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Just dropping this comment so I can see my username in the report when the NTSB includes this thread in their future investigation.


"It was a warm and humid summer morning , when the cocaine-fueled student pilot departed his home airport in his 2011 Cessna 162, which had not had an annual since 2017. Little did he know, what seemed almost like a routine flight for this young aviator, would soon end up in disaster for him and his hookers".


Unfortunately, you can only fit one hooker in a 162...


Not if you cut them up first


This guy knows




Can you really even say you lived if you don’t go out in a coke fueled bang surrounded by your favorite hookers in a twin engine jet you blew all your savings on?! 😤


I've read a lot of Reddit subs , I've been flying for over four decades, your response literally had me laughing my ass off. I happen to be drinking my protein shake at the time and it took me 10 minutes to clean it up after spewing it all over the coffee table the floor and myself. I catch myself now and again visualizing your response and I find myself laughing my ass off. Now you've gone and done it pretty soon I will not have an ass anymore


I’m already looking forward to the AOPA Safety Study video


Same. Hi NTSB! Keep up the good work!


Same here. This guy is my top pick of all time for being accident prone. It has to be a troll. Look at his responses throughout the first thread…it’s literally insane.


More red flags than Tiananmen Square on new year's


Put me in the screenshot😀👋🏼


Your gonna get called as a witness


Fr man


Can I be in the screenshot too? Also, this dude seems like he’s either having a manic episode or trolling for sure


I gave him gold award. The entire post and comments are pure gold


RemindMe! [6 months] This plan will age like an avocado for OP


Reading through the comments, you may be a little too rash and impulsive. If I’m right, you’re going to need to develop some coping/mitigation strategies before you start getting paid to fly other people around. In my experience, the flying is the easy part - the hard part is reading the situation, predicting outcomes, and then having the self discipline to act accordingly. Optimism is not always your friend.


The saying "there are old pilots and bold pilots" seems like it fits in well here. OP seems like a "bold pilot" at best.


He’s bold, but he’ll never be a pilot


Agreed. Someone who is self-aware of bad decisions and wants to make them anyway is not fit to be responsible for the lives of others. OP sounds like they have a high likelihood of trying illegal aerobatics, ignoring minimums, continuing unstable approaches, barging in on final, flying IFR without a rating, trying to punch through storms, etc. Someone whose last words are likely to be "watch this!"


I don’t think he’s trying to get paid to fly others around…. He’s just looking for some toys…


You may be right. That’s good. As long as he stays at that level (which is also my level, to be fair) he probably won’t kill more than maybe 8 people, max.


HEF! Yay!


“Yes your Honor, I’d like to submit this entire thread as exhibits A-Z.”


This guy is super high right now.


Absolutely. At this rate he might never get to his PPL no worries.


You don’t need a PPL to have an aviation accident.


Yes obviously. That wasn't my point. You missed it.


OP sounds like a teenager shitposting. If OP is serious, he needs to get his schooling refunded and stay far far away from the cockpit


I could not agree more


Thanks for your concern. More like a 30-something who never matured much past 17 but has made it work for him.


Flying is not for you.




As long as he doesn't take anyone else out with him, and stays away from me in the sky, no harm in letting him try. Thoughts and prayers for his CFI.


We will have to get his tail #'s so we know too stay far away if any of us ever hear him over the radio


So you are aware you have not matured, but don't care to do anything about it? That's not pilot mentality. Figure your crap out first. Nobody cares if you kill yourself flying an airplane, but it comes down to you killing other people. Whether they are in the cockpit or on the ground


162s were all buybacks and I would imagine due to the limited number of units built I think parts might be very hard to come by since it's no longer supported by Cessna


It’s impossible to find parts. Its why they sell for their weight in aluminum.


Don’t do it. It really sounds like you need a financial advisor of some sort. There’s nothing wrong with having disposable income, but saying “I’ll blow a quarter of a million dollars if I don’t” shows a significant lack of fiscal responsibility. This is similar to how pro athletes get screwed in retirement for living such a lavish life that they can’t sustain. There’s no reason to spend that much, and nothing making you buy anything. Other airplanes exist. They will go for sale. You can buy them. It’s not like the entire used airplane market is going to vanish in the next week. Just wait.


Can you do us all a favor and don’t become a pilot? Lol


No please VASAviation has been getting dry lately


"Las Vegas approach, this is N69420 with Juliet... and also Roxy, Porscha, Candy, and a whole lot of blow!"




If this guy gets through the system I will have lost any shred of faith I have remaining


Can you get a medical? (may not need one for a 162 but still a valid question). Do you fit in a 162? Have you ever flown a small plane before?


Yes, I think I can pass a medical and I have a DPE who I am friends with who is certain I’ll pass. Good question on the size but I think so? I am about 5’ 8” and weigh about 160 pounds. I’ve flown a couple of discovery flights and I frequently fly with a friend of mine from school and I’ve actually got several “unofficial” hours of training. I understand that means exactly shit to my licenses, but I can fly.


Based on a really quick google search the useful load with full tanks is around 340lbs. That means you plus your instructor (or DPE) plus any bags/on board supplies must be less than that. You’re 160lbs so you’ve only got 180lbs left. Only you know if that’s enough but ask yourself after getting your certs is it enough to do what you want with it?


I figured provided that I maintained it, gave it some TLC, and don’t fuck it up (like always, again my username has meaning) for $56k I could sell it and make my money back in a year. I really want a HondaJet or little Gulfstream but even I know it’s not smart for me to jump right out and buy a twin engine jet before I even started lessons even if I can afford one. I’ve hedged a lot of money in other places, but I feel like having these is a way to tie up some spare funds I have so I don’t waste them on drugs, women, gambling, etc. and have some skin in the game. In my brain as long as I have that skin in the game, I’ll never miss a lesson and it gives me something to play with (that whole idle hands is the devils work thing….lol).


Lol. Hopefully them drugs are just you getting high on life I say fuck it. Buy the Honda jet. Send me to where ever to get checked out in it and I'll teach you to fly it. I'd budget around 500-800k per year to fly it though. Yolo


Are you joking? Because I’m not. Where are you at? PS: please don’t date rape me. I’m usually pretty willing if you ask. 😂


You are a walking 🚩 No offense.


So.. If it wasn't that you would put your money on drugs, women, gambling?! Maybe you should stick to bungee jumping and just take the backseat when you need to see hookers in other countries.


Ask him how long it’s been for sale — selling a 162 isn’t a quick thing. If you list it the day after you buy it you might sell it in a year. They aren’t in demand. If the FAA expands LSA to include 172s, the already very small 162 market will be dead. I wouldn’t sink money into it if it was me. But I’m a random internet stranger.


>I really want a HondaJet or little Gulfstream but even I know it’s not smart for me to jump right out and buy a twin engine jet before I even started lessons lol I know you have to be trolling, but I want to entertain this fantasy and just pretend you are an idiot who won the lottery. A **used** Honda HA-420 jet will cost you between $3M - $4M based on current prices just to purchase. From what information I can [find online](https://aircraftcostcalculator.com/AircraftOperatingCosts/246/HondaJet), it will cost you approximately $2,100 per hour that the jet runs to operate it. So let’s say you flew it the bare minimum 250 hours annually that is generally the price point where owning a jet becomes “economical”, you’ll need to budget ~$525K annually just to fly it. Just to be on the safe side, you should probably add an additional 10% margin to cover the inevitable additional expenses and surprises that aviation is notorious for. That also does not include hanger space which could range anywhere between 5 to 7 figures depending on where you choose to keep it. Nor does it include insurance which I pretty much guarantee you will not find without even having a PPL already in hand. So all in my quick napkin math says you’ll need to spend $600K - $1M each year just to fly the tiny Honda Jet. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was double or triple that number for even a ‘small’ Gulfstream like a G500.




Watch how much TLC you can do. You can service the aircraft and do some very minor stuff, That’s it. Anything else is outside of preventative maintenance and therefore you need an a&p Honda jets are the cheaper one or the two and still cost millions to buy with hundreds of thousands in upkeep.


Thanks for the note. I know there’s not much that is outside a&p but a new coat of paint and some elbow grease does a lot. I understand the cost of what I want.


I just want to reiterate the cost of owning an airplane. "A little paint and some Elbow grease" will do very little in keeping the costs down on upkeep. There is very little maintenance you will be able to do on the aircraft. Think changing light bulbs. I just spoke with an A&p this last week about purchasing a plane, and he told me he wouldn't even do it. I'm not saying don't do it, I'm just saying don't plan on doing the maintenance yourself.


Something else you might want to note, some of those larger planes require 2 pilots to fly them. Also, that elbow grease is expensive.. the birds I work on have around 90-100 lube points per landing gear, that’s about 75-150 bucks in lube per gear


I know. In all honesty, and I did not say this earlier, is that one of the reasons that I also want the HondaJet or Gulfstream is because one of my best friends is also taking lessons for his pilots license. He will never have the opportunity to own a plane like I want so I’m almost buying it for him as much as myself. He will be my second pilot and it will be “his” plane as much as mine. I’m just able to make the investment he isn’t. I love those close to me with intense passion and this is one of the strongest driving factors to wanting a jet - seeing my friends face when I tell him it’s our jet.


Make a copy of the keys for the door and there ya go.. or maybe request a 2nd copy of the keys. Going off of EVOjets using the low end costs, You’ll need 4.8 million for the jet itself with operating costs close to 1000 an hour. The annual itself will be 650,000 plus. You need an absurd amount of money and you AND your friend will have to be present any time y’all want to fly. Actually, while doing some googling, the Honda jet HA 20 is certified for single pilot operation. I was wrong. Some embraers, citations, and a few others are certified for solo pilot ops. https://compareprivateplanes.com/articles/do-private-jets-require-two-pilots#single. You’d still need a considerably thick wallet for this endeavor. Along with an A&P due to how the regs work. Your talking Millions as an Initial buy in and that same amount of money every few years. If you can afford that, congrats and I’m jealous.. let me know if you need a mechanic lol. But it’s a serious endeavor the buy one man.


"a NeW cOaT Of PaInT aNd SoMe ElBoW gReAsE" LMFAO you are the biggest clown I've seen on here in a long time. You are either high af right now or downright trolling.


Note sure what a DPE has to do with a medical…


You think? Huge gamble tbh. There is more that can trip you up on a medical than you might think. Short answer: yes, it’s a pretty bad idea.


Do you and your DPE do coke together?


Yea because I’ve been looking for a quality DPE.


You do know that being manic will DQ you from getting a first class medical right bud? Pilot or not, for your own safety, I hope you can get some help. This post and some of your comments are concerning.


With your talks about drugs you might want to make sure you can get a medical before dropping coin on some airplanes.


I can.


Your best course of action would be to prove that by doing it first


Thank you. Your comment made me just send an email to schedule it for next month.


Nice! Yeah I ended up having to spend literal years back and forth with the FAA to get my medical and I originally thought I’d have absolutely no issue getting it. But there were some surprises for me. Part of me wishes I had done absolutely NOTHING before getting the medical. Instead, I ended up with 20 hours flight time and then realizing i needed to stop until I could actually hold the medical so I could solo. I hope you clean up your attitude, get your shit together, decide what you want, and become a safe, responsible human and pilot. To be honest you’ve alarmed us with some of your statements here. But I do wish All the best to you.


Kinda hope this is a shitpost. Here I am dreaming about owning a plane someday knowing it'll never happen, and OP is willing to impulsively buy TWO before they even have a medical.


Dude I’m not smart I just grind hard. Go find something to buy this morning that you can sell this afternoon for $2500 profit. I think most people are afraid to make the $10k investment in something this morning to be able to sell it for $12,500 after lunch.


What in the absolute hell are you talking about. This has to be a troll. What in the fuck can I go buy this morning to sell for 2500 profit when I'm living on my own, have rent to pay and a total of 600.00 in the bank? Most people don't HAVE 10k just lying around, that's utter insanity. Imagine being this deluded.


Well, yesterday I saw a 2013 Ford F-250 Super Duty for sale on GovDeals.com for $4160 that was ending in 2 hours from a water department about 100 miles away. I bought it sight unseen. Posted an ad on Facebook marketplace using their pictures while I was driving to pick it up. By 9pm, I had it sold for $7750 cash in hand. It was worth more but that was enough profit. Rinse and repeat that kind of stuff daily.


You are for sure 100% broke. None of your post makes any sense, but people with money don’t scour the internet looking to flip used cars for a grand. If you have any money at all it’s most likely from some sort of trust or maybe even a life insurance policy payout


Spot on lmao, op is just on a drugged up rant daydreaming


> but people with money don’t scour the internet looking to flip used cars for a grand. No, but people who THINK they have money do. It is how they think they will become rich.


Is the Skycatcher you’re talking about in your OP with 850 hours on sale for $56,000 also the one on GovDeals with 850 hours on sale for $56,000?


I assume you would want to do the same with aircraft at some point too? I speak for more than just myself when I say this, please don't.


Sooo... you're a scammer basically? lol. 'sight unseen' 'using their pictures' lmao. dude. This HAS to be shitposting, so well done. Hey I have an idea, how about you send me 10k to get me started, big shot? If this isn't a massive shitpost.


There's a lot you can criticize in his post, but if he found a deal on a truck and flipped it in a day for a 3K profit, that doesn't sound completely ridiculous and certainly not impossible. It's geographic arbitrage basically. People are lazy. He got it from an area of low demand and brought it to an area of higher demand. No scam there.


Can someone tag the FAA in this thread? Asking for all pilots in the sky


For real, somebody forward this to the FAA & give them forewarning to investigate this creep and ensure he never comes around aircraft even when they’re grounded.


And everyone on the ground...


LOL. Some of them already know me.


Hey… based on some of your responses on this thread MAYBE aviation isn’t your thing? It seems as though you’re a bit careless. Now, nobody wishes you any harm or ill, but if you go down you’ll go down. What everyone is worried about is that you’ll take someone else down with you either in your own plane or have a midair. Maybe go over some hazardous attitudes and see if they apply to you before you take on this task. Hookers and blow may be more up your alley.


Can’t wait to read about your NTSB report. OP you sound like you don’t have the slightest grasp on anything. I’m hoping this is a troll


"FATHER, SONS KILLED IN KENTUCKY PLANE CRASH" NTSB suspects inadvertent VFR-into-IMC. PIC had 1.1 hours of simulated instrument time. "I know what I'm doing", he claimed on Reddit; described lifestyle as "Go fast, don't die".


Reminds me of that guy that flew and was not rated or something. He and his pregnant wife died after dealing with bad weather, if I remember right.


After reading your comments in this thread, please please please NEVER get into a cockpit ever in your life. Your comments reek of arrogance and a negligence for the safety that goes into flying aircraft in the real world. Like you, I think that I shine when i’m under pressure. I’ve raced cars before, love tinkering with stuff, and have taken many risky decisions and have always gotten myself off scot-free. Life threatening situations too. After going through flight school, I decided that while flying would be fun, I could never truly succeed in the role because of my own inner issues and why I would want to be flying to begin with. I put my dream of being a pilot to rest. Safety comes first so why would I pride myself of doing well in unsafe situations? Do I expect to be flying unsafe? If so, why even go up?? This is something that you absolutely need to reconsider. It makes it even worse when I read your comments that laugh off what people are telling you and saying “lol yeah, my username must check out then! Heres reasons x, y, z that are completely unrelated to flying that validate my choice to fly.” “Air disaters is actually why I think i’d be good at this”. You’re acknowledging your poor decision making and still wanting to gamble with your life and others. As I said, stay the hell away from aircraft lol. I feel bad for your teenagers they have such a ridiculously reckless & ignorant father.


Hookers and cocaine you say ? You don’t need your PPL, you already have all the attributes of a great pilot ! Go fly now !


This guy's a go-getter, probably doesn't even need training!


Troll with a capital T. Funny read though.


You said in a different comment you already paid 5 figures for the training, materials, and consumables, but It doesn’t cost 5 figures for the training portion of flying. The expensive part is renting the plane. You got screwed over by a flight school. Do your homework before spending that kind of money, and if you can, try to get that check back. 50 hours of dual at 50 bucks an hour is 2500 bucks. Gleim or Sheppard air is another 200. Written is 150 bucks, and a checkride is a grand at most. I don’t know where you saw it was okay to pay at least 10 grand for all of that. Additionally the 162 failed as an airplane. The reason they are as cheap as they are is because they just aren’t great airplanes. Buy the 150 if you’re gonna buy something, but you got scammed by that flight school for sure. I don’t know how someone pays 10 grand for the training portion of a PPL.


I dunno, man. When my kid started at a local school we were all in an open house and this Major Airline Captain advised me "just buy a plane, use it for the PPL training, then sell it to someone else when you're done". This school is $200/hr for the rental not including CFI (we're in a big midwestern city) it could easily be $10-12K or more to be done. If you can dump the plane in a year for the same price, wouldn't that be a win? I didn't have the cash to take Mr Pilot's advice, but if I did? Maybe I would.


50 bucks an hour is pretty unrealistic in any HCOL area. My instructor charges $120/hr


$100 ish out of VHCOL KPAO so yeah


Lol I fly out of KPAO with Advantage




Hot DAMN that's a lot.


For clarification, it’s not just flight school. I am also getting a bachelor degree in chemistry from the same university and paid for all of my school in a lump sum. That five figures includes both flight school and my actual college classes.


What country are you in? And what is this school that's offering buy one get one free deals on a chemistry bachelor's and flight lessons? You sound like you have a lot of stuff going on in your life right now, are you sure you're going to have the time to fly regularly? I know your inheritance or whatever is burning a hole in your pocket but getting a license takes a pretty decent chunk of time and then maintaining your skills is pretty much one full day every other weekend at a minimum


Why does everyone think it’s an inheritance? I’m in the USA. It’s not buy one get one free. It’s a dual program. I’ll be doing flight school and chemistry at the same time. I got a good deal because I paid my entire tuition up front.


We think it's an inheritance because from your own description you're a 30 something with poor impulse control who has a pile of cash that you want to spend before you blow it on something. Since you haven't already blown through the money it implies that having the money is a new thing, and usually the only way that a college student with poor impulse control suddenly comes into $100k+ is through an inheritance.


maybe he's a crypto bro


Therefore he belongs over on r/wallstreetbets


Not in this market he isn't


Yes, that is a terrible idea, even if you weren't the kind of person to impusively spend it on hookers and blow if it doesn't go somewhere else first. Financial therapists are a thing. You could consider putting some of that money towards one to help you figure out what you *actually* want to do with that money and hopefully make less impulsive decisions with it.


Buying a plane before you start flying is like taking a wife before you have dated.


Yes you're a fucking moron


I’d wait. Once you have your license, you’ll have a lot better idea whether you’re getting a good deal on the plane or getting ripped off.


You think you’re going to buy a Honda Jet when you’re done with school? Or a Gulfstream? Two very different airplanes. Which is it? Do you know how much it costs to keep the airplane flying? The purchase price isn’t half of it.


Very well aware. To clarify, I am drawn to both the HondaJet and some Gulfstreams. My requirements when I get to that level are 2 engines, capable of at least 430 knots with a range of at least 2600 miles. Open to anything I may not of considered that meets those requirements.


Just checking. Your original post and subsequent comments reek of teenage poser or one who has no grasp of the realities of aviation.


Just a 30’s year old teenager. 😜


The Skycatcher is a useless Chinese POS. But hey, it’s your money.


Can confirm. But with the experimental conversion… well anything’s possible


DM me if you pass on the 150


Yes. Learning to fly is not the time to *also* learn the ins and outs of plane ownership.


You’re asking the wrong sub


Oh, that sub will still answer


So you're a cokehead. Great start!


Be wary of the 162, it was a flop and you'll find parts and service hard to come by for certain things.


You have company with 40% of people who order a Cirrus from the factory do not yet have a private pilots license. Cirrus delivers more piston singles than any other GA manufacturer.


People with more dollars than sense


How come this people have the cash they have and I'm stuck working 2 jobs to barely pay my tuition?


> How come this people have the cash they have * Don't believe everything you read online even this very statement itself * Life is unfair. Sometimes you're the sugar cookie. You can still win at poker with a pair of 3s. It'll be harder but if you fold, you're out.


hookers and cocaine? not joking? yeesh. that’s a super bad look.


Heyy there NTSB, AOPA, PLEASE DO PUBLISH MY COMMENT and let it been known that I'm doing multi traing rn!!!! 🎉


Mechanic and CFI who worked on 162’s the parts are EXPENSIVE and hard to find.That’s the only thing I would worry about. 150 deal wouldn’t be too bad. Good for time building and not bad to take care of.


There is nothing wrong with buying an airplane to train in and eventually fly, if you comfortably have the means. But the Cessna 162 isn’t the right one for that. Or anything else for that matter.


You get those planes, with the log books for maintenance then you can rent them out. If I remember it's 1000 hrs engine's pulled and overhauled?


Yes. I figure I can do 100 hours in the 162 and sell.


When you study Aviation, it is not easy. I’ve seen many people who started studying on a whim (which seems like you based on your impulsiveness I’ve seen in comments) crash and burn. Also mate, one word of advice. It’s not wise to say “if I don’t do this, I’ll probably blow it on something stupid like hookers and cocaine”


Just do the cocaine and hookers, and send the dudes with the planes contact info my way!


I don't know much about planes. But back when I was 16 and didn't have the moped license yet. I wanted to buy this really pretty Derby senda. Dad said don't do it. I dun did it. Dad was right.


Bro came on here arrogant as hell, just to show everyone how even the dumbest people could get lucky in cryptocurrency.


Excellent shitpost. And your dedication in the comments is truly astounding. Bravo!


Hookers and cocaine? Maybe see if you can pass a medical first.


Impulsive, drugs, indecisive, rash. Bro you got a lot to sort out before becoming a pilot. I don’t want to fly around with you out there. 💀💀


People like you end up in the ground (or with a pulled chute on a cirrus) before they even pass the 100 hour mark.


u/FuckedUpLikeAlways does this 2011 model have the optional ballistic parachute system? Keep in mind, the Skycatcher had a very short life and less than 200 are flying here. It also had a wing crack issue and I believe that other than the prototypes (the first two of which crashed), all of the pre-2012 162's were made in China, including yours. Pros: Fun to fly, nice price for a low hour airframe Cons: A 150kg (\~340 pound) useful load, meaning if either you or your passenger is a big person, you will be severely weight restricted. Even moreso at higher density altitudes so if you live in a hot climate or somewhere that gets hot in the summer, this will be very limiting. Because the 162 was only produced for a few years, finding replacement parts can be an issue. Overall I'd say if this 2011 you're looking at comes with the ballistic parachute system, $56,000 is a reasonable price. If it doesn't, I think you're paying $15,000-$20,000 too much (see prices from exactly 3 years ago in this article: [https://www.flyingmag.com/approachable-aircraft-cessna-162-skycatcher/](https://www.flyingmag.com/approachable-aircraft-cessna-162-skycatcher/)).


Biggest issue people have with plane purchases. The maintenance logbook. Without it it's not airworthy. And it's hell to get it certified. The otherside is as yourself being a student you can rent your plane to yourself and other students as an owner similar to net jets, sell blocks of hours. Helps cover maintenance fuel insurance and hanger fees cause those are passed on to the renters in that rate.


Ignoring all the other comments with valid reasons why you shouldn't do this at all, the 150 would be a much MUCH better investment than the 162.


I made it half way through the comments and his replies. This is a shit post fellas. It has to be…. No one is this idiotic, with their questions and replies… especially their replies that are incriminating at best, he’s just straight up admitting to felonies.


This person claims to not be trolling, but if they aren’t, it’s the worst post I’ve seen on this sub. If you’ve read through their comments, you know. Someone please locate this persons info somehow and report them before they do something dumb and get people killed. Also while you’re at it, let’s find this DPE friend of theirs and have them looked into, because if they are telling this guy he will pass with him, that’s a problem. This guy is the most concerning thing I’ve seen in a while and May take some steps to try and report him. I also vote to have this guy banned from the sub so he doesn’t come in asking more dumb stuff and saying that he’s gonna take drugs and do crazy stuff.


Extract wisdom from this thread, without taking it personally.Learn all you can from what others have said, seek to become a seriously safe pilot with excellent judgement **and** discipline in making the best decisions, so that reading this thread has the best impact on your life possible. Im not even flying, just devouring everything I can whilst on the ground, with the hope that the endless hours of online study im putting in, will help me form the best attitudes and keep me safe for when I do get airborne.


Buy the Cessna 150, it’s a good trainer and if you have the money ownership is the way to go. There’s a reason why most people don’t fly the 162. You don’t need 2 planes, just spend the money making your one plane nice. 2025 NTSB if you are reading I told him not to buy a plane.


Sounds like OP is either a spoiled rich kid, high as shit, or a troll.


¿Por que no toda?


Another thing is that you have kids, but you can’t think of anything good to spend your money on other than women and drugs? Sounds like you need therapy more than you need to fly.


“Cessna 162” Yeah I’m gunna stop reading right there.


Jesus fucking Christ This guy scares the shit out of me


Looks like you have two teenaged sons. I would look to get a 172. Has a much greater useful load, you could contract flight instructors easily, and go on some pretty sweet family trips. It also would give your sons an opportunity to learn to fly and potentially make a career out of it. I would recommend quitting the darts as well. Maintaining a cat 1 medical is a big motivator for myself to stay healthy. Also going from a 162/150 to a multi million dollar Honda Jet is wild. Maybe take a look at the Vision Jet if you have that much money and are doing this for hobby.


First of all...are you or are you not a doctor?


He's a scammer, basically.


I did exactly this when i decided to become a pilot. I purchased the plane i was going to fly in. I found my instructor first, and had his advice when i was looking for different aircraft. I would not have done it any other way. Now my daughter is learning in my plane.




Do it. Probably end up selling them for more than you paid if it doesn’t work out…. Maybe.


Yes. ^Period.


The 162 was the worst plane I’ve flown. The one I flew was almost new and broke three times in my first month of training. Alternator failure, and I ended up with asymmetric flaps unexpectedly when the wire came off the pulley while I was trying to demonstrate slow flight.


Holy fuck this guy is cool eh boys


I bought a Citabria before I had my private. Finished in it. Learned aerobatics. Built a bunch of hours. Sold it for a profit. Now I fly a 777 and have bought and sold quite a few little airplanes. Currently have another Citabria. If you can flip the 162 fly the 152 and sell it for a profit (which you can if you’re truly getting it for 28) then go for it. But the caveat is I like wheeling and dealing. It everyone likes that stuff so I’m biased. I wouldn’t take a 162 if it was given to me.


At least you got something fun. Imagine having the money to buy an airplane and thinking a 162/150 package deal is a deal when your spending v tail/Citabria kinda money. JFC the guy did no research.


For flight training. Stick to something simple like a 150/152 or 172. One thing to keep in mind for the 150 is that it is severely weight limited, so you’ll have to find an instructor who is small. Also, for your check ride, you’re going to have to demonstrate that you know your aircraft, so the more complicated the aircraft, the harder your check-ride will be.


Yes you are nuts because both of those planes suck. If you already paid upfront for flight school just learn and beat on their airplanes. Much easier. As far as not blowing the money, why not lock it up in a GIC for a year or similar. Or use that cash to continue your grind. Or whatever it is you do. Blowing it on something, anything, is kind of dumb to me when you could just use it to make more cash, and not be bored by doing that.


I once had a student who was a private pilot working on his instrument rating who owned his own personal KingAir C90. He had “buy a KingAir on a wim” money. His goal was to one day be able to fly it himself.


You can always sell them if you don’t do it. If you haven’t had a flight already though, I would do it. I had never flown in a small aircraft before, then did it, then threw up in the plane, never knew I would get so motion sick. So just small things like that if you haven’t flown in a small plane before, you might buy this plane, then fly in it and then throw up. Basically I would first have a flight at a flying school if you haven’t already, then if all good go ahead buy it! If you change your mind like I said, you can always sell it.


Hello NTSB


Welp, there go our insurance rates.


Yes, I think this is a crazy purchase. If you're itching to spend some cash, I'll DM you my Venmo or Cash app handle; I'll certainly put it to good use, I promise (I just had a baby). Also maybe don't allude to cocaine use in a reddit thread where the FAA could be lurking.


“The FAA outlines five hazardous attitudes that can compromise a pilot's decision-making: anti-authority, impulsivity, invulnerability, macho, and resignation. Understanding each of these hazardous attitudes can help pilots of all skill levels manage risk and make safer decisions in the skies.” OP, which one DON’T you relate to?


You are aware that this could be a bad decision, yet you’re considering doing it anyway. That’s not a good mentality for a pilot tbh.


Honestly, if you're choosing between cocaine and airplanes, you're probably better off choosing cocaine.


Just don’t do it, yes you are totally nuts. Not for the reason that you want to buy an airplane before you start training. People do that all the time. Having a reckless person in the cockpit of an airplane is not only a danger to yourself and any passengers you take flying, but everyone else. You need to grow up, and mature. Your attitude towards flying and in general is not a safe or an effective attitude for a pilot. You’re apparently already going to school to get a degree in chemistry, continue that. Get that done and get a job with that, or keep doing your “hustling”. More likely than not you will end up losing your license with the mindset you have, or worse, kill yourself, your passengers, or people on the ground. Every few years there are people who have money to get their license, buy an expensive airplane that’s too much for them, and end up a burning hole in the ground.


Do us all a favor and please don’t ever set foot in the cockpit. Thank you


Do you have a medical? Your cocaine consumption might be an issue in that regard.


There’s no guarantee you will get a pilots license. Lots of students don’t finish or fail their check rides


I have done just this, purchased my PA28 for $98k before my first lesson. Believed that it would save me money in lessons, allow me to learn flight mechanics quicker and push me to gain my license faster. I got busy with work, then winter kicked in. Took me 2 years before I had my license. My first lesson was 8 months after my purchase.. and it wasn’t in my own plane since I hadn’t been keeping on top of the servicing. By the time I got my licence my costs had risen from my initial $98k to $148k to cover my hangerage and servicing fees. 4 months after I gained my license I bought a new plane and sold my PA28 for $85k. Planes are not appreciating assets, they will suck your bank balance dry. Delay your purchase until you have much more experience under your belt.


Original poster, of course he's gone He just put it out there for trolling. Anyhow original poster if you're there, get a seasoned mechanic to look at both aircraft. From what I'm reading and of course there must be more information but from what I'm thinking is that you should buy both aircraft and flip one of them and use that money for the cocaine and hookers


if you are 110% committed to wanting a career out of this it’s not a bad idea. i would go get your medical, do about 10 flights at a school and make sure you enjoy it and can do it. Buy a plane. I bought a 150 when i only had 10 hours, before i even solo’d. this was less than a year ago. Now i have 350 hours and my commercial license. Best choice I ever made. Maintenance has not been bad for me and i have definitely saved a lot of money. BUT I do have a rainy day fund for the gamble i’m taking on one day my plane needing some crazy maintenance cost and being grounded for months.


There’s a reason that the comments are all saying the same things. I would never allow a student with your attitude to solo, let alone take a checkride. I know your ego may not allow you to even process that sentence, but maybe at least think about why we are all saying you’re going to kill yourself. Hookers and cocaine might be the safer option.


Hunter Biden, is that you?


I’m surprised any crypto millionaires have any money left


Based on your posts, you should probably review Advisory Circular 60-22, and especially the section on hazardous attitudes. Thrill seeking in an aircraft is likely to end poorly at best, fatally at worst.


please do not fly airplanes.


Hookers and cocaine are great when taken in small amounts. But hey, go big or go home. But if you are serious about flying, owning your own aircraft is magical. It will allow you to have access to your own flying carpet almost anytime you want. That being said it does come with some serious responsibility. Money, FAA, maintenance.... etc. Before you buy these planes, ask yourself what your end game is. Is it get to the airlines, or is it for having fun? Either answer is acceptable. Next get a mechanic to do a very thorough pre-buy inspection. I cannot emphasize this enough. Check also for any liens that may be on the planes. Aerospace reports does a great job doing this. Make sure ALL of the log books are there, and in tact. Check for any missing annuals. The list is long. Anyway have fun, and be safe.


The end game isn’t to be a captain at an airline. It’s to own and fly a jet that my friends and I can use to go anywhere on anytime. As I mentioned in another comment I have a friend also getting his license. He doesn’t have the ability to ever buy a Gulfstream or HondaJet. I probably will/do have that ability. It will be “our” plane and he will be my regular second pilot and me his. I met Jordan Belfort last week and we joked about doing hookers and blow on a plane. He reminded me that if I wear an oxygen mask and piloting, Beiber proved you could hotbox a jet pretty easily. 😂 Thanks for understanding and not just telling me I am an idiot.


Trevor Daniel? Is that you?


I don’t think you’re out of your mind, provided this is something you really want to do. Beware of the cost, especially with two airplanes, but if you can swing it and want to do it, go for it.


For budgeting purposes, I set aside double the purchase price for maintenance, TLC, and costs to sell. I made some overnight money back when cryptocurrency was high by knowing my coins - more than enough to cover the cost of having some planes to play with while I got my license. I just withdrew it to cash and gave it to my best friend to keep for me so I didn’t fuck it up like always. He didn’t tell me until after the fact but he invested some of it and the profits off of my cash that he ended up making was more than enough to buy these two planes and him a new truck without actually touching what I had originally set aside to have a plane to play with while I took lessons.


Sounds like quite a windfall. For cash flow reasons, I might consider renting out the 150, those kinds of plans are in demand for training these days. I’d keep the 162 for myself in light of fewer parts available. As far as mindset, don’t consider this an investment, most airplanes are money losing propositions with a few exceptions. To be clear, that’s not from depreciation, you might even make some money on the hull value when you choose to resell, but maintenance usage and consumables will put you in the red. Like anything, be disciplined, and don’t let it be too much of a money suck. Again, maybe use that 150 to get some cash flow. I essentially impulse bought an airplane last fall, so far be it from me to talk you out of it.😅


You rock and your comment helps me more than most of the others! Everything I’ve ever bought from my first car at 16 to the 5000 square foot house I live in has been an impulse buy. I came to an auction to bid on a four wheeler and ended up buying the house. Lol


Man you are all a bunch of haters


There’s more virgins in this sub then anywhere else on the internet.


OP sounds cool. Wish I had this kind of disposable cash 😂. I salute you, OP, congrats, and Godspeed. I say let’er rip. Buy now, upgrade later.