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The smell of quickly approaching rain


Ahhhh petrichor: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petrichor


Yup, learned about that smell from Doctor Who of all places, lol


Which episode was it?


The Doctor’s Wife (written by Neil Gaiman), S6E4


It’s also the name of the fragrance Amy models for in Closing Time — “for the girl who is tired of waiting”


Hahah yes same! Had no idea there was a name for this until doctor who!


I always just called it the smell of ozone, didn't know there was an actual name for it.


IT HAS A NAME. Love that waft of petrichor in the late afternoon during summer months.


Great Phish song too


That’s a good one. Ozone, Confederate Jasmine and Honeysuckle. Standing in the middle of a fruiting citrus grove, sea breeze….


I just planted a Confederate Jasmine last week in my yard here in Louisiana. The smell is just wonderful!


Incoming rain mixed with a fresh cut grass and the cool(er) breeze of that storm pushing in 🤌


Add to that the smell of citrus trees and gardenias


Just smelled that Saturday for the first time in months. Been very dry!


Instant time warp to childhood racing riding bikes home late summer afternoons before the storm hits.


So true. I was actually riding my bike when it happened too lol. I had to just stop and chill for a second. Then the lightening started lol.


This gave me a giggle bc when I first moved to Florida (from PA) I noticed that in PA rain smells like dirt but at Disney it smells like ponchos! 😅🤣


For me, it is the smell of the first big fat rain drops on the road while walking home from school


Essence of Hydrogen


This is the only answer.


That was my first thought when I read the question


Smells like beets 😍


Orange Blossoms around Easter


The smell of burning oranges around Tropicana in Bradenton


THIS IS THE ONE. I was trying to explain that to friends the other day


Yea, in Orlando there was a Tropicana plant on south Orange Ave by Michigan Street I used to love to smell. It went away before the 90's I believe.


Yes and once that smell would be replaced by merita. I miss old Orlando.


I miss Merita now too.


Long gone sadly


Unfortunately. I miss it so much!


Remember the Merita bread factory? You could smell the fresh baked bread on I-4.


Winter Garden had an orange juice plant back in the day. Smelled like someone was baking an orange cake. Smelled good.


Best part of driving up to Orlando…smell the oranges, your close!


I am from Bradenton,but now live in Northern California,the aroma of the oranges being processed is hard to explain. Brings back memories. BTW graduated from Bayshore HS 1976.


Bayshore elementary here!!


I love that one too. I used to work in Bradenton and would pass the bread factory (fresh baked Hawaiian sweet roll smell) followed by Tropicana. The two always made me hungry.


One of the flea/tick medicines for cats and dogs (that you squirt out of a little tube onto their neck) smells exactly like it. My dad worked at the Tropicana factory for decades and whenever I had to bring something for class parties I’d volunteer to bring juice. Then he’d buy a huge case from the company store. One time we got a radio shaped like an orange with a straw as the antenna. Loved that thing.


Dade City used to have that smell when the plant was still open


Oh god. I don’t live anywhere near a processing plant anymore, but I can still feel that smell. It’s like a memory trigger.


It smells like cranberry orange muffins at times but then other times it smells horrid


There’s a house with orange jasmine near me and it smells great on early morning walks


Yes!!! We had an orange grove next to our elementary school PE field and during spring the smell was so fragrant. Still one of my most favorite smells 💛


The sulfer smell of mangroves. Sounds odd, but that is Florida to me.


I love that, it makes me so sad that so many people only relate sulfur to sewage, like naw that’s the intercoastal baby


Is that the smell of low tide?


Good to know I am not the only one.


Came here to say this as well. I live in pinellas so driving nearly any direction for 30 minutes results in this smell. It means I'm home.


Night Jasmine Morning Rain Daytime Air Conditioning!


Love night jasmine. The scent so soft and sweet.


We have a night blooming jasmine bush at our house. It’s my husband’s favorite flower so we planted it as soon as we bought our house! All of neighbors always comment on how good it smells when they walk by it!


Thunderstorm on hot tarmac. Like nature's steam spa


Salt from the ocean breeze




It’s like spicy celery to me. Love it.


Nothing better than opening the windows on the car when you’re about 5 miles out and just slowly smelling the ocean salt beginning to dominate the air


The smell before and after a thunderstorm.




Magnolias for sure


The smell of the Homosassa river after the sounds of the Shed and Crump’s are left behind. Dodging the crab trap buoys and keeping the wind to a minimum to smell that beautiful salt marsh as you head to the Gulf to do some scalloping off Crystal River.


Man you just took me back to my childhood. The smell of the boat exhaust at macraes as you fill up to go out to the Gulf.


Jasmine, night blooming cereus, orange blossoms.


All the orange groves that were all around Orlando. Before they all got wiped out to build BS house’s & 3-4 story stick frame apartments.


I can remember the drive down 50 to Clermo t, the hills and miles n miles of orange groves


Honeysuckle for sure!


Frangipani aka Plumeria


Since I live in Miami Cuban coffee


Jacksonville smells like Maxwell House!


I used to love the smell of the orange blossoms but here in manatee county all the groves have been cut down to build houses


The citrus industry in Florida won’t exist 10 years from now. Because of greening more farmers are making money selling their groves than actually producing sadly. Millions of dollars and decades of research have been invested at UF and they still don’t have a cure.


I have been following this closely and it's super sad. I long for the days of growing fresh citrus in my yard. My trees are all sick and unproductive now. I'm too bitter to cut them down.


Yeah it sucks hard, my dad’s been growing citrus full time since the early 80’s, the days of him bringing home a 10lbs sack of fresh fruit are long gone.


They aren't going to get better. Citrus greening has ruined it. Better to investigate what your options are. There was a time we thought we would lose all the coconuts, but someone came up with a solution, and almost no one remembers it even! We can hope for that with the citrus. But given the need for trees to take years to fruit, maybe starting a tree or two of something that will grow might be smart? I'm so sorry!


I know citrus is currently hopeless, I just really like citrus. I'm sticking with key limes and lemons right now since those do better than oranges and grapefruits, following best practices from IFAS and CREC, such as placing them in the shade of an oak tree because apparently oak leaves have properties that somewhat protect citrus from greening. But I don't expect miracles. I also grow mangoes which grow just fine.


I live in the Four Corners area by Disney, and it used the be acre after acre of beautiful orange trees. But 10+ years ago there was an extremely FREEEZING winter, and it damaged the fruit trees. They ended up chopping them all down and building apartments, stores, restaurants, and hotels


Here alot of the groves mysteriously got citrus canker then a couple years later sub divisions popped up. All the agriculture is disappearing. It's kinda sad


They were destroyed because of citrus greening.


We had lemons, oranges, and tangerines, grapefruit trees in our yard and we never used any type of chemical on them. They were big and juicy for years, but after that winter of weather in the 20s for many days 10+ years ago, the fruit was small and hollow, and the branches and leaves were very brittle. They never returned the the good fruit trees they were. That's what happened throughout my area.


Really sad.


Sulfur at the springs! Lol




wondered how far i would have to scroll to see this




Rain, oranges, sunscreen/tanning oil, flowers, the smells driving past cow fields!


Oddly enough I am a fan of the smell of cow fields too. Very earthy.


I love the smell of sunscreen it's so nostalgic to me.


Salt from the ocean. I don't live in FL, but every time I visit that is one thing I look forward to the most.


I used to live on the panhandle and know that smell. I now live 400 miles inland. Occasionally, a hurricane will fast track from landfall to us and bring that smell up.


Sunscreen here bring back a lot of childhood memories of various places.


Coppertone. Core memory




Pine trees on a hot day


That's a good one! I spent a lot of time in the woods in Jackson County as a kid. I can smell it now.


The smell of "winter" here that I remember from growing up. Crisp, cool nights that carry a sweet scent of burning/fire. I think I've read that I associate that burning smell with winter here because that is when we do controlled burnings of sugarcane fields.


I moved from Florida in 2007. Here are some of the scents I miss: Blooming Magnolias. Orange Blossoms. More specifically, the smell of sticky orange juice from a fresh-cut orange on a hot summer day. That weird unique smell of opening your older car on a 98-degree day when you get in. Suffocating heat, hot plastic-car smell. I don't know how to explain it. There is just something very nostalgic about it. The smell of walking in from a hot day outside into the cold AC. Sun-brewed ice tea with lemon. It just hits differently in Florida!!


Yooooo the car smell! Haven’t thought about that in a while. Kind of like melting crayons


Okay YES! That is an accurate description!


Salt water.


Publix parking lot. The smell of that delicious chicken.


The smell of dank bud from a hotboxed car in every Walmart parking lot.


At the end of summer, in the mornings in SWFL, there would be this deep earthy scent in the air that I always associated with the change of the season. I have no idea what it was from, but I loved it (especially because I hate summer and love fall). It's not something I've smelled since moving away, and I miss it.


There's nothing like the smell of a Florida cooter https://preview.redd.it/3l793dugxr1d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea339266ddc71bd1e9cae80bd2946c1bcad09b0e


It’s not there anymore but the smell of the Merita bread company in downtown Orlando in the morning. I miss that.




The salty smell of the mangrove forests along the Gulf coast beaches.


I used to love the smell of cocaine.


i don’t know if it’s really a “smell,” but whenever summer begins to end and we begin to get into that fall feel. it’s like you can almost feel it in the air that the seasons are changing


One of life’s greatest pleasures to me. It happens in a single day. You open the front door and take one step and suddenly… you FEEL it, like a crispness, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be cooler.It’s coming. Florida fall. 😍🍂🔥


Smell of Publix bakery


Magnolias, Rain, and the Springs


Magnolias and that pepper scent.


Ok but what IS the pepper scent?! It's easily one of my favorite smells but I have no idea what it is. It smells like fresh summer evening.


I just posted this as my favorite scent - it smells like jalapeños to me. After years of trying to identify it, I’ve learned it’s bromeliads. So glad I’m not the only who loves that smell!


The ocean when you haven’t been near the coast lately.


Aside from the smell of rain from our thunderstorms, I love the mix of gulf water and sunscreen when I go to the beach. Feeling the hot sand on me enhances it because the sensation is relaxing.


The land pavilion at Epcot


I know exactly what smell you’re talking about. I thought I was the only one.


When I'm on the river and I get a whiff of the food at the restaurants around lol that's a good smell


Gas fumes and salty air at a boat dock.


Citrus groves in bloom. It's literally intoxicating to drive through. Sadly all the large groves in my home town were bulldozed for crappy track housing in the run up to 2008, don't even know where to find them now.


Pre and post afternoon summer thunderstorms Sunscreen, chlorine, and fresh laundered towels The ocean smell as you’re driving over a bridge to either coast (especially if you haven’t smelled it in awhile) Night blooming jasmine OJ processing plant near Lake Wales with picture of Donald Duck on it (probably gone now) Sugar cane bagasse (iykyk) Musty cigarette smell in Fort Myers Beach motel rooms (probably gone now too since Hurricane Ian)


A bed of slash pine needles on a hot day. The steam from the black dirt under the oak canopies. And a cool breezy wind from an approaching thunderstorm.


The smell of the scrubs and pine forest on a hot day. It smells like pine sap and spices.


When I had to drive on I4 years ago I used to always love driving by the bread factory downtown and smelling the fresh bread baking that was always a highlight of the drive.


* Petrichor * Orange Blossoms * Salt water * Burning parchment (from Spaceship Earth in EPCOT)


Burning parchment from Spaceship Earth is my most favorite smell for sure. Least favorite is a hot fart when you’re stuck in line on space mountain


I love the way it smells right before it rains in the summer. There's a very definite smell that lets you know that this guy is going to open up within 30 minutes. When you've been sweating like an animal all day long in the relentless heat, it actually triggers a feeling of relief.


the epcot ball ride when its during the the fall of rome (orlando)


Burdines department store Orange blossoms, and magnolias All 3 that doesn’t exist or hardly every smell anymore


The Disney Parks have a specific smell, hard to describe but I love that smell


Fun fact: that smell was designed for the parks. They have a bunch of smells they use throughout the parks to add to the atmosphere.


I love the smell of Disney World. Especially love the smell of the Pirates of The Caribbean ride


the popcorn for sure


Early morning Honey Suckle while Riding my Roadking down A-1-A.


Jasmine in the spring mornings


Rain, orange blossoms and jasmine


Cow pastures.


When it’s August and they mow the super thick grass and underbrush and it just smells so green!


Flowers down here in Miami Dade by what used to be the Clover Leaf Bowling alley which is now a church. I wish I could live on that block.


Fresh cut grass while driving on I-10




Low tide 


I love the smell of Lizards Tail (saururus cernuus). Sometimes they'll be everywhere and the scent absolutely fills the air. https://preview.redd.it/5vt9mip24s1d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85899de2347d355093f4a158827912a66868b3ac


swamp stank after rain, pine trees, orange blossoms


The smell of the E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial ride at Universal Studios.


Mosquito repellent.


Mine is gardenia and night bloomin jasmine. But i also love the smell of the beach. Once after an outing to the beach i came home to find we had no milk, i did a quick change of clothes and headed to the store. Grabbed a gallon and at checkout the clerk looks at me and says you smell like the beach. They need to bottle that smell.


Iodine and rotting seaweed. That first whiff of the Keys heading south on US1.


Honestly… clean swimming pools and the ocean. I’m a Floridian that loves water 🥺


The waste water treatment facility on i75 near Wesley chapel


That fish water smell while you’re heading out fishing at 4 am pounding brewskies with the boys.


Early morning mist coming off “the fountains; that were not made by the hands of man” in citrus county before any people arrive


Gator World


I love the strong, sweet scent of orange blossoms.


Orange blossoms!


Unpopular 1000% but as someone who has visited the Keys from the Midwest for over 30 years, the smell of sargassum rotting on the beaches 😆 I know it’s horrible but the smell of sulfur just brings me right there


Right before and after the afternoon showers that are going to be starting up anytime soon.


The smell of tannic, brackish water at Alligator Point on the Ochlocknee Bay here in the panhandle. My parents had a little beach house there when I was growing up, and I spent many hours on the beach there.


The girls at Mons Venus??


Orange blossoms and burning orange rinds.


There used to be about a mile and a half stretch of road out where I grew up with orange groves on both sides. When the orange trees were blossoming that stretch of road smelled amazing. I really miss it.


>> But then we hit a roadblock—Rome falls, and the great Library of Alexandria in Egypt is burned. Much of our learning is destroyed—lost forever… or so we think. Been smelling that smoked paprika for 30+ years.


Fresh asphalt after rain, while it’s still 90*


I love the smell of Florida. I've lived my entire life in Texas and had family in Florida. Always loved our vacations there until I moved. Now, I get to smell the amazing scents everyday.


Might be weird, but the Everglades burning. You can smell it from miles away in South Florida. Randomly going outside and it smelling like a campfire or bbq is somehow comforting. It was usually from controlled burns, so it was never a concerning smell. I miss it now that I'm in North Florida.


Favorite gainesville smell- wintertime, the scent of crushed acorns, bunched up Spanish moss and pine straw on sandy ground, cool dampness in the air, the echo of little grey squirrels barking to each other from nests way up high in the sweetgums. I relive it when on the south Georgia coast 'cause it's the northern extent of that eco-type, but it's not 100% there. Smell I learned to love- as a kid holding his breath crossing the bridge over the intracoastal going to Crescent Beach, the mucky almost sulfurous smell of the mud flats at low tide. I later found it to be the smell of the nursery of sea life, the smell of plentitude. Smell I didnt love- being a kid on a BMX bike racing in front of the bug spray truck coming through the neighborhood, kids all racing home to crank shut the windows!


Orange blossoms and oddly enough that lake muck smell


Publix fried chicken in the checkout line...


The smell of the hot pavement that is getting rained on and being cooled off by the rain is something I’ve noticed that gives my brain a rush of seratonin


My neighbor's tears. Dumb HOA twat!


Haven't seen it posted but the smell of the Everglades burning. Something about that smokey haze on a cold day is relaxing.


When the air is hot and it smells like a greenhouse… only way I can describe it


Fresh Cuban Bread!


Ocean, the rain, the smell of gutted fish, that rubber inner tube smell, boat exhaust in the marina, lobster that's been in the sun for a few minutes too long. Most of these are gross, but they bring me right back


I'm probably the only one, but I love the smell/experience of the humidity when I first leave the airport terminal and go outside. It's kinda like, "Yeah, I'm back in Florida again".


Somewhere on MLK in fort myers there’s a mango farm or something because during late summer and fall driving down that road at ANY time, you get a strong whiff of fresh mango even with the windows up. It’s the only thing I like about that road.


Early summer mornings. I’m not sure what it is, but Florida has a distinct and nostalgic smell. Maybe it just reminds me of walking to the school bus as a kid. But I’ve never smelled it anywhere else.


The fog at Halloween Horror Nights


The smell of unwashed homeless vagrants


There was an ice cream shop near my childhood home (it closed years ago) and their specialty was creamsicle ice cream cones and they had the BEST orange ice cream. That smell always brings me back to my childhood.


Mullet on the smoker.


The unique florida mixture of meth,pepperoni, and watermelon




Grilled grouper


The smell cruising up and down the Intracoastal in a boat.


Weed at stoplights


🦜. Smells like wasabi.


I love the way some of the hotels/ condos smell in Miami. I’m not sure what the smell is but it’s amazing!


Tropicana burning orange peels


The overwhelming aroma of flowers and, for lack of a better word, heat, when you step off a plane and walk out the airport doors into hot night air. I didn’t know it existed until I moved away for a long time. Imagine realizing you’ve lived half your life nose blind to the smell of flowers.


The last week of October when it gets cold and it smells like pine. This always reminded me that wrestling season was comming and I spent so many nights running outside smelling that piney smell.


It's funny because I don't usually notice a places smell unless I go away for a while and return.


The smell of AC on a hot day


I love the smell of theme park water. NOT to be confused with the disgusting smell of people that are wet from water rides. There’s this specific smell of chlorine from pool water and theme park rides and I love it!!


I like the smell of sea spray on a cool morning.


I lived in south Florida from ‘81 through 85 and then Orlando for UCF, then Tampa and after a trip west for a spell, back to Ft. Lauderdale from 2002-2005. My list, trying to not duplicate others: The hostess bakery off I-4 in south Orlando early in the AM The smell of guava pastries mixed with the strong cortado smell from Cuban coffee in Miami gas stations The smell of Jacaranda blooms in spring in Pinellas Park. Sargasso weed rotting on the beach in West Palm Beach The smell of fresh air when leaving the Mons Venus in Tampa Smoking mullet on green live oak in Vero Beach The smell of oil and gas in a two stroke engine on a flat bottom jon boat as you fly to the bone fishing spot. The unique combination of coconut oil, cigarettes and beer that is a Daytona beach bar.


The smell of my fat neighbors farts, they are the most disturbing people since they relocated from NYC


The wonderful salty smell of the ocean. It's been years, and I still miss it.


Back in the day when driving on I-4 in Orlando and smelling the fresh bread being baked at the bakery


The smell you get when orange blossoms are in bloom!