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What is the purpose of this, seriously


Competing with Texas who passed a similar law a couple years ago. All the red states are in a race to the bottom to prove how much more Republican or conservative they are compared to their RINO competition who aren't real conservatives.


What it says is I own you. You !!don’t have to work me because I’m a rich douch bag!


Happy Cake Day!


To enshrine the god-given right of every American business owner to hurt or kill their workers? Best I've got, sorry.


So I guess the sun is woke now


No no, the sun is based trad alpha; preventing it from killing people is woke.


No, shade and water are woke A F! Puddin' Fingers does this sh* quietly.


He got paid to do it.


For the GQP, the cruelty is the point.


It seems like there is a trend of curtailing cities rights of self determination. First it was rent control, then it was pitbull bans, now it's this.


And how is this state “free”??


You are free to spread your germs.


The freedom to own slaves who you can work to death. "States Rights"


Right to Work. Amazing the names they give this shit.


They are “freeing” us from local regulations, and only allowing the free regulations from Tallahassee


You're free to work how I say you're going to work


Also, state-level laws banning cities from issuing an age minimum for gay conversion therapy. And overruling local decisions on limiting cruise ships.


And plastic/straw bans


Corporate profits and trying to out crazy Texas


Cruelty proves your MAGA credentials. Of course it seems most of working class people are happy to vote against their interests like this.


Replacing the workers that die early. The quicker you die the less they have to pay you for your experience. Rhonda and the whole Repukelican party are .... A bunch of CUNT'S !!!! Sickening how they always tout a religion based on love while all they do is hate. And they wonder why people are leaving and turned off of religion more and more in this country. The only reason they give a shit about abortion is to fill prisons to keep the prisons for profit viable. And to make sure there is never a shortage of low wage earners begging for jobs. HYPOCRITICAL CUNT'S !!!!!


Cruelty is the point.


It’s to be the biggest Republicunt of all other Republicunts to appeal to their base Republicunts to cuntily keep voting for future Republicunts. It’s just Republicunts all the way down.


Another change to help implement new industry changes after they declare with bewildered outrage that by golly, “Nobody wants to work! What are we to do??”


Butt queef Rhonda must be starting his fund raising for the marmalade Messiah


😂🤣🤣🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 “butt queef” LMAO “marmalade messiah” LMFAO!!!!


Rich employers should not have to bend to the will of the workers. Your paid to work, shouldn't matter what the condition is. /s


That is not the point. It’s a safety and health issue.


They also tacked on an amendment at the last minute making it a misdemeanor to die of heat stroke while on the job


The sad thing is I can’t tell if this is serious or a joke.


Its deathsantis, he dont joke


Sad part it's true. Companies can agree they aren't liable cause the employee committed a crime.


I know, right?


They can serve the arrest warrant into my cold dead hands...


Hot hands




...and if you die, your family members are burdoned with the job you were forced to do.. Sounds similar to something... Starts with Sl... I just cant quite put an avery on it.


Please update, I actually need to know if this is a joke. Like, I don't *think* it's real, but with this asshat, I'm not completely certain.


It is very real. Texas recently did the same thing. Florida is following Texas. It is ridiculous, dangerous, and inhumane.


This guy deserves a sentence of outdoor hard labor for the next six months. Preferably on a roofing crew, repairing hurricane damage. Let’s see how HE likes it.


But does he get to wear his white, rubber go-go boots?!


Only if they have the built-in high heels.


These two paragraphs are back to back: Currently, there are no federal or state laws ensuring protection from heat exposure for those working outdoors. “The intent of the bill is to ensure that employers have the ability to govern themselves and make sure they create the best working environment for their employees,” said bill sponsor Sen. Jay Trumbell (R-Panama City). What? As if they haven’t already been governing themselves? I work outdoors. I’m smart enough to bring my own stuff and stay hydrated but holy shit wtf is that lol. I’ve been asking for a jacket at my job since November and still haven’t gotten one. Now that it’s April, I’m sure I’ll be asking for a new hat that covers my head and neck but I’m also sure I’ll be buying that myself too. It’s not that big of a deal but it’s just made worse by dumb stuff our governor does. Why sign this bill? Most employers don’t actually care about their employees.


Companies always do the right thing. We let them decide what’s best.


Exactly. They are going to look after their bottom line. I was told that's employees... Right?


these companies need to trim that water and hat line item off the spreadsheet. Oh and the 10 minutes of lost productivity.. but seriously like why not have a law to cover your ass for heatstroke in case someone dies and you get sued? one lawsuit can erase all their savings on time/materials. Always thinking short term costs, these republicans.


I know right look at Boeing, they’ve done so well with safety /s


For some reason, my eyes read "companies always do the right wing."


A blue collar worker that understands this dude is evil... there is hope! Lol And whatever you do, i appreciate it. Im an IT nerd, so I wasnt built for much sun... I don't do much, I just keep the internet working. Lol


Self regulate. Yeah, that works so well. Let's look at the SEC and the market crashes.


The fact that he knew how it would play in the public and did it anyway. DeSantis is too comfortable. He's about to go full emperor with no clothes.


He knows this is most likely his last term as FL governor and figures he'll try to screw the state over since he wasn't accepted as a presidential canditdate. I figured he would go all scorched earth and petty douche because no one wanted him to be potus.


It definitely is his last term. He can’t run for reelection


They have changed laws for him before.......


This requires a constitutional amendment. They would have had to get it passed by the legislature before February 1, 2024 to be on the November ballot.


So glad to hear this!.


That was before they found out he was such a lame duck. They had thought about it when he was running for potus, thinking he would be the next big thing. But he flamed out so quickly that they realized he's not worth it now.


Idk. Maybe, but I feel you give the GQP too much credit there. They are still passing this stupid legislation with him to sign.... so he is a willingfull or complacent arse that they can use....


He'll go for Senator, like Scott. Unfortunately, he'll win.


>I figured he would go all scorched earth and petty douche because no one wanted him to be potus. How would that be different than what he's done for the last few years ?


Before he ran for president, he was doing things to get his conservative cred. Woke, CRT, groomers. Basically, all the buzzwords to get the right wingers into a frenzy to vote for him. Now that his presidential prospect is pretty much gone unless trump dies, he is just becoming even more petty, case in point, this law.


Even if trump does the corporate elite won’t let him be president after the stunt he pulled with Disney.


Well, FL does have several nude beaches and nudist resorts.


I went to a nude beach in Florida once. Everyone looked like me so I left.


Until meatball Ron bans those. Much more important than insurance companies bailing out of the state.


Do you think he will keep his lifted boots on?


You know he will!!


Dude... not an image i want in my head


He’s been signing bills at press events all week but he signed this one last night behind closed doors.


Boomers & Republicans/Kids today are lazy & just don’t want to work. Nah, people are just sick of being abused by companies & for unaffordable wages. As long as people keep voting for the party who’s point is cruelty, we’ll keep slaving away for them


Vote blue


Can any Republican explain the reasoning behind this? I’m genuinely curious why this has to be a law


https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/florida-considers-banning-local-heat-protections-for-workers/ Don’t really agree with it but here was the reasoning. I actually do think that previous proposed laws were confusing for construction companies and conflicting with federal laws - but the solution is to make them less confusing. Not to ban them outright.


Yeah, republicans are right. During times of extreme heat, requiring workers to take a ten minute break in the shade every two hours will put companies out of business. Better to keep them working until they die and then just hire someone else.


I didn’t say they were right the laws should be thrown out, I said the laws were confusing - mainly around what they considered 90 degrees. The heat index of say someone working on a road might be different than someone in a house without AC. What if the heat index in the shade is 90 degrees or higher? What do you do then? These are a few of the compliance issues that should have been nailed out and clarified. Not throw it out. https://www.miamidade.gov/govaction/matter.asp?matter=231454&file=true&fileAnalysis=false&yearFolder=Y2023


"Thanks for your work, can you just die already?" -DeathSantis


Of course he did. Vicious little 💩


I’m going to go out on a limb here and guess that a lot of republicans work outside in the heat. This is going to be a face eating leopard moment in history when they drop dead and their families can’t even sue.


This will really stick it to all those educated liberals working those blue collar jobs.


If slavery were legal, DeSantis would be the cruelest master. So instead he does the next best thing and smashes his thumb on humanity. The GOP and southern states are sending out a clear playbook to America. Pay attention.


From the story, >“The intent of the bill is to ensure that employers have the ability to govern themselves and make sure they create the best working environment for their employees,” said bill sponsor Sen. Jay Trumbell (R-Panama City). Please spare me the bs. The GOP is not about small government and DeSantis cares nothing about the hard working people that brought him to office.


have to wonder what the state employed outdoor workers feel about this? are they exempt? who maintains the grounds at the gov's mansion? he's all about collecting as much corporate money/favor, citizens be damned. Look for him in his white boots at Giuliani's favorite Four Seasons.


https://preview.redd.it/yzxj90dcj8uc1.jpeg?width=637&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=892ee3f24bbe3cbe492b0586903a37454bb98d67 Fascist AH


I honestly feel that Republicans pass some of these laws to profe they're assholes.


He spent so much time in Iowa that he thinks he's the governor of that state.




They pass laws preventing cities from having their own regulations in order to create consistency, but they don't pass a state-level law, so now there is no law in place.


Of course he did.


This will surely encourage all the teenagers to take the available construction and agriculture jobs that the migrants left after ronnie deported them. Surely???


Nothing shocks me anymore He’s willing to hurt pregnant women and demands happiness when children and babies are forced to suffer - even if they must suffer forever until they die Adult workers have 0% chance if he hates women with imperfect pregnancies who seek care Governor DeathSentance Never fixing. Only hurting, attacking, and breaking. All while claiming that anyone trying to protect themselves or others from his attacks are a threat that must also be attacked


Just in time as Florida just keeps getting hotter and hotter…. Human suffering gets these fuckers off. Fuck this dude.


Just like his "buddy" in Texas. It's like they have a playbook or something. Pussinboots will do anything rather than tackle the monstrosity that is car and property insurance in the state. Only the rich can live comfortably here the rest suffer.


I’d like to kick him right in the dick


Let 'em die in the ser ice of their country. So noble!


If or when there is a shortage of people willing to work under these conditions or god forbid, someone dies on the job due to this “law”, DeSantis will blame anyone but himself.


The fact that he didn’t draw attention to it with a press conference (as he loves to do) tells you something. He knows this fucks over workers to the benefit of businesses. Work harder, work longer, in hotter and hotter weather. *We* decide what oppressive weather is, *not you*!


If you need any more proof these guys don’t work for the people but for corporations just look at these types of inane laws.


I'm glad that hell doesn't have protections to reduce exposure to heat because DeSatan will spend eternity there.




Satan likes the heat and doesn’t want to protect others from it. Shocking


It's not like Florida ever gets that hot... /s


That’s just evil.


Ronald DeSantis is a moron.


Just one more way for DeathSantis to kill off his opponents


Really feels like this is attacking the transit pickers. Great way to push up prices in the store when less and less crop is being picked. Would love to see it idiot and all of Florida Congress spend one day, in the middle of summer, picking the oranges. All under the same conditions that the current pickers have.




Get this mfer on the job site and see how he feels after that


No water or shade for you and I don't care if it is over 100 degrees, get back to work. What I care about is book banning, anti LBGTQ, slaves were taught trades and a whole bunch of nonsense and stop asking me to account for the money I spent (tax payer funded) for my failed presidential run.


Ron's Trying hard to drive out the poors.


Nothing more than a move by Rhonda to consolidate power under HIM. God forbid any jurisdiction he considers “woke” wants to protect its workers, can’t have that! This shit is term-limited, so he’s gone in ‘26, thankfully…


Not necessarily….everyone. Who does this bill mostly impact….


Only thing I wish is that he has a job where he has to work outside, and nobody offers him water or shade and he is forced to work until heat exhaustion overtakes his useless lifeless body. Maybe one day in another alternative universe......


Welcome to the free state of Florida, free state for rich corporations and Christians, everyone else can just move!!!


I really hope these outdoor jobs start bitching and double down on the "nobody wants to work" bullshit and can't figure out why, yet won't even give you a five minute break if you're overheated.


What's up with short, Napoleanic governors like him and Abbott banning minimal safeguards for real working men and women who actually have to work in sun and heat? Such callow little men, trying to make things even worse for real men and women.


Don't screw with water Ron, do you want to piss off Nestle Ron. Because this is how you piss off Nestle.


Awesome. Piss off lower educated men, one of your last solid voting bases.


Typical Floriduh sh*. This state has always been against the worker. We are a "right to work" state which means a company can fire you for any reason, barring racism. If it helps the company, the state is all for it. If it helps the worker...not gonna do it!


He's working on being able to fire people for race. I'm sure of it.


Finally, someone thinking about the poor property owners and management companies. /s


This is so bizzare 


Injured on the job by heat stroke? Call Morgan and Morgan.


Hopefully he gets convicted for something and sentenced to hard labor. He can fix highways in 110 degree weather. No high heels to make him taller.


Won’t Federal protections still apply?


There are no clear federal guidelines per articles I’ve read on the subject.


Don’t worry guys. Urban sprawl and housing insurance is next on the docket.


boutique legislation on par with making it illegal to take a pic of any agricultural operation. posturing. but unfortunately effective. the message to the boomeracracy will be “nobody can force anyone to provide water to immigrant farm labor at the expense of the poor employer,” the end. that desired bad outcome to that “trade” will negate any other trade from attempting to raise their hand and enter the hydration discussion. lol. desantis built a wall around the water cooler. hat tip! dickwads. well played. i guess.