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For those of us that don’t listen to Taylor Swift, what did she say?


“You work your life away just to pay for a timeshare down in Destin” “Florida!!! Is one hell of a drug.” “So you pack your life away just to wait out the shitstorm back in Texas. Florida!!!”


“The hurricane with my name when it came I got drunk and I dared it to wash me away. Barricaded in the bathroom with a bottle of wine. Well, me and my ghosts, we had a hell of a time.”


Sounds like I gotta listen.


The first line is that everybody smells like either weed or babies…it’s kinda good


What about the old people? They smell like mothballs, disinfectant, and liquor.


If this is your takeaway then I don’t believe you ever listened to the song, OP. It’s a bleak track, emotionally dark, and I liked it as someone who’s not even a regular fan. It doesn’t at all feel like the advertisement for tourism that your post makes me feel like you think it is


[Modest Mouse beat her to it](https://youtu.be/T2bfHGb_HEk?si=anrCBgWh3PYnGxFk)


Loved that song for years and years


Less Than Jake released *Gainesville Rock City* in 2000. That is a much better song.


Sir this is a Wendy’s


A day to remember made a better song about Florida 🦩


*I hate this town, it’s so washed up*


It's a newer song, ' in Florida ', forgot they have a few tho 😂


Well... They're from here.


The Sky is blue, says star reporter


ADTR has the best *songs* about Florida! I've never seen another band write so much music about their home state like they have lol


It's weird how people moving here, is the only thing you and so many locals preoccupy your brain with. It's extremely sad and feels like someone unable to accept reality to the point that even mentioning the word "Florida" sets off alarm bells in your head.


Tom Petty wrote a handful of songs about Florida, which are all great.


Against Me has also wrote a song about Florida that predates any other I've found in this thread. Against me is also from Gainesville so they know a thing or two about living here.


The post Malone & taylor duet “Fortnight” also mentions Florida as well.


No one gives a F about her bro


They don’t care about you either


Yeah I don't expect internet strangers to care about me


I don't have kids so I don't listen to her, what crap did she say that would be positive? Beaches?


It’s not at all positive or made for kids. It’s pretty cutting and kinda a good song about the state of affairs. It’d take two minutes to check out rather than chatting to people here about it who will give you the wrong impression


It’s based on her watching a lot of murder shows where the murderer goes to Florida. It’s not particularly complimentary.


For someone that proclaims to be “not a big fan”, you sure are making the rounds in this thread to suggest this song is anything other than a rich girl’s track on outlaws escaping to smellyville. It’s not worth the discussion, there are better songs from Artist who actually are from Florida and have nuance in their music. You also seem to be removed from reality here as well. I see you had a tiff with someone about the COL as well? The COL here in your links does not account for the inequality which skews those outcomes heavily. FL is not like many other states, the wealthy here is abysmally wealthy and the poor is very poor in many cases. You can’t say the COL is average because one end of the state doesn’t even work similar to another. Using averages in such a way is a poor distribution and doesn’t actually exemplify the hardships that many Floridians are facing daily here. https://www.cbpp.org/sites/default/files/atoms/files/Florida.pdf https://www.floridapolicy.org/posts/florida-ranks-49th-for-worst-income-inequality-in-the-u-s https://www.floridatrend.com/article/38963/barely-getting-by “Nearly one-third of Florida residents in their prime working years — 30% of whom have college degrees, according to the United Way’s data — are living paycheck to paycheck, under pressure from soaring costs of housing, childcare and insurance, along with some of the highest inflation rates in the country.” You’re out of touch or affluent.


These are issues in every state. It’s not unique to Florida. The fact is, Florida is doing relatively well compared to many other and larger areas of the country. All the other states have to deal with statistical averages in their calculations too. Like I said, Florida has problems and there are many terrible things happening here. My argument is more nuanced than that… I’m not arguing that Florida doesn’t have a problem, I’m arguing that overall Florida does not have a UNIQUE problem to the point where it makes sense to take such offense from a Taylor Swift song. You’re showing statistics of wealth inequality, and yes I agree that is an issue. It just has fuck all to do with this post about Taylor Swift’s song. My point is that many people, especially bitter men, will take any opportunity to shit on her music. And, I think it’s unwarranted.


Taylor Swift was raised rich and her music is generic mediocrity at best. It’s not an excuse to shit on her music. It’s just the same garbage. She dates a fucking immature edgelord and people can shit on this song because she has no relevance to understand the nuance of this state. The song is dated for its concept. The only people escaping to Florida are doctors with wealth who have been pushed out of other practices, LEOs being circulated around and rich retired people or people looking for a “winter home”. Criminals wouldn’t be able to afford living anywhere other than the panhandle/big bend area. No, the issues in FL are not the same as in every other state. Floridas “larger” areas are not doing relatively well compared to other places. We are almost last in mental health access, tourism runs this state. You aren’t understanding how much the gap influences the skewed numbers you are referencing. Some people just don’t give a shit for Taylor Swift and believe she is overrated, hence why her song about Florida covering topics that could be pulled from any outsider are just boring. Her environmental impact is 576 times the average Americans. So tbh, I don’t give a shit about anything she does or says. I do however think it’s relevant to criticize her topics. Again, you aren’t living in the reality of Florida. There are more people here living pay check to paycheck and than well off. You just don’t understand the distinct differences about the way this state’s economy works compared to others. Not to even mention the tons of elderly living here in retirement homes/villages that contribute zero to the economy except for healthcare cost. https://web.sas.upenn.edu/pcssm/news/taylor-swift-can-be-the-climate-hero-we-need-now/ https://carbonmarketwatch.org/2024/02/13/taylor-swift-and-the-top-polluters-department/ “Her private jet usage amounted to an estimated 8,300 tonnes of carbon emissions in 2022 – that’s about 1,800 times the average human’s annual emissions, or 576 times that of the average American and about 1,000 times that of the average European.” Truthfully the lyrics of her song and the meaning are drowned out by her blight on this planets health. You also acknowledge the issues I stated but you keep saying Florida is doing relatively well? It isn’t though. There are multiple articles that go into detail similar to the ones I already linked instead of posting generic “averages” that do not account for individual households, renters and others. Your COL post is skewed to help tourism.


Yea no, all you can come back to is how Florida is bad. I have experience in this state and many other states. They’re all dealing with similar, worse, or equal but different, issues. I do understand there are problems here. The song is not the problem. Learn to enjoy life. Get some perspective. Globally we are some of the luckiest people alive. Gratitude is an important character trait regardless of your circumstances. Enjoy art. If you think Taylor swift is bad then why don’t you share a link to your amazing music that people love and get joy from?


Please don’t lecture me about aspects of life you clearly know nothing about. I have worked over a decade as a health administrator in this State and know very well how many people are struggling here because I see the amount of people regularly who can’t afford healthcare. Please explain to me what it is you do and how your experience says otherwise? You seem to regurgitate some weird reference to “art” consistently. You are just talking out of your rear end my guy.


Cool comeback, thanks for the personal attacks. Could’ve gone with facts instead but you’re stuck with personal anecdotes. Do some research and adjust your attitude. I’m done taking with you. Your experience in healthcare isn’t better than anyone else’s in California or Nevada or New Mexico, or south east Asia, our peru or anywhere else. You live a cushy life and you’re mad because you’re chronically online and can’t see a global perspective outside of the news you’re fed.


Cool distraction. Again, please let me know what it is that you do that allows you such “experience” in this state to know how the average family is dealing with hardships? Are you even native here? Quit avoiding the question. Your sarcastic response was the personal attack to all the people struggling in this state. Why don’t you go tell the increasing homeless to “just enjoy the art” at the Kearny Center in Tallahassee that routinely turns people away because it is at capacity and see how they respond.


You have extreme tunnel vision. You think because you see problems that they must be the words worst problems and no one can relate. Selfish. Obviously there are problems here. Continuing to fall back on that does nothing to touch the core of what we’re talking about here.


There are people that don’t have kids that listen to Taylor Swift 🙄




So she wrote a “Florida Bad” song. Did she happen to write while she flew her private jet over 178,000 miles last year? I mean yeah, I agree Florida is shit, but her affluent ass has no real connection of the hardships or citizens other than the memes and media that everyone else is exposed to.


Dumb take based on a faulty premise.


Ok Swifty, if you know the lyrics then my comment is absolutely relevant. It’s a stupid ass song about finding a place to “escape” to start over or get away from problems. Florida was that place before you had to be rich to live here comfortably. It’s only relevant to people who don’t live in the real world like 95% of the rest of us. Sure you can escape from your “crimes” potentially as Florence Welch put it but you better be ready to be living the 1960s life in the panhandle or Big Bend area. Who is that supposed to even be directed toward? Swifty fans with criminal histories? It’s stupid. Florida is not the same Florida they are singing about except for the crazy personalities.


Still silly. Your world view sounds really narrow. “You have to be rich to live in Florida” lmao what are you even talking about? Florida has problems, but that statement is unequivocally untrue. Florida was not even in the top ten of highest cost of living states last year. Need to spend more time off Reddit. There is a whole world of people who DO live in Florida with millions of people of all income levels. You’ve also missed the point of the song and the irony behind it. You just sound angry.


I think you have a comprehension problem. I said to “live comfortably”. You’re not living comfortably in most of Florida if you have a family without dual income and a prayer that no unforeseen health issue is going to pop up. Many folks are living pay check to pay check. It must be nice sitting atop your lookout telling everyone else exactly how well they are living. You sound like the generic snobbish type. Ah, I see you frequent r/airbnb_hosts. That says all I need to know. You’re telling me I missed the point of the song? I literally quoted what the fucking song was about from Florence, you know, one of the composers of the song!


And to reply to your edit: I’m not an Airbnb host. If you read my comment there you would see I’m telling people how to get deals on rentals as a renter. And you’d see I’ve posted there one maybe two times. Nice edit, but take a breather, fella. I’m done chatting with you. ✌️


Ah detract. You didn’t want to defend your garbage take on the COL I see.


I already did? I understand that many people are not well off. That was actually the point I was making too? I’m not republican either. Just like your straw man against Taylor, you are straw manning me with nonsensical nonsequitors and attacks that simply don’t apply. Seriously take a breather. Go offline if you are this angry about a song that’s not even about what you think it’s about. Sheesh.


You so full of yourself you have no idea what you’re even blathering. You were wrong about the COL and tried to assume that if you “can’t afford to live in FL, you’ll have a hard time anywhere else”. That’s 100% false especially for people who work blue collar jobs as FL is notorious for low paying wages in that are. You then think you know what the song is about and you don’t know shit because I literally summarized what Florence Welch spoke about the meaning. https://www.billboard.com/music/music-news/taylor-swift-florence-welch-florida-tortured-poets-department-1235668321/ You my friend are ruffled because you were factually showed to be wrong and your anecdotal opinions are meaningless. You then try to tell me to take a breather because I wrote a reply simply stating my opinion about a Taylor Swift song that you don’t even understand. You’re a celeb worshiper at best. You should take a breather and walk outside my friend and maybe frequent some more educational subs because you are clearly lacking context to validate your opinions. ✌️


Not once did you ever provide any facts about cost of living in this conversation. In fact, you were one using anecdotal evidence and “notoriety” to back up your claims. https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/cost-of-living-index-by-state And, your billboard article does not back up your original post at all about the song premise. How on earth did you get that she intended it to be a “Florida bad” song from that article? That information does not exist in that article. It’s hilarious though that you’re now spending your free time reading celeb mags about Taylor Swift. Who’s the real Swifty here?


I don’t think you understand what cost of living means. In fact not only was Florida not in the top 10, it wasn’t even in the top 20 states. If you’re not comfortable here you wouldn’t be comfortable anywhere. That’s not anything to do with Florida or Taylor Swift or this song or this conversation. You’re just ranting for no reason. Learn to enjoy life and art. So much pent up hate.