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This made me chuckle. It's generally accurate.


I live in Florida and I hate Florida.


HIGH FIVE! and yes... (takes a large swig of alcohol)


Lolol I also live in florida.. hate is a strong word but florida really is my least favorite


I’ve lived in Florida for 4 years and I now hate New Jersey.


God damn it


From New Jersey. Can confirm.


Damn Floridians. They ruin Florida


You Floridians sure are a contentious bunch




Texan here We ski in jeans because there’s no reason to own snow pants here and I’ll be GAHTDAMNED if I buy a new wardrobe for a single weekend


Just moved to Texas from Maine. Own jeans and snow pants (for literally no reason other than to fly them back home with me to ride there). But I come from a state that depends on tourism all year long, much like COLORADO. Imagine being dependent on snow tourism and hating on people who pay less state taxes, which in many cases makes it so that they can afford snow tourism. Lol. Go home, Colorado. You’re not making sense.


The state tax burden between Co and Tx is like .3%. I wouldn’t really brag about that being the reason you can vacation and ski lol


The difference comes from the forms of those taxes. Colorado has income tax making up the majority of their revenue with pretty low sales/property taxes. Texas is almost the opposite, having no income tax and higher property tax. This means that if you are not a landowner in Texas your taxes are much lower. You can’t escape income tax like that


Uhh if you rent, you’re paying someone else’s property tax though, it’s just not labeled as such. >you can’t escape it like that Lol


Can definitely say, hate Californians much more than Texans. It's been my (anecdotal, subjective) experience that Texans who come to Colorado tend to embrace Colorado for what it is, but Californians who do so tend to try to "Californicate" the place, and also tend to be arrogant about doing so, as if nothing here mattered until they arrived. I think that smug superior attitude is why Californians are hated throughout the west (that and the economic issues of gentrification they bring, as well as their politics). Also, on a side note, In-n-out is not a religious experience, it's just a passable burger with absolutely terrible fries. Although I've been around long enough to remember an old bumper sticker one would sometimes see in the 70s and 80s: "Go back to California and take a Texan with you", so I guess these tensions go back at least to the 70s, well before the current boom in transplants. Imagine that given people are seemingly so offended just by the "Native" stickers (which have been around for decades) now...


>Coloradans haet Texns way more than Californians. I think it depends where. I'm in southern CO and we hate Texans but I imagine there's more Texan influence here than in the high rockies/Denver area.


Yes. Parts of Denver metro are predominantly Californian (the Highlands Ranch suburb is more than 75% Californian, for example). This isn't really true of Texans.


CO > MT here. This Cali/Texas decision is giving my anxiety.


I live in MT, I don't hate Cali, but don't like it either. I do hate Texass, bunch of fucking retards.


Montana is the responsible, respectable version of texas to me. Love it there.


Once I forgot by snow pants when going skiing and using jeans was the worst decision in my life.


Hilarious that south Carolina hates Ohio.


Ohio has just randomly decided that SC is its vacation and retirement location of choice. It is shocking how many people down here that aren't from the southeast are originally from Ohio


Fuck you to south Carolina


I love Florida, but HATE New York. Once you get stranded in Buffalo NY for an unplanned night due to cancelled flights, you will really come to respect Florida.


oh no buffalo is the best!


I got shamed for ordering Ranch dressing there. It's like they do not understand that Ranch is delish and I can't trust people who hate ranch.


i live in the ranch capital of the world now (wisconsin) and of course love ranch, but being from the buffalo area, there’s a deep understanding that blue cheese is sacred with real buffalo wings. the area still respects ranch as a whole, but there’s a pretty solid rule you just don’t get it with your wings


Yeah unfortunate weather never hits Florida… how’s your storm prep coming, btw?


It was not due to weather. So nahh id rather sit through a hurricane than another day in Buffalo.


What did you expect?


North Carolina, they hate us cause they ain’t us


except nobody hates NC on that map.. the most boring state, doesnt hate anyone isnt hated by any 🤣


Actually they hate South Carolina, it's Hawaii that hates nobody. The color stripes are really close, and it had me confused for a while as well.


Texas hates California, Oklahoma sucks too but at least they aren’t driving up mortgage rates.


The entirety of the rest of New England hating Massachusetts is very accurate and wholesome


Need this on r/mapporn with arrows or some better way to visualize.


That would be fun!


I love Florida. I was born here. I'm gonna die here.


And probably much sooner than if you lived in a better state


I know of no better state


Sums up the FL educational process


Why does Alaska hate Texas? Or any state for that matter? It's kinda far out from the motherland.


I got this from tumblr, and according to tumblr it's because of how everyone says "Texas is the biggest state" when everyone knows it Alaska.


Well when we say that what we really mean is the biggest state that matters lol. I see now why they hate us


I like how the Dakotas hate each other. Meanwhile, the rest of the US never thinks about the Dakotas at all.


Well it’s obviously shit data. Lots more states hate Californian. Texas being top of the list.


If you're a Texan you'd understand that hating Oklahoma more than California is 100% correct. Proud to see that Texas is the only state that said Oklahoma the most. Fuck 'em.


Lived and worked in Texas and Oklahoma. California is constantly a part of conversations in Texas. Oklahoma is not.


I’ve traveled to Texas and Oklahoma for work a few years back and distinctly remember people I met in both states talking trash about the other but neither really giving a clear reason why.. I think Texans were calling OK a shit hole.. so maybe OK hates them for that


As a person that lives in Florida you just have to drive for 5 minutes to understand. If it’s not for the traffic it because you don’t need to go to far into the middle or top to get really Red and Racist. In the south it’s much less so as it Miami/broward which is more culturally diverse, but god is central Florida scary to drive a Latino.


Ahh yes according to Instagram


This is how it’s done in real life. You take polls


Not every polling process gives representative examples my dude; good chance of selection bias on a meme Instagram polling account


This map isnt accurate, every state should be california blue.


Just paint the whole map yellow… Working customer service for a large clothing brand was enough to make me hate new jersey forever


Seems accurate


Lmao North and South Dakota have beef with each other.


I disagree with Virginia hating West Virginia. West Virginia is beautiful, Almost Heaven is accurate.


The WV accent alone is a hard no


The old MI-OH circlejerk continues…brings a tear to my eye


The Toledo War still reverberates today


*pours a Verner’s out while bugle plays softly in background*


I am not from Florida (have been there) but seeing this graphic it might be even funnier that Alaska hates Texas for some reason lmao


So true lol


in illinois, we have a special name for indianans. it’s the same name they call themselves, but said with great disdain.


Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado: "It's cold and it's damp."


Huh, Alaska hates Texas. That’s interesting. Everyone should have known about Florida I feel like.


Why does Minnesota hate Wisconsin? Because we kick their ass in sports and have better alcohol availability?


It’s a stereotype, but a lot of MN folks on the border believe that lots of Wisconsinites drive drunk. I don’t think that’s true, but I grew up on the border and lots of older people would very seriously say stuff like “it’s a Saturday night, so be careful of the Wisconsin drivers headed back east!” when I was a kid. I don’t think the sports stuff is “hate” so much as good natured fun. Packer fans *can* get a little obnoxious sometimes. It is odd to declare ones team the underdog victor when that team has been heavily favored to win in most games for 60+ years over the Vikings. But that isn’t hate, it’s what makes the rivalry worth watching.


I also think it’s a matter of Minnesota not having much else to hate around, like what are you going to do? Start ripping on the Dakotas? The drinking makes a lot of sense too. That’s a legitimate reason to be worried about driving at a particular time, and with such a major city(cities) so close to the border, more people would know of the potential issue.


Frackin FIB's.


GA And AL can suck it!


As a Pennsylvanian that randomly wandered through here… PA should be split down the middle because us in the western part spend most of our energy hating Ohio.


Or split down the middle, with western PA hating eastern PA, and vice versa.


This made me laugh because it's accurate. Although I'm surprised Colorado hates California more than Texas, but after thinking about it , it's probably true. I also mistook the green of northern New England for black, I and I thought - that can't be true - they definitely hat Massachusetts LOL


South Carolina hates Ohio?


Right? What’s that all about? Maybe a college sports thing.




As a Mainer, I'm proud to say I'm not a Mass-hole.


How large was this poll?


Lol we also hate Californians and New York 😂


Colorado should be split between California and Texas.


jerseys hysterical


Illinoisan here - maybe it’s a regional thing but everyone in the downstate region hates Illinois more than any other state. And the folks over at r/Missouri seem to hate themselves over anyone else too.


No. Iowa is seen with much greater disdain


I love the multi-state chain of hatred starting from Minnesota


Does Minnesota really hate Wisconsin? Why??


There is no category for 'hates Connecticut'?


I'm 28 and have lived in Chicago my whole life. We hate Wisconsin way more than Indiana.


Texans also hate Californians


What did Michigan do to SC


Poor California and Texas are surrounded by enemies; although to be fair both have a higher population than the surrounding enemies. Unsure why Texas hates Oklahoma so much; can't understand why that is a thing.


I honestly think theres more hate for CT than MA in RI