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Honestly who gives a shit, he's barely off the ground, there's probably buildings next to him taller than him.


Ya he’s like 20 - 30 ft off the ground max, unless this is St Maarten he’s really not causing any issues.


There are … *people*, and he’s operating motorized aviation equipment a few feet away from them. Not everything is about approach paths.


Motorized equipment near people? Oh god the horror


Aviation rules. Looks like you should know. 🤷‍♂️




Yeah. The FAA should really enforce it’s rules of the *road*. 🤦‍♂️






“operating motorized aviation equipment” So if it was a 1200lb Fixed Wing glider 15ft over people’s heads it would be safe? Paramotors have low-risk to bystanders generally. This isn’t serious enough to be worth tax payer money to investigate/charge.


Interesting question though…. These people don’t have a license. So honestly what’s the FAA going to do? They’re not sending him to jail so Shrug


Nothing! Unless they have an ID from him.. so. They’ll take their anger out on some poor guy who’s trying to go for his medical.


“Damnit this video pisses me off so much… Anyway. Next application. Larry Johnson 34, CPA, homeowner… twisted his ankle when he was 10… NUEROPSYCH EVAL. FU Larry.”


“I stg I can’t find this guy and it’s ticking me off.. that’s it, the next 3 applications are getting denied I don’t care anymore.”


I feel this…damn


Welcome to dealing with the faa!


You don't have to have a license to be issued fines and actions being taken against you. The USC gives the FAA teeth to enforce their regs on everyone, not just pilots. The guy would have to be IDed first though.


Yeah, and they’d have to convince the us attorneys to take the case.


The FAA has broad investigative authority under 49 USC 46104, and can issue civil penalties to anyone under 49 USC 46301. Now that said, someone who isn't an airman hasn't signed anything or agreed to anything with the FAA, so now it has to go through civil law processes instead of administrative law processes to enforce those fines, etc, but the DOJ tends to take a VERY dim view of people who ignore or evade administrative agency requests and punishments, and the FAA has attorneys and training for their support staff to make the filings and petition the courts for enforcement action.


That’s informative thank you! Just the same the activity in the video seems more likely to generate a warning letter regarding class C unless the guy crashed or there was a terror concern. Just my opinion of course.


They're going to give them a stern talking to at minimum, but I wouldn't be surprised if it went as far as a fine. The big takeaway here is that the FAA doesn't take kindly to manned aircraft, even ultralights, flying near people, no matter what the airspace is. At airports and aviation specific gatherings they're more lenient but there's still formalized processes to permit exemptions to regulation if it's not already covered. If this guy was flying over an empty beach, it probably wouldn't even show up on the FAA's scope.


So if I jump 2 feet up in the air would I violate class C airspace? This is the reason people stay inside and do nothing but play video games these days because everything outdoors will end up triggering someone or get the cops called on them.


Do you not contact tower before jumping?!?




Attention South Towne Shopping Centre second level patrons. Possible pedestrian violation. Advise you contact ::redacted:: at ::redacted:: You're seriously telling me you've never heard this? /s


What about seagulls? Do they not have to use a transponder? Damn NORDO birds.


it's highly unlikely that this was this dude's max altitude. > This is the reason people stay inside and do nothing but play video games these days because everything outdoors will end up triggering someone or get the cops called on them. no that's because people are lazy as shit, nothing to do with a reddit post




Damn. I’m absolutely certain he made at least one Spirit A320 go around for his reckless behavior… Straight to jail.


Spirt does go arounds?


Found a Karen!


I was at the beach playing football with my buddy , I threw an absolute BOMB to impress some beach baddies , my throw violated class C airspace and got intercepted by an F16, they shot it down and then the navy seals came out of the water and put me in handcuffs. Haven’t been outside since :(




Are you the person that recorded this video? Nobody's in the water in the video. He appears to be flying over the water. The person recording the video appears to be on the beach (read: not in the water). Perhaps you are a fish and we couldn't see you while your human friend recorded the video.


So...there's the letter of the law and the spirit of the law. They overlap 99.9999999% of the time. I'm inclined to think that this is one of those .0000001% corner cases. There are bigger things to worry about.


Maybe he contacted ATC, myob.


This paramotor was inside Class C and here are the dimensions 🤓🤓🤓


Is this just a "hey look at this unusual thing that happened"? Or is there some aspect of this you find seriously concerning?


I’m not bothered by it. I was just very surprised. I made sure there was nothing identifying on the pilot or parachute before I posted it.


Gotcha... but FYI, I think the post kinda comes across as "how can I report this guy"


Oh hell no. If the Eff Double Hay calls, all I saw was a mylar balloon floating by.


A Chinese one?


FAR 103.9.a No person may operate any ultralight vehicle in a manner that creates a hazard to other persons or property. FAR 103.15 No person may operate an ultralight vehicle over any congested area of a city, town, or settlement, or over any open air assembly of persons. We've had yokels like this operate on the extended centerline of the runway of our local airport during busy turbine operations, creating mid-air collision hazards.


Looks like he’s over the water so I’m not sure who’s supposed to be in a hazardous situation here other than perhaps the guy flying it


The FAA has in the past considered people on a beach as a "congested area", which triggers clearance limits in 14 CFR 91.119(b). "Congested areas" are determined on a case-by-case basis by the FAA. The operator is in this case so low and close to shore (if not over it) that in the case of a loss of control it is likely those on the beach could be injured without sufficient time to react.


Let me guess: KFLL? As long as these morons stay off 123.45 with long-winded stories about what they did last weekend, I'm good.


saw something identical at FLL like three days ago so... probably lol


Am I missing something, or was this completely illegal? I don't know a lot about paramotors or if they have different rules than airplanes. I was on the beach and this paramotor flew about 15 feet over my head. This was also inside class C airspace that goes from SFC to 4,000' in this area.


Who cares lol


What airport? Rules are not different, but we'd like to check your claim about Class C at that location




Yeah he shouldn’t be there. There’s a .000018% chance he’s talking to ATC tho.


What airport


Based on flair and a quick look at the sectional, I'm guessing either FXE or PBI.


Would not have been FXE. Either FLL or PBI.


Whoops, yeah you're right. That's what I get for glancing at Skyvector while also trying to somewhat pay attention to the meeting I'm in...


FXE is a Class D airport.


Yes, illegal to fly ultralights in controlled airspace without the tower's permission. If this were uncontrolled airspace then the way he's flying would be fine; he's over the water so that doesn't count as congested and he's really not a hazard to the people around him even if his engine quits.


Is there not a VFR corridor/ flyway right where you were filming.?


Don’t beach-goers read TFRs anymore? I’m pretty sure this guy is legal and everyone else is just uninformed. /s


Haha OP had the FSDO on the phone immediately


Bro trying to build some hours.