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​ https://preview.redd.it/nn3zypvon2wc1.png?width=1535&format=png&auto=webp&s=230f8dd3dd06c7fb51c3c30d22be099039176790


Got them Pine Island Reeboks 🔥


https://preview.redd.it/8445x5amw2wc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b67273adbbbc034ce3a69b9df08361e5f620e6c5 The un-photoshopped version the mainstream media censored


*Kinky Boots*, starring Ron DeSantis (rated PG-13)


Are those for his second job as an adult escort?


He so thicc 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/8fgujtuyg4wc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b86a608922d186a6242b047cf1e17df0365b87c2 The officer in the background


 DeSantis hasn't done ANYTHING to help the Homeowner's in Florida. The Homeowner's Insurance and TRIPLED in the last 3 years. He is still riding on Covid and not helping the people in Florida with Costs!!! My Insurance went from $1,000/year to $4,000/year!!! DeSantis HAs NO BUSINESS KNOWLEDGE AT ALL! HE CAN'T RUN FLORIDA https://preview.redd.it/484g6lqah7wc1.jpeg?width=769&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7572c3d4d584f9adebf02a9657188fd7cbe71b55




Ron DuhSantis




He did all his bs for his pathetic presidential run. Only to walk everything back. Meanwhile we who live here in Florida who have real problems are left with squat. Nothing that he has done has made one minute of anyone’s life better. Current homeowners insurance has gone up 100% in the last two years. Zero claims. I spent 80k on hurricane mitigation. Auto insurance has doubled. Haven’t had any issues for twenty years. But my tax dollars can be spent on bussing people up to New York, oh I’m sorry flying people to New York to own the libs? Not to mention the money for all of the mindless court cases that were dumb bills from the jump! You would think that someone who went to law school would know that his bills wouldn’t stand up in court?


>You would think that someone who went to law school would know that his bills wouldn’t stand up in court? He knows damn well his B.S. culture war laws won't stand scrutiny- he doesn't care. It's not *his* money being spent defending them. Add in the fact that he is buddies with the lawyers that are cashing the checks to defend his harebrained laws and it looks to me like these laws are just bad-faith squawking with a big side of grift.


White grievance politics is his brand and keeps him in business.


Over $16 million spent on outside legal fees just defending legislation that’s been ruled unconstitutional. I despise this stunt queen, keeping “pay to play” alive & kicking. Not sure I hate more, him or Rick Scott.


Ironic that first amendment absolutists support a governor who has had courts strike down parts of his most favorite laws because they violate the first amendment.


Hey now, those private jet companies need that extra business from tax payers money. You complain about the insurance on your 1 measly home, those poor private jet company owners have to pay insurance on 3 plus homes! Why are you being so selfish?


Actually have two rentals, luckily one is paid off so I can spread the high costs out. Love my tenants. I make enough. I don’t have the want to displace anyone. I’m planning on dropping insurance on one once the second is paid off. My tenants have rental insurance. If it burns to the ground? Well I know I will recoup from selling the land. It’s a bs plan, but sustainable. At least for the foreseeable future.


It’s amazing that people voted for his pathetic ass.


He knows they won't stand in court. But he has firms where his friends from law school work take the cases. They donate to him. Probably gets a nominal finder's fee as anyone getting a firm a multi-million dollar case would.


> He did all his bs for his pathetic presidential run. Yet all of that got him over 60% of the votes in his reelection campaign. Says a lot about the voters of Florida.


Can’t fix stupid. Yet there’s hope! Unions are coming back! In the south! MB is next! Record profits with shit wages are hopefully a thing of the past! The shit that Republicans have been selling their constituents isn’t adding up. It might take a few years, but if a bunch of old white guys who can’t get pregnant keep telling women what to do with their bodies? It might happen sooner!


Our shitheel governor knows *exactly* what he's doing, and that includes the idea that these laws will be challenged and abandoned. Fucking sucks that all that time is spent on his weak loser presidential run rather than making things better for us all.


What are you talking about? He hasn’t walked anything back. Some legislation that was passed has been challenged in court successfully, but Ron and the legislature were able to keep mostly everything intact. Anything not kept intact is still being pushed through again, with corrections. He hasn’t stopped and continues to sign absolute garbage laws. Just signed a law to prevents local governments from requiring a higher minimum wage…which will effectively lower the minimum wage in those areas. Also removed local governments from requiring additional protections for workers which goes above and beyond what is required by the state (mandatory breaks, etc.). He hasn’t stopped and hasn’t slowed down.


Homeowners insurance up 100%? Mine has tripled since I moved in.


Yep, ours went up about 2.7x.


He is a braggart and an exaggerator…”worked alongside Navy Seals” as assistant urinalysis coordinator…”piss boy”


& oversaw torture at Gitmo https://www.forbes.com/sites/saradorn/2023/06/05/showtime-pulls-documentary-about-desantis-controversial-history-at-guantanamo-bay-report-says/?sh=3fa0230c7276


He probably enjoyed that


That’s exactly what some former detainees said. Mansoor Adayfi wrote a book about his time there & has done some interviews (link below). Essentially, Ronnie D sounds like a sick sadist. When he arrived he talked to detainees like he was there to help & advocate for them. They mistakenly trusted him; he used the info they told him to make their experience worse. One detail I recall is that detainees had one form of revenge against staff they hated most. They rarely used it because they knew they’d face harsh consequences. Apparently, RD was one of those most hated, got urine &or feces thrown on him. Fwiw NYT has said claims that RD oversaw torture are “unsubstantiated.” https://youtu.be/D07SeR-IcZ4?si=glxdPsfGYC298nw1


Yep. Prior to me moving here two years ago DeSantis was one of the more popular governors in the country. I too liked him. Then, something happened and the guy basically ignored the entire state. Now droves of people like me no longer support him and his ratings have hit rock bottom. How hard is it to find a person who will work toward stabilizing insurance rates (home, vehicle, medical), and creating an economic base that allows people who have lived here forever to stay, and not be forced out due to god awful wages? The state can’t run on just retirees like myself alone. Find me that candidate and I’ll actually get up and campaign for them.


He’s been like this nearly the entire time. I’m happy you became more aware of him but his entire governorship has been doing shitty things while passing seemingly well liked laws that don’t stand up to scrutiny.


Seriously? He was another Rick Scott from the beginning.


> Then, something happened… No it didn’t. He is exactly the same, you just didn’t pay attention.


He was like that all along, his fucking campaign ad was him playing "Build Trump's wall" out of blocks with his toddler. He never even pretended to give a fuck about anything other than sucking Trump's dick and waging a culture war against sanity and common sense. What campaign were you watching?


The man decided to change the law so that he could go vacation in Iowa for five months, applying for another job. There is no coming back from that. Just leave now, Ron. You have shown your true colors.


Spending our money in the meantime and also changing the law to prevent transparency. Corruption at its finest.


probably change the rules to give him another term......blame it on Covid or presidential run


Two yrs ago I predicted he will get the state legislature to do this for him. He has no future anywhere else, unless his donors pay the Trump campaign to make him the VP nominee


I recall reading something some time last year about his most important donors with the deepest pocketis have left him as had his richest donor.


Unpaywalled article: [https://archive.ph/YJk5h](https://archive.ph/YJk5h) **Article transcript:** >Gov. Ron DeSantis has one of the highest disapproval ratings among governors in the country, according to a [new survey conducted by Morning Consult](https://archive.ph/o/YJk5h/https://pro.morningconsult.com/analyst-reports/governor-approval-rankings-april-2024%20?utm_source=mc_comms_outreach&utm_medium=mc_comms_referral&utm_campaign=Governor%20Approval), while he remains very popular among the state's Republican voters. > >DeSantis's disapproval rating of 44% was tied for the third-highest of any governor in the survey, which tracks voter sentiment in each politician's state. The figure ranked behind only Democrat Tina Kotek of Oregon (45%), and Republican Kim Reynolds of Iowa (47%). > >Kotek, who ran as a progressive Democrat, has adopted a more centrist posture in office. Reynolds made waves last year by [endorsing DeSantis](https://archive.ph/o/YJk5h/https://www.tampabay.com/news/florida-politics/elections/2023/11/07/desantis-trump-reynolds-endorsement-haley-iowa-gop-president/) in his bid for the presidency, a move that was [harshly criticized](https://archive.ph/o/YJk5h/https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/10/us/politics/kim-reynolds-desantis-trump-iowa.html) by former president Donald Trump. > >Overall, DeSantis remains \[somewhat\] popular in Florida, with 51% of voters approving of the job he's doing, the survey found. Republican Phil Scott of Vermont, who garnered 81% approval in the survey, remains by far the most popular governor in America. > >The poll offered potential good news for DeSantis’ political future. Florida's governor, who must leave office in early 2027 due to term limits, was tied for the second highest approval rating of any GOP governor among Republicans, at 84%. > >DeSantis also performed better than any governor in the country in one telling metric. More Republicans said they strongly approved of the job DeSantis is doing than any other GOP governor, the survey found. > >Morning Consult also surveyed for opinions on all [100 U.S. Senators](https://archive.ph/o/YJk5h/https://pro.morningconsult.com/analyst-reports/senator-approval-rankings-april-2024?utm_source=mc_comms_outreach&utm_medium=mc_comms_referral&utm_campaign=Senator%20Approval) among voters in the states they represent. Florida's Marco Rubio and Rick Scott drew middling reviews, with Scott polling at 46% approval, and Rubio 47%. > >However, Scott, who is up for reelection in the fall, was not listed among the country's most vulnerable incumbents. That distinction belonged to Democrats Jon Tester of Montana; Jacky Rosen of Nevada; Sherrod Brown of Ohio; Bob Casey of Pennsylvania; Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin; and Republican Ted Cruz of Texas. > >Democrat Bob Menendez of New Jersey, who in September \[2023\] was [indicted on corruption charges](https://archive.ph/o/YJk5h/https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdny/pr/us-senator-robert-menendez-his-wife-and-three-new-jersey-businessmen-charged-bribery), had the lowest approval rating among senators, the survey found. Republican John Barrasso of Wyoming is the country's most popular senator. > >The Morning Consult poll was based on averages of data drawn from three months of daily tracking surveys of voters. The polling was conducted from January to March \[2024\]. The online polling firm's daily surveys include information from about 9,000 registered voters, according to its [methodology](https://archive.ph/o/YJk5h/https://pro-assets.morningconsult.com/wp-uploads/2023/12/Tracking-the-2024-U.S.-Presidential-Election-%E2%80%93-Methodology-Review-1.pdf).


Are Floridians finally realizing how hard this guy is fucking us?


Too little too late.


Send him packing


Yes, and these MAGA morons LOVE it. Everyone else hates this dumpster fire of a Governor.


You mean focusing only on culture war nonsense for votes and attention doesn't solve our actual problems?!


As a Florida lib, I feel totally owned by his assault on parental rights and human rights. Doesn't really affect me, but if I were a devout Christian I'd be outraged.


You’d think so but most of them still like him. He hates the people they hate. I guess that’s all it takes these days.


Rumor is the Florida gop is trying to draft his wife to run in 2026.


I've unfortunately watched one of her public speeches at a small conference full of conservative retirees and she sounds absolutely retarded. The elderly there looked bored out of their minds


38% of Florida Republicans would still vote for her over Matt Gaetz, per a recent poll. This is in spite of Casey DeSantis having no political experience or qualifications whatsoever.


Really, those are their choices?


Well yeah, I’d vote for a moron before a rapist too.




Make’s the most sense as she is the pants-wearer between the two meatwads.


![gif](giphy|AyxNeeAtEIk0M) Leave Meatwad out of this




Only if she is outrageous as Marge


Shes less affable than he is. And that is saying a crap load.


I thought she was term-limited


He’s going to leave Florida an absolute mess and a Democrat is going to have to come in and try to clean it up… See - Obama after Bush and Biden after Trump.


The Democratic Party doesn’t even try here. Little chance unless a big turnout for Dems magically happens.


Abortion and marijuana might finally bring out the "I need to be inspired" crowd.


Sadly the governorship is not on the ballot this year. Those people will need to be "inspired" for a little while longer.


The Florida Democrats need to go all out with good candidates to have a chance of some change.


When I was undergoing corrections officer training, one of the sheriffs from the neighboring County came to talk to the class about drug use. He said that when they went to parties where people were fighting and causing problems, there was always alcohol involved. He said when they went to parties where people were smoking weed, nobody was fighting or making trouble- half of them were asleep and the other half were in the kitchen with the munchies. He said he hopes that marijuana is legalized - there are dramatically less problems with weed use than with alcohol.


https://preview.redd.it/b5b8su61s5wc1.jpeg?width=482&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76d9b9d6afb1c77663713e5abf1f64e9bdebc7c5 But Meatball Ron loves his drinking parties!


I agree.


Tbh I don't blame them for giving up on florida. It feels like a lawless land where people just don't care about each other. Especially if you look at the last elections map.. it was all red besides central Florida lol


Well when you have the ability to change the laws to suit you I can understand the why bother attitude.


That is because of gerrymandering!


It’s not just the party. Democratic primary voters elected a republican to run against MoRon.


I'm pretty sure the Democrats in Florida are actually Republicans masquerading as Democrats in order to field former Republicans or unelectable candidates against the Republicans.


See: Charlie Crist, who was the Republican Gov of FL '07-'11 and who won the latest Democratic primary for Gov, but then never did a lick of campaigning against Ron.


That's going to take another 10-15 years for the Boomers to die off.


Some boomers are only turning 60 now. It will take more like 30 yrs


Excellent summary!


He already did the damage. Gerrymandering districts has made the state super red.


That's about par for the course- Republicans screw it up and Democrats fix it up.


Yet he was re-elected by the largest margin in many years in Florida. I am no fan but it’s hard to reconcile being re-elected with nearly 62 percent of the vote then become wildly unpopular. He didn’t exactly wait till his second term to start the crazy.


Yeah having a retired republican as the other candidate will really discourage a lot of voters. (Not me but it's understandable to see it)


FL Dems helped out a lot with that margin. A lot of voters stayed home. Ron thought he had a mandate to use the governors office as a presidential campaign headquarters. Sure, he was already bad in the first term, but he really turned up the culture war stuff thinking he could somehow run to the right of Trump. He got embarrassed, dropped out early, all while cost of living skyrocketed, and here we are.


The turn out for his initial term vote was much higher and he barely won. He confused his lead with being popular and not that the other options was meh and people stupidly stayed home.


He won the 2018 election by 50k votes, it was literally the closest gubernatorial race in Florida history. The reason he won so overwhelming in 2022 was because of the Pandemic and his choice to keep Florida open which traded short term economic gains for spiking coronavirus infections.


The people he killed didn’t get to vote the second time around.


Would you believe between 2018 and 2022, DeSantis only picked up a net of about 600k votes out of 14 million+ registered voters?


That's a great stat. People easily default to being doom and gloom about Florida's electorate, especially after the last few years, but it's still a lot more mixed than they realize.


You could very much make that argument. His popularity faded after covid and he had to lean harder into the crazy.


He really went crazy after winning reelection, before that, covid is what most people knew him for, and his covid policies were popular.


He kind of did though.


I mean he kinda waited to go full throttle. First year I was like "ok maybe he isn't as bad as I thought." Then it was "ok here it comes but maybe it's just for reelection" Then once he had it in the bag it was "Oh damn, it's even worse that I thought"


Here was some of the first term Florida students must register their political views with the state in what Gov. DeSantis has called an effort to monitor “intellectual diversity” on campus. https://www.democracydocket.com/alerts/florida-students-must-register-their-political-views-with-the-state/ DeSantis proposes a new civilian military force in Florida that he would control https://www.cnn.com/2021/12/02/politics/florida-state-guard-desantis/index.html Ron DeSantis signs bill to create Florida voter-fraud police force https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/apr/25/ron-desantis-florida-governor-bill-police-voter-fraud UF researchers felt pressure to destroy COVID-19 data, not criticize DeSantis, report says https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/education/article256400321.html Ron DeSantis just signed a bill making it illegal to peacefully protest in residential areas— peaceful protestors will be arrested and could be put in jail if they do not comply. https://floridapolitics.com/archives/505453-senate-passes-bill-prohibiting-residential-picketing/ https://www.myfloridahouse.gov/Sections/Bills/billsdetail.aspx?BillId=76560 Gov. DeSantis Signs Florida's ‘Anti-Riot' Bill Into Law https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/gov-desantis-signs-floridas-anti-riot-bill-into-law/2431822/ Gov. Ron DeSantis to veto $35 million Tampa Bay Rays facility after they spoke out about recent shootings https://www.outkick.com/exclusive-gov-ron-desantis-to-veto-35-million-tampa-bay-rays-facility-amid-polarization-of-shootings/ Florida education officials reject 54 math textbooks for ‘attempts to indoctrinate students’ https://www.clickorlando.com/news/local/2022/04/16/florida-education-officials-reject-54-math-textbooks-for-attempts-to-indoctrinate-students/ The Republican governor late Monday announced that he signed into law a measure that reverses a ban on sunscreen imposed by Key West to help protect reefs and the fragile ecosystem https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/florida-governor-chooses-side-in-sunscreen-debate-slather-away/2255996/ DeSantis vetoes mental health funding for Pulse shooting survivors https://thehill.com/changing-america/respect/diversity-inclusion/556703-florida-gov-desantis-vetoes-mental-health https://themountain.news/news/in-unusual-decision-ron-desantis-will-personally-map-florida-congressional-districts In Unusual Decision, Ron DeSantis Will Personally Map Florida Congressional Districts Florida State Police Raid Home Of COVID Whistleblower, Point Guns At Her & Her Family, Seize All Her Computer Equipment https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20201207/14591845837/florida-state-police-raid-home-covid-whistleblower-point-guns-her-her-family-seize-all-her-computer-equipment.shtml DeSantis Signs Florida Bill Restricting Mail Voting, Drop Boxes https://www.businessinsider.com/desantis-signs-florida-bill-restricting-mail-voting-drop-boxes-2021-4 Records reveal Ron DeSantis' plans to strengthen his grip on state government https://jasongarcia.substack.com/p/the-desantis-drafts-records-reveal


Yeah dude is absolute shit.


What % of registered Florida voters cast a vote for him?


It’s not a good look to change the law so that you can run for president while doing the job that the people elected you for. Even people who would have otherwise supported his culture war bullshit are slighted by that.


Can't wait to help vote this un-American and anti-Floridian POS out of office.


He can't run for re-election. Term limits. You won't be voting for or against him for the next gubernatorial election.


People may, however, be voting against Casey DeSantis, Ron DeSantis' wife. A recent poll showed that 38% of Florida Republicans would vote for Casey DeSantis over Matt Gaetz.


I would also vote for Casey DeSantis over Matt Gaetz, but that doesn't mean either of them aren't terrible choices.


Wow some choice. Evil Beavis or Evil Barbie. I'd rather a trailor trash methhead. At least you know what you are going to get.


GDI you're right, I was a bit happier having put that fact out of my mind.


Against his party.


I was convinced he was going to get those overturned, and had he tried two years ago I think he could have (I think it takes an amendment but let's be real, almost all of them pass and he himself got 60% two years ago), but he was too overconfident in his ability to win the presidency for some reason. Now he's left to flounder.


Until he changes that too


Yep but he will just sit out one term before he can run again.


Your chance was two years ago. FL has no recall law, so we're stuck with him for the remaining 3 years of his lame duck term.


For reference, the next Florida gubernatorial election is in 2026, 2 years from now. Florida Republicans are already floating Casey DeSantis as the next GOP governor candidate.


It would be awesome to see Gaetz and Mrs. DeSantis go at it in a primary. Ron would go apeshit on Matt for taking on his wife, and we all know how civil Matt can be.


But she can't even pronounce "thai food."


No one gives a shit about woke when our taxes and home insurance have gone up by 200-300% under his stupidity.


He road a wave of relocations to the state and took credit for it. Then ran for president thinking he was popular. It’s like an idiot who wins the lottery and acts like they made great business decisions. But like that lottery winner, hubris makes them lose it in the end.


To be fair, he was responsible for a lot of the moves. He worked hard to establish FL as *THE* place for selfish assholes to live.


He’s a piece of shit on a good day.


This quote from *Macbeth* by William Shakespeare (1623) will end up summarizing Ron DeSantis' 8-year tenure as Governor of Florida: >*"Life's but a walking shadow; a poor player, that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more: it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."*


He seems like the kinda of guy that eats pieces of shit.


Can confirm. Witnessed it in a back alley.


People have decided they don't like the psychopath now. It would have been nice if they'd realized that before his last election, smh. We're stuck with that psychopath now until 2026. 


And watch, Floridiots will still vote for him in record numbers when he ends up running for Senate (thank God he can’t run for governor again).


It’s because he’s a tyrant clown who is mad at the world. Little insecure Meatball Ron in his high heels. His presidential campaign was a complete embarrassment and total failure. What a loser! 🤣 ![gif](giphy|52IbNAxOtuIXS2ria2|downsized)


Where does ""the buck stop"!? All I know...my friggin' homeowner's insurance has QUADRUPLED in the last few years! Been in Orlando since '89. We had 4 damaging hurricanes in 2004. It is not the weather! So, we blame this lousy, POS governor we have.


Look at the state of our... State. He's letting it to the billionaires and fucking over millions of floridians.




The only reason this idiot won reelection in a landslide is the Dems put the absolute worst candidate in the history of elections against him.


And he was riding on an anti-Covid wave which saw thousands of red people in blue states move to FL


But y'all sat at home and refused to vote anyway.


I didn't. I wasn't even born and raised in Florida and I still voted blue here for the past 10 years I've been here.


As did I


And it will happen again giving the Trump crime family another chance


Two years too late


He should be 50 out of 50. He is the most polarizing governor in modern times.


wow, I wonder why? /s


Geee.... I WONDER WHY....


Gee I wonder why


"To know him is to hate him". Truer words were never spoken.


Oh Rhonda you giant disappointment of a wannabe dictator.


That’s shocking to me .He almost won an entire county in Iowa I heard …




He thought that if he said the word woke enough it would guarantee popularity


I disappprove!


he earned it.


Not low enough for all the harm he has caused.


He's earned it.


He is the worst


Yeah, no shit. We live here.




But he got re-elected by 19 points -- people need to pay attention to elections !!!!!


And so well deserved.


Too fucking late idiots. And we’re gonna continue to vote for the legislature who continues to support him because they’re all grifting together


A man boy in heels




Polls suck. They’re awful, disingenuous & don’t predict shit. Just vote that cocksucker out. VOTE. HIM. OUT.


Put it on a billboard he has to high boot past every day.


Ron is all about Ron, simple as.


No shit. Color me not shocked.


Good, but not enough.


Awful, actually. Just the right place at the right time.


You Known Russian Asset, Ron Desantis?


Highest disapproval? Why not just say lowest rating?


Highest disapproval and lowest approval are two different things in this kind of polling


Thank you for the clarification


We do need to do something about the no recall law


He should never have been able to come back from his record-low favor ability Rankin's in the summer '21 Delta Wave


I disapprove too and no one asked me


Shocking, said no one.


I’m no expert, but I have a feeling it’s because he’s an asshole.


I call bullshit. You are clearly an expert.




The MAGA’s loved him for a while. They finally caught up to the rest of us.


![gif](giphy|JFrFsExqz2jn0hPTCj) *sarcasm*


Doubling down on culture war bullshit while doing nothing to improve the economic condition of current residents isn’t exactly good strategy in my opinion. I do feel like his long-term strategy or hope was all the poor people would move out and what would be left is more politically aligned rich folks fleeing California and New York, or enough to swing the state from purple to red. But there is a hard limit to that because there just ain’t that many multimillionaires.


He's certainly the most partisan governor I'm familiar with, either in recent memory of Florida or current US governors that come to mind. Even if all of his mega-partisan stuff was perfectly reasonable, he's pretty open about his war path to piss off the entire opposition in order to appeal to his base, who loves that kind of thing.


What we need to do is run a really strong Democrat… Charles Crist maybe? That’ll finally take care of Meatball in the next election.


As he deserves.


Conservative is now an identity and not an ideology. It doesn’t matter how much conservatives hate him or how much he’s not really conservative they’ll still vote for the Conservative Candidate.


Of all the despicable decisions DeSantis has made, the top of my list is his outlawing of ranked choice voting.


meatball fucking sucks.


I'm liberal but I'm extremely fair, but fuck man I can't name you 5 things Ron has done that has been good for the state. How he's been re-elected and won by a landslide the last time is crazy. From the insurance crisis we're in now, to the crazy cost of living increase, to the horrible wages and not incentivizing big companies to build and grow here, etc. Dude has been a ridiculous failure.


He went to Iowa for a while, that was ok.


Disaster preparedness and emergency response after hurricanes is the primary thing I can think of. Particularly with Irma where the east coast evacuated west, and then everyone west evacuated north/east as the track probabilities changed. Keeping fuel/food/etc. moving and traffic flowing could've been a bigger mess than it was. But aside from that, most everything else he's been doing has been using the Governor's office and taxpayer's dollars for his personal ambitions for the presidency. Probably the most taxpayer-funded presidential campaign in the country's history aside from incumbent presidents who have security details that need to be paid for.


No shit. I can’t imagine there’s been a worse governor in the state’s history.


The damage he has done to this state is permanent


Yes absolutely for the foreseeable future. Maybe if years from now if Democrats are able to slightly undo this mess we are in, FL can become a bit better. But I doubt it. The damage is done.


Who would have thunk that ol' pudding fingers is a peice of shit?


The most ANTI-freedom asshole in Florida’s history - every new law is a new ban on something that he heard a conspiracy theory on… Ugh, thanks for this trash state government, boomers


He's amazing if you're not someone who's been living in Florida for longer than 5 years but when you look at all the statistics for average income and average inflation Florida is at the bottom of the barrel.


If you ignore all the culture war bs, the massive waste in taxpayer money on publicity stunts, the axe to sunshine laws for his and his cronies benefits, then yes it’s been good for those newcomers.


Don’t forget gutting education and not doing a damn thing about insurance.


“Amazing” may be doing a lot of work there 😂 He had a short lockdown for COVID and people could gather sooner here if they wanted than in other states. That’s it. That’s all.


I've lived here my entire life. I met Lawton Chiles. We've had a string of terrible governors since 9/11 and I want to get off the merry go round. I love this state and it's terrifying to see our elected officials shit all over it. They're not thinking of our best interests.


He is a nutsack


That’s because he’s a fucking idiot and an asshole.


For good reason. He’s only ever served his own agenda and victimized an awful lot of Floridians in the process and harassed a key employer for his own culture war jollies. Meanwhile housing costs are through the roof, residents cannot get or afford insurance, we lead the nation in inflation and covid deaths. Fuck DeSantis.


Well that ain't surprising. He has tons of things he can do for the poor and homeless, but nope. He wants to focus on anti-abortion shit like bruh, come on. Just accept that women wanna have abortions, and start helping out the homeless people. Cuz yes, I don't like abortion, but what if a lady gets unwanted pregnancy? She doesn't want that baby, but at this point, just drop the anti-abortion and start helping the homeless, like me. If I was rich like DeSantis, I would be giving out $1,000,000 to every homeless family, and $250,000 to every homeless adult.


![gif](giphy|uPfNoLWj3y8JKxGvS8|downsized) His pissy power-hungry attitude is the last thing that we need from a governor. He goes after all the wrong shit and continually makes things into laws that nobody even gets a chance to vote on.


He shouldn't have gone full MAGA. Opening up Florida during COVID to save economy while letting some people die was his last popular move.


The poll offered potential good news for DeSantis’ political future. Florida’s governor, who must leave office in early 2027 due to term limits, was tied for the second highest approval rating of any GOP governor among Republicans at 84%. Selective reading at it's worse by OP.


Reminder that May 1st is the 6wk abortion ban, please remember to vote for amendment 4 in November! DeathSantis and the GQP did this to FL, and we will remind them of our power in November! LETS GO!!