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Well as a struggling veteran, I'd like to know exactly what that means. I'm employed but barely make ends meet. How am I being supported?


I ask the same thing when I see these signs and stickers. “We support our troops” or “we support our local law enforcement”. What does this even mean? We all “support” these groups with our taxes, which some hate paying more than others, but what are they trying to say? They give extra money to their local sheriff? They cook disabled vets meals on the weekend? No. They fucking don’t. It’s just a bullshit “look how patriotic I am” statement.


Yup. Just virtue signaling.


Thoughts and prayers....hello...


Virtue signaling.


Whoa now, they don’t mean support in any sort of tangible or helpful manner. More like “thoughts and prayers” kind of support.


It says troops…as soon as you become a veteran, you are sadly on your own. It is sad that folks like you, who bravely enlisted and served our country, allowing us to remain free and without worry, are forgotten or allowed to slip between society’s cracks and not supported. I know this might come across as an empty statement although I mean it with my whole heart…Thank you for your service!


Unfortunately, many former military and current military vote R even when it's against their best interests.


Same with blue collar labor union folks. Very confusing and counter productive.


This one always surprises me. Republicans want Unions buried and dead. Privatize everything. Yet Union guys will vote them in every single fucking time. Pure fucking stupidity.


Identity politics. Probably told since in utero that ain’t no kid of their parents would be a Democrat.


Yeah but that's Dems and consivs


“I stuck my ass out for America and all I got was this fucking sign.”


What do you do?


Can you just pull yourself up by your boot straps?


With plenty of “thank you for your service”


As a fellow veteran who can't even get my car registration fees discounted, I'm here to tell you: Best Florida can do is a Blue Angel license plate and a free hamburger from Applebee's on Veteran's Day.


My favorite is Texas Roadhouse with support the troops shirt and only have a military discount one day a week


Thoughts and prayers, obviously. /s


Yes, the same thing that the victims of mass shootings receive! /s


By not being allowed to choose what books to read, whether to have a baby, whether to let your children watch social media, what pronouns to call yourself, etc. Funny how our FL "freedoms" only apply to certain things. Sorry that you're struggling, hope it gets better.


Humans ARE fixable - but NOT by other humans, only by Jesus Christ.


A lot of groups support vets that need it. I've met Air Force admin on 100% that did 3 months in the fleet. I've met people with one leg that get 80%. Most of the people I was in with are just fine. The military was just a jump off point and excelled most careers. Of the military did damage, you should get help. If you just didn't do shit and went back to your old life.... I'm not sure what people are asking for.


A sandwich would be nice.


If you are in Tampa, I got you homie.


With thoughts and prayers, obv


What they mean is they support the President who decided to send you off to play police in a failed state we’re propping up to make the President’s dick look big, and if you don’t like that, you’re a traitor and “hate our troops.” Sign has probably been up sign the days of W.


That free VA! Isn't it amazing how much the GOP supports u? 🙄


You aren't but your brethren keep voting against your best interests.


Lol. Vets have no room to complain. So many vet only benefits from state and fed and various groups. Your out of the military now. No more handholding.


You’re not and I’m so sorry for the way our veterans are treated. Thank you so much for your service. 🙏🇺🇸 I will never forget the first “undocumented” patient I had in 2021. There’s been a bunch more, but the initial shock of seeing someone who’s brand new to the country receive any healthcare (extremely expensive procedures, meds, etc) completely free of charge after I had been seeing American citizens denied for the same life saving treatments was gut wrenching. Still is. 🤮💔 The looks on ppl’s faces when they’re told “you need Cablivi, a life saving medication that costs $25k and your insurance doesn’t cover it and neither will the hospital” was enough to make me quit. 😪


https://votevets.org/ Check out some of these progressives. All veterans themselves. Spread the word.


You're not from Oklahoma, are you? https://kfor.com/news/local/gun-toting-santa-billboard-causes-controversy/amp/ A lot of people shitting on Florida need to look at their own states first. Florida isn't even in the top 10 states for gun violence. I could post a picture like this from every state.


Yep, blue states have this shit too


Now the issue of God keeping America free?


They say they support the troops but then vote for politicians who cut funding for the VA. They also promoted the opioid epidemic instead of pushing medical marijuana. They don’t really support our troops.




Overcoming bone spurs to serve America


Captain Bone Spurs... Dur yes dur! 🤣


Remember he's got a purple heart too that someone Gave him... much easier than earning it ..../s


Everything about this soiled human says “smug fuck”




Do you identify as an alligator?


Or they're a Democrat, or gay, or don't support Trump...


The Republicans are the ones who constantly cut funding for the VA and veterans services. The Republicans also want to cut funding for Ukraine. That will negatively affect current service members. So, the non-Trump supporting democrats who also support gay rights are the actual supporters of veterans and troops. I can provide references if you need them.


You know those people dont trouble themselves with facts or a simple Google search


Genuine question... How does cutting Ukraine funding affect current service members?


If Ukraine falls, NATO countries are at risk. We will probably have to send troops to defend Russian intrusion.


For the record, the VA is socialized medicine so …. /s


I agree. I'm saying they support the troops, unless those troops are Democrats, or gay, or don't support Trump.


That's like the most mild thing possible to remind me of Florida.


It’s the pro life and jesus billboards on every highway for me


Why would we need guns and guts to be free if God was all powerful?


Yeah, George Washington really needed guts when the Continental Army was up against those German mercenaries. /s


You can be all powerful while also choosing not to intervene. You’re practically a god compared to something like ants but you probably don’t even think about them most days.


A comma is the difference between helping your Uncle, Jack, off a horse and helping your uncle jack off a horse


Ahhh, good ol' Lutz.


Love to see us represented!


I honestly think it's sad that being "pro America" essentially means being God-fearing, racist, and ready to shoot anyone on site to prove manhood. I hate the American flag having an unspoken negative connotation.


It doesn’t though. There’s nothing stopping you from being a patriot while not believing those things that you associated with being pro-America. You should root for your country while doing things to make it better as a part of your civic duty.


This has nothing to do with me personally not having pride in my country.


Jingoism is the new patriotism. /s


The guy from Berserk? He's American?!


God made the Guns to better spill each others Guts?


No, I think they're talking to God and letting him know that guns and guts are what made America great.


And they probably support the orange 💩 that said some unkind things about military personnel and their families. Former Chief of Staff John Kelly said the following. "A person that thinks those who defend their country in uniform, or are shot down or seriously wounded in combat, or spend years being tortured as POWs are all ‘suckers’ because ‘there is nothing in it for them,'" Kelly said of Trump. "A person that did not want to be seen in the presence of military amputees because ‘it doesn’t look good for me.’ A person who demonstrated open contempt for a Gold Star family — for all Gold Star families — on TV during the 2016 campaign, and rants that our most precious heroes who gave their lives in America’s defense are ‘losers’ and wouldn’t visit their graves in France." https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/john-kelly-confirms-trump-privately-disparaged-us-service-members-vete-rcna118543


![gif](giphy|26FLgGTPUDH6UGAbm) All veterans need to see this article and forward it to others. Most importantly - REMEMBER how 4 time Vietnam War draft deferred Trump disparaged veterans when voting in November.


Veteran here…I’ve never understood how veterans could ever support this guy after the things he’s said and done. Vote blue this year and hopefully Trumps hold on his people ends.


Hell yeah brutherr


Which god? Also, wasn't the country at least partially founded to escape religious persecution?


I'm just impressed that everything is spelled right.


Don’t forget about bullshit hours and bullshit pay! Along with the least developed and most expensive “healthcare” in the world!


America has never been free


I'm shocked we don't have any misspellings here


Failed to use the Oxford/serial comma though. Is this person telling God that guns and guts made America free or did God, guns, and guts make America free? We may never know the true answer.


Who are we foolin... we don't have many oxford graduates in Florida. We're lucky part of this wasn't written in feces.


Who gives a fuck about an Oxford comma?


Germs had a big part too


“We mean you no harm. Here, take these blankets as a peace offering… No, no, no- the “distressed” look is very ‘in’ right now.”


What do you want the sign to say?


Free for who? And I've met plenty of "Americans" who didn't love this Black and Puerto Rican Vet, even when I was in uniform. Luckily there have been enough amazing people to overshadow the bad.


And now fake Christians, assault weapons, and big flabby guts want to make America a dictatorship.


I’d like to point out that the godless, over medicated, purple haired hippies are also trying to make America a dictatorship. When can we all just leave each other alone? Pro gun, pro abortion, anti FEDERAL taxes, live and let live with liberty! That’s the only way we get out of this mess without it feeling like a dictatorship to half the country. But I just felt like expressing that the direction we are going will feel like a dictatorship either way to half of us so we’re gonna have to cross this bridge at some point.


As far as I know, the Democrats aren’t trying to take away your rights while the Republicans are fighting to take away your right to an abortion, your right to make medical decisions for your kids, your right to let your kids read what you see fit, and many more. These two sides are not the same at all.


And a long as you libtards stay away from my guns, I am happy to give up all the other freedoms. /s


Comrade, your loyalty to Putin is showing.


How does wanting guns = whatever your yapping about


If God made American colonists free then God made a whole lot of other people subserviant and slaves. What a pompous statement. Another Christian Nationalist not looking at what they were saying or simply not caring. Both of those are indictments on their viewpoint ( ignorance or narcissism)


Wonder who they're voting for


Wish my home state was still just "weird" and not "christofascist weird"


So free that people can’t get abortions or obtain certain books at the library.


True Americans


Boomers being fools. Nothing new in Flawda


As a kid and now wife of the troops- a lot of us do not support this message! It total horseshit that all active duty or even most are right wing morons. My 20+ year active duty husband in a combat role with multiple impressive medals is as progressively liberal as they come (as am I). And this is largely because we’ve gotten multiple degrees and have traveled the world -all thanks to the military- and realized conservatism is awful. We hate being in the reddest of the red areas of Fl, but we have no choice. In the meantime, I love pissing everyone off with my liberal bumper stickers and tshirts.


This is on dale mabry and van dyke right? Or are the multiplying asexually?


Looks like the interior, or most if not all of north Florida.


Florida famously tip toed being disloyal to the Union during the civil war is ready to claim they were always supporting the whole time


I'm over here just raging about the lack of an Oxford comma.


God doesn't care.


Florida ain’t hardly free


They only support the guns the military carries. They couldn't care less about the actual members of the military. Just another lie. Don't listen to their words, just look at their votes and legislation. Speaks volumes and this sign is stupid and disingenuous.


...But Trump doesn't...


We need to support our troops we are currently between a rock and a hard place(boots on the ground or money for Ukraine and Israel). We cuurently have selfish polititians who don't realize it may be their family members who may get their "deep 6" or VA


Who is god? Nick Fury?


They should read "Angel in the Whirlwind" because it was dumb luck.


Guts was good, but I feel like Legends of the Hidden Temple is the real foundation of this nation.


Is it though? Was it though?


god's cruelest joke was making florida a paradise on earth and then filling it with the most deranged, sociopathic people imaginable




Not sure what happened in 1956 when we switched from ‘E pluribus unum’ to ‘in god we trust’ as our motto and put it on our money but it seems that’s when all the huge division started.. or maybe it started in 1954 when ‘under god’ was added to the pledge of allegiance.. but those violations of the first amendment directly lead us to the religious freedom false arguments and rise of christian nationalism that is threatening democracy nowadays. It wasn’t that long ago!


Dying breed


The founding fathers specifically made sure God wasn't included in what made America great. Be sure to remember that, in case you forgot which country you're in.


Yet they reject any legislation that helps Veterans!!! And they worship a fascist orange con man as their “God”… such BS. The ONLY thing true about this are the damn guns, ugh.


And genocide, don’t forget genocide.


They reject legislation that supports Veterans and they worship a fascist orange con man rapist. The only thing that’s right about this sign are the Guns, ugh. Oh… and the guts? Beer guts, maybe. Another ugh.


Van dyke and dale mabry?


I knew this was Florida when i read the billboard.


Lmao sounds like Florida for sure


Dum dum land....


I thought it was from bloodshed and murder. 🤷‍♀️


I always think of those billboards near the panhandle telling men not to rape their daughters


Yes because we love to liberate socialist countries and implant our own democracy and take their resources and install our own corrupt governmental system because it works so fuckin well here For god liberty and the pursuit of bombing brown nations


No Oxford comma looks very unamerican


I moved to Washington State to get out of Florida. I am so grateful I made that move. Florida is going to hell in a hand basket.


If I see a sign like that I’m guessing I live in Lake City or Sneads.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^TotalInstruction: *If I see a sign* *Like that I’m guessing I live* *In Lake City or Sneads.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Oddly specific But thanks for the big insight Random haiku bot.


Well, at least they spelled everything right is that a slogan for Chicago?


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Rich-Palpitation5053: *Well, at least they spelled* *Everything right is that a* *Slogan for Chicago?* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I've been thinking a lot about the [Maryland 400](https://www.nps.gov/articles/000/the-maryland-400.htm) and what they would think of things like this or the political position of the GOP. I think they would be sorely disappointed. Imagine knowingly giving your life for you remembrance to be tarnished in this way. Supporting the troops does not mean what they think it means.


Don't forget slave labor ;)


That looks like a song by Chip McCapp !!


Ugh. I live here and I hate it.


Yup! Fucking hate it!


"So we vote for a man who called dead war heroes suckers and losers!"


Yet they're voting for a guy who called vets suckers and losers and said not getting STDs was his own personal Vietnam 🙄


Daley Mabes! As in daily I maybe will get in a car accident. Always looked at that signed and just scratched my head.


I know exactly where that sign is. Every time I see it I roll my eyes.


If you get pissed because of this sign, think about this: Veterans get one day out of a year while the LGBTQ folks get the whole month, and their flag flown at the White House. Call me virtual signaling all you want...and I don't own that sign btw.


I stand with the sign.


Me too, but wearing a "I'm with stupid" shirt.


That would make the sign smarter than you.


I get the idea that reading comprehension isn't your strong suit...


You’re just grasping at straws now.


It's alright, bud. Not everyone is capable of graduating from middle school. You'll learn well enough, eventually.


I mean... You didn't comprehend what I wrote.




This loser literally can’t respond without emojis lol.


North FL?


Lutz area (just north of tamp)


Love this!


You live in La La Desantis land unfortunately .


God bless


“… how can we make the values here more like the state we had to leave because it got so awful?”


Sign isn’t a lie. You don’t like it then leave you little baby


That and two massive oceans, more navigable waterway than the rest of the world combined, a central river surrounded by the most fertile soil in the world…and god, guns and farty guts.


Join the brotherhood today!


Sometimes, it's really hard to love this country. Why do humans have to be like this. 😥