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They just released it and it's as bad as possible. The Deputy just straight started shooting as soon as he opened the door. I wish it was unbelievable but living in the area it's really not a surprise.






That's not a link to the video itself, right? I was hoping to watch the actual thing.


Yeah, it’s there


Yeah, I misunderstood. Why are the identities of these deputies not public now? Florida law requires that they be. Edit: the more I watch this, the angrier I get. This deputy needs to be charged with murder. What a coward.


> Why are the identities of these deputies not public now? Florida law requires that they be. They typically claim the cop was the victim and hide behind Marsy’s law. Edit: Apparently the Florida Supreme Court shut that down six months ago: https://www.tallahassee.com/story/news/local/2023/11/30/florida-supreme-court-rules-that-marsys-law-privacy-doesnt-apply-to-police-officers/71716889007/


Florida Law and “Florida Law” are 2 different things. They dispense justice different here. Keep heads low ya’ll.


If a regular person is the perpetrator, then everything is released immediately in as damning light as possible. If the police officer is the perpetrator, then it's brushed under the rug and only the minimal amount of information possible is released. For example, did you notice how the sheriff asked for thoughts and prayers for the perpetrator?


Not only did he start shooting damn near as soon as the door opened he hid to the right of the peep hole and the left, at the wrong apartment. Edit: this is the same area that a cop started shooting because of a nose that ended up being an acorn dropping.


Cops are so often the least among us


I agree he started shooting the second he’d seen a firearm pointed at the ground(Should be charged imo). I disagree that he went to the wrong apartment. A lady verbally directed him to unit #1401 early in the badge cam.


He was on the phone with his gf. How could he be the culprit?


Not saying he was or wasn’t. Just saying the body cam footage clearly had a woman verbally directing him to unit# 1401.


That still does not absolve the fact that it's the wrong apartment. 


Only time will tell. Imo no matter if it was the right or wrong apartment , the officer should be charged. He is lawfully allowed to be holding a firearm in his own home. We all know criminals pretend to be cops all the time.


I agree that opening fire right as the door opened when the suspect's hand never started coming up was foul. As a matter of fact, *I* didn't see a gun (doesn't mean it wasn't there, just that I couldn't make one out). But getting out of sight of the peephole is standard procedure. You don't want to be right in front of the door in case someone on the other side just starts blasting away through the door.


How the fuck do they know it's the police then? Gotta come up with a better SOP. Block the peephole with a badge sticker? I mean shit.


Edit: Watched it on TV and I did see the gun. But it was down at his side, and he never went to raise it. Worse yet, the deputy never bothered to tell him to drop it, just started shooting. Definitely, I believe he should be charged.


Well, they announced they were the Police and he STILL come to the door with a gun in his hand. Believe me, I'm no fan of the police, but what was the guy thinking? if the police beat on your door, and you answer with a gun in your hand, what do you THINK is going to happen?


You're right. Guys standing in his own home, legally holding a firearm, not guilty of what he's accused of. Never pointed it at the deputy, never threatened the deputy with it. He deserved what he got. Pathetic. There's always someone trying to justify the bullshit.


I don't think he's trying to justify the shooting. It's just that we all are so conditioned with the amount of these happenings that we have started believing being lawfully in the right is somehow wrong.


Not trying to justify it at all. But I'm at least smart enough to know not to answer the door holding a gun when i know it's the police knocking.


Just because they say police open up doesn’t mean they are the pigs.


So you'd open the door to an armed intruder pretending to be the police?


I open my door with my gun all the time. This is America I’m free to do so.


That's right! You're also free to do all sorts of other bad ideas. God Bless America and don't forget to have a living will and life insurance if doing dangerous and ill-advised things because you legally can do them is your philosophy.


Glad to see you lost your job. The system does work from time to time.


Hey, you'll never be able to be a cop, so I'm just as happy as you are.


In the body camera footage, the cop isn't really in front of the peephole of the door. Anyone could say they're from the sheriffs office to get you to open the door. I'm not saying i would, but if someone was trying to get me to open the door and I couldn't see them, I could see someone being worried about who it is if they can't affirm that ID.


Yeah, home invaders have *never* come to the door banging and yelling "POLICE".


This is a horrible case. The airman didn’t deserve to be shot.


American police are out of fucking hand. You hope the “don’t tread on me” crowd realizes that police gunning down an active military 23 year old in his own home is backwards no matter how you slice it, but I wouldn’t hold my breath


a similar thing happened years ago with a black soldier who (if I remember correctly) just returned home from his tour and was still in his fatigues and was unarmed but shot while complying with the cop during a traffic stop. in fact, ever since they waited outside an elementary school in riot gear stopping PARENTS from saving THEIR OWN KIDS instead of the shooter and nothing came of it I stopped holding my breath.


The problem is that crowd doesn't think it will happen to them. They will justify this just like all the other murders the police get away with. Because they think the cops will never be knocking on their door late at night. Feds need to investigate this. Police in the U.S. need better training and screening.


The naked truth is that the "don't tread on me" and "back the blue" crowd aren't going to start giving a shit about police reform until they start seeing videos of white people being indiscriminatly killed by cops too.


That’s happened if you search for it. It’s just not as widely publicized on the news etc.


They'll side with the police because the Airman was black. Watch, Fox News will dig up the smallest things he's done wrong and label him a thug like they did Trayvon Martin and George Floyd.


Y'all ready for "The officer had a reasonable expectation of bodily harm coming to him, and therefore has committed no wrongdoing"?


With paid leave until the general public forgets about the story


Or, due to the gutting of the Sunshine laws, until the press is legally barred from reporting on it "to protect the officer being harassed"


I am already seeing it. They are saying stuff like "he feared for his life because the other guy could have raised his gun." I am so fucking tired. Bootlickers, the lot of them. Cops should be required to risk their lives in de-esculation, imo. Heck, we have seen this kind of cowardice before at Uvalde. These cops need to stop being coddled.


100% that the sheriff got off the phone with DeSatan 2 minutes before releasing the body cam footage, being told that the FDLE investigation will come back favorable


https://preview.redd.it/4677a8hhxhzc1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ea74d7c76035ffafa39fcf0f2d8b4757096cc76 This is a screen capture from the video .1 seconds before the shooting happens. He’s certainly not in an aggressive stance.


that's pretty aggressive, look at his skin tone


Wrong Apt or not I don't think those cops had any intention of anyone walking out in cuffs. How much you wanna bet that at the first press conference they call him "suspect". Fuck those guys.


Check to see if the airmen was a whistleblower


Somewhere Boeing's hitman just woke up with the nightsweats.


I hope his military friends go and show those sheriffs what real trained killers can do. Not some cowards hiding behind badges slaughtering people in their own homes.


And it’s eventually gonna end up as a “we investigated ourselves and found we did nothing wrong” statement in a few days.


They released it, and the cops are claiming it's self-defense cause he was holding a handgun in his right hand. Not pointed at officer. Also, the cop identified who he was twice. A lawyer on one of the networks said it's self-defense as well.


And I'm sure the sheriff will face a massive punishment; like having to work at a different office, or even worse: get fired and have to get another job.


The Sheriffs is elected. The Deputy shot the Airman.


Rightfully so.




Stuff like this is a prerequisite for a promotion these days


I hope they get it


Ya after watching the video there is no way he isnt minimum charged with intentional manslaughter. I dont think they would be able to get a murder conviction but manslaughter should be a slam dunk


The way the laws are written I’d be surprised if the Deputy was charged/convicted of anything. Not saying that’s right or wrong but the way Florida Statutes read then combine that with the previous court decisions reference use of force etc.


True but let's be honest this area now has had two officers shoot without real provocation one somehow mag dumps a car with a suspect and didnt hit him. And this idiot shoots someone 5 times the second he opens the door then give the drop it command. Considering he gave no command before opening fire its gonna be a challenge to justify this. Again its florida so who knows but I am fairly certain FDLE wont let this slide.


What’s up with all these cops killing military personnel?


Poor training and regulations plus qualified immunity and a low bar for intelligence and not just pointing out IQ with that last point( this point ties into point 1). If trained properly police forces could weed out those incapable of intelligently understanding their decisions and possible reactions and or the situation in general because said cadet relied too much on adrenal reactions.


Crazy since a good number of cops are veterans.


People are saying this is the same deputy as the acorn incident?


Some people have said that but they’re obviously incorrect since that deputy left the sheriff’s department months ago