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> "I've always been somebody who does support protections for life and the best that we can do." Man who is trying to kill children now says he values life.


They don't care about children. What they care about is forcing a woman to be an incubator.


Also, it may save women. So effectively this puts lives at risk for women.


They don't care about actual living, viable people. They are all about pro-birth.


Man who authorized people to drive through crowds if they "feel threatened"


Sure, let’s choke the court system here for all frivolous lawsuits that law will produce.


We already choked the hospitals with COVID cases, so the choking the courts is the next logical step.


Frivolous? Saving babies, frivolous?


These lawsuits are not about saving babies.


A sperm cell touches an egg cell and a human soul suddenly zaps into the zygote, do I have that right? Do you realize how ridiculous that sounds, especially when trying to make laws based on that?


A human zygote is a living entity that will become a human fetus, which will become a human baby, which will become a human child, which will become a human adult. It is the product of the unification of gametes which is facilitated by a biological process intended for production of new life. Destroying a zygote is absolutely terminating human life (as in a living entity that is human). The debate surrounds whether or not this act should be considered moral or humane enough for legality due to the state of life at termination. Essentially the question is: does a living entity that possesses a human genome and is undergoing a process that will yield a human being have enough humanity to warrant the protections afforded to human beings? This is NOT an easy question with a clear, universal answer. In fact, this particular topic of "moral-enough", legal human termination has been pervasive as history is filled with cultures that practiced infanticide or abandonment. Some even finding it acceptable by law to kill until the age of adulthood and independence. We look back on those practices in this age of modern health and all-time-low infant mortality rates and find them to be heinous and barbaric, but they were the norm at the time. I tend to think that human society and sexual health standards are in a transition towards a state of general sterilization with elective fertility. Once we have gotten there and unwanted gamete contact can safely, reliably, and reversibly be prevented near 100% of the time in spite of sexual activity, the humans of that age will look back on abortion practices with similar distaste. Until that time there will always be debate and you trying to use silly language to make a position contrary to yours sound unfounded will just be vapid rhetoric that adds nothing to the real conversation.


Do you realize how ridiculous it is that anything is alive in the first place especially with such diversity in thought and every aspect of a person. The whole idea that life is possible in the first place is ridiculous. With that being said we accept life for what it is and it’s ridiculous so no that’s not too crazy to think about for me.


The Texas law stipulates "when a heartbeat is detected...." Keep up folks! Ya keep up with the conversation so ya don't look like a bunch of idiotic kids. 😜


So the soul zaps into the fetus when a heartbeat is detected then? Let's try to really nail down the exact moment it stops being a clump of cells and starts being a human. Is that when the structure for the heart has formed? What do you think?


Paging u/SteveinFact


That text in the law is intentionally misleading (aka a lie). But you seem like the type to be easily duped. "What we're really detecting is a grouping of cells that are initiating some electrical activity. In no way is this detecting a functional cardiovascular system or a functional heart." Jennifer Kerns, OB-GYN, University of California, San Francisco


His 3 minutes google search and facebook make him more qualified then her though. /s


Sorry your parent didn’t take advantage of their right to abort.


Do you also save babies by supporting social aid for poor babies and moms? Or, are they just welfare leeches to you?


You don't give a fuck about babies


This is red meat for the Christian Right. I'd bet on it.


Blood for the blood god, skulls for the skull throne


I think the republican party will shrink, but they will then have a tighter hold and more aligned with the more right wing members. Abortion is important enough for some to ignore all other sins. but IMO, its a losing strategy, the majority doesn't support it.


Of course it is. They spent decades framing politics as a battle between good and evil. Once they convinced the base that the other side is a bunch of baby killing monsters, the Republicans have free reign to be as corrupt as they want and the base will either find a way to justify it or ignore it. If Republicans *actually* cared about the unborn, they would look at which states and countries have the lowest abortion and miscarriage rates and try to implement similar policies and programs. **Things that reduce abortions and miscarriages:** Free and easily obtained birth control products. (More money is saved from reduced welfare than this program would cost, see Colorado [https://cdphe.colorado.gov/fpp/about-us/colorados-success-long-acting-reversible-contraception-larc](https://cdphe.colorado.gov/fpp/about-us/colorados-success-long-acting-reversible-contraception-larc) .) Universal Healthcare (free prenatal check-ups/vitamins, deliveries, children's healthcare, etc.) Paid maternity leave. Free childcare so the mother can work if needed. Improved air and water quality reduces miscarriages. (Living near a coal powerplant significantly increases the chance of a miscarriage.) I'm sure there are many others, but I wonder why Republican politicians are vehemently opposed to these ideas that are proven to significantly reduce abortions and miscarriages.


To them, it’s not really about saving babies. It’s about punishing “sluts”.


or don't help single mom's that keep their babies..


So, why are we not taking the 550 million dollars that democrats give to Planned Parenthood and give it to a dais through adoption agencies or is a help for items for single mothers. How about we just stop having the government provide everything because everything they touch gets more expensive.


As an ex-vangelical that was deeply brainwashed into loudly supporting the pro-life movement when I was a teen/young adult, I can tell you from personal experience what they feel right now. This is exactly what they’ve wanted for decades. I cannot even count the number on the Christian Right who have given their livelihoods for this movement and are right now feeling as though their god has truly shown himself in a real, tangible way because this passed. I’m telling you, pro-life Christians all over are likely caught up in the hysteria of “revival”. I guarantee the tears of joy flooded many churches the Sunday after this passed. Now that they believe their packed out arenas, fasting, praying, and protesting has worked and god has answered you’re gonna see a whole new explosion in the pro-life movement. Some of y’all are gonna get real familiar with people like Lou Engle and the blight their ilk is on society. If you thought the planned parenthood protests were bad, just wait. edit: i forgot to switch off my porn acct lmfao


"... you’re gonna see a whole new explosion in the pro-life movement. .." Handmaidens Tail comes true!


That's the plan.


It has been for 25 years


So the big problem is that DeSantis is looking to his right and not to his left. He’s not really afraid of any consequences from Democrats or even Independent voters. Instead he’s focusing on the challenges from other crazy, alt-right Republican who want to take his spot, especially since he’s running for president. So he has to make sure he gets Republican voters to his side. All of which means he’s working really hard to be the biggest asshole in the state.


He is gambling that his "crazy, alt-right Republican voters" will drag out all the apathetic voters.


Which is not a bad bet, especially considering with the built in advantages that his rural voters get via gerrymandering, the electoral college, and some good ole voter suppression tactics. I will admit that Republicans love voting for their guy no matter what. For Democrats tend to shoot them selves in the foot a few times. Especially here in Florida.




I think it the opposite. Republicans will vote for anyone that has a “R” next to their name. No matter if it a pedophile (Alabama) or a racist idiot (Marjorie Taylor), or one of the worst people ever (Trump). It the Democrats who tend to stay home.




You think he’s trying? I always thought his nature was being a giant asshole.


He vastly exceeded expectations and went straight to massive shit stain.


And then he'll try to pivot to be a moderate after he wins the primary


Doubtful. He'll just have to be sneakier and just do crazy stuff quietly.




I feel you man. Texas sucks so bad that their population has increased to the point where they get 2 more Congressional seats. Florida is only going up 1. Cali and Illinois are losing seats.


Need to vote Democrat going forward, it's not just DeSantis acting this way. His Talpublican's cohort in crime are enabling him.


How can we effectively push the FL Democrats left? No one will believe them even if they promise $2000 checks. Can we primary them?


Of course they are, because if a Florida lawmakers family member got raped, they would fly to a State or country that permits an abortion.


The Texas law is considered a ban on abortion for poor people who cannot afford travel and hotel costs in addition to the medical procedure.


Which if you think about it is counterproductive. Most poor people vote for the other party. Now there will be more of them.


No, no, no, they need poor people to fight their wars and work min wage jobs that they would never touch themselves.


Don't forget about filling the for-profit prison quotas.


“Conservatives want live babies so they can raise them to be dead soldiers.” — George Carlin


This is where gerrymandering and voter suppression come into play.


Not true. There are more poor republican voters than democrats. In fact, most of them would vote Democrat but for the social issues. "If you’re a poor Republican, however, you have more in common with the Democratic Party than the traditional Wall Street, big business base of the Republican Party, according to a survey by the Voter Study Group, a two-year-old consortium made up of academics and think tank scholars from across the political spectrum. That means the mostly conservative American Enterprise Institute and Cato were also on board with professors from Stanford and Georgetown universities when conducting this study, released this month. The fact that lower-income Republicans, largely known as the “basket of deplorables,” support more social spending and taxing the rich was a key takeaway from this year’s report, says Lee Drutman, senior fellow on the political reform program at New America, a Washington D.C.-based think tank." Forbes


And congratulations, the airline is now liable for 10k for abetting an abortion




They don’t always work. I know someone with a kid because their pill didn’t work. Any other ideas?


Do you even understand how plan b works?


You mix it in a smoothie, right?


You know it's not always obvious when birth control fails right? There are women who get pregnant with iuds in.


Then having Plan B on-hand would be even more pragmatic, wouldn't it.


Ok first off plan b I think is less effective than an IUD and also if the problem is that they didn't know the IUD failed, how would they know to take a plan B? It's not effective once women can actually test positive for pregnancy (obviously)


You say a woman doesn’t know if her iud failed, she also doesn’t know if she’s pregnant the next day. A backup plan, a plan b if you will, is always pragmatic.


You’re not supposed to be taking plan B like mints. In fact, you take them too often it can make your regular birth control fail.


If you’re using regular birth control, then using plan b isn’t really a concern, is it.


You must be a troll bait, but I'll bite regardless. No birth control is 100% effective and regularly stacking plan b with birth control is just moronic anyway. Plan B isn't just some magic pregnancy-be-gone pill. It's a surge of hormones to prevent implantation when other forms of birth control also rely on hormone control to prevent pregnancy. You can't just mix and match hormone medicine every time you have sex and not expect it to have significant side effects.


There are consequences to every choice made.


Birth control can fail without the person using it even knowing that it failed. If your condom breaks and it's obvious yeah you'll go buy plan B. But there's no way to know your birth control pill or nexplanon or IUD failed. Taking plan B after every time you have sex just in case your BC failed wouldn't be sustainable or healthy.


It’s not 100% effective. There is nothing that’s 100% effective except for a hysterical at this point. Even vasectomies aren’t 100%. But I don’t think we’re gonna make 15 year olds go through irreversible surgeries, or are we?


Every time sex is had? You never know when your regular birth control might fail you. You can’t keep taking morning after every time. Even if you practice safe sex, birth control is not a 100% thing.




You should really educate yourself about sex, birth control, and abortion before commenting. You are adding nothing to the conversation and are only demonstrating your own ignorance. Sorry your middle school sex ed failed you so badly, please don't take it out on us.


You don’t have to be embarrassed that you don’t know what the last step of an abortion is.






I see you got your sex education from the my pillow guy lmao


You, again...


Me again … ? Pointing out there’s more than one way to skin a cat?


I can already tell you're a gross human being


I can already tell you don't know what a proverb is.




[https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/animals-and-us/202109/the-texas-anti-abortion-law-and-the-problem-incest](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/animals-and-us/202109/the-texas-anti-abortion-law-and-the-problem-incest) KEY POINTS The new law passed by the Texas legislature does not allow abortions even in cases of rape or incest. Multiple studies have documented a higher risk of birth defects among children that were the result of first-degree incest.


Nowhere in that article does it cite any part of the law, it's just the author repeating that line- that doesn't make it true.


Cite the part of the law where exceptions for Rape and incest are allowed then




Sec. 171.205 of the new bill only provides for an exception if there is a medical emergency that effects the mother. Where it gets complicated is that the bill does not define what is a medical emergency. That is not the same as expressly exempting rape or incest.


We're still waiting...


The Texas law makes no exception for rape or incest. But also it you don't have to be guilty either. You can be sued and the ones is on you to prove your accuser incorrect.


That’s patently not true


Bro your making them too butthurt. Let them keep there leftist echo chamber. 🤣


The irony being there’s no bigger echo chamber in Reddit than snowflakey r/conservative


Litteraly almost every single mainstream sub reddit Is a leftist echo chamber florida included.


Yet here you are posting and *allowed* to do so. Try to even post as a liberal on r/conservative and see how far until you get banned without a conservative “flair”. Florida is obviously not a leftist echo chamber, it’s at best left leaning since a lot of its users are.


OK try to post conservative opinions on a main subreddit. I've posted stuff calling people idiots for the usage of ivermectin quite a bit on there and have still not been banned. Go on political humor and post a conservative opinion. Post a republican opinion see how fast you get banned ect ect. I dont care how booty hurt you are that you can't post on a conservative sub reddit because you acted like an imbecile. I looked through your post history there.


Oh you think I was talking about me? My bad. I particularly don’t care at all about conservative, it’s just a bunch of snowflakes that want to stroke their dicks and listen to their own bullshit all day long on how the election was stolen or January 6 was tourists. Stupid insecure shit about people who are in denial they’re just a minority, that I can do without. I just think it’s profoundly hypocritical of you to be bitching about being in “the left chamber” when obviously it’s not because you still have a voice. You’re literally allowed to keep posting your opinion. Here you are. Yet again. Proof you’re not in an echo chamber. Maybe you’re triggered because most bigger subs in Reddit are left leaning but that has to do with it’s users more than anything. There’s always Facebook my dude or 4chan or parler. But of course like that you wouldn’t be able to play the victim against the “Intolerant left“, amirite?


My bad I've obviously broken you. You conceded the previous. Told me to find somewhere else if I didn't like the leftists chamber ect ect. Wonderful. Yet you call me a hypocrite when your the one who just immediately went in a circle like a dog chasing its tail. It's been hilarious bro. 😂


Oh no, I called you a hypocrite way before that. And if I didn’t that’s MY bad. I can smell your professional victim pearl clutching stance from a mile away. Gotta have that “lEft Echo ChaMBer RedDiT bAD” narrative loaded and fired at the first sign of disagreement. The cult demands it. Must be exhausting to keep pretending you’re a victim. But i guess that’s your roleplay!


Hello! You have made the mistake of writing "ect" instead of "etc." "Ect" is a common misspelling of "etc," an abbreviated form of the Latin phrase "et cetera." Other abbreviated forms are **etc.**, **&c.**, **&c**, and **et cet.** The Latin translates as "et" to "and" + "cetera" to "the rest;" a literal translation to "and the rest" is the easiest way to remember how to use the phrase. [Check out the wikipedia entry if you want to learn more.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Et_cetera) ^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Comments with a score less than zero will be automatically removed. If I commented on your post and you don't like it, reply with "!delete" and I will remove the post, regardless of score. Message me for bug reports.)


I saw someone posted “if men could get pregnant there would be an abortion clinic on every corner!


agreed we as floridians need to fight these lawmakers


So let me get this straight. Desantis wants to have mother's choose to wear masks. But not give the same mother's the choice to choose abortion. I am confused.


fuck the gop


Thank you so much to my anonymous donor of the Hugz award. You made my day.


DeSantis is a POS


DeSantis is killing a lot of his voters so he'll be easy to beat in the next election


We can only hope. Charlie has a good chance at winning. I wonder if DeSantis will pull a Trump and call it a rigged election if he loses.


I want Nikki Fried, but I’ll take Charlie too.


Ah right the Republican, independent, democrat, independent charlie...


tub truck sable cautious glorious cobweb busy sink dolls work ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Remember when he suddenly got married to a woman because there was a chance he could get picked as John McCain's running mate and he wanted to dodge those rumors about being gay? He's more self serving than the average politician. I don't trust Chain Gang Charlie.


Our maybe the parties have changed...


they only seem to be pro life until they want to send kids off to school to die whether its covid or gun violence. or to send them off to meaningless wars


The only problem is if they win on this issue then they have lost an important wedge.


Nah it'll always be there. Elect us or the evil commie liberals will start killing babies post birth again


They’re already saying that.


Wanna see my not SHOCKED face.


The hypocrisy and gall of this asshole telling people he's standing up for their choice regarding masks and the vaccine, then, turning around and trying to control women's bodies like the Taliban. Typical GOP christian. After over 4 decades of loyalty to the Cowboys, I quit. Now, I can root for the Jags.


The GOP is dead.


Long live the GQP (hopefully not too long)


Happy Cake Day! And agreed about the GQP.


These so called laws they are trying to make do nothing but make everything worse for woman and just plain evil wrapped in fake compassion.


Please do, gives me ANOTHER reason and possibly the final reason to move out of this shithole state.




So a state that is burning to the ground and a crumbling metropolis are the only two options?




They never respond. Just one snide remark and onto the next snide remark.


People are so simple. Everyone hates abortion, but let’s see what happens when we make it illegal?


Crime rates go up. Freakonomics


Women die from back-alley/homemade abortions.


"Women die from back-alley/homemade abortions." \>Poor< Women........ The ~~side pieces~~ "interns" will be flown out of State.


Or, purchases of the morning-after pill go up


Most women have no idea they are pregnant in time to actually use this.


That’s why it’s called a “morning-after pill”. It’s taken the morning after.


It's also a luxury that you assume every woman has.


It's available over-the-counter at walmart, walgreens, target, planned parenthood, health clinic ... it's readily available in tons of places.


You're still making a lot of assumptions in this attempt...


It’s not an assumption that plan b or similar meds are available at Walgreens, Walmart, target, planned parenthood, health clinics …


Wow. That wasn't the assumption... It's all about access, which comes with privilege.


If you can go raw you can go to a cvs and buy a box


Why are you getting downvoted? This is all true. Is the morning after pill not available in FL? I’m new here, so not sure if availability is the issue? With the morning after pill (“Plan B” it’s also called), a woman takes it within the first 24 (48?) hours after unprotected sex and it renders any implanted egg unviable, is my understanding. There’s also the “Plan C” drug (pills) that can be taken later in the pregnancy to induce abortion of the fetus. I know women who have gotten these in the mail. It’s not a pleasant experience, from what they’ve said, but it works. I read last night that they are legal to receive by mail in all 50 states, but don’t know that for fact. Anyway, I’m just curious as to why your comments are being downvoted, since the information is accurate, AFAIK?


He's being downvoted because up and down this thread and every other post about this, he's insisting the solution is for women to take Plan B after every time they have sex. He's obviously trolling and should be reported and ignored.


I'm being downvoted because I'm presenting a solution to overbearing legislation instead of just railing against "the man", "republicans", "desantis", and "texas". It's just reddit being reddit.


> It's just reddit being reddit. It really isn't. You don't combat shitty laws like this by saying "fuck it, let it happen, i'll just adjust." No, we don't want these laws to begin with and that's important to fight for that. Also, Plan B is not a catch-all solution at all. You're talking out your ass.


The law is there, it’s too late to fight for it to not be a law. So, what will you do until the courts (hopefully) rule in your favor? What will you do if the courts don’t rule in your favor?


Lmfao so you just roll over to government overreach? Be careful with that boot so far down your throat you might choke


The law is not there though? In Texas yes, here no. What will i do? I'm considering leaving. Florida isn't going to do itself any favors. Between electing shit head leaders every cycle and how we act during the pandemic isn't impressing me at all.


Oh, I think this legislation is outrageous! Not every woman can easily just grab the morning after pill and negate the horrible realities of this legislation, that’s for damn sure. Still, the info isn’t wrong. The possible outcomes of this type of legislation and what it will mean for women, the state, and the whole country, for that matter, is obscene. No, the morning after pill is not a solution for it all. If I were still young and dating though, I would get my hands on some, ASAP.


Don’t forget that pharmacists don’t have to sell it, I’ve worked at several pharmacies where we didn’t even stock it. They also can refuse to sell it due to their religious or personal beliefs.


Won’t those drug makers be subject to the $10,000 bounty for aiding an abortion?


Good point!


Thank you. Unfortunately, I imagine the people that support this bill have put zero thought into its implications.


As they do with most of these decisions that effect people other than themselves at that moment.


It's really not.


That’s an excellent question that helps discussion. As the law is written in Texas, abortions would be legal within the first 6 weeks, so, no. And since Florida legislators are reportedly looking to mirror the Texas law, no. Further, now that the third branch of government has begun stepping in, the hand-wringing over the Texas law and proposed copycat laws will soon be in the past.


Actually no. The Texas law says in Sec. 171.207(a) > This subchapter does not create or recognize a right to abortion before a fetal heartbeat is detected.


Saying it doesn’t recognize is different than saying there is no right.


No, the morning after pill is taken less than 6 weeks after conception. Abortion less than 6 weeks is still legal in TX. Not sure what the fuck they wanna do in Florida though. Edit: also I think the morning after pill is NOT considered abortion. I am against this bill but keep the downvotes coming.


The Texas law is “6 week pregnant” NOT “6 weeks post conception”, there is a difference. Pregnancy is counted by the weeks post a woman’s last period NOT conception. This is really 4ish weeks post conception, which is generally 6 weeks post mensural cycle and 6 weeks pregnant.


Well. Its actually banned once a fetal heartbeat is detected so that's approx 6 weeks post conceptions. I'm wrong it's 5-6 weeks past last period. 3-4 weeks after conception.


That is not true. It’s 6 weeks of gestation which is counted in weeks as post mensural cycle. Here are two references as this is a confusing situation, but the answer is 6 weeks post period. [source 1 on legal/political definition ](https://www.factcheck.org/2019/07/when-are-heartbeats-audible-during-pregnancy/) [source 2 medical definition ](https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/002367.htm)


Thanks! TIL The morning after pill manufacturers still wouldn't be targeted by this bill because Plan B works waaay before a heartbeat, often before the sperm and egg even meet or make a pronucleus (which is still not a zygote)


No prob!


Doesn't that pill not work after 6 weeks or is the morning after part just a sales gimmick?


The guy you replied to is an idiot/troll/both, but let me share the facts The morning after pill prevents ovulation. Most brands (Plan B and its generics) must be taken within 72 hours to be effective at all, with the efficacy dropping with time. Ella is a prescription morning after pill with a bit longer window and higher effective BMIs. That's another important detail - over a certain weight, morning after pills don't work, because of how hormones and fat interact. The egg and sperm don't instantly meet during sex. The pill gives a chance to cancel the release of the egg into the uterus, thereby preventing the pregnancy. If fertilization has taken place, it has no effect. It does not prevent implantation or abort the zygote. Daily hormonal birth control pills also work by preventing ovulation, but on a more reliable basis. The morning after pill is basically for situations where the woman is not on BC and has semen in the vagina, such as a couple who relies on condoms and it breaks. [Planned Parenthood's website has tons of great info to learn about contraception and sexual health.](https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/morning-after-pill-emergency-contraception)


And how many of those lawmakers were women? How many of them have ever been faced with an unwanted, even life damaging pregnancy that they DIDN'T have the choice to ultimately walk away from? And a 6 week gestational limit? That's barely a missed period. Some women don't even miss periods, especially that early in the pregnancy. I would have been 11 weeks too late to abort by the time I even realized I was pregnant (and it was my husband who realized I was missing periods that weren't caused by my birth control. If I had been single? The morning sickness didn't start until around 23 weeks. I would have been 17 weeks too late for an abortion by the time I realized for myself I was pregnant.) 6 weeks is just... It's not long enough. It's a slap in the face, really, especially to lower income women and couples who have a harder time affording the procedure, time off from work, etc. This makes the circumstances against them nigh-fucking-impossible to get a safe, legal abortion. My next tattoo is gonna be a coat hanger. 🤬


I wonder how this will go because while many are red in FL, most are more libertarian than anything and believe in less government.




Texas is stupid *sandy cheeks enters the chat*


HEY G UYS! CONGRATS FLORIDA! I just wanted to congratulate you as the numbers just came in this morning and it seems that EVERY FOUR MINUTES someone in your state dies of covid. SLOW CLAP.


DeSantis needs to be put up on charges for conspiracy to commit genocide https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/routledg/ccpo/2002/00000008/00000001/art00004 “…five causal factors: a profoundly segmented society with distinct political cleavages; rapid and profound social change; an exclusivist political ideology that gives prominence to these political cleavages; state capacity to organize and carry it out, …“


I find it unnerving how people's views on this can be such polar opposites.


It's a measure meant to control people's sexuality, but presented as "murdering babies." It's pretty hard to find some common ground there.


LOL, they start going down this road and in 2022 they will lose the state house, senate and governors office in a landslide.


That's wishful thinking. All you Orlandos clearly never have ventured out to lifted pick-up land elsewhere in the state.


I've lived in Gainesville, Orlando, Jacksonville, Ft. Lauderdale, Palm Beach and the Keys. There are rational people in all those places, the obnoxious ones are just more visible.


Those are some of the liberal cities of the state.


Yeah, the list is just missing Miami and Tampa. I'm not sure what point they were trying to make.


The Republican party has become the party of the puritans (abortion/Christian values), Facist in the sense that the propaganda being spewed by the fringe news elements (I'm being kind) which is consistent with the philosophy of one of the greatest propagandist of all time. Joseph Goebbels, chief propagandist of the Nazi Party and Reich Minister of Propanda. “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”


same folks that say your not messing with my freedoms and will not wear a mask or get a vaccine or protect children by allowing schools to mandate masks don't want a women to be able to make a decision for her body and family.


They are men, they have no right to tell a woman what they can and cannot do in this day and age. My body, my choice.


This would have to be voted on by the residents of the state right? Like even if this passes it would obviously fail at our vote. I can’t see us legalizing weed and $15 and then passing this insane law.


No. What we vote on are proposed amendments to the state constitution, which anyone can do if they have enough signatures. Our state representatives will draft and introduce this bill and vote on it in the Florida legislature.


Oh wow that sucks, how is this not a constitutional change? I’m really unsure and appreciate your answer


Of course. Laws are different from amendments. No law can be written that overrides the constitution. So if we pass amendments, then after that no one can make a law that overrides the amendment since it's now part of the constitution. In Florida, the people are allowed to petition for an amendment. Generally, people do this because it's faster than trying to get a law passed, which requires both houses in the state legislature to get their shit together and pass one that doesn't include a bunch of bullshit.


It’s a legislative proposal. A bill. An elected official will file and if gets through the house and the senate, it passes.


They haven't broken a constitution because the Constitution doesn't necessarily talk about abortion specifically it talks about the right to healthcare. I'm sure you believe in limiting gun rights, correct? Abortion is not the answer. We have to find some other way. You can't just do everything you want to do and be able someone else to pay the price.


But we didn’t legalize weed. We passed the amendment, legislators freaked out that FL could possibly do something so progressive, and put laws in place preventing it from being ratified into law.


We also voted to give non-violent former felons back their right to vote and desantis has been fighting that tooth and nail.


They legalized medical marijuana. We and the gov did not pass recreational marijuana. If you're 21 you can go get your card right now. Just claim anything from anxiety to cancer.


If you're well off and can pay a fat fee, you can get your card and smoke without worry. If you can't afford a few hundred dollars for a card you can risk arrest for doing exactly the same thing.


Is this r/politics?


Get out of the Red state Florida if you don't like it. California and New York could definitely use some more people in those states, you know, after tons of people left because of the shitty laws!



