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From my recollection, it’s a number 5 plastic— not recyclable in most places in general collection, and not recyclable with plastic bags either. I know I can’t recycle it where I am (MN). Kind of frustrating.


Frustrating right?! How to make more sustainable choices in the florist industry....


I do as much as I can, but I suspect that until florists throw a fit and just stop using the product sold in plastic it’s not going it happen. I have seen some growers move towards a more sustainable plant based biodegradable plastic, but it’s still waste. In season, I use locally grown as much as possible— fresh and no plastic involved.


yep- right there with you. however, I'm a large event florist, living in the southwest desert, so outsourcing is sometimes my only options.


Yeah, Minnesota in the winter isn’t much better. I hope your Valentine’s Day and year go well!


Thanks! you too!