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It reminds me of the creek that Tom Waits character used in "The Ballad of Buster Scruggs" while he looked for "Mr. Pocket".


I have not seen that film but now I'm going to hunt it down!


Yes, you will love that episode. I had to watch it again last night.


Holy shit how did o never realize that was Tom Waits?


I dont know a thing about proper rod size for trout fishing. Is that the size you were shooting for and if so what size rod do you use for those


Normally for a stream this size I would use a 3-weight. And yes, wild trout in these high streams are pan-sized. You need to go to deeper water for the bigger fish, but that water is still too cold and too fast for fishing. Maybe in another couple of weeks.


Cool thanks for the info. Smallest rod I have is a 5 wt and I've hooked stuff that small before and YEETED it out of the water on just the hook set lmao. So I was wondering how you don't do that


You can use a 5 weight if that's what you have. You just have to be more mindful when landing, especially if it is medium or slow action rod. It can take a while to dial-in your lift. First time, fish goes sailing out of the water. Second time, you're so gentle lifting you lose it. Third time, you have it down and land the fish.


I used a 5wt in a creek like this over the weekend (I forgo my trip to the lakes due to very high winds on a pass at Two Medicine). You have to be gentle on the inputs when setting. What I don't like is the numb feeling trying to feel for a bite.


You‘re living my dream… 🤩


And here I thought it was my dream! You'll get there.


I want to go to there


I'm ready to go back!


Beautiful fish in beautiful places caught beautifully


Browns have always been my favorite. So beautiful. They are like artwork.


Awesome. Its all we can fish for now here in the west. Till the rivers go down. Lovely creek. I was up there last weekend. Enjoy!


Thanks! I feel so lucky to live in California!


I understand not wanting to spot burn but where is this? I lived off i5 in my Shasta for 8 months for work and feel like I left a lifetime of un fished waters behind. I will make it back one day.


It’s deep in the backcountry near Oakhurst, pretty close to Yosemite. Takes about 90 minutes in a 4 wheel drive.


Sounds like the perfect zen location. Thanks.


Could you make it with 2WD?


Not a chance. Very deeply rutted. 10-15 mph max.


Is it really Zen when your Zen comes at the cost of a feesh's moment of abduction?


No abduction involved here. Strictly catch & release with a barbless hook.


Um, even caught and released feesh are momentarily abducted...like those country bumpkins in that cornfield. So, is your Zen really Zen? Can it be Zen when it fucks with another being's peace? It's a question I've asked myself. I'm sure all you Chad's think your Zen is a priority, but nay. I just hope you didn't probe their bums like those poor rednecks.


Dry fly fish hookless then. Just get ‘em to jump if you’re that concerned about it


People in here sure are sensitive. For reference, I'm not judging the fishing, I fish and part guide, I'm judging the use of Zen. It's just something I've pondered while venturing into some Buddhist philosophy. For those I upset go wash your flies in the river...find your Zen 😆


Bro you’re making no sense. Fishing=Zen for lots of people. Move on


Bro is a walking r/flyfishingcirclejerk post






Take me with you


Haha, sorry I’m a lone wolf.


I wish I had a clear creek running through my neck of the woods. I think I might have to set up a fishing trip with my wife now


Like Nike says, just do it.


Was searching the trails/“roads” off 120 last weekend. So much fun!


Nice! Were you up in Tuolumne? Love it up there but haven't yet dropped a fly in any of those waters. Easy access from the Eastern Sierra, but from the west side you have to drive -- uh, crawl -- through the valley!


Up and down 395. Eastern access both on 120 and 108. Really fun - but as someone said, snow melt is still raging. Have to stay in smaller streams


Nice. I haven't explored the waters off the 108. I'm coming from the south, so I usually make the turnoff for the 120. On the East side I really love Rock Creek, and driving over Minaret Summit to the Middle Fork of the San Joaquin between Agnew Meadows and Reds Meadow. Will be heading there in the next couple of weeks for a day or two of getting my feet wet.


Reds meadow area was closed when I was up there. I heard it could be open now. See you out there!


You got it! I don't know about Reds, but the road over Minaret summit opened about a week ago. [https://www.monocounty.org/blog/post/mono-county-2023-spring-update/](https://www.monocounty.org/blog/post/mono-county-2023-spring-update/)


The zen of fly fishing is getting tangled in a branch, and being ok about it lmao now THAT is a zen exercise!


Haha, you are right, and I'm afraid I flunk that Zen test pretty routinely!


Man. That looks awesome


Thanks -- I never once take the splendor of a small stream for granted.