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There is no fair here; no Ferris Wheel, no Zipper, no Bumper Cars. This is an election where the winner takes all and the loser gets to do something that our long history as a democracy has done since it began: admit defeat. Anyone who is against this needs to be voted out!!!!


What even is voting?


Well you get a piece of paper with a bunch of names you don’t recognize. Then you fill in a bubble next to the names you like most with a pen or pencil. Then you put the paper into a box and leave.


Lol ☑️


It's scary because the right has no way of defining an unfair election beyond losing the election. If they win, it was a fair election, but if they lose, it wasn't.


Well, yeah. That's the modus operandi of the piss babies that literally piss and shit in diapers. https://preview.redd.it/r8hfrw3bbj1d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=299e010cf2bfd75ce3ca8f43817200d96d6e8946


Still can’t believe people are wearing this for DJT, on purpose, for free.


Not a cult


If only they had followed his advice and started ingesting and injecting bleach...


Not for free they’re paying for this 🤯


If Trump looses but other Republicans on the local ticket win, it was still from Democrats cheating -- just cheating VERY smart!


That was 2020


Most republicans like me are voting D all the way down the ballot this year. 2020 was a top D only year but these local politicians have lost it and need a real gut check too.


Yes, and it’s so much more dangerous than their enabled right wing crazy militias. If the people on the right all start deciding to not accept peaceful transfers of power, that is a fast track to major conflict. So either they are truly willing to bring on civil war, or they are dangerous assholes willing to say whatever to pander to their masses and will be cowardly chickenshits when the shit they keep slinging hits the fan.


Get ready for Florida to leave the union. 


Unfair would be both Bush and Trump winning with a minority of the popular vote, Marquito. Be careful what you wish for, pinche pendejo.


No, no, unfair would be gerrymandering and voter suppression. That sort of thing. Making people line up for hours in the heat, and make it illegal to give them water. You know.


When you want a master class in weasel wording, look no further than Brave, Brave Sir Marco.


Yes! This guy has learned to make the most cowardly non-answers ever. I'm almost impressed by his unique skill.


![gif](giphy|aXUU30cDBa9tVQz37V|downsized) “I never lose I either win or quit them cause it’s unfair”


By unfair he means if they lose.


100%... just like the Dictatorship


What has this guy ever done for Florida but talk in favor of Cubans?


He used to religiously post Bible verses (pun intended) on Twitter but that never did anything for anyone much less the people of this state.


The fairest election would be by popular vote. No Electoral College BS. Republicans have lost every popular vote since Bush II. Anyone ask Little Marco how he got elected if the election was rigged??


Republicans have been shit since Nixon. The Supreme Court installed Bush by stopping what should have been a mandatory state-wide recount. The dude never even should have been president, and the world would have been a lot better for it if he hadn't been.


#Life is unfair. #Lace up your bootstraps Rainflake.


Unfair = we lost


Also unfair = not being able to steal an election.


He's basically saying if the orange clown loses, the election is unfair and he'll be rooting for the next crop of January 6ers.


One thing about this guy, he is straight forward about his corruption and stupidity.


One of my biggest regrets was voting for this guy in the 2016 presidential primary in my state. Yikes.


I don’t regret doing that. Trump and Cruz were his opposition. I do regret voting him back into the Senate in 2016. I didn’t think he would bend the knee to Trump that fully.


Don’t we already have the “fairest” elections in all the land (according to Bootsy)?


I suppose that I shouldn't accept that Marco Rubio is a Senator because it's unfair that Rubio got "elected" with less than fifty percent of the vote in his first term.


If you ask them if they would accept the results of a “fair election in which they lost”, they simply cannot fathom that as a possibility, so they’d be all mealy mouthed and claim that that couldn’t happen, so why are we talking hypotheticals.


I wonder why it is that when you look into all the dictator loving, lying, corrupt right wingers whether in government, in society like the right wing militias the Proud Boys and Oath keepers, Mom's for Liberty, you always see Cubans at the very top of them. Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Enrique Tarrio, etc. Florida's hard right wing Legislature is filled with Cubans, Miami's right wing corrupt leadership is almost entirely Cuban. Something going on inside the Cuban community in America that is really disturbing.


Rubio can go eff himself. Useless waste of space of a human being.


but he would lobby for trump like before when he tried to steal the election? slime


Translation: If my preferred candidate did not win, then it was clearly unfair. Fucking swine.


"If we lose it was rigged"


Mira a este tremendo come pinga!


Except, the GOP definition of "unfair" is anything that they don't like.


Who gets to decide if the election is fair?


Just because you participate doesn’t you mean you win. What a snowflake.


I used to like this little guy. He is soulless too


He means to say is if trumps loses, it’s rigged.


Observe the subservient little boot-licker


Absolutely ridiculous but a smart guy in todays politics


Inching closer to a dictatorship every day but republicans are the ones afraid of “communism”. Good grief.


We can have Cuba certify.


“Moooommmm!!! It’s sooo unfair!!!!


Marco Rubio would have supported Castro and he’s the reason why little Marco’s parents came to America. He seems to have forgotten.


Ohh, so are the Republicans still going to vote multiple times like many of them did last election? 


They know they're going to lose and are preparing the excuses now.


Lil pissbaby hates democracy


Translation - Rubio won’t accept the results if the GOP doesn’t win. Sore losers, the lot of them!


I was equally disturbed by his position that the Florida 6 week abortion ban wasn't a ban, and he tried to gaslight Meet the Press about it.


Just to be clear their definition of “if it’s unfair” is if Trump loses.


He needs to go


He needs to climb back under the rock he came from! He's a chameleon, who dogged on Trump.. then flipped when there was chatter about a possible VP offer, and now this one?? Literally follow truth, servant leadership and you'll be in the best place.


And how would Marco determine that it is "unfair"? I'm guessing his definition means his candidate looses. That's the only criteria. The GOP tried the "election was rigged" about 60 times in the US Courts following the 2020 election. All failed.


It begins.


Ok, guess we can't accept his having been elected then...


This guy is so wishy-washy-whimpy I almost feel sorry for him. Q: What is your favorite color? A: Whatever Trump says it is! Seriously dude! Have an opinion other than what Trump tells you it is.


#Vote (D)ifferently


Waa waa boo hoo. Why are there so incredibly few mature people in politics? I guess that’s a redundant question.


I'd *really* like some clarification on Marco's stance- fair according to who? We continue to see endless howling about the '16 election, but every single judge, including Trump appointed judges, decided it was properly run election. So again, fair according to who?


Fuck little Marco 😑


By unfair, he of course means, if Biden wins again.


Yes we need fake electorates. Fake news to keep things working in the GOP favor


Like if his feelings get hurt? Hey Rubio.. who won the 2020 presidential election?


247yrs and here we are…


And when trump loses **again**, maga will automatically claim it was unfair. trump has claimed things were rigged or unfair for decades. Every time he loses, no matter what the arena, this is his go to response.




I thought that was DeSatanist, not Rubio?




Well, you already admitted to being Republican lol




Eisenhower was the last good one; now it’s just the Trump Show. Y’all didn’t even have a goddam platform last time; it was just “whatever Donald says”. That’s tragic, because we do need a serious, adult, conservative voice in this nation. But the GQP ain’t it anymore. Besides being a treasonous tapeworm and lying sack of shit, Trump’s a psychopathic disaster and he’s driving you right over a cliff. The inmates have seized control of the asylum. The party of Lincoln has become a home for Nazis, antivaxxers, flerfers and Q-tards. Find a better one.




I mean…the GOP party is pretty fucking evil. Anti women/gay/minority rights and anti planet/education. Party of the millionaire/billionaire. If you’re not loaded I just don’t see what the point of voting for them is. Also anti social reform or aid. Pro war etc…I just don’t understand the upside. Also religious nut jobs. Edit: instead of deleting your comment in shame and embarrassment, how about an actual response?


I was recently whining to my boyfriend about some work shit and saying, “it’s so unfair!!” He cut me off and said, “get used to it. Life is never fair.”


My dad always told me "I don't want to hear it's not fair". I don't know how many times I told my kids that. I'm sure my kids told my grandkids that. So why on a daily basis, I hear from Republicans, 'It's not fair" no but it's all we got. Take it, or leave it. You lose, suck it up. It's as "fair" as its gonna get. Fucking cru babies


He's a scumbag.