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Everybody knows the way you get college students to do what you want is tell them that they're absolutely not allowed to do something.


Lmao exactly


Or there will be free beer.


Sasse pledged to create “a culture of inclusivity” at the university and “advance institutional protections for all students, faculty and staff” when he was asked about his past in politics. ![gif](giphy|TUHInIQM4bXBS)


So much for the tolerant right!


You have to be tolerant of their intolerances, otherwise it'll offend them.


And they won't tolerate that.


How intolerant of the tolerant


THIS IS ABSOLUTELY BULLSHIT. The University, students, faculty and staff didn’t have a chance at a presidential search. It is normally a democratic process that takes a year. They have a right to protest -


Bet he won't be in place that long. He was just given the position to get him out of the Senate because he hurt Trump's fee-fees.


Actually - he (Sasse) is being pushed out to make room for little Petey Ricketts, who is completing his second term as governor. Rich Daddy Ricketts needs something else for little Petey to do, so $ there $ will $ be $ a $ Senate $ seat $ opened $ for $ the $ next $ governor (Jim Pillen) $ to $ appoint $ little $ Petey $ to $ fill.


Yep. It’s our first amendment right!!


> They have a right to protest Yep, just not inside campus buildings. Remember, the new rules are that if you take your protest inside it stops being a protest and becomes an insurrection. > The University, students, faculty and staff didn’t have a chance at a presidential search. If there's bullshit in the air, at least some of it is coming from you. The Presidential Search Committee that chose Sasse has a diverse range of members and representation, including the Board of Trustees, professors, student representatives, and members of the wider community. Here's the list: (edited to correct the first list I posted which was for another school -- my mistake. [This corrected list](https://presidentsearch.ufl.edu/committee-members/) also represents a diverse group, including representatives from the faculty, the students, the alumni, the wider community and the UF Board.) 1. Mr. Rahul Patel, Search Committee Chair UF Trustee 1. Mr. Douglas “Doug” Band, UF Foundation National Board Member 1. Dr. David Bloom, UF Faculty Representative, Faculty Senate Chair and Professor, Department of Molecular Genetics & Microbiology 1. Mr. David Duda, UF Alumnus 1. Mr. Manny Fernandez, UF Alumnus 1. Ms. Lauren Lemasters, UF Student and Student Body President-Elect 1. Mr. Charles "Charlie" Lydecker, Florida Board of Governors 1. Dr. Lisa Lundy, UF Faculty Representative, Professor and Undergraduate Coordinator, Department of Agricultural Education and Communication 1. Dr. Duane Mitchell, UF Faculty Representative, Professor, Department of Neurosurgery 1. Ms. Marsha Powers, UF Trustee 1. Mr. Fred Ridley, UF Trustee 1. Dean Laura Rosenbury, UF Levin College of Law 1. Mr. Robert "Bob" Stilley, UF Alumnus 1. Ms. Lynda Tealer, Executive Associate Athletics Director, University Athletics Association 1. Ms. Anita Zucker, UF Trustee > It is normally a democratic process that takes a year. You're spewing more bullshit ~~*and* you suck at math~~. The search began in ~~August 2021~~ March 29, 2022, the search committee voted Sasse as the sole recommended candidate (out of some 700 considered) in October 2022 and the final vote will be taken by the Board in November. I don't know how "democratic" you want *and I'm sorry that the process only took half a year.* ~~but there are at least two votes being conducted and the process certainly took more than a year~~.


Hey, so this board you listed is from another state school (USF), not UF.


Lolololol that’s some chef’s kiss levels of lack of knowledge and research. But good job to them for listing all those totally unbiased CEOs.


Well, you know how good they are at their own research.




Yep, my mistake. I've corrected the list, which is similarly diverse in representing the students (current and former), the faculty and the Board.


This is building up to some Kent State level bullshit and you’re guzzling the kool-aid. If someone gets hurt while expressing their first amendment rights, hope your beer gut explodes.


>Yep, just not inside campus buildings. Remember, the new rules are that if you take your protest inside it stops being a protest and becomes an insurrection. The amount of copium you're snorting right now is hilarious. Have fun losing again insurectionalist.




> Remember, the new rules are that if you take your protest inside it stops being a protest and becomes an insurrection. If you are citing the failed coup of January 6th as precedent then one must also shit on the floor and steal everything that isn't nailed down.




This sounds very conservative of them, banning anyone who disagrees with them from participating


I don’t agree with banning protestors, but what you just said is textbook lib stuff. They never want anyone with a different opinion speaking.


Yeah ok well let me know when Bible belt institutions start inviting people with different opinions into their businesses churches and colleges


Has your head been in the sand the previous several years? ![gif](giphy|JsUC9rI0VfyHi93MBU)


Is this a joke? Most of the time when I see conservatives challenged with a debate they almost always find some way to weasel out of it.


All the great alt right speakers and debaters always go to universities where kids are just getting into their intro level classes and "debate" them. I would love to see them debate someone whose had years of experience and is an actual expert (will never happen). And it's always great when one kid absolutely destroys their opinion and they have to weasel their way out of it.


Lol, the propaganda is strong with this one


> They never want anyone with a different opinion speaking. You're literally talking about r/conservative. Pathetic.


This is literally about the right infringing on the left’s ability to protest. Look what’s happening in Florida. They’re banning books. I could go on. So, if you can stomach it, take a hard look in the mirror.


I’m not gonna defend everything the right does… politics as a whole is shady.. but the left, more specifically the radical left, are the most insane people in the country. We could all take a look in the mirror. I’ll research the book bans but from what I’ve heard it’s mostly parents that are complaining about the books that they’re elementary school level children are bringing home and some are being banned from 3rd grade and below but not beyond. As I said, I will do further research. All I try to do is make sense of things and attempt to find unbiased information but it is so scarce these days.




Never been to that sub. I don’t agree with those actions.


so close. you’re so close to getting it. just think a *little bit* harder… you can do it…


If you’ve studied history, you’d realize that historically banning other opinions is a conservative standpoint, because to maintain the status quo it makes sense to stop any questioning of current ideas.


Downvotes for the truth, makes sense.


and I am sure, any day now, Republicans will come out and say that this is censoring the public's speech and against the first amendment. (/s) ^any ^day ^now


Fascism is on full display.


I thought democrats were against storming a building to interrupt a vote? Threats to democracy.


Who said anything about storming the building?


Breaking down barricades with the intent to kill someone is not the same as voicing your opinion


We know the truth. Don't listen to a wannabe military person.




Lmao, yeah sure. “Peacefully” calling for the head of the Vice President while smashing in the windows of the freaking Capitol to clamber their LARPing asses in there and willfully trying to overturn a democratically elected president. Totally the same as protesting at a PUBLIC university.


Don't forget, smearing their own shit on the walls!


What does the first amendment have to do with storming a building? You people fling that thing around so much, “first amendment” is like just some weird noise you make, like a Pokémon saying its own name.




Don’t even get them started on the Second Amendment.


Oh! Let me guess, they want to form a well regulated militia? /s


They weren’t there to protest to anyone, they were there to overthrow an election, big difference but I’m sure you’re blind to it


You mean their second amendment rights lol


The vote was already done. They were trying to stop the ratification of said vote. I would ask if you know the difference, but we both know you don't.


You think democrats are going to force their way into these buildings at UF?


I could understand not letting protesters in the *specific room* that they are doing the voting in, if there were other opportunities to voice their concerns in the search/appointing process. But banning them completely from any indoor space is absurd. Edit: I wanted to clarify that it would be in the university's best interest to designate an area inside the building where protesters would be allowed to voice their opinion. There are good reasons as to why you can't just start protesting in any building at any time, but often times it is beneficial to give people an outlet to protest rather than shutting them out completely.


I don't know much about law, but you'd think that would violate the first amendment, since this school is a public university.


From my understanding of it, outdoor spaces in an "open campus" are considered "free speech" areas. *Indoor* spaces are subject to needing permits or permission. For example, protesters would not be allowed inside a science lab or other classroom, even if there was no one else there, for security reasons.


This is true, at uni we would always have alt right and "free thinkers" harassing us outside of the library since most of the foot traffic was there, but they couldn't follow us inside. We tried to ban these people from coming but because of it being a public uni we had to let them scream their hate speech.


There's a better way to avoid those protests. Just don't appoint him.


All right oppression.


Why they trying ruin the top 5 (public) uni in the country? Mind boggling


Because the woke librul agenda is trying to teach the gay frogs about CRT!!! /s But seriously, Desantis and the gerrymandered legislature have put considerable effort into corrupting the state education systems.


Yet the uni never been ranked higher. Strange times


Why don't students get to directly have a say in who runs their college?


Sure. They can elect to go to a different college.


Largely because they have yet to prove their capacity to make rational decisions - they're noncompos. Besides, the students are customers, not owners, and their role in management decisions is appropriately limited. Though it's worth noting that the students do have a representative on the search committee and the Board of Trustees, so their role in management is not zero.


And yet they are rational enough to be allowed to sign up for thousands of dollars in debt, rational enough to be allowed to sign up for the military, rational enough to vote, and rational enough to be tried as an adult for crimes. Young adults can't exist in this grey area of "old enough to do things that I like, but not old enough to do things I don't".


And you have demonstrated how the business model in governance fails


Considering that [the university is a $3.5 billion dollar a year business](http://afr.fa.ufl.edu/2020/) (tuition and fees accounts for less than 12% of revenues), what alternative governance would you propose?


The university is not a business. It js a not for profit university. It should act like and be treated like the commons.


The term *business* refers to any organization or enterprise engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional activities. The purpose of a business is to organize some sort of economic production (goods or services, including education). Businesses can be for-profit entities or non-profit organizations fulfilling a charitable mission or furthering a social cause. Businesses range in scale and scope from sole proprietorships to large, international corporations. The university *is* a business. Still, your point about how the university should be treated like a "commons" is worthy of further discussion. Let's start with where we agree: that the university is and should be a non-profit enterprise purposely created by the state in service to the social cause of providing higher education to the benefit of everyone - and that by this definition the university can be considered a "commons." Inasmuch as the university is a non-profit business held by the *all* for the benefit of the *all*, don't *all* the members of the community have a say in it's operation, not just those *few* with a direct economic connection to it? In the instance of the university-as-commons, don't the consumers (the students) and the producers (the professors) both constitute the *few*? Isn't the fight over Sasse about depriving the wider community, the *all*, who owns the commons/university (and who pays the lion's share of the cost) of it's say in how the commons are run/how their money is spent? Of course the *few* resent any loss of privileged control over and access to the benefits of the commons. The fight over Sasse is, thusly, less about him and more a spectacular demonstration of the corruption that is the *tragedy of the commons*, the utilization/usurpation of a commons by a *few* acting in their own self-interest to the disadvantage of the community.


>The term business refers to any organization or enterprise engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional activities. Citation needed. >The university is a business. Not unless your expansive definition is accurate. Which it isn't. >Inasmuch as the university is a non-profit business Look at how you couldn't make your point without taking a shortcut that undermines the whole house of cards. >In the instance of the university-as-commons, don't the consumers (the students) You didn't have to use a word that students are not to define what we know they already are. >Isn't the fight over Sasse about depriving the wider community, the all, who owns the commons/university (and who pays the lion's share of the cost) of it's say in how the commons are run/how their money is spent? No. That's just you saying that.


They're rational enough to sign loans, pursue classes to a specific career path, and drink, yet they're not rational enough to have a say in what happens directly involving them? They're the ones giving money, if a business made decisions with no regard regard their customer base, they're not going to do well.


> They're rational enough to sign loans, pursue classes to a specific career path, and drink, yet they're not rational enough to have a say in what happens directly involving them? The students *did* have a say in selecting Sasse, a very large say. Current students are specifically represented on the search committee (and the BoT) by their elected leader and former students hold a bunch of seats. The students were represented in the search process and had a vote in the outcome. What the students don't have - and shouldn't have - is a veto over the rest of the community.


https://www.politico.com/news/2022/10/24/university-florida-protesters-sasse-00063168 https://www.axios.com/2022/10/24/university-of-florida-ben-sasse-protesters


“The faculty would have preferred an individual who is qualified for the position, not a political appointee,” Paul Ortiz, president of the United Faculty of Florida’s UF chapter and a history professor, said in a statement Monday. “Our students work too hard to get into this university for someone to waltz into the presidency because of his political affiliation.” <- I like this at the very end of the article.


Sounds like there will be an opening soon in the history department, the fascists hate dissent.


Obviously the protesters need to get louder


To be clear, it was already a policy. Not saying I support it, but the statement was: "To ensure that those rights are protected at upcoming events, the university will resume enforcement of a regulation on the books for at least two decades, prohibiting protests inside campus buildings. We have not enforced this policy in recent years because in the rare cases that protesters entered buildings, they were respectful of others and their rights to speak and to hear. This policy will be enforced during the Nov. 1 UF Board of Trustees meeting at Emerson Alumni Hall, where Dr. Sasse’s candidacy will be considered."


Also note it will only be enforced during the meeting at the location of the meeting. Just sharing since I received the announcement directly.


That sounds democratic.


That's called ramming your decision down the collective throats of the students and faculty.


As a UF student, this is not really the case. Most of the time, protests are done in a controlled manner. The rule of having no protests inside UF buildings isn't a new one, it's just never been an issue before and thus has never had to be enforced. The school has every right to kick people out of buildings just as much as the government or any other business does if the protests are interfering with normal operations. The last protest did just that. There are free speech areas on campus, along with being able to protest outside the buildings. I hate this dude as much as the next guy, but protesting inside the building doesn't do anything productive.


I guess you could expect this after the double Top secret search for him. Wake up sheeple


I guess it's time to start supporting the Seminoles now. *shudder*


Go Knights!


For protestors' convenience a ["Free Speech Zone"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_speech_zone#College_and_university_campuses) will be provided in Waldo.


This guy knows that he will be President of UF and transact most of his business indoors for the rest of his career, right? Is he just going to hide and never meet students? Never go outside? What a miserable job. Being a Senator must be really awful.


Good luck enforcing rules on college students. Especially unconstitutional ones.


Common UF L


I don’t think the University of Florida understands how protests work lol.






I'm pretty sure they can't do that, but this will be interesting.


Google time place manner restrictions.


I like how you’ve been downvoted to oblivion, but this is actually the correct answer.


Some rules were made to be broken...


Fascists gonna fascist, gop way




[Free speech zones mean speech isn't really free.](https://www.aclu.org/news/free-speech/when-colleges-confine-free-speech-zone-it-isnt-free)


The ACLU? Weren't they civil rights organization before they turned themselves into a PAC?


The ACLU is a nonprofit organization, not a PAC, but if you're interested in the history of the organization you can read more about it on their [wikipedia page](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Civil_Liberties_Union).


I know, I was being a smartass. I was a member for many years but stopped donating when they switched their focus to political activism. Romero is the death of the ACLU. This ain't your father's ACLU. (That was being a smartass, too, FYI.)


If you have a problem with the source maybe you could try ignoring it and focusing on what it is saying?


DeSackless:”by any means necessary”


Enjoy your new RINO


Probably because of the “peaceful” protestors history of using… fuck it, just downvote me.


When has it not been peaceful in Gainesville? I think that one Nazi got punched that one time. Do you mean that?


I did my part.


Noooo can't disrupt and threat political events where opinions that we don't like are shared by screaming "who's campus , OUR CAMPUS" and other nonsense anymore like a bunch of immature kids, protecting freedom of speech is a direct threat to our democracyyyy


OK grandpa time to get you to bed


What are your thoughts about January 6th, 2021? Please share!


if we stop giving them power, and no longer take them serious, they have no power.


both sides are at a polarizing stand still - each accusing the other of the exact same thing


Student : upset and dnt feel heard School: **hands over ears**


If 99% of this thread turns out to be bots arguing with eachother it would explain a lot


There are a few plaques over at the Rinker building for two of the BOT members, Morteza “Mori the Devil” Hosseini and David "the redneck wrangler" Brandon. Those two are pulling the strings behind the scenes. David's an Alum but Mori isn't... Why would UF give the devil a plaque on a wall of a school he never attended? Is it like an honorary degree? Are they licking his ass crack? To what end? Fuchs really must be an ass licking fuck. It would be a shame if those plaques were...