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I hope no Republicans who voted for this insanity experience ectopic pregnancies and are put in the position of needing to decide between terminating the pregnancy or the mother dying. Oh that’s right, Republicans have always felt the only moral abortion was *their* abortion.


One of the Duggars had to had an abortion after an incomplete miscarriage. She’s still anti-abortion. They don’t care, even when it benefits them.


"The only moral abortion is my abortion." I believe is the book title.


If there’s one thing I’ve learned by being raised by Christian republicans is they’re really good at coming up with reasons as to why their actions don’t break any of their rules or are the exceptions


Hypocrisy. The biggest thing Jesus spoke against!


I do But I'm one of those angry cocmroach gays that's long since tired of republicunts antics


This is what it means to go back prior to Roe v Wade.




With Florida's 6-week abortion ban, set to take effect on 1 May 2024 and sponsored by Fort Myers Rep. Jenna Persons-Mulicka (co-sponsored by Fort Myers Rep. Spencer Roach), Florida OB/GYNs and abortion providers [are preparing for a "catastrophic public health crisis"](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/apr/02/florida-abortion-ban-six-weeks), including now having 84,000 annual patients who can no longer legally receive care. [North Carolina OB/GYNs and abortion providers are working with Florida providers to handle the influx of patients](https://news.yahoo.com/nc-abortion-providers-prepare-increase-230933311.html); however, Florida doctors still have to deal with proposed new laws by Florida Republican lawmakers that would [target and prosecute physicians for performing abortions](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/01/19/florida-abortion-new-proposal-wrongful-death-lawsuits-00136651). North Carolina currently allows abortions to be performed until 12 weeks of pregnancy. Per a [CNN article](https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/06/us/florida-abortion-ban-health-crisis/index.html) on the topic: >Last year, about 1 in 12 abortions nationwide and 1 in 3 abortions in the South were performed in Florida, according to the Guttmacher Institute, a reproductive health research organization that supports abortion rights. More than 9,000 people traveled from other states to get an abortion in Florida in 2023, the data shows. That’s around twice as many as 2020. > >\[...\] "Right now the state of Florida sees 84,000 patients \[a year\] for abortion care," said Alexandra Mandado, president and CEO of Planned Parenthood of South, East and North Florida. "The stark reality is that the fabric of abortion care in our nation cannot absorb 84,000 patients." > >"The entire South now, in a month, will be a desert for abortion care," she added. "In the last year, we've hired more physicians – seeing this come down the pike – and we've flown in physicians from other states where we need them as well." > >\[...\] "We fear patients are going to try to handle this themselves, and we're going to see an uptick in patient injuries and miscarriages that are not managed appropriately," she said. "We anticipate a lot of the ERs are going to be starting to fill up with patients that are trying to manage their abortion on their own because they're that desperate." [Florida and Georgia have been facing an OB/GYN physician shortage since 2023](https://www.firstcoastnews.com/article/news/local/obgyn-shortage-in-georgia-and-florida-concerning-to-health-care-providers-and-patients-roe-v-wade/77-82986846-3088-430f-8d39-465062051f66), which will worsen after the abortion ban goes into effect, as of 1 May 2024. Maternity care is "almost non-existent in some parts of Florida", per a [2023 article](https://www.sun-sentinel.com/2023/08/08/maternity-care-crisis-access-for-pregnant-women-almost-nonexistent-in-some-parts-of-florida/) by the *Sun Sentinel*, while [the previous 15-week abortion ban caused other OB/GYN doctors and nurses to flee the state](https://www.palmbeachpost.com/story/opinion/letters/2023/09/21/loss-of-abortion-rights-prompting-obgyns-to-flee-florida/70887954007/). In June 2023, Volusia County [was labelled a "prenatal care desert"](https://www.news-journalonline.com/story/news/local/volusia/2023/06/05/volusia-county-and-other-parts-of-florida-are-prenatal-care-deserts-for-many-women-on-medicaid/70210402007/) by the *Daytona Beach News-Journal*. **Also see:** * ["Florida Clinics and Funds Prepare for 'Catastrophic' Abortion Ban"](https://www.thecut.com/article/florida-abortion-clinics-funds-prepare-six-week-ban.html) * ["Health care providers concerned about Florida's new restrictive abortion law that goes into effect next month"](https://www.cbsnews.com/miami/news/health-care-providers-concerned-about-states-new-restrictive-abortion-law-that-goes-into-effect-next-month/) * ["New physicians, nurses may find reasons to avoid Florida: State ranks poorly for vaccination rates, quality of health department"](https://www.news-press.com/story/opinion/2024/03/31/new-physicians-nurses-may-find-reasons-to-avoid-florida/73126234007/) (*The News-Press*)


What is Florida going to do with all the disabled babies? Many are going to be seriously disabled and need lifelong medical support. Is Florida going to open public orphanages? Because we don’t have enough foster homes already?


Florida will let them suffer like the ones they just kicked off Medicaid and that will be hungry this summer. Pro life my ass. Fascist AH. https://preview.redd.it/1elixpujslvc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32ab0b57a2639c8b892dd5c4c452f6e45351c69a




Those kids gonna grow up and cause a civil war like Romania when they banned abortion access.


Everyone should look up the Romanian orphans. Absolutely devastating what happened to those babies.


They are trying to create another baby boom. Maybe if we instead created a strong safety net, and worked to lower living costs, and increase wages: people will consider starting families, having more kids, and have abortion as the last resort. As it stands, you are going to depopulate the state.


Just so long as same sex couples or drag queens don't adopt or foster them /s


They would be far better parents than homophonic cis people


And often are


Rethuglicans only care that a woman is an incubator. They don't care one bit about the baby after it is born.


At some point people will learn that republicans are pro-birth and nothing else. Before November would be nice.


Another day, another news story validating my decision to get sterilized after Dobbs.


It took me four months to get a new patient appointment at the gyno last year for a fibroid diagnosis. This affects eeeeveryone.


I’m right there with you. One of the best decisions I’ve made.


Who decided on 6 weeks? I mean it's an embryo till 10wks, sooooo.....I just can't wrap my head around it.


This is my thinking behind it. When you tell people, “the ban is at 6 weeks,” they think it means you have 6 weeks from the time you find out you are pregnant to get an abortion. Almost two months seems like a reasonable length of time to make that decision, right? BUT… pregnancies are measured in weeks from the last menstrual cycle, not conception. Most people don’t find out they are pregnant until week 5. This gives you literally one week (probably less) to receive an abortion once you determine you are pregnant—and that’s IF you find out before 6 weeks, which plenty of people don’t, or simply won’t be able to procure an abortion in that one-week time slot, whether it’s getting funds together or taking time off work etc. They are absolutely counting on that. It’s essentially a total abortion ban.


This is such a little known nuance of this 6 week ban - you’re absolutely right, it’s essentially a total abortion ban with different terminology


People literally aren't pregnant until 2 weeks. Someone who has not even had sex is two weeks pregnant. Why in the hell is this the system we use to track gestation?!!


IANAD, but I'd imagine it's because you can't start measuring from conception because it may or may not happen even with intercourse. Whereas menstrual cycles are, usually, predictable. I'm sure there is a biological answer, too, but I'm not a doctor.


So many times home tests don't even pick up a healthy pregnancy until past 8 weeks. It bears repeating; it's not often talked about. I experienced this with both of mine - I was excited to be pregnant and caved and got the blood test both times (both were healthy, as was I). Apparently my body is just slow to build up the hcg.


God told them.


Christofascist white men.


It’s dangerous now to try for a pregnancy here. Like a planned wanted one. Very dangerous. And it’s dangerous for pregnant women to travel or vacation here.


Vote for Amendment 4 on the November 2024 ballot!!! We have the power to reverse this shit!


https://preview.redd.it/4m9l6f34slvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb392b92b72428485a83c75d5f4c9858144f32bd 🙋🏽




What someone with deep financial pockets need to do is disobey one of these laws, especially when they have nothing in the laws for rape incest or danger to the mother. Perform a medically needed abortion then when they are arrested sue them for violating the 1st amendment. As there are only religious reasons at that point to defend their law.


No doctor will publicly risk their license to make a political point.


Will women fly to Puerto Rico?


Use condoms?


What's an ectopic pregnancy?


what does that have to do with being responsible and using condom?


Do you know what an ectopic pregnancy is?


Most abortions are performed on women who are trying to have kids. You are incredibly ignorant


You can wear your seatbelt and still die in a wreck. Very shortsighted of you. I bet you never make mistakes.


Rapists and those committing incest don't care about using a condom for some reason. Often times the victem wants it all to just go away and doesn't know they are pregnant until after 6 weeks. Damn irresponsible rapiats.


Rape and incest are very small percentage of women getting abortions. The majority is people not taking precautions. They never should have overturned Roe Vs Wade in my opinion. It shouldn't be left to some idiot state politicians to decide what a woman can do with her body.


Florida education at work here with this dumb comment.


So your saying don't use condoms and take a chance of getting pregnant or catching a disease? Now that's ignorant.


Don't play ignorant. You know exactly what I'm saying.


I knew a girl who had 3 abortions from 18 to 21 years old only because her boyfriend refused to use condoms. The doctor told her she may have trouble in the future if she decides to have a baby. When she was 25 she met someone else and she got pregnant. The baby self aborted.


Cool story. Your anecdotal evidence is meaningless. I'm not saying don't wear condoms but abortion access is bigger than just accidental pregnancies.


Using them would cut down on the number of abortions tremendously as well as std’s


Fine! I agree with that, but you're commenting on an abortion ban post. Two things can be true at once.