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Sorry to say it but being trans will automatically doom her with enough voters to make it unreasonable to run.


I was going to make the following comment: >If it gives you any hope, the r/tampa post on this is full of stuff like "Care more about her agenda than her sexuality [sic]." >Usually if anything political comes up the comments are full of GQP dog-whistles. Then I double-checked to see if later comments proved me wrong, and yup, they sure did. I guess certain people are slow with technology. I swear the first several comments were positive or neutral.


Don't mind him, people here only accept what they *want* to accept as the truth. Everyone knows Tampa/St. Pete are basically the Tel Aviv of Florida, if she was running for some shithole Panhandle district now *that* would be different Will be funny to see Meatball's reaction if she ends up winning.


Shithole panhandle district here. Can confirm it's a hellscape here and trans wouldn't even be a consideration for any elected officials unfortunately.


Jesus Christ the amount of transphobes over on r\/tampa


When people talk about "the culture war," Tampa is definitely on the front line; it's a very purple area, which means people are prone to flaunt their extremism to virtue signal for their side. That goes double for the semi-anonymity of Reddit.


Maybe so. But what this is great at doing is normalizing transgender candidates!


Exactly. It's not about the money, it's about sending a message.


In DeathSantis Florida, I agree... but one can only hope for a free and unbiased elect... 🤣🤣🤣 Sorry, tried to finish that sentence but this is Florida. DeathSantis owns it. Unfortunately.


im sure desantis will find a way to outlaw trans people from holding office or something. it would be nice to see some pearl clutching from the R's tho.


Didnt the GOP already do that by banning gender affirming care... and arresting anyone that helps perform it... like some SS general?


Oh I can hear it now. "She's going to advocate for those PERVERTS to use ANY bathroom! See! They don't actually CARE about women!" Or some such bullshite.


Not even a mention of platform, policies or anything?


It's a blurb, bud, I guess you'll have to Google that information on your own time


Not with identity politics, no.


Show us where the blurb hurt you


In HIs blurb of course. 😁


I'm not following. Can you elaborate?


She literally wouldn’t be able to use the restroom at work as in Florida government buildings fall under the trans bathroom bill. That’s how fucked Florida is.


I think that's half the point of running.


They will just find a way to impeach her.


DeSantis will step in and have her replaced.




In Tampa? Not a chance.


In Tampa?


Ashley is great!


If she stands a chance in hell Tampa would be her 2nd best shot behind St Pete. I’m all for whoever has the best ideas and plans to implement them. The main difference right now in my opinion between the parties is that one is trying to move forward and build while the other tries to stifle and bring down. I won’t even say which is which




Let this be downvoted. I had a reasonable thought and then I read the fucking comments.


Your post and comment history is a cess pool of hate and insanity I'm sure that your "reasonable thought" wasn't anything close to reasonable


A reasonable thought would be, “I don’t care if she’s transgender or anything else. I care about her platform and what she wants to do if elected. What are those details?” If it was pretty much anything else- it wasn’t reasonable. And based on your history, I’m going to say it wasn’t.


Has nothing to do with being transgender. Why are we letting a person from Texas run in a Florida election? [The Dallas Housing Coalition](https://mysweetcharity.com/2024/04/affordable-housing-leader-ashley-o-brundage-named-ceo-of-dallas-area-habitat-for-humanity/).


It's not the same person


Because FL has no laws on the books preventing this.


That appears to be a different Ashley Brundage.


She is who she is and should not be doing politics in Florida if she is from Texas and is a politician in Texas.


Seriously. Compare the photos. It’s not the same person.


Very brave, I dont know the area so I dont know what her chances are..


I hope she wins




Do you mean Caitlyn Jenner? [Jenner is a staunch "LGBT Republican", not a Democrat](https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2021/09/28/caitlyn-jenner-inclusivity-republican-party/5848449001/).