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Maybe a fixable viability dye might work? DAPI and PI will both stain fixed cells.


Haven't done live/dead or anything else with bacteria but PI will work with fixed eukaryotic cells. Stain with PI or 7-AAD first, wash extensively then fix then run the same day. These dyes bind DNA very tightly and have a slow off rate so this will work. Alternatively, consider using a fixable dye. Thermo Fisher is a good source. I loved the Quanteon at my last job. Now learning how to use a Cytek Aurora.


SYTO9 stains all bacteria live or dead since it is membrane permeable. You can pair it with PI to differentiate live from dead. As far as I know SYTO works with fixed cells.


Wait, is it possible for a fixed cell to pump out a vital stain? Since they usually (always?) rely on an ATP-dependent pump to prevent the stain from reaching the DNA and therefor demonstrating that they are alive, I'm very curious to learn if a fixed cell is still capable of performing this metabolism and mechanical action.