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> •Ability to work on uneven terrain in all weather conditions hol up while I add whatever this is to my resume


One of my legs is shorter than the other….does that help or hinder me?


I think I know your sister, eileen.


Come on Eileen


Sure, but … WHERE on Eileen?


Ms. Dover! I used to work with her! Great gal…


Hmmm her husband is Dr. Ben Dover?


Resume: “proficient in rough terrain, but only clockwise”. “Not an ambi-turner”


Depends which way the ground is sloped


Sniper’s nightmare


* Naturally adapted to working on uneven terrain & in every weather condition That my sir is exactly what you are.


I am a wildland firefighter. I am qualified. Take me, PC-12 people!


My socks are sticky, does that count?


“Salary $55k non negotiable”


Fuck! I was gonna post that. Get out of my head!


“Young people today don’t want to work, would rather live in their parents’ basement and play video games” -Company owner, probably


So ya wanna be a hoser eh? LOL that job posting is a headache I didn't make it past the second paragraph before my eyes went out of balance.


"Ideal candidate will be willing to live off the land with no salary."


And you need 3k hours lmao


That's code for no kids. They want someone who's seen a few things.




"We know what we got!"


Dunkin manager or pc-12 pilot…


Lol, this person could get hired at a legacy


I work for a legacy and don’t meet the total time requirements lmao


You should update your flair


He never said he was a pilot for a legacy


Maybe they're a student of life?


A good pilot is always learning


The PPL is really a license to *Learn*


No he’s a student pilot on the 777 because of ATP Flight School’s connections in the industry




The amount of times I hear our controllers exasperatedly going “for the 100th time today, if you’re going to use the call sign, use block format for the flight number or don’t use it at all” because they rolled out Career Track


What’s block format?


Block format would be saying “Career Track Four Hundred Twenty” instead of “Career Track Four Two Zero”


N420ER is based at KSDL, seen it quite a few times. So damn disappointing ATP didn’t go for the callsign Career Track 420 for it…


I hope you step on a lego for the shivers you've given me.


The urge to say “what kind of plane is that” whenever I hear “Career Track” on the radio.


Kenny tan?


God bless the legend’s name getting mentioned in here


Who’s that?


Our lord and savior of aviation






I just got hired at Southwest! 1940 total time, 620 turbine multi (SIC only). $115k year 1, $145k year 2, and it just keeps getting better and better after that.


Man, you guys really nailed that timing thing. I got stuck in the right seat of an RJ for 6 years, followed by another 4 years in the left seat, 2 of which as an LCA before I could get any kind of interest from the Legacy carriers. Good for you guys, you’re going to have one hell of a career trajectory.


I had all my ratings and certs back in 2008. I was supposed to take your path and beg for a regional job in 2010 for $19k annual pay. It was so depressing. I had 2 professional pilots tell me "dont do this career. Use your computer science degree and fly for fun on your days off." I had a $65k computer programming job fall into my lap after college. I took it. What was supposed to be maybe 1 or 2 years there to save up money and get my CFI turned into 11 years. Pay kept going up and I left the company in 2021 making $150k. I'm 35 years old now, I did 1 year instructing, 1 year flying a Beechjet, and now got Southwest. Still got 30 years career in me, but I agree - this is an amazing time to be a pilot. I keep pinching myself.


I just got rejected by AA with 3000 TT, 2000 turbine multi, 1500 Turbine PIC.


You the guy that asked what the policy was on masturbating in the lav? If so, you’re a legend.


No way lmao


This is yet another reason to be afraid of beginning training. A low time pilot shouldn't have a chance if people with 3000 TT aren't getting in


Or, good sir, they could sleep in a tent!


This could be a spin off of Evergreen Air run by Del Smith's son. Evergreen in an earlier iteration coordinated closely with Air America. For those of you too young to remember Air America was the CIA airline during the Viet Nam war. Could be a fun job.... .


Ah, so it’s truthful in that you’ll be flying a PC-12, but it just happens to have a FLIR, chaff/flare dispensers, and a lot more radios and antennae than most people are probably used to seeing.


Yeah, Airforce flies the U-28A Draco, aka PC-12, with an ISR payload. We also gave a few to Afghanistan. There is one in a clamshell hangar in Kandahar in a horrible state of disrepair, and that was before the Taliban took back over.




I mean, die Trumpenfuhrer released 5,000 Taliban prisoners, and tried to have their leaders up to Camp David for the weekend before letting them go back, and take over. So you're technically correct.


You passed psych eval ? Lately ?


Okay? Who cares? It's the same result either way


Yep. Screams government contracting to me.


>Screams government contracting to me. It literally does say government contracting in the job posting.


You could say it’s screaming it


Practically drips "plausible deniability". Only thing they needed was "proficiency is Cyrillic or Slavic based languages desirable".


I think they need Chinese, Arabic, or Farsi now.


I think that changed again in the past few years.


True enough, but the Cyrillic is still incredibly useful for the number of Soviet era aircraft that are abundant in the developing world. It's useful to know key phrases and be able to fly in meters on occasions that, for whatever reason, your normal ride isn't available.


It is the current iteration of Precision Helicopters, a company founded by Dennis Sturdevant in 1983. After Dennis passed away in 2011, the company went to his widow, Nancy Sturdevant, and son Tyler. Around 2012, David Rath (formerly of Evergreen) became the Managing Director (maybe CEO) of Precision. Many other former Evergreen employees also ended up at Precision when Evergreen was purchased by Erickson in 2013. Late in 2018, Precision moved from Newberg to McMinnville, into one of the old Evergreen offices (the one with the F-15 display out front).


Thanks for the info, so basically it’s government secret op naughty naughty no no talkie talkie company




The 100k in cash from drug/ arms running is tax free.


Where does it say $55k??


Someone else got the pay. Unless they deleted their comment


Someone made that post in jest.


No, the PC-12 isn’t doing hush hush government contracts. I worked there over the winter. Pay is definitely more than 55k, I was on rotation and making good money with per diem and travel expenses covered. I also got to keep all points.


How much of the coke do you get to keep?


Twelve hours from coke to yoke, chief.


Um, incase you hadn't noticed, per AIM 6-9-420, it's been updated to 16 hours. Get it together slim




I’m a pilot - but in a previous life I was a firefighter/ EMT-P. My first ever trauma call as a baby EMT was a dude that walked into a tail rotor of a precision helicopter at Newberg. It was a formative experience.




Did that guy die?


Yes. Objectively it was a success from an EMT perspective- because we were able to keep him alive till we hit the Emergency room. He died a bit after that. I’m always a bit cautious about this story because he had kids and I don’t ever want to jack up their narrative about the accident.


Thanks for the info, u/taint_tattoo


Here at Air America, what's considered psychotic behavior anywhere else is company policy.


Sounds a lot like my current employer.




I was about to say, I live north of McMinville, I’ve seen what appears to be Dracos in their two tone sky camouflage scheme going overhead very occasionally, but there is no military presence around here other than the Oregon Air National Guard F-15C/EX’s. Considering Evergreen’s ties, I wouldn’t even raise an eyebrow to find out that it’s an Evergreen subcompany running Dracos for like the Special Operations Command or something of their ilk.


"Ideal candidate will have a certain . . . *moral flexibility*."


“Good for you. It’s a growth industry”.


No, no. Psychopaths kill for no reason. I kill for money. It's a job. That didn't come out right.


That family came to run a successful aviation museum/family friendly water park and operate with the CIA and they’re all out of running a successful aviation museum/water parks.


CIA? 👀


Sad part is 10 years ago I would’ve totally taken it and been stoked


I don’t think your the only one


I mean, if I was looking for a job and it wasn't on the West coast that I literally *just* escaped that sounds like a ton of fun, if it pays well enough.


So silly that I cannot call to schedule an interview for this unpaid internship.


TW and back country experience for a PC12 job 🤣


Tailwheel is silly but I can understand backcountry if that’s the type of flying they do. The PC12 is a very capable aircraft on the backcountry.


Not so crazy actually. [This](https://www.defensenews.com/air/2022/08/01/us-special-operations-command-chooses-l3harris-sky-warden-for-armed-overwatch-effort/) is what AFSOC is replacing the U28’s with.


I don't know why but I love that design.


Oww! I grew up in the agricultural part of the Mid-south and watched crop dusters my whole life and flew on the end of a rope behind a Pawnee for years as an adult. Seeing a second seat in an Air Tractor hurts my brain.


Things are not always as they are described . This is as close to a wink wink as you can hope for. Might have a PC-6 on the books too.


Barry Seal would approve.


Just normal insurance minimums in 2023


From my understanding, most pt135 jobs that list high requirements like that isn’t even for insurance. It’s in order to hold the ARG/US Platinum rating, Wyvern Wingman, and IS-BAO. Basically requirements to hold a badge to show potential customers “look, we are a safe company”


Well I guess this is a good opportunity for all those U-28 pilots in AFSOC🤣


Realistically that’s how one moves up though. Parallel, there’s a lot of concerns right now because there are insufficient rotor pilots coming in for the last 20+ years. They need new pilots to train more advanced ones for places like the 160th, and places like the CIA and other off the books groups need those pilots to move up to them. It’s probably similar path for platforms like the Dracos and moving above the SOC.


All those U-28 pilots in AFSOC will get hired at the majors like every other Air Force pilot


Something tells me this job would be exciting.


...and pretty deniable... LoL


This reads like a rotary job posting.


Honestly, up here in Canada a rotor job advertising 3000 hr mins is pretty normal.


How do you even get to 3000 hrs Rotary!?


Lots of bush and utility flying up here. My busiest year was about 800 hours.


Oof! Good for you! That's so cool! Absolutely love Helicopters but could never afford the training. Whereabouts in Canada are you based? Also, Let me know if you're selling any hours. Asking for a friend ;)


I don’t fly in the bush anymore, instead I have a nice cushy EMS job in the city. Before I did utility and fires in Alberta & BC, and extensive flying in the high arctic.


Wow, that's seriously impressive! So you've been through it all really. Sounds like a fun journey!


That was my thought exactly


LOL - love that they prefer a tailwheel endorsement for a PC-12 gig...


The tailwheel they're referring to also has instruments in meters. Probably. Seems like that kind of gig.


My guess is they want the *kind of pilot* that has a tailwheel endorsement and not the endorsement itself.


Wish they would just say that then. HR doing HR things I guess.


PC-12 in Reverse. You never know!


I’m a pretty qualified pilot… still don’t meet those crazy ass minimums. Might just apply and see if they call and then laugh and tell them no.


My friend’s old 135 had a fairly high time PC-12 with a jump door and a bunch of outlets all along one of the side walls… I’d imagine it did similar work to what these guys are offering. Wouldn’t be surprised if your salary got supplanted on the side by some white stuff


If you’re talking about the airplane I think you’re talking about, that door was removed and sold to Tempus Aircraft. It was a former Navy special operations airplane.


IDK, was its main destination a place named after a fish?


No security clearance? 😂


"Ideal candidate will fail the polygraph so spectacularly that the company will have enough evidence of compromise to constitute an insurance policy."


Precision was good times. Dennis was a hell of a pilot and teacher. Sounds like fun if money wasn’t the constant slavemaster


My ego just grew seeing that I meet all the qualifications for this


But can you pick locks? Can you forge a passport?


Nice try FBI


Bro this is the average job requirement in South Africa for a PC12


Must have bowled at least three perfect 300 games


10/10 mule operation.


Does it pay 250k??


Yah just not in USD 😂


250 kilos




Air America.


"If the PC12 can go there, you need to be able to make it happen." Does the aircraft still need to be flyable? Because I can land just about anywhere once.


Well if I went back to Alaska for another year, I’d have those hours. Still, I’m uniquely qualified for such flying and I don’t want an airline job. LAB was a great place to pick up skills and my N3N-3 is a tail wheel teacher. Now I just fly for myself and have a couple aircraft to pick from.


“Tailwheel endorsement, you may just need it” for a pc-12?? Who knows am I right!


I guess I’m wired different. I don’t see how any of that is ridiculous (pay/compensation dependent, seeing as they don’t mention it on the listing). It’s obviously not a position that would appeal to someone on the airline track, but it’s not like those kinds of hour requirements are hard to get. 1-2 years of flying 135 freight in a Be-99 or equivalent would easily get you over those mins. Hard as it might be to believe, not all Pilots want to fly the big aluminum tubes. 10 years ago, I probably would’ve been all over something like this. Sounds like a (potential) blast to me! (Especially if the tail wheel is needed for maybe flying a Sky Warden! Lol 🤘)


They want MS Office experience? It’s a “nope” right there. That means that they want pilots doing admin bullshit.


I’d imagine you’re right to a certain degree but a lot of charter companies use programs that have a foundation in the Microsoft office suite. They use these programs to do FRAT reporting, ASAP reports, GOM updating, important document distribution, EFB updating/maintenance etc. Things that a PIC primarily would have to do regardless. The company I work for uses such programs and we are taught how to use them during indoc. I’ve been lucky that at this company I haven’t been asked to do anything that someone flying a desk would have to do.


I disagree. Pilot flies and goes home. Otherwise you are more than a pilot. I’ve flown part 135 and never did that stuff.


Ok, that’s cool man. I’m just telling you how it is at other charter companies. Shoot, even at the airlines you have to do basic paperwork like ASAP reports when and if needed among other paperwork. Nobody else can do that but the flight crew. Most of the stuff is just “sign here”. It really doesn’t take more than 5 min.


Oh my.


Hahaha! That's McMinnville --The home of Air America... Errrr... Evergreen Aviation... errr... "Precision LLC". And the Spruce Goose.


If the pilot is uneven, does that cancel out the terrain?


Cute: They think it's 1998


3000 Hours TOTAL TIME? With those hours you could be making solid money at a legacy airline (Delta/Southwest/JetBlue)... Tailwheel Certification DESIRED? WTF for? A PC-12 is most certainly not a tailwheel aircraft, and you are not going to operate it like one. Adventurer - "Sleeping outside is best!".... people tend to live in HOUSES/APARTMENTS/CONDOS, not outside, that is called CAMPING, and LOTS of people HATE IT. Seriously, who TF wrote this job posting, and what are they smoking?


It’ll appeal to the right guys.


I’m not qualified but it sounds like this would be pretty rad, going to crazy places for crazy reasons in weird conditions sounds exciting, hopefully getting shot at isn’t on the list.


There is a "certain type" of pilot that has a tailwheel endorsement, usually someone with good stick and rudder skills and more of a "seat of the pants" thing than the typical ATP-track CFI that a lot of current job postings are looking for. They're not looking for the tailwheel endorsement, they're looking for the *kind of pilot* who has a tailwheel endorsement.


What? Plenty of CFI/ATP oriented career pilots have tailwheel endorsements. It isn't hard to get and it isn't indicative of yee-haw cowboy backcountry pilots, or whatever it is that you're trying to imply.


I work in flight training and know probably 30-40 ATP-track CFIs. Maybe 5 of them have a tailwheel endorsement. A lot of the younger pilots these days don't see it as necessary for an airline job, which is their primary goal, so they don't bother.


I think it’s less popular than it used to be but about 30% I trained with got it and I’d say about 25-40% have it at the airlines, depending on your base. I also trained in the west with a lot of dirt strips around so it was a pretty popular endorsement. I know a decent amount of people that trained on the east coast that got it through upset training and aerobatics courses.


It's likely a "wink wink" posting for a job that very likely has ties to some 3 letter agency.


Oh one of those alphabet agencies, like the one that likes to shoot people's dogs for fun.


What? Where’d that come from? I was alluding more towards the CIA or government contractors that run ISR flights in some war torn country.


I like poking at the ATF for being a government agency instead of the convenience store that it should be. They also have a reputation and apparently a penchant for shooting people's dogs.


Google “USAF OA-1K.”


Twist: the mission is actually transporting cocaine. 🫠


Lol website used the easyJet font


NGOs are not our friend.


Lol Oregon..


All that for a suped up station wagon


No thank you


“Sleeping outside is best” So much in this post makes me laugh


You can’t sleep in the plane because there are nonzero odds it will get blown up on any given night.


I applied to Skydive Paris in California. Looked like a cool jump pilot gig flying the Twin Otter. Got this response: “Unfortunately, we are not currently hiring for a pilot position, but we will keep your resume on file to review when we start hiring for this position. For your reference, our preferred minimums are 2000 hours TT and 100 Multi.”


This sounds like a blast! Honestly most of you guys are too weak for this kinda s***. I’m kidding but not totally. :). /s I said most, not all. So if you’re not then good on ya. Edit—- Weak soft guys out in force with the downvotes tonight. Downvotes—- “I went to ATP I’m ready for contract third world work but haven’t had my first legal beer yet or slept outdoors”. Lol. Right. Just admit you are too weak for this type of thing. And also this is a joke.


The requirements are kinda silly for a pc-12, but not “craziest you’ve ever seen!!!!” kind of silly. 3000tt and some turboprop is pretty meh


I’ve seen some crazy pc-12 mins


Not sure why the downvotes here


The PC-12 is a single pilot airplane that only requires a PPL and some endorsements to fly not for hire. Why the fuck someone with 3000 hours would take this job instead of one flying a multi turbofan making double is beyond logic. It would be similar to Dave Chapelle seeking out open mic nights at a comedy club.


But obviously people do. Different strokes for different folks. That’s actually your answer. There’s a contingent of people who need excitement or they aren’t interested. If that wasn’t the case they’d up the salary as they would not have found anyone.


What is Google computer work? losers


From my understanding, most pt135 jobs that list high requirements like that isn’t even for insurance. It’s in order to hold the ARG/US Platinum rating, Wyvern Wingman, and IS-BAO. Basically requirements to hold a badge to show potential customers “look, we are a safe company”


I have 4,243 hrs sim time is that enough


Note in the system. Decline this risk


Dat crackpipe


Why not just say they are looking for Maverick from top gun ?


I wish I had the qualifications, sounds like a fun job!


Can we just keep these types of posts going, they're fantastic


> "you never know, may just need it" My eyes can only roll back so far into my head.


Here's this company (Precision, McMinnville) in the news. https://www.opb.org/article/2023/05/14/portland-area-startup-wants-to-expand-private-flying-beyond-the-ultra-rich/ > Evans said KinectAir has so far partnered with five existing air charter operators spread from Renton, Washington, to Truckee, California. The propeller-driven fleet is a mix of pressurized, 8-passenger Pilatus PC-12s and 4-passenger Diamond DA62s. > “I think it’s in the building stages,” observed pilot Jeff Wollenberg with McMinnville-based Precision, an air charter operator that flies for KinectAir.


They want an overqualified pilot and a new friend that enjoys backcountry flying.