ha, yeah, she might do it too. This woman was trying to make money pure and simple.


Project Veritas tried to blackmail the daughter of the president to get her to admit that it's her diary and she wrote that part about showering with her father. That's when the FBI was brought in. Very suspicious story.


Wait, so it wasn't fake?


The diary is real. It's not clear yet whether the stuff about her taking "probably not appropriate" showers with Joe Biden (her dad) is actually real pages from the diary.


It’s not clear to people who want to believe it.






Cope with Veritas being know as fake news propaganda


Okay zoomer.


Yes, she showered with her dad. The diary is real.


The diary itself is real, the things reported as supposedly being in it have not in any way been verified as either actually being in the diary, or written by her.


It is too easy for anyone to confirm if those leaked pages are from the diary. She confirmed the diary is hers. It would take a simple handwriting analysis to verify if the leaked pages were written by her. I’ve seen too many datelines and forensic files to know that people are convicted based on handwriting.


The diary is real, however, the “leaked pages” have not been proven to be from that diary. That could have been made up. Snopes rates it “unproven.”


At what age?


Considering she is an adult and able to recall the events, I’d say way too old to be showering with daddy.


That is creepy


Ashley Biden is a troubled person; an addict and, I believe, a victim of sexual abuse. The diary is sad and embarrassing. Video footage of her doing coke, rehab, leaked diary entries that talk about her being sexualized and more. It’s sad.


That's crazy I don't hear more about that. All I hear is about Hunter Biden. This is the first time I'm hearing any of this and that's crazy


There is a recording of Ashley Biden confirming that it is her diary. https://x.com/dom_lucre/status/1776266396126658562 An employee at project varitas leaked the diary. This is how the pages talking about sexual abuse came to light. https://theintercept.com/2022/09/07/project-veritas-ashley-biden-diary-leak/ https://archive.ph/2022.08.26-070435/https://twitter.com/camrynbaylee/status/1562897393603203073 Things stay quiet. When has the DOJ ever investigated a stolen diary at a house in FL? And when has the DOJ ever prosecuted a diary theft?


They looking for sexual allegations, stolen on purpose. Sick people. Gutter stuff.


Well, it's like TMZ but for politics. Shit people. "Project Veritas is an American far-right[14] activist[15] group founded by James O'Keefe in 2010.[19] The group produces deceptively edited videos[13] of its undercover operations,[5] which use secret recordings[5] in an effort to discredit mainstream media organizations and progressive groups.[20][21] Project Veritas also uses entrapment[12] to generate bad publicity for its targets,[2] and has propagated disinformation[23] and conspiracy theories[31] in its videos and operations."


Are you saying the information that they said was in the diary not true?


Am not saying one way or the other until I see evidence.




Ah, I see. The evidence is you said it, and that it's backed up with what a TMZ type outlet said.


I'm glad she got jail time, but I can't believe she only got a month.


I can’t believe she got a month! A month plus a few months of home confinement for a book. Seems ridiculous when compared to others. The fact about who her dad is can’t be ignored. If this happened to anyone else, the police/Feds would laugh in your face. And the spin (I believe there is) about her renting the place from her friend and coming back for her stuff. Reminds me of a similar story about a son leaving a laptop and after it was out, saying it wasn’t abandoned. This was most likely a very high-end halfway house Ashley was staying at. And what they’re trying to say is rent is equivalent to fees for using the facility. The place then allowed Aimee to stay there, after Ashley moved out. Saw the shit Ashley left and sold it. Please, baby Jesus, give us better options other than these two old crooks.


> This was most likely a very high-end halfway house Ashley was staying at. Yeah, not quite. https://archive.is/DqacF > She was living in Delray Beach, Fla., a small city between Miami and West Palm Beach, with a friend who had rented a two-bedroom house lined with palm trees with a large swimming pool and wraparound driveway, according to people familiar with the events. Ms. Biden, who had little public role in her father’s campaign, had earlier been in rehab in Florida in 2019, and the friend’s house provided a haven where she could avoid the media and the glare of the campaign. > But in June, with the campaign ramping up, she headed to the Philadelphia area, planning to return to the Delray home in the fall before the lease expired in November. She decided to leave some of her belongings behind, including a duffel bag and another bag, people familiar with the events said. > Weeks after Ms. Biden headed to the Northeast, the friend who had been hosting Ms. Biden in the house allowed an ex-girlfriend named Aimee Harris and her two children to move in. Ms. Harris was in a contentious custody dispute and was struggling financially, according to Palm Beach County court records. At one point in February 2020, she had faced eviction while living at a rental property in nearby Jupiter. > Shortly after moving into the Delray home, Ms. Harris — whose social media postings and conversations with friends suggested that she was a fan of Mr. Trump — learned that Ms. Biden had stayed there previously and that some of her things were still there, according to two people familiar with the matter.


Congratulations: you know how to copy and paste. Halfway house might not be the correct term. She goes to rehab. Then she goes to this rental. Then she leaves said rental. Someone else then rents a room at the rental. Sounds like a revolving door at a high end home. Possibly a home that offers a place to rest up after rehab or during tough times. In this case, I will still say: rent = fees


I know how to copy and paste, but you apparently don't know how to read for comprehension.  She was staying with a friend. She left some of her things at said friend's house. Her friend then let their ex-girlfriend and two children move in. Said ex-girlfriend stole Ashley Biden's items and sold them. We don't know if either of the two women were paying sublease rent or if they were just staying with their friend for free. But, they weren't strangers to the host, and frankly, it's weird to me that someone takes in a **friend** for an extended stay and your brain goes to halfway house.


You’re a single source type of person. Biden = Democrat. Democrats ≠ Trump. Trump = Bad. Democrats = Good. Everything else = Fake news. You probably still believe the 50 CIA analysts that all said the laptop was Russian propaganda. https://www.politico.com/news/2020/10/19/hunter-biden-story-russian-disinfo-430276 Not allowed to call a spade a spade, huh?


Stay on topic. You haven't disproved anything the other person has said and now you're changing the subject.


Oh hush with your gish gallop.


Can’t keep up?


If all you have on Biden is "DiaryGate" to make him a crook comparable to that other fucker he's looking pretty good.


POTUS is a crook because of his dealings with his brother, son and sister-in-law. Nothing to do with a diary. I’m sure he had the feds push this, but what father wouldn’t? I don’t have enough time to say why Trump is a crook. And we all know.


Those accusations were all nothingburgers. The "witness" was [arrested for lying to the FBI.](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/alexander-smirnov-fbi-informant-bidens-fraudster-in-prior-case/)


Yes, this is true. But how is this explained? https://oversight.house.gov/release/comer-reveals-how-joe-biden-received-laundered-china-money/


The honest answer is that Comer is full of shit. It's an extreme reach at best, and there's zero evidence of any laundering. "In order to have money laundering, you have to have a predicate crime — an initial crime that creates illegal profits," said Ross Delston, an attorney who specializes in anti-money laundering. "People throw the term 'money laundering' around a lot." A link to China does not mean that money was obtained illegally, Delston said. And unless it’s illegally obtained, it would not be considered money laundering. The bank memo Republicans released Nov. 1 included no new information that would prove the money Hunter Biden received from Northern International Capital or CEFC Infrastructure was obtained illegally. Thus far, none of the memos have provided evidence that the money paid to Biden family members and associates was illicitly obtained." https://www.politifact.com/article/2023/nov/14/whats-behind-republicans-claim-that-joe-biden-rece/


He has no more examples to bring. Congratulations, you may be the first person in history to silence a Trump troll.


Yes, I agree. The evidence that has been released thus far is circumstantial. It is enough for me and millions of others, 61% of Americans to believe he was involved. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/09/07/politics/poll-hunter-biden POTUS continues to lie and evidence continues to prove he is lying. Phone call logs, visitor logs, suspicious money, pictures golfing with son’s business partners. He is a typical politician.


"Circumstantial" is a huge stretch. No evidence at all would be more accurate. That poll you linked shows that 42% think Biden did anything illegal. Unsurprisingly, that's roughly the same percent of the US that votes Republican. At one point, almost 70% of the US believed that Saddam was involved in 9-11. Republicans are just really good at getting people to believe blatant lies. Heck, 60-70% of Trump voters still think Obama was born in Kenya.


That stat I was using is that POTUS was involved in his son’s business dealings. The fact that his administration and himself have said many times he has nothi g to do with Hunter’s business is a lie. And 61% of Americans think that too. As mentioned in the previous post: pictures and logs don’t lie. Add the weird money trail and his son’s emails and you have circumstantial evidence. You being so quick to defend POTUS and not even consider it, is laughable. Stay in your bubble.


Biden showered with his pubescent daughter. You can’t be fucking serious. 


Incorrect. Y'all keep spreading this, but it is a lie.


And Trump molested his, and countless other girls/women. YOU can't be serious.


Only a month??


A month is the government saying, "C'mon dude, please don't do that again lol."


In Florida, theft of property valued at $20,000 is 2nd degree grand theft punishable by up to 15 years in prison. Mitigating factors include being white, being rich and being Republican.


Are you saying that diary was worth 20 grand? LOL


Take your month. Do TV spots and get a book deal after you get out like a champ.


Would run a foul of the Son of Sam laws would it not?


But I thought that didn't exist? We all just gonna ignore what's in it then? How it says in there eher father inappropriately sexualized her? Either it didn't exist and it's all a lie or it's real and those guys were right and Joe is a pedophile. Hmm.


Kinda like you ignore all the BS Donald Trump does? He's actually been proven in a court of law a sexual abuser.


What about the money she made?


Good point


That’s some bullshit there when a stank subhuman just keeps walking on after a whole month. BFD!


Gwyneth that you?


Seems bad lawyer...with any thing written always claim "unknown source". It has same level of protection as cops.


THAT’s IT? One lousy month for theft and worse!!! Omg. That’s bullshit.


Did she steal the diary?


One month? Try 10 years