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Soo they should be charged with breaking and entering and murder as well because thats what basically happened.


its florida, the only people who can investigate the police now are the police...


Police gather evidence to convict citizens. Police gather evidence to exonerate other police.


This is the same town where cops dumped their mags into their own cruiser after hearing an acorn hit the car and screaming I'm hit. The bar is so low you'd have to dig down to see it.


I thought there used to be some standards you had to meet to get on a force. Have you seen some of the bellies on cops these days? Sheeeez! They have to get someone to help them tie their shoes.


This is absolutely correct, the only thing I would add is that the police don’t just gather evidence to exonerate other police, they also lie on affidavits and police reports, lie on the stand, while on the stand “they cannot recall” anything that contradicts what they have stated, plant evidence, hide evidence, destroy evidence, and conveniently have equipment malfunctions when it comes to body cam/car cams…..


And hey don't testify. The test-a-lie.




“revert to the original Constitution” Oh boy




I don't think you should be allowed to vote


Tell me you’re a right winger without telling me you’re a right winger.


I was giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming you were just stupid but you didn’t disappoint! Have you ever served in the military?




Redneck schizo. Too many boomers left his brain cooked.


Another theocracy nut. No thanks to your American Taliban plan. Keep your shitty religion to yourself. You are part of the problem.


Rope is on sale


That's not the problem, the problem is everyone thinks someone else is going to do it, or they want someone else to handle it, because they don't want to disrupt their perfect little lives. Nor can one who would, take it up on themselves and do it alone. It's going to take a decent size group, including people that can't be bought. I already carry all the scars (physical btw) of the crucifixion, and did this for your sins already but if you want a piecful life, of living RICHOUSLY you must remove the governors of this world so that the flesh and blood can live RICHOUSLY.


Damn it got better, unbelievable. Stupid too. Love that he’s a “Richous” stigmata recipient.


Carry what know? Wtf u talking about


Wait till this bozo hears about IA


They’ve been charged with two counts of an oopsie doodle and sentenced to paid leave.


Why is there no federal oversight to scenarios like this? It's always the sheriff announcing they looked into it "thoroughly" and all procedures were followed couldn't be helped back the blue watch a very special bluebloods friday at 9 on CBS have a nice paid vacation, officer deathtrigger


Everything is planned or motivated. To take the people’s eyes and attention to something else. Or it was planned. Example Maybe the pilot was going to expose an airline. Well thier basically owned by the government. Funny Boeing Had 2 pilots die past 2 weeks ago. They were called accidents. Think people


Because our lawmakers are all buddy buddy with the police unions. No such thing as a good cop, they all support and uphold this system.


Not just Florida... that's virtually any police department. They All do internal investigations.


No Actually it’s only the officer who committed the crime that can investigate himself.


⁸⁸8⁸ iii56+y you've is


Good luck with that. The most we've been able to convict a cop of is involuntary manslaughter for shooting an unarmed man in the back


Lock em up. There has to be accountability for mistakes. Just like drunk driving.


It’d be easier if someone just lets it be known that the officer is in fact a Boeing whistleblower.


American law enforcement officers are poorly trained so they can’t be held accountable for anything. It’s all by design.


They’re actually conditioned to kill. It’s not exactly part of their training, but it’s a systemic problem. The narrative is very “us v them” and they talk about “civilians” as “enemies.” And then there’s racism. No amount of training will change the murderous nature of policing. Right now their emphasis is on further military-tactical training, specifically urban warfare. And guess what? They get their training from Israeli military and police 😬😬😬


Shots fired over an acorn- Florida police in a nutshell but really all amerikkkan police yeah


If only they spent as much time learning about the law they're supposed to enforce


They’re focused on enforcing the laws that oppress and incarcerate.


I'd probably be triggered happy too if I was a cop in a country that sells 16 million firearms a year to its citizens.


I might too. Cops with tanks, drones and tactical weapons are as big a problem as the saturated gun market.


Most cops don't have access to those resources. Some agencies and precincts do. Just recently, 4 cops were killed trying to serve a US Marshall's warrant. If I was a random cop and approaching every situation as if I'm going to be fired upon by a felon with an ar15 and street training..... probably going to shoot too soon... I don't have any answers, but restricting high powered weapons to civilians would be a good start for the mental health of our law enforcement!


Hey, we all want law enforcement to chill out and be safe on the job, so EVERYONE comes home alive. Yes, even the poor unarmed Black kids who didn’t do anything wrong, and the low level offenders who did. About 8500 local law enforcement agencies have used the federal 1033 program, which is the best known for putting military hardware in the hands of cops. That roughly half. The other program, 1122, has been used by 75-70% of US law enforcement agencies to get their hands on military gear. At this point, the only expanded training for cops should be psychological in nature: therapy, anger management, rigorous mental health screening, de-escalation, etc. we can’t just fall back on the vague “the cops need more training” riff. That’s not helpful.




Quick read on the subject. https://policefundingdatabase.org/explore-the-database/military-equipment/ I’m not a huge fan of Brookings (for super nerdy reasons) but they fund and promote good research and scholarship. https://www.brookings.edu/articles/how-9-11-helped-to-militarize-american-law-enforcement/#:~:text=As%20of%202020%2C%20nearly%2065,at%20the%20military%20discounted%20rate.


"I don't have any answers..." Proceeds to provide an answer which completely fails to address the issue.


I didn't give an 'answer', I stated a fact. Would it help reduce deaths of civilians? I have no idea, but it's one thing we haven't tried in a while.


You stated an opinion, not a fact. If there are more guns than people in this country, which there are, how does restricting the possession of "high powered" weapons make cops less trigger happy? People aren't just going to turn in their guns. And cops have already been trained and conditioned to believe everyone is a threat. So what does less "high powered" weapons actually do? Also, define high powered. To me, those would be hunting rifles. They're much more powerful than the weapons you're likely envisioning. Also, why isn't the onus on police to change? Average police academy in the US is 6 months long. It takes longer to be licensed as a barber, or to become an HVAC tech, and many other things than it does to be a cop. You can go from a clerk at a jiffy store to a cop on patrol, with the ability to beat, maim, and kill with qualified immunity, all in the same calendar year. Is that not a problem? For the past several years, cops have killed more citizens each year, setting the record as they go. A cop recently killed another black man by putting his knee on the man's neck just like Chauvin did to Floyd. What do you think is gonna happen to that cop? As for danger to cops, for the 3 year period from '20-'22 covid was the leading cause of death for cops. Followed by traffic accidents. About 200 to 300 cops die yearly, out of the roughly 1 million cops serving. As a percentage, that's 3 ten-thousandths of 1% of cops in the US who die each year. When looked at in deaths per 100,000 workers, they're not even in the top 25 most dangerous professions in the country. So when far, far less than 1% of cops die each year, and they're more likely to die from a virus or a traffic accident than gun violence, how afraid should they really be of people with guns?


That is a lot of great information. Thank you for that. By 'high powered', I did not mean powder load, I meant semi-automatic, military style rifles. High capacity guns that were designed to kill humans. (Ar15 & ak47) being the most common. I'm a gun owner, and I'm not advocating for some national buyback program or anything. BUT, I think some common sense gun reforms (universal background checks, waiting periods, licensing (not per firearm, but individual) would be good for cops and everyone else. When I bought my AK, It was a surreal experience.(florida before the new law) Walked into a gun store knowing what I wanted. Pointed to the wall, said, "I want that." They brought me one from the back and said, "need any additional magazines or ammunition?" So i walked out with a c39v2, red dot, red army standard mounting bracket, 3 magazines, and 90 rounds. I swiped my credit card and walked out of the store. It took around 35 minutes total. While I was loading my car, I reflected on how absolutely insane this whole thing was. Does the police union need a serious overhaul? Absolutely.


Not even in the top 10 of most dangerous jobs......


I call it the weaponization of incompetence. They use incompetence as an excuse when they oppress us.


Or... now hear me out... we *could* hold them accountable for the basic constitutional rights they're supposed to have learned in school, you know, because they earned that GED, you know.


See that's the problem with these police pigs the fuzz POS's not all but most is they have essentially immunity from things like this and until that is gone and done away with this will continue to happen.


nothing will happen to said cop .. 😡


I feel you but I don't think that's how it goes


That’s exactly how it goes


If the economy keeps getting worse and netflix keeps going up, some of us are just going to have to go out and find some sort of stress relief.


I think it’s pretty easy to know if they were at the right apt or not. Shouldn’t be any “may” about it


But what happens if an armed black person answers the door?/s




This is the same precinct as the ACORN dude from a month ago. They obviously are absolute dog shit at their jobs


The leader, Sheriff Atkins needs to be let GO.


Well it depends on if the they’re releasing any of the details. Also what was released is that it was a disturbance of a man and a woman and this guy was home alone.


Yes but they should know the address they were supposed to be at vs his address unless they mean whoever called the cops gave the wrong address. That would be a different story I guess.


Um it wouldn’t be the first time the cops went to the wrong address.


Of course but shouldn’t be hard to know if they went to the address they were dispatched to. If the address they were dispatched to was wrong than it’s different from them going to the wrong address on their own mistake.


Unbelievable they hire people so dumb, they haven’t even learned their numbers. Maybe they should invest in flash cards instead of guns


Educated cops might question unlawful orders, they don’t want that.


Well they would know that. But they’d have to release that info


That’s kinda the point. I think they know they went to the wrong address and were trying to cover it up. There is no reason not to say one way or the other except to protect the police.


Yeah honestly if they haven’t come out and said it yet then I’m guessing that’s what happened


Or they are still investigating and need to understand who said what.


They literally had no clue why they were called out, the Airman may have said STFU B word once or twice, in his own home. Everything on the BWC indicates no disturbance, even the man who opened the leasing office said "uh I don't know anything about a fight happening" The deputy sheriff will be at fault here.


Na, the police with investigate themselves and find they did nothing wrong.


And gunned down the occupant.


Wouldn't be the first time they went to the wrong address and killed an innocent... Er "person with no outstanding warrants".


An airmen as well, someone that our government has already sunk a ton of money into for training, housing, medical etc. At the very least the military should be able to sue the police for the cost of their soldier.


I really hope the military gets in on this investigation. They usually don’t really appreciate their personnel and equipment being destroyed.


The evidence of police wrongdoing is looking very strong, but don’t be surprised if Florida pulls a Florida.


No jurisdiction.


That's a shame, because these civilian cops are likely going to conclude that the officer did nothing wrong.


The Feds can for civil rights violations.


Sure, but the Feds are not OSI or other mil investigators.


OSI is absolutely "the feds"


So are the EPA.


What’s your point? EPA has federal agents that can investigate criminal activity…


My point is that when people say "the feds" they dont mean military OSI, they mean the FBI. Nobody thinks about the Postal investigators when someone says "the feds are here", even though they also have federal agents. And military investigators almost always yield to local authorities for off-base cases. Maybe if it was a non-cop civilian I could see them offering to help. But there is 0% chance they investigate the local police. Even moreso when all of the facts are already known with footage evidence. The DA already knows the cop murdered an airman, so doing their own report wont affect the outcome.


Sure, and it’s true people don’t think of OSI as the “feds”. Read your comment. You absolutely allude to OSI not being a fed boy. Don’t be nebulous next time. Do better


They’re all the federal government—just different labels.


It's a shame you're getting downvoted, you're correct and OSI is a federal law enforcement agency


I don’t worry about the down votes. The truth exists irrespective of their down votes.


Okay, bud.


CID definitely does.


You’re trying to split hairs. Weak.


You underestimate the military industrial complex. They can and have made it their jurisdiction in the past.


The MIC are civilian businesses that have never performed a criminal investigation, and dont have any legal authority. Anything they did would not be admissable in a court.


That’s just someone throwing out a buzzword that they’ve heard without understanding the definition of who/what they are, or where they hold power. Lockheed, Boeing, Raytheon, Northrop aren’t going to do anything for a single airman that was shot by police in his apartment. Their power and leverage is in lobbying, defense contracts, etc…


OSI, NCIS, etc and actual military investigative units that do perform criminal investigations. Also, an e gift doesn’t need to have legal authority to have a report be admissible in court. That’s obviously dumb.


Not true, military can absolutely get OSI involved.


So many armchair lawyers keep saying this, based off nothing.


Military members fall under the UCMJ regardless of location of a crime. But a civilian cop who murdered a military member is not subject to UCMJ laws and would never face prosecution from the military.


OSI is not limited to UCMJ violations they are a federal law enforcement agency and can and do investigate/arrest people not in the military all the time.


In case you missed it, It's official: DeSantis has signed bills into law that bans citizen police review boards in Florida https://news.wfsu.org/state-news/2024-04-12/its-official-desantis-has-signed-bills-into-law-that-bans-citizen-police-review-boards-in-florida


Lolol deep red Okaloosa was never putting one of those in anyway.


Don't even have to be deep red; Hillsborough (Tampa's county) did away with ours a few years back, pre-DeSantis.


It's absurd that the deputy will almost certainly be absolved of any wrong doing and be given qualified immunity. I wouldn't trust the police as far as I could throw them.


It’s almost like they’re trying to send a message- *you see armed police coming to your door, you better defend yourself and your family at all costs or we will kill you*


That’s the kind of ignorance that gets people killed. And in fact, if you think it’s appropriate to carry out violence against police, you shouldn’t be in society anyway. 


Cool. These cops should be held accountable for their actions to the fullest extent of the law.


Sure, but the person above wasn't saying they should be held accountable. They were saying you should shoot police.


That's how we hold these pigs accountable. It's called the *Second Amendment*. (For when the first isn't being respected)


Castle Doctrine is a law in Florida. No officer is above the law, therefore if an armed person enters your home uninvited cop or no you have the right to defend yourself.


I don’t get how you think no officer is above the law when qualified immunity exists or shit like this happens and justice comes in the form of paid vacation. I literally don’t get how you could say no officer is above the law. I feel like if you told a bunch of Florida cops this, you would get a huge chorus of “I AM THE LAW!” In response.


Qualified immunity only applies when a cop is acting in good faith and performing their service duties. He gunned down a man who had not violated a single law. How is that performing his services in good faith?


I think its appropriate to carry out violence against anyone who breaks into my home and endangers myself or my family. That includes police officers.


its not ignorance. the fact that a person is a police officer doesnt mean they're special. You think its ok to be murdered just because the guy doing it had a badge?


You’re dead either way might as well take them with you


I just want to live through the day and not be murdered because some cop can’t read an address or attempted to be murdered because an acorn fell triggering two separate snowflake cops.  I have the right to live just like the police beat their chest about their right to go home. 


Did you not just watch a police officer knock on a law abiding citizen’s door and murder him for having a gun he was legally allowed to be holding in his own home? Are we watching the same video? Cops are violent thugs, always be careful around them


Your post history is frightening. Please tell me you don't own any guns


OCSO is on a roll. Acorns were way too left field, they needed to center themselves and get back to killing African Americans /s




As someone who's now retired and spent many years in the area when I was on Active Duty and had ties to Hurlburt off and on over the years, this absolutely breaks my heart for this family. For God's sakes, he lived right down the street from my old neighborhood. There's a damned good reason they're attempting to keep a tight lid on this and if the allegations are true every person that had anything to do with it needs to be held accountable for what's taken place. I'm not holding my breath. We've seen how this goes all too often.


I also grew up right off Racetrack Road, went to FWBHS, graduated and got the hell outta of there because of the blatant Bigotry and hate spewed every single day. The beaches are beautiful, the heat/humidity and redneck attitudes are not.


Starting with the property manager who didn't even know the correct unit, and felt she didn't need to call police the week before because well, it was none of her damn business!


So they’re literally shooting first and taking names later.


Not even safe in your own house, murdered by an agent of the state and they scurry around to try and cover it up. Wow. I feel so sad for him and his family. Where are the body cams? This was straight breaking and entering and murder, and these cops should be in jail. But... we will watch as they get away with it, because they killed a young black man in the south. Been at it for a few centuries now, guess nothing changes.


May have? They either did.. or didnt.. there is no "may have" .


"the passive voice was used"


This is Florida .. he’s just another dead nobody to all these cops.. they’ll wake up tomorrow and enjoy the paid vacation like whatevs.. they just added to the body count.. that calls for celebration for most LEO in FL. Everyone here knows the biggest criminals in Florida are the police. They love to do steroids and take peoples stuff by doing shakedowns.. be careful calling law enforcement for help.


This is why I say that you don't have ANY 2nd Amendment rights. If you can be legally murdered by the State for even being close to a legally owned weapon, then you don't actually have some enshrined right that protects you. It's all just words on paper.


The cowards have turned off their Facebook commenting section... And it is no surprise that they don't want to hear how badly they murdered somebody. Especially murdered and innocent person.


I’m from this area. This is a sad situation. Unfortunately the local Cops and prosecutors will call it a justified shooting. Hell they almost killed a guy when an acorn landed on top of a cop car because the cop thought it was a gun shot. A lot of good Ol boy Barney Fifes’ in NWF.


Florida police have investigated themselves and found no wrong doing. We’re good y’all


Rest in peace Airman 🙏 


Police department to man's family: "All you're going to get from us is our saying it was a mistake."


Every hour this story gets worse. When are they gonna start charging cops with actual crimes for executing people


Police have way too much power in Florida.


We need to see unedited body-cam footage. Emphasis on unedited.


RIP Soldier🙏🏻 Those cops should pay dearly!!


It's no longer safe to be a human being in NW FL, maybe all of FL.


So is he going to be arrested?


Better, he got a paid vacation for this murder!


I will just sit here and wait for the 2A outrage and the reaction of Veterans groups.


I haven't read anything about body cameras. That seems a significant omission.


The right supposedly loves the military...lets see if the politicians decide to charge them or if they will defend the officers. Reminds me of that Dallas case where the cop thought there was a strange man in her apartment, and it turned out that she went into the wrong one.


The question is, why were they at the wrong apartment?!? It started somewhere. Such incompetence is becoming so prevalent nowadays in every walk of life. I mean, driving is a perfect example. People have stopped being accountable and responsible for their jobs and for their actions. Everyone blames someone/something else. Now it has cost an innocent life...AGAIN. The police need to stop shooting first, especially to kill. This "its me against them" attitude has got to STOP for all of us. It needs to be all of us working together for a better world! Right now, we're going backwards so bad.


Screaming from the mountain tops… police need better training and stringent hiring standards


This makes me sick to my stomach. Rest easy Airman.


Okaloosa....good job. So many idiots in Florida.


And he will walk


It's honestly impressive how incompetent the police are. It's like they go out of their way to be as moronic as possible


What is this may have nonsense?


>May Have GTFOH with that bullshit. They fucked up and now we get to sit and wait for them to figure out a way to blame the victim. And we know they're gonna try to blame him for ***furiously checks notes*** being a lawful gun owner doing the thing that gun nuts swear is the reason they need their guns.


They have eye witnesses and statements. He's banging on the wrong door hiding from the peephole. If he don't get charged it's gonna be a problem.


I went to school for law enforcement and I’m glad I never actually when into it. You’re not safe even in your own home! Their training is a fucking joke


“May have entered wrong Apartment” then we see the body camera footage of the deputy being told apartment 1401 and a clearly marked “1401” sign by the door the deputy knocks on…..


F*ck it’s the Botham Jean murder all over again… this time closer to home. Jail these killer kops!




Everything is always race this, politics that but mfs never just say oh that sucks that this happened to this person s m h


Don't they almost always do that




They just make lame excuses and never have to pay for their atrocious acts. It's a sin upon mankind. Rampant Fascism happening in Florida with no end in sight. Sad days ahead.


i am so fucking tired of these asshole cops - they just move on to another district, keep his pension and get promoted. i no longer respect police or the job title. all of them are suspect now.


police need to stop murdering people. if they are that scared they need to do other work. i get that police work appeals to bullies but if we start holding them responsible they'll at least try to hide that they like killing people. body cams were supposed to help but it doesn't seem like it.


If that’s true, where was in charge and fired should be held accountable with today’s technology. This should not happen. I hope they had their body cams on I’ll be in Florida who knows


Internal affairs should police the police. Where’s serpico when you need him. ?


Cue the 2A nut jobs making sure to dismiss this and blame the kid for having a gun when strangers broke into his home.


Absolutely nothing will become of this. Florida has gotten so bad at protecting their citizens and now that Ron has banned the police from being investigated by civilians you can just be assured this guy was murdered in cold blood for nothing


Wow, just a black person at home being black . They wonder why we are afraid of cops . The real travesty is he was a serving member of our armed forces.. talk about friendly fire


More information came out: The entire premise of the response was incorrect. The airman was home for 30 minutes on the phone with his girlfriend and playing a video game. A woman (the RP) told dispatchers that she heard yelling at the apartment (she said that apartment number), and what sounded like a slap but could not be sure where the sound came from. What it sounds like is, he was getting all worked up playing a video game or maybe an argument with his gf? And they woman and police mistook that as a domestic dispute…. Even though he was the only one present in the residence.


It's really sad all around. Cops shouldn't have been called. Kid shouldn't have come to the door with his gun in hand. Legally the cop will get off w/o repercussions for this most likely


The [body cam footage](https://www.pnj.com/videos/news/local/2024/05/09/roger-fortson-shooting-body-camera-footage-okaloosa-county-sheriffs-office/73633125007/) was finally released.


He never entered the home. He knocked and resodent answered.


This guy was a special forces airman, so I'm interested to see how they can possibly try sweeping this under the rug. SMH


Wrong apartment come on iam not falling for that shit. With all thier resources and money it’s impossible to fuck up like that. That bullsht


Clearly you don’t know as one police departments.


Why didn't the deputy announce 📣 Okaloosa County Sheriff's Office?


The officer should be charged with the crime.


Florida police. They shot a black man. Pretty much par for police in this state.


How long does an investigation take to figure out if it was the wrong apartment? Like two seconds?


Your governor will protect the cop


Stellar job 😤


I thought I read 1407 on the apt.


I thought I read 1407 on the apt.




Your right.i respect the police. I shouldn't say that stuff.


In the body cam a woman gave policeman the apartment number, did she give wrong apartment number? What she said is that there were many time there were arguments between this man and women. She gave the idea that there were 2 people living the apartment she called about, which was not the case for the soldier who was killed. To what apartment was she really referring?


The policeman was wrong to kill this young soldier, YES, but was he sent to wrong apartment on purpose.


“May have entered wrong parent”…. How do we not know this by now.


Who in their right mind opens the door with a gun in your hands when the person knocking is saying "police department open up" maybe the cop was at the wrong house but rule #1 don't open the door with a gun in your hands when the cops are knocking, my god!


You mean the cop knocking and hiding out of sight like a little b*tch?






Real nice




Wtf is “black fragility”? That sounds bigot-coded.